We need to learn more about our Catholic Faith, and so here I have provided a means to discuss the faith intelligently and to study the rich tradition found in the Catholic Church.
Jennifer Lawrence: Is the Afterlife Narcissistic to Believe?
22/10/2018 Duration: 19minJennifer Lawrence recently offered a brief reflection on why she is leaning on the side of disbelief in the afterlife. She believes this doctrine has been cultivated by humanity's propensity to be narcissistic, and therefore considers it as possibly a convention made to sooth our egotistic belief that we are special and are owed eternal life. How do we as philosophers and Christians respond to this?
Church Militant and the Hosts of Angels
03/10/2018 Duration: 31minFacing the errors and corruption within the world and church today, we might understand that the massive confusion in our world is in part associated with an indifference towards the angelic hosts, which have been given to us to bring God's wisdom into this world. If they are excluded from our explicit devotional life, and from our own belief, they will respect our freedom and wait for us to call upon them to act. Therefore as a Church we need to draw upon the army (host) that has been given to us to protect and integrate the truths that God wants to give us, that will ensure humility and love to take place in our own will. Let's move in the direction as a Church back to the angelic hosts, that is fundamental to any reforms we seek in the Church today.
Homily: Regaining our Humanity In the Desert
06/08/2018 Duration: 20minGod has gifted us with the ability to use reason. Due to the effects of original sin, however, passion often blinds our interior senses (reason) and can lead us to become ravenous wolves. We see this with the impact it has on others when our sexual desires or desires of the flesh are in control of our lives. Addictions form and we do the worst most unimaginable things. God saves us from slavery, but as we are saved, there is a certain method to keep it that way and it involves bitterness in the Desert.
Capital Punishment: Is the Pope Contradicting Church Teaching?
04/08/2018 Duration: 18minMy reading up on the Pope's recent "development" on the subject of the licit reality of capital punishment is in its infancy at this moment. Here are some of my musings on why I believe the Pope is not teaching something contrary to the Church's teaching, given the new change in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Dr. Jordan Peterson: Free Speech, Teleology, God, and Economic Structures
23/07/2018 Duration: 47minI had the joy of attending a session by Dr. Jordan Peterson in London Ontario, recently. In that presentation Dr. J. Peterson offered a great deal of reflection on a number of subjects (as seen in the title of this podcast). Here are some of my reflections on his views according to my interpretation.
HOMILY: Love God Before Neighbour
22/07/2018 Duration: 17minThere is a tendency today to think that being "spiritual" is reducible to loving your neighbour. Sometimes it is even thought that obeying the agenda of your neighbour is de facto, loving God. This is a false gospel. Loving your neighbour necessarily means putting God first, and here is why...
School of Faith and Reason: Acedia or Sloth
06/07/2018 Duration: 01h38minOften we think of "Sloth" as mere laziness. However, sloth is much worse than this, and is considered not merely a carnal sin, but a sin of spirit. St. Thomas Aquinas explains that we become sorrowful at the Divine Good. Find out what this means, and how we can all avoid it.
Why Do the Cruel Smile?
30/06/2018 Duration: 14minWatching the News on the Legalization of Abortion in Ireland got me thinking about this baffling experience of those who smile and party about something terribly evil. What has to happen to you, to bring you to this point? The answer is simply: Pride. As we end Pride Month, we have a chance to reflect on the Memorial of the Early Church Martyrs of Rome, whom the world smiled upon as they were torn apart by Lions in a place of entertainment. Friends, nothing is new under the sun. And unfortunately, we are all guilty of this sin.
Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist: Are you Bored? You must be boring!
28/06/2018 Duration: 13min3 Reasons for the spiritual affliction of boredom.
School of Faith and Reason: The Sin of Envy and the Virtue of Admiration
22/06/2018 Duration: 01h58min -