We need to learn more about our Catholic Faith, and so here I have provided a means to discuss the faith intelligently and to study the rich tradition found in the Catholic Church.
HOMILY: The HOLY Family Under Attack
31/12/2019 Duration: 17minKing Herod represents the antithesis of what a family should look like, while St. Joseph demonstrates what the "head" of a household does when such a family is Holy. This homily was given at Holy Name of Mary at 11:00 AM
HOMILY: Did St. Joseph Believe Mary?
22/12/2019 Duration: 12minIts a question of speculation, but older biblical commentaries suggest that St. Joseph, having known the moral character of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, would not have assumed she committed adultery. What does this speculative notion of St. Joseph's relationship with Mary teach us about Meekness?
HOMILY: The Disciples of St. John the Baptist and Envy
15/12/2019 Duration: 12minIn St. Thomas Aquinas' commentary of the Gospel of Matthew we learn why St. John the Baptist sent his disciples to ask Jesus a question about whether He was the messiah. It wasn't, according to St. Thomas, because St. John doubted Him, but rather to teach his own disciples to cling to Christ as he prepared for death.
2nd HOMILY Advent: Calling Others to Repent
09/12/2019 Duration: 14minSt. John the Baptist gives good example to the Church of what it means to call others to repent. Did you know that was your vocation as a baptized Christian? How awkward will that be? Nonetheless, it is a task wrapped up in faith, hope, and love.
1st ADVENT HOMILY: Hope and Judgment
02/12/2019 Duration: 11minAs we enter into the season of Advent we call to mind that the first part of this season draws our attention to the 4 Last Things. How do we look towards our Final Judgment with Hope rather than Presumption or Despair?
HOMILY: Punch Clock Catholics and Martyrs
10/11/2019 Duration: 14minThis homily is similar to the previous with a few differences.
HOMILY: Punch Clock Catholics and Marytrs
10/11/2019 Duration: 12minWhen we see the sacrifice of the martyrs and we look at the Church in the west, we might find ourselves embarrassed. Whats at the root of their faith that makes them so strong? Its a relationship with God that isn't mechanical.
HOMILY: When the Secular is More Organized than the Church
08/11/2019 Duration: 09minJesus, in the Gospel today, speaks about how the children of light seem to be less zealous than those of "this age" who are intentional and disciplined in their own mission. Jesus commends, not the dishonesty of the mission, but rather the devotion and zeal associated with their work, and wishes that the Children of Light, who have the Gospel would be even more inclined to be zealous for the Mission
HOMILY: Do we have to Evangelize?
07/11/2019 Duration: 08minWhose Role is it to evangelize? What does it mean to be a Christian and a Disciple? What will happen to us if we choose not to share the faith?
HOMILY: Prayer and Battle
21/10/2019 Duration: 10minWhy does a Priest extend his arms during mass? Why did the people hold up Moses' hands and arms during battle? All the work we do is in vain, if it is without prayer. This is the founding principle in both the leaders and sheep of the Church.
HOMILY: Humiliation and Thanksgiving (10:00 AM MASS)
13/10/2019 Duration: 08minHere is a variation of the previous homily I gave this Sunday.
HOMILY: The Problem of Evil and Faith
13/10/2019 Duration: 17minWhile trusting in God is an act of justice toward Him, it is not always easy to do so when we witness so much evil in our world. We lean on our own experience and understanding, and as a result fail to keep in mind that God sees things without the tunnel vision that naturally exists as a finite creature. Can we let go of our own understanding, and trust in God?
HOMILY: Humiliation and Thanksgiving
13/10/2019 Duration: 10minWithout humility it is impossible to be a grateful person. Rather, we even look to God as if He owes us. To the prideful, God owes us everything good, and therefore we are not grateful but entitled. When we realize that God owes us nothing, yet chooses to give us Heaven anyways, then our heart cheers with gratitude. Naaman is a concrete example of this. He began with pride, but ended His journey in thanksgiving to the One true God.