Risk Everyday With Kristy Arnett

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 69:41:55
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Whats between what we say we want and what we have is fear. The way we move past fear is by taking risks. Risk everyday and watch your life transform. This podcast is to inspire you to do just that, because you're a risk taker and dream maker. (Season 2 Coming Soon) Join the movement #riskeveryday


  • How to Grant Yourself the Permission to Leap with Bri Seeley

    30/10/2017 Duration: 53min

    I have been asking myself WTF am I doing with my life a lot lately. I always say that it is about the question and not necessarily the answer. It’s about having the question empower us to choose what we want to create with our lives. By asking these questions we really get to know what is important and what we want to create. As I write my WTF Am I Doing With My Life book, I have been going through the process of how to choose what we want. I also keep asking myself why do I keep having to go through this process and answer this question. Just as I am finishing up my first draft, Bri Seeley pops back into my life and messages me about her new book Permission to Leap which will be released on November 14th. Bri and I recorded a podcast last year about how to co-create with the universe. Bri is a coach, author, speaker, blogger, and podcaster who helps women turn their inner visions into outer realities. Today, we talk about the concepts in Bri’s book and how to take a look at what you want in life. Bri talks a

  • #RiskEveryday - I had a meltdown

    29/10/2017 Duration: 18min

    I’d been traveling a ton, felt totally ungrounded and have numerous deadlines tightening their strangle holds on me. But of course, I have created all of this for myself. My drive can often switch from passion driven, to obsessive, to self interested over the course of even a single day. The self interested part of me wants to prove to everyone- look how much I can do! Look how I can be what you want me to! Look how good I am! Aren’t I doing a good job??? — It’s like I’m a little girl, jumping up and down screaming, trying to get my parent’s attention to love me! ❣️And in the end, isn’t that what we are all trying to do in some ways? But the problem is, when that part of us takes over. When I’m not conscious, I start to take everything on and forget the wisdom of my body. And I’m tired. And it’s not working. I know it because I can feel the difference in what I create and who I am when I come from love and passion rather than this fear place of not being good enough. ✏️What I write feels true, rather than try

  • Understanding Our Genes with Dr. Sharad P. Paul

    23/10/2017 Duration: 53min

    Today’s guest is Dr. Sharad P. Paul. Dr. Paul is an expert in many areas, but today we talk about understanding our genes and using genetics to approach our health. Dr. Paul is a world renowned geneticist who has discovered how to tap into gene therapy to understand who we are, what makes us tick, and how to hack our genetics to become the best person possible. Dr. Paul is also a skin cancer surgeon, a family physician, an academic skin care expert, an evolutionary biologist, and a storyteller who has not only written his new book The Genetics of Health, but he has written fiction too. Dr. Paul is a social entrepreneur and an adjunct professor at Auckland University of Technology. His accomplishments are so impressive, and he is such a passionate person that this is a great show.   You can find Dr. Paul here: The Genetics of HealthDr. Sharad Paul@DrSharadPaul TwitterDr. Sharad Paul facebookGT21 Gene Test Show Notes [05:10] The age old question of nature versus nurture. How genes affect everything about us.[06

  • #RiskEveryday #MeToo - It Was Me

    20/10/2017 Duration: 23min

    Today, I want to talk about an incredible and powerfully impactful social movement. That is riding on the courage of many women. Last week the story broke out about several women accusing Harvey Weinstein of sexual misconduct. This is such a big deal. Especially, with the number of women that have spoken out and the large time span over which the occurrences happened. Harvey WeinStein is a huge and powerful Hollywood figure. He is a film producer who in 1979 cofounded Miramax with his brother. Miramax has produced many popular films like Pulp Fiction. Harvey has won academy awards for producing Shakespeare in Love and Tony awards for The Producers and Billy Elliot the Musical. He is a massively powerful person in Hollywood. The questions that so many people have been asking in the face of these accusations are how come it took so long for people to come out with this information and why is this just coming out now? He has been in the industry for decades. People are really looking at the power dynamic. Many a

