Podcasts, debates and talks from Coventry University
Investigating Pharmaceutical Companies - Marisa de Andrade at Condition Critical
11/07/2009 Duration: 04h44min -
BBC Coverage of Health in Northern Ireland - Brian Laughlin at Condition Critical
11/07/2009 Duration: 03h27min -
Keep the NHS Public - Andrea Franks at Condition Critical Health Conference
11/07/2009 Duration: 05h02min -
Global Neoliberalism and the Consequences for Healthcare Policy in the NHS - Dr Clive Peedell
08/07/2009 Duration: 21h52min -
Introducing the International Association of Health Policy - Professor Alexis Benos
08/07/2009 Duration: 22h46min -
The Workers Education Association and Popular or Informal Learning - Mogs Russell
06/07/2009 Duration: 48h42min -
Play the Game Closing Session - Jens Sejer Anderson and Andrew Jennings
13/06/2009 Duration: 57h54min -