Central Community Church sermons
Significant Insignificance - Promontory
28/11/2021Sometimes we have a tendency to overlook the "insignificant" things in this world. Yet when Jesus Christ was born, God used what people may have considered insignificant to point to that which is most significant. In this classic Christmas...
The Significance of the Seemingly Insignificant - Agassiz
28/11/2021Sometimes what we think is insignificant actually has great significance. Our first Advent passage of 2021 shows us that what we often take for granted, or give little consideration to, has the ability to change our lives and is worthy to be...
Paul Isn't the Hero - Promontory
21/11/2021Most of us want to be the hero of the story and we naturally look for heroes to imitate. However, when it comes to the Bible, we aren’t the hero and even as we watch Paul planting a brand new church, Paul isn’t the hero. God is the hero of the story...
Gospel Encounters - Agassiz & Lake Errock
21/11/2021Through Paul and Silas’s ministry to the people of Philippi, we can see that every Gospel encounter invites its hearer to respond. No matter the circumstance, these encounters can be useful for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness.
Gospel Conviction - Promontory
14/11/2021Do we have a conviction to share the gospel even when it costs us something? Paul’s second missionary journey involved a number of sacrifices for himself and those with him. Yet they determined that the joy of following Jesus was worth the cost.
Staying on Mission - Agassiz & Lake Errock
14/11/2021As the early church continued to grow, and the gospel continued to spread, several things were required in order to stay on the mission that God had for His people – the mission of preaching the gospel. These requirements have not changed. Our text...
Constructive Church Conflict - Agassiz & Lake Errock
07/11/2021While we might assume the early church was perfect and nothing ever went wrong, in Acts 15 Luke records very honestly some of the warts and wrinkles of the church. We read of an example of corporate church conflict and an example of interpersonal...
The Church Together - Promontory
07/11/2021The church is the gathered people of God united by the gospel. But that doesn’t’ mean that everything goes smoothly all the time. The gospel unites us together but we still need to learn how to work together as we rehearse the gospel, celebrate it...
Dealing With Disputes - Promontory
31/10/2021The dispute over salvation between the Apostles and the Pharisees was intense and uncompromising. The principles used by the apostles to discern and respond to this deep division were unpacked. Peter used the "Gospel applied without...
A Grace-Filled Life - Agassiz & Lake Errock
31/10/2021If you’ve ever wondered how “good” and “council meeting” could ever be put together, Acts 15 has the answer. In this defining moment for the church, its leaders, through much debate, clarified the very essence of our salvation, paving the way for a...
The Call of God - Agassiz & Lake Errock
17/10/2021A shift takes place in Acts 13 from a focus on Peter and the church in Jerusalem to Paul and Barnabas and the advance of the gospel to the nations. The remainder of Acts recounts the Holy Spirit enabling missionaries to fulfill the call Jesus made to...
Sent by the Spirit - Promontory
17/10/2021It can be nerve wracking to take on something new if you don’t know what to expect or if you are unprepared. It is true when you go for a hike and it is also true in our Spiritual lives. When God calls us to go and preach the gospel, he also shows...
The Proud and the Humble - Promontory
10/10/2021How do we respond when we it seems like people get away with the wrong things they do? It is easy to assume that they will get away with it, but the Bible reminds us that God is still the judge. Therefore we are called to humble ourselves before...
Protected by God - Promontory
03/10/2021Christians in Jerusalem experienced persecution; the long arm of the state was against them. They were utterly powerless, helpless at the edge of the sword. They needed to be reacquainted with God's provision and power. Today we'll learn...
He Was Glad - Promontory
26/09/2021What would it have looked like to be part of the first Gentile church in Antioch? Barnabas was pleased to see the Gospel being proclaimed but recognized the need for effective discipleship. So many new things happening not the least of which is the...
God's Greatest Gift - Agassiz & Lake Errock
19/09/2021This concluding passage in Luke’s narrative of Acts 10-11:18 gives us two powerful reasons why salvation is such a great gift. First of all, it demonstrates again that salvation has been made available to all. Secondly, it shows us that God takes the...
The Church on Mission - Promontory
19/09/2021Evangelism isn’t supposed to be a solo act. Jesus intended that the whole church would participate in sharing the good news together. Therefore, as the gospel is preached to the Gentiles it is critical that the whole church understands this amazing...
Have You RSVP'd Yet?
12/09/2021Acts 10 is filled with invitational language. Cornelius sent messengers to invite Peter to be his guest so that he could hear what Peter had to say. Peter invited Cornelius’ messengers into his home before he accepted Cornelius’ invitation. While...
Open Access
05/09/2021Acts 10:1-23a begins a key turning point in the book of Acts where through a series of visions to Cornelius and Peter, God reveals that salvation is now available to everyone, everywhere. No longer do Gentiles need to be adhere to circumcision or...
The Great Deception
29/08/2021Jeremiah challenges the people of God to rely on the security that comes from a relationship with God Almighty. Rather than be deceived by performing rituals, the people of God should seek to pursue righteousness through repentance and obedience by...