  • A Message to Millennials with Mark Howley

    16/10/2017 Duration: 43min

    While recording today’s interview, I realized that this episode has the perfect message for millennials. So many of you are wondering what to do with your life and your career. Most of you want to find a purpose and make a difference. My guest today is a very successful man who has the perfect message for today’s episode. Mark Howley is the CEO of Pacific Bag Inc. which is an award winning 30 million dollar packaging company with more than 5000 clients. Mark has also launched an encore career as a professional speaker, and he really loves inspiring young people. His message is especially applicable if you are in a job that isn’t quite right for you. Mark specializes in finding the silver lining in your job and using it to find a career that is fulfilling. He speaks from experience because he has had some difficult times in his past, yet he decided to take the high road and use his experience to grow and help others. Mark not only created a successful business and a successful family, but he found purpose by l

  • How to Move Forward When the Shit Hits the Fan #RiskEveryday

    12/10/2017 Duration: 31min

    Today’s Episode: Welcome to Risk Everyday which is part of the WTF podcast. I am your host Kristy Arnett. For those of you just joining this podcast, my mission in the world is to be an inspiration who empowers people to create the lives they want. The thing that stands between what we want and have is fear. We move past fear by taking risks. If you are taking risks to get the life that you want please join us on social media and post with the hashtag #RiskEveryday. Today, I am going to talk about a moment that I have been avoiding talking about, but I think it is time. After recording the episode with Suki Sohn where she became so vulnerable and overcame a heartbreak that took her to rock bottom, inspired me to share my story. Regular listeners know about my life experience with my husband and our healing from infidelity. Things are so great now, and I am so grateful for what we have been through. It’s time for me to talk about healing and the tangible parts of moving forward during that time, and what I lea

  • How to Heal from Heartbreak with Suki Sohn

    09/10/2017 Duration: 51min

    Today's guest is Suki Sohn. She is a transformational and leadership coach that started her journey over a decade ago after her divorce left her physically and emotionally depleted. She shares her story in such a beautiful and vulnerable way that I know you guys will connect with it. She is the author of Happily Ever After: 8 Principles from Ancient Esoteric Traditions and Neuroscience to Healing a Broken Heart. Her message is so relevant today. At the beginning of Suki’s journey she found herself with chronic back pain, insomnia, migraines, and depression. After MRIs, CT scans, and Western medical approaches didn’t provide long term solutions, she turned to holistic mind-body-spirit practices. She began to study many esoteric and spiritual paths and became in tune with the subtle energies that influence our daily lives. Suki now uses various timeless energy modalities to help clients reclaim and optimize their emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Prior to Suki’s coaching journey, she worked in finance

  • Modern Male Conditioning with Robert Kandell

    04/10/2017 Duration: 46min

    In the world of coaching and personal development, there are legends in the game. The kind of people that have been around long enough to be the go-to person of the industry. On today’s podcast, I talk to one of these legends. Robert Kandell is a writer, teacher, coach, and lecturer. Since 2002, Robert has been on the forefront of transformational relationship work. Robert is the co-founder of OneTaste a lifestyle and wellness company that provides courses, mindfulness practices, and Orgasmic Meditation. The goal is to improve wellbeing, focus, emotional intelligence, connection and fulfillment. OneTaste has been featured on The Today Show, New York Times, Inc. Magazine, Time, and Cosmopolitan. Robert is also the host of the Tuff Love Podcast where he answers questions about life and love. On Robert’s podcast he actually gives out tough love advice and speaks openly about the topics that he has mastered over the course of his work. On today’s show, we are going to address men and male conditioning and what li

