Climb aboard the starship Retrospecticus with your hosts Bianca and Brian through the turbulent cyberseas of Yesterwhen! We're so enthusiastic about old computer technology and classic video games that you'd better buckle your bulkhead to the poop deck!
Episode 35 – Discombobulated Doohickeys
26/09/2015 Duration: 03h09minIt was so absolutely awesome chatting with Tomer Gabel a couple of weeks ago we were inspired to keep up the conversation. Bianca and Brian reminisce about their favourite computer and electronic hardware from their long endorkening nerd careers. We’d love to hear some of your faves as well! Hit us up at The […]
Episode 34 – This Stool Shall Pass
21/09/2015 Duration: 03h12minA big fat obesely corpulent welcome to our good buddies Kelsey Marquart and Ben Chandler! This week we’re talking about our favourite game characters, yodels of power, crombies, and various bum-related matters of the greatest import. Also geology and crackrocks and Rob Ford and police sirens and choochoos and parrots vomiting and and and!!! Damn […]
Episode 33 – Pie Punching
12/09/2015 Duration: 02h47minIt’s a huge pleasure to welcome back cohost Bianca as well as our guest Anton joining us for his first ever podcast! This week we discuss game development as a hobby, and we meander on to topics like game streaming and sci-fi television. The song at the beginning of this week’s podcast is Bureaucratic Glory […]
Episode 32 – Getting Our Hands Dirty
07/09/2015 Duration: 03h16minWe offer a very masculine “ma shlomcha” to our Israeli guest Tomer Gabel, and to my cohost and wifeypoo Bianca. This week we talk a little about our favourite hardware, but mostly we hear Tomer’s fantastic stories about his early days of computing. Apologies if the sound quality isn’t up to snuff – we’re working […]
Episode 31 – Scrapings?
31/08/2015 Duration: 03h09minPress X to duck under the sudden barrage of Bianca‘s crass insults. This week we talk and talk and talk and talk about our first experience with dedicated games consoles. Brian has played WAY too many NES and SNES games and by the end he’s completely fed up with his own voice. Just look at […]
Episode 30 – Polly Gone :(
24/08/2015 Duration: 03h07min3 cheers (one per dimension) for the return of the Norton Commander himself, Anatoly Shashkin! This week we discuss early 3D games, mostly on the MSDOS platform, but with mentions of the Speccy, Mac, consoles, and arcades. Brian spends half the podcast sitting in a puddle of beer and the other half drooling over incredible […]
Episode 29 – Huff’n Puff’n
16/08/2015 Duration: 03h11minIn this week’s episode Amayirot Akago and I talk about some of our gaming guilty pleasures. We get our obvious choices quickly out of the way but go to mention some you may not have thought of, heard of, or wish you had heard of. I mean, they call them guilty pleasures but to be honest I […]
Episode 28 – Birds of a Feather Chirp Together
09/08/2015 Duration: 03h07minWe welcome back Bianca this week to talk about co-operative games, and games that are generally collaborative instead of competitive. We struggled to think up many classic games fitting this category so as always we welcome your feedback at This episode was recorded live from the Square Waves chirpatorium – please beware of flying […]
Episode 27 – Ben Chandler’s Bumper Sticker
01/08/2015 Duration: 03h09minLet’s bid a hale and hearty welcome back to Chris Olson, retronaut extraordinaire and coder supremo, to discuss the demoscene. Chris is a font of knowledge about the bits, bytes, and bobs of demoscenery and low-powered computer MacGyvering. We also delve into the exciting world of USA territorial geography, gouda smuggling, and zebra mussels. The […]
Episode 26 – Butt Babies
26/07/2015 Duration: 03h17minThe wife is back this week to conclude our conversation about The Sims series. Eventually. We spend a good 2 hours enjoying listener mail and voicemails and flapping our gums about gamey goodness. Boy is Brian sick of his voice after this uncharacteristically sociable week. The song at the end of this week’s podcast is […]
