Connecting Busy People with Jesus
Rom 26: Sin’s Power Is Broken [Video/Audio]
09/03/2016Preparing the video/audio for this post got me excited. I really like being reminded of the victory that I have in Jesus, and the defeat of everything that would separate me from God for all eternity. If you’re feeling a little down, this next set of videos/audios may encourage you, too. Your past is not […] The post Rom 26: Sin’s Power Is Broken [Video/Audio] appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
ROM 25: Grace Wins Every Time [Video/Audio]
02/03/2016Without giving away any really big, embarrassing moments, I can say that I have given my wife many opportunities to feel justified about becoming wrathful. However, “wrathful” is absolutely not a word I’d use to describe our marriage. One key ingredient in our successful marriage (and my longevity… to this point, at least) is forgiveness. […] The post ROM 25: Grace Wins Every Time [Video/Audio] appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
ROM 24: Adam VS Jesus [Video/Audio]
24/02/2016I honesty thought they were lying to me! I was in grade 5 when I received the news, but I couldn’t fathom how a wrestling match with Hulk Hogan in it could possibly be fake! Royal Rumbles had to be real! After I recovered from the shock, I continued to like wrestling for about […] The post ROM 24: Adam VS Jesus [Video/Audio] appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
ROM 23: You’ve Been Reconciled [Video/Audio]
17/02/2016My two older girls (6 yrs and 9 yrs) were playing so nicely in the living room with their toys that the transition to screaming and hitting shocked me. But, no problem, I’m already prepared for this! I put them on the naughty step for a time out, restoring both the calm and the relationship. The […] The post ROM 23: You’ve Been Reconciled [Video/Audio] appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
ROM 022: God’s Great Love [Video/Audio]
10/02/2016As I read I reflect and admit the truth revealed about me. It’s true that I had been completely rejecting God, and more than that, I was completely hostile to Him. Yet, as I continue to read, something within me jumps and shouts and feels confused yet elated as I discover that in my most […] The post ROM 022: God’s Great Love [Video/Audio] appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
ROM 021: Faith Brings Joy [Video/Audio]
03/02/2016As a husband and a dad of four, I’ve had some awesome moments to get really excited about. More exciting than any other moment in my life is the moment when I changed from being considered an enemy of God to being considered His friend. Today’s video/audio is filled with reasons why we can get […] The post ROM 021: Faith Brings Joy [Video/Audio] appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
Rom 020: Effective Faith [Video/Audio]
27/01/2016He was probably a mild-mannered man following in his daddy’s business (as an idol maker), absolutely no one of consequence. Yet, with just one character trait he managed to become one of the greatest heroes in human history. Abraham believed God, revealing the effectiveness of faith… This video/audio explores Romans 4:1-25 (part 3), highlighting what Abraham’s faith looked […] The post Rom 020: Effective Faith [Video/Audio] appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
Rom 019: Why Faith Is Essential [Video/Audio]
20/01/2016It’s about 1am or so, I’m dizzy from the event I just brought the youth group back from, the last teen was just picked up and now I’m standing all alone in the church foyer looking at a big puddle on the carpet from a new leak in the church’s roof. Tomorrow’s Sunday, I definitely […] The post Rom 019: Why Faith Is Essential [Video/Audio] appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
Rom 018: Why Abraham Is A Good Example For You (part 1) [Video/Audio]
13/01/2016I couldn’t believe how quickly he did it! Within two weeks, my friend totally renovated his basement from just bare, concrete walls to fully functional family room. He’s got a talent that I was completely lacking! But, I’m not completely lacking it anymore because my friend has become my example – he’s volunteering to show […] The post Rom 018: Why Abraham Is A Good Example For You (part 1) [Video/Audio] appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
Rom 017: Befriending God (part 3) [Video/Audio]
06/01/2016A friend wanted to do something extravagantly nice for us, so she gave my wife and I tickets to see a musical. Additionally (she felt this second part was less valuable), there was an offer of free babysitting cast into the gift. (As parents of four, we can tell you that babysitting, alone, is an […] The post Rom 017: Befriending God (part 3) [Video/Audio] appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.