  • #RiskEveryday Heartbroken for Las Vegas

    03/10/2017 Duration: 23min

    I feel so angry, hurt and confused by the horrifying mass murder that occurred last night in Las Vegas. More than 50 beautiful people, who went out for night of fun, love and country music, are now dead. These are individuals that never expected this would be their last day. They all have ambitions they’ll never have the opportunity to follow and loved ones that never got to say goodbye. They were shot down by someone with multiple assault rifles from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay bay. Hundreds more were injured. One of my best friends was there. He ran for his life and saw so many people shot. I still don’t know if all my friends and family are safe.  Las Vegas is my fucking city. The fear makes me want to spew hate and anger towards people who have beliefs that I think contribute to this happening. The fear makes me want to hide. The fear and anger inside me makes me want to know who the fucking perpetrator is to find out why he did it. It feels like I need answers because I want to be able to say, “Thi

  • #RiskEveryday - A lesson from home

    29/09/2017 Duration: 14min

    Last week I spent time with my family back home in Kalamazoo, MI. My mom and I had a tumultuous relationship when I was in high school. I couldn't wait to leave to go to college. I thought she was controlling and unreasonable. But I've grown up, and in many ways, she has too. With presence, you can find awe in the simplest of moments. Here's the life lesson I got while picking grapes with my mother. 

  • Most People Have No Idea What Kind of Energy They Give Off. Do you?

    25/09/2017 Duration: 01h05min

    Stacy Hartman is a lead trainer and business mastermind facilitator for one of the top coach training schools in the world, the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching where our mission to increase the consciousness of the world, one person at a time with a unique and proven methodology called Energy Leadership.  Today, she comes on the podcast to talk about the 7 Levels of Energy and our hidden powers of potential. Most people have no idea what kind of energy they give off. With Stacy's clear and easy explanations, you can discover this for yourself. Stacy is also a business coach and consultant to today's expert thought-leaders, trailblazers and pioneers. Her unique methodology combines high impact online marketing and sales strategies with secrets of the new entrepreneurial mindset to help entrepreneurs unleash their human potential to make the difference they are meant to make in the world. LINKS:  Stacy Hartman's Website Stacy's FREE training for entrepreneurs  Facebook Lives and more free trai

  • Are You Addicted to Achievement and Doing? with Bristol Baughan

    20/09/2017 Duration: 55min

    Today’s world is GO GO GO, and for many people, doing and achieving has become an addiction (sheepishly raises hand). From the outside, it can look like drive and motivation, but on the inside, it can feel like a constant and endless search to feel “enough.” You know you’re an addict if… You have a hard time celebrating wins (if at all) You are constantly feeling guilty at the end of the day because you didn’t get enough done You keep saying, “As soon as I xxx, I will be happy/calm/peaceful etc” Sitting still is impossible No matter the achievement, you’re still left feeling not good enough Today on the podcast, we tackle this topic with a former achievement addict and current Leadership Coach, Bristol Baughan. Keep in mind, as you read this bio, this is one human… Bristol is an Executive Producer of Emmy-winning and Oscar-Nominated films and has had her work featured on HBO, Paramount, and Showtime. She’s founder of Inner Astronauts, a Leadership Coaching practice to support people in thriving at work and

  • #RiskEveryday What I learned from Esther Perel and a Dude Who Cut Me

    17/09/2017 Duration: 32min

    This past week I attended the Summit of Greatness and had the opportunity to see on my of my idols, Esther Perel, speak. I had no idea my biggest learning would come from the dude who cut me in line at the Q&A. 

  • How to be Charismatic - with Charlie Houpert

    13/09/2017 Duration: 49min

    What is charisma? According to Dictionary.com: “compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.” To bring it into visual terms-- bring to mind the most charismatic person you know. When they walk into a room, everyone notices. When they speak, people lean in. Others desire to be around them. The next question is- Can you learn to be charismatic? My guest today says YES! Charlie Houpert is a former shy guy and Co Founder of Charisma On Command, a Youtube Channel with over 1.2 million subscribers, dedicated to teaching people how to be charismatic. The videos are incredibly entertaining and informative about topics such as body language, mindsets shifts for confidence and how to use language effectively. He even uses real-life examples of how celebrities use their charisma to tell interesting stories, make people laugh and make themselves memorable. According Charlie, “The idea that you are either born with it or you’re not is a destructive myth created by people who want to justify thei

  • #RiskEveryday What are you willing to give up?