Episode 25 – Playing With My Cookie Monster or Something
20/07/2015 Duration: 03h28minWhy did Ben Chandler recommend this weird name for the podcast again? I really can’t remember. But that’s okay because our topic this week is weeeeeird games! Cantaloupes co-mingling with parakeet salami tables. Fourteen guitars, sadly. Brainstem. Lemon lemming souffle with a pedestrian reduction on toast. Why are turtles? Hawker Harrier. Hawker. Harrier. The song […]
Episode 24 – Earful
12/07/2015 Duration: 02h49minWe bid a hale and hearty welcome back to our good friend Francisco Gonzalez to discuss our favourite video game soundtracks. A special thanks to Francisco for compensating for Brian’s lazy lazy editing by actually playing some music during the podcast. We also chat about The Sims, the Grand Theft Auto series, and the difference […]
Episode 23 – Waaah
08/07/2015 Duration: 03h04minThis week we welcome back Troels the Space Quest Historian to talk about emotionally engaging games. Never before have so many insensitive things been said about such sensitive topics. We also lavish equal portions of praise and criticism on Jane Jensen whose next game, we’re sure, will be a lot better than her last couple. […]
Episode 22 – Grilled Cheese Aspiration
29/06/2015 Duration: 02h58minSayonara sausage fest! We return this week with an extra special guest, Bianca, to chat about the insanely popular Sims series. The main topic is preceded by Brian’s story and mini-review of his new Pebble smartwatch, and then a thorough description of the games Bianca’s been playing lately. The song at the end of today’s […]
Episode 21 – End of Side 1; Please Flip Tape
22/06/2015 Duration: 02h55minThis episode we catch up on all the awesome emails and voicemails we’ve received over the past couple weeks. Our amazing listeners never fail to shake loose some long-forgotten memories. It’s with a very heavy heart that we bid a temporary farewell to co-host Chris as he leaves to attend to personal matters. The immediate […]
Episode 20 – Jar Jar Stinks
15/06/2015 Duration: 02h20minWe force (ha?) our dear friend Joe Mastroianni to rejoin us this week in our discussion of Star Wars games, old and oldish. The star (hee?) of the show is Joe’s compelling description of Star Wars Rebellion, a 4X-style strategy game. Our thanks and apologies to everyone who wrote in and sent us voicemails – […]
Episode 19 – Back to Bullwinkle’s
08/06/2015 Duration: 03h16minWe return to our desert islands of electricity, dry ice smoke machines, and round surly men with fanny pack coin dispensers. Join us in our tropical paradise as we finish off our top 10 arcade game lists and meander uncontrollably off the cliffs of Mount Digression Junior High (hi Troels!). The song at the end […]
Episode 18 – Arcades, Eventually
01/06/2015 Duration: 02h50minI hope the Surgeon General isn’t monitoring this podcast for our blather-to-topic ratio because they’ll pull us off the shelves for sure. This week we eventually get around to talking about arcade games, and specifically our top 10 desert island arcade games, assuming our desert island had electrical outlets. And quarters. It could happen! Today’s […]
Episode 17 – Cheer Up, Han! Why Solo?
24/05/2015 Duration: 03h13minOh, stars. Can’t you just get along for a change? The warring stars may seem perplexing to the layman, but thankfully we invite expert Joe Mastroianni of the Upper Memory Block podcast to make sense of the star carnage. Starnage, perhaps? No. Today’s song is the Tie Fighter Attack music from the Star Wars Nintendo […]
Episode 16.5 – Sorrowful Elven Tales
23/05/2015 Duration: 50minHere’s a special quickie episode to catch up on the voicemail we had trouble playing last week. Our eternal thanks to Troels, Avi, and Ryan for contributing such thoughtful and entertaining stories. Show notes: Dos Nostalgia Podcast about Sierra Discovery games Commodore 64 wiki, LOAD Sierra InterAction magazine archive Quest for Glory 2 poster by […]