Central Community Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Central Community Church sermons


  • Unbelieving Family


    If you have loved ones who don't believe in Jesus you know what it's like to both care deeply for their souls and experience the rejection that comes because of your faith. Take heart, Jesus has been there too. And by looking at the life...

  • Eat This Sermon


    The crowd that had been following Jesus were getting progressively more disturbed by what He was saying, culminating in many of them turning away when Jesus declared, “unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in...

  • The Good Bread


    Jesus made a very bold statement. He said that He Himself is what we need to satisfy our deepest longings and be at peace. The problem is that we choose not to believe Jesus' words and attempt to fill the void with other things. Riches and...

  • The Overflow of Pure Worship


    Compassion Sunday 2016. We focused on the biblical reality that pure worship (worship that honours God) includes caring for others, especially the vulnerable such as the foreigner, widow and orphan.

  • By His Wounds You Are Healed


    Easter Sunday 2016. Because Jesus died on a cross and rose again our lives can be absolutely transformed. Our guilt lifted, liberated from the enslaving power of sin, the ability to live new lives, and cause for celebration in a God who has proven...

  • The Triumphal Entry


    The Passion week begins with Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey to wild fanfare. Why a donkey? And how did the crowd’s cries of “Hosanna!” on Sunday turn to chants of “Crucify him!” by Friday?

  • Jesus Really Satisfies


    Jesus has been working miracles and teaching with power, and the crowds are loving it. He can heal people! He can make bread and fish come from nowhere! But is that all that Jesus is offering? Is Jesus only offering satisfaction for physical needs, or...

  • Walking With Jesus


    Being a disciple (a follower, a student) of Jesus – often referred to as “the Christian walk” – is the most dangerous, yet safest thing one could ever do. The Gospel of John, chapter 6, recounts the time when Jesus came to His disciples walking on...

  • Low Expectations


    After the very first Passover, Moses was used by God to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, to freedom, and eventually into the Promised Land. When Jesus fed the 5000 as the Passover was approaching, He revealed Himself to be not only the...

  • Trial & Error


    The Bible is one big story where everything points to Jesus. It’s primary purpose is to point people to Jesus. All of Scripture bears witness about Jesus. And the way that the Bible leads to eternal life is by leading people to encounter Jesus in it.

  • Just Who Do You Think You Are?


    Since he began his ministry Jesus faced one question more than any other; Who Do You Think You Are? The Gospel of John makes it clear that it was written to cause us to wrestle with this question. Our passage today lays out, in no uncertain terms...

  • Jesus At Work


    Jesus is at work bringing healing for the purpose of holiness. But we can waste the miracle (His healing to our hearts) through both libertinism and legalism.

  • Belonging To Central


    In the conclusion of this sermon series, we explore what it looks like not only to belong to a local church but what it looks like to belong to Central more specifically. By rooting ourselves in the Great Commission text (Matt 28:18-20), we see the...

  • Belonging To A Local Church


    From not seeing ministry partnership (membership) in the Bible, to past hurts, to the belief that being a member of the universal church is enough, to an overarching skepticism when it comes to something being required, people have all kinds of...

  • The Nature & Mission Of The Church


    The church is God’s vehicle, chosen and designed by Him to carry the message of the gospel to the world. What we understand and believe about the church is critically important because it is such a significant part of God’s plan to demonstrate His...

  • Belonging With Jesus In Baptism


    Why is it important for followers of Jesus to be baptized? Why is Baptism best understood as Belonging with Jesus in Baptism? What does the Bible say about baptizing believer's and their infants versus the believer's baptism? The...

  • First Importance


    As one theologian put it, the gospel is at the centre of our faith, and the cross and the empty tomb are at the centre of the gospel. As we begin a new year and a new sermon series, we focus on what matters most.

  • A Disciple's Priorities In A Busy World


    The dawning of a new year symbolizes a fresh start and a new beginning for many. As one year closes and another begins, reflections turn into resolutions in the hope of a new year. As Christians, what should top our list of priorities in 2016, and how...

  • Satisfying Our Longings For Jesus


    At Christmas we celebrate that God sent His Son Jesus to become a child so that we could become children of God.

  • Broken Longings For Jesus


    For some of us, Christmas is a hard time of year. Instead of glad tidings of great joy coming to the forefront of our minds and hearts, our difficult circumstances do. The story of Zechariah speaks into that. Over and over again God presses the hard...

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