    09/09/2017 Duration: 25min

    If you're wondering why you're not having the results you want, this is the question you need to be asking yourself. I tell you why here on this podcast. 

  • Why We See Our Intimate Partners as a Threat- with Relationship Expert Marla Mattenson

    05/09/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    In a midst of a conflict or when we are angry at our partner, Marla Mattenson, Relationship and Intimacy expert, asserts that we are actually seeing our partner as a threat. This can send us into a flight, flight or freeze response which, in relationship, results in lying, blaming and defense. To have a working, intimate and fulfilling relationship, it’s important to be able to respond in a responsible way. Using her neuroscience and mathematics background, Marla is uniquely gifted at working with couples to identify these negative habitual patterns. Over the course of her 22 year career she's helped more than 12,000 couples including Academy Award winning actors, producers and directors, NBA players and coaches, Grammy Award winning artists, and millionaire entrepreneurs. Currently, she specializes in coaching entrepreneurial couples who have an urgent desire to transform both their relationship and their business. Today, we’ll talk about why we see our partners as a threat, how to begin navigating conflict

  • A Passion for Justice

    29/08/2017 Duration: 53min

    Outside a Bronx Nightclub stands 25-year-old, Aaron Cedres. He’s working as a bouncer. A fight breaks out, and a confusing brawl of more than a dozen people leaves one man ends with a broken jaw and deep cuts to his head and back. Aaron, who has no prior criminal record, is charged with gang assault. If convicted, he faces a possibility of 25 years in prison. The prosecutor in the case says tells Aaron that he’s obtained the surveillance footage from outside the club and urges him to take a plea deal of 5 years behind prison. Aaron is appointed Kristin Bruan, a Senior Staff Attorney at Legal Aide Society, to defend him. He tells a different story. As the bouncer at the club, it’s his job to break up fights. Aaron says he threw one punch between two men who were in physical altercation, and that’s it. He insists the footage with exonerate him. Unfortunately, in New York state, prosecutors can wait until just before trial to supply the defendant with key evidence such as witness names, statements and video foot

  • #RiskEveryday How to Network When You Hate Networking

    27/08/2017 Duration: 30min

    This past week, I attended Podcast Movement and had a really tough time on Day 1. Here's what I learned about networking and also about a pitfall many of us can fall into when reaching for our dreams. 

  • 067 The Approach to Cure Overwhelm in Your Life Or Business

    24/08/2017 Duration: 55min

    Milana Leshinsky moved to the United States 25 years ago as a classical musician with zero knowledge of the business world when she decided to become an entrepreneur. Pretty immediately, she found success with a 6-figure business, but her goal was 7-figures. Years of hard work and long hours, she finally hit that million dollar mark, but it wasn't at all what she expected. And so - she quit and contemplated.  The silence was terrifying yet necessary. Milana began asking herself questions like:  How much money do I really need to be happy? What am I willing and unwilling to do to achieve this goal? Who am I when I am not running a business? And out of this inquiry, her new business and approach was born--Simplicity Circle. Her company's mission is to take the frustration, stress and anguish out of growing a business by SIMPLIFYING.  She says it's the key to happiness AND profitability.    Milana's Links Website   Solo Episode mentioned in the intro: What to do when you f*** up   You can call the show at (70

  • #RiskEveryday Humanity from the Tragedy at Las Ramblas

    20/08/2017 Duration: 22min

    I'm here in Barcelona, Spain. I arrived just hours after the terrorist attack at Las Ramblas. Today I want to talk about moments in humanity that we have the opportunity to bring on a daily basis. It's a small way we can begin to change the world. 

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