Probing the weird, wacky and spectacular, the Naked Scientists Special Editions are special one-off scientific reports, investigations and interviews on cutting-edge topics by the Naked Scientists team.
Think Heart - Pathology Week 2009
15/12/2009 Duration: 39minIn this 2009 Royal College of Pathologists National Pathology Week podcast we find out why thinking "heart" could save a baby's life. We'll examine three heart conditions - duct-dependent lesions, viral myocarditis and arrhythmias - and find out why these go unidentified in many babies, often with tragic consequences. Parents, nurses and pediatricans join the Royal College of Pathologists to raise awareness and encourage us all to "Think Heart". Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
The Art of the Heart - Pathology Week 2009
14/12/2009 Duration: 22minIn this 2009 Royal College of Pathologists National Pathology Week podcast, we look at the art and ethics of modern healthcare. We hear how the structure of the heart has inspired works of art and we take a dip in the murky waters of medical ethics: who has the right to decide if a teenage boy should be given a new heart? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
Cambridge Cafe Scientifique - Nanofoods Archived
12/11/2009 Duration: 32minThis is the archive of the Cambridge Cafe Scientifique Nanofood event. Join us to hear the entire presentation about how nanotechnology gets into your food, as well as your questions on the benefits of Nanofoods, whether Nanofoods have a role in a heathy balanced diet and the problems with classification and testing. Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
Cafe Scientifique - Nanofoods
11/11/2009 Duration: 10minIn this special podcast we join the Triple Helix Society for a Cafe Scientifique. We explore how nanotechnology gets into your food, the benefits of Nanofoods and the problems with classification and testing. The Triple Helix Cambridge Cafe Scientifique is sponsored by the Medical Research Council, and this podcast was produced with support from the Learning Revolution. Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
Diamond Light Source - Engineering our Industries
06/11/2009 Duration: 34minThis month, we peer into the world of engineering to see how scientists are exploring and improving materials for industry, including how the structure of metals can be modified for greater resilience and how an understanding of corrosion could be crucial for the storage of nuclear waste. Plus, we investigate how to prevent crack formation in aeronautical materials as well as bring you the latest news and events from Diamond. Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
Diamond Light Source - Probing our Cultural Heritage
15/09/2009 Duration: 27minThis month, we dig deep into the world of archaeology to learn how scientists at Diamond are investigating our cultural heritage. We find out how scanning samples of the Dead Sea Scrolls can help decipher them, how probing timber from the Mary Rose can improve its conservation and how studying pigments in paintings could protect major pieces of art! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
Conversations from the Darwin Festival - Sandra Herbert
24/08/2009 Duration: 06minThis week historian Sandra Herbert tells how she retraced Darwin's footsteps to the Galapagos in search of rock samples to prove his volcanic theories were right... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
WCSJ 2009 - Development Strand
12/08/2009 Duration: 38minWhat challenges do science journalists face in the developing world? In this special documentary covering the Development strand of the World Conference of Science Journalists, we discuss the challenges of getting the right coverage for your region, and how to find credible sources without neglecting the trailblazers. Plus, the big issue of Climate Change and how to link researchers with journalists... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
Conversations from the Darwin Festival - Sir Terry Pratchett
12/08/2009 Duration: 10minThis week we're in conversation with Sir Terry Pratchett, author of the multi-million selling Discworld series. We find out what inspired 'The Science of Discworld 3: Darwin's Watch', get Richard Dawkins into holy orders and explore a world without Darwin... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
WCSJ 2009 - New Media Strand
11/08/2009 Duration: 38minWhat is the Internet, new technology and increasing citizen journalism doing to the world of science publishing and reporting? In this special documentary from the 2009 World Conference of Science Journalists, London, Chris Smith talks to the reporters at the leading edge of the new media wave, as well as freelancers who are worried they might get washed away by the tide of content... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
Reporting Biomedical Science
05/08/2009 Duration: 27minThe Wellcome Trust supported a series of events discussing the reporting of biomedical science at the World Conference of Science Journalists. Kat Arney takes us through the opportunities, responsibilities and controversies of biomedical science in the media... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
Conversations from the Darwin Festival - Brian Rosen
03/08/2009 Duration: 08minDarwin's first book was on coral reefs. Brian Rosen, from the Natural History Museum in London,takes up the story... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
Conversations from the Darwin Festival - Sir John Sulston
27/07/2009 Duration: 10minThis week we're in conversation with Nobel laureate Sir John Sulston, the man behind the human genome project. He tells how he went from chemist to biologist to work on a tiny worm, C. elegans, that laid the foundations for the sequencing of the human genome. Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
Conversations from the Darwin Festival - Ruth Padel
20/07/2009 Duration: 12minPoet and Darwin-descendent Ruth Padel talks about how the history books led her to write "Darwin, a life in poems", an anthology of fifteen poems charting the major events of Darwin's life. Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
The Rap Guide to Evolution - Darwinian Hip Hop
15/07/2009 Duration: 59minAward winning Canadian hip hop artist Baba Brinkman brings us his Rap Guide to Evolution, an hour of clever, witty and scientifically accurate rhymes that will have you seeing Darwin from a whole new perspective. Baba explores the history and current understanding of Darwin's theory, combining hilarious remixes of popular rap songs with clever lyrical storytelling that covers Natural Selection, Artificial Selection, Sexual Selection, Group Selection, Unity of Common Descent, and Evolutionary Psychology. Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
The Daily Darwin - Friday - From The Naked Scientists
09/07/2009 Duration: 14minWe tie up the Darwin Festival with predictions on global warming and the future of the human species. Plus, we find out about cultural selection and how tricky it is putting together an exhibition on science and fine art! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
The Daily Darwin - Thursday - From The Naked Scientists
08/07/2009 Duration: 14minThe fourth day brings together geologists and an exploration of Darwin's early scientific forays. We also find out how we have the power to solve climate change in a generation, why we should make friends with yeast and how the Obama government will promote science research. Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
The Daily Darwin - Wednesday - From The Naked Scientists
07/07/2009 Duration: 14minDay three of the festival and if you've ever wondered what a Darwin rap sounds like, this show is for you. We also explore Darwin's foibles, nice scientists, first cousin marriages and evolutionary poetry. Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
The Daily Darwin - Tuesday - From The Naked Scientists
06/07/2009 Duration: 13minWe catch up with festival attendees and speakers on the second day of the Darwin Festival at Cambridge. Today we search for the origins of religion, meet the man who got the Human Genome Project going and speak to Terry Pratchett about shaved cats... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
The Daily Darwin - Monday - From the Naked Scientists
05/07/2009 Duration: 14minThis week sees Cambridge University celebrate the 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin. Each day our team will bring you highlights from the events and exhibitions that make up the Darwin Festival. Today Richard Dawkins explains why scientists can't practise religion, we hear how butterflies imitate each other to survive and discover the genes that separate us from chimps! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists