The Team Guru Podcast brings to life the theory and principles of leadership and team development.Listen in as I talk to fantastic people who are part of some of the most interesting and successful teams across a range of disciplines.You'll hear about the way they manage and motivate their teams. How they have themselves developed as people and as leaders through their own professional journey. And what lessons any leader, in any industry, can take from the experiences they've had.
143 - The quick and dirty solution to staying ahead of the technology curve
20/01/2021 Duration: 41minFULL SHOW NOTES: David Banger took a long circuitous route to the pinnacle of the tech world. He never expected to find himself back in the Southern Hemisphere. But after a stint abroad, he returned to his native Australia - the culmination of a strange journey that somehow led right back to where he started. He learned a lot of powerful lessons along the way. Especially about how to guide companies through a rapidly changing word. The digital revolution is not slowing down. But you don’t have to let that fact overwhelm you. David has some “quick and dirty” solutions that will ensure your team stays ahead of the curve.
142 - Everything you need to know about business coaches | Ft. Suzanne Laidlaw
07/01/2021 Duration: 40minWe are a species of problem-solvers. Suzanne Laidlaw embodies this idea more than most. Placed into a seemingly impossible position, she was able to turn her personal tragedy into the spark of evolution, transforming her life as well as the lives of others. For this author and entrepreneur, our most valuable resources are the people that mold our lives and experiences we endure. In today´s conversation, Laidlaw speaks on her journey and explores the various ways every element of our existence is interconnected. Full Show notes:
141 - A practical guide to Sort Your Sh!t Out | Ft. Gary Waldon
03/12/2020 Duration: 45minwww.Teams.Guru Show notes: ___________ Despite the coarse language on the cover, Gary Waldon´s ¨Sort Your Shit Out'' I s a serious read. It challenges us to consider the world from the viewpoint of a child. The book is Waldon’s description of the human socialization process. He draws parallels between children and deeply self-actualized adults. Self-awareness is a learned behavior, and so to ¨sort your shit out¨ is to confront the influences that constantly suppress our true nature.
140 - Do these 3 things to improve communication inside your team | Ft. Shelley Flett
12/11/2020 Duration: 45minSHOW NOTES: In this episode we’re going to talk really directly about the challenges of being a good leader. It’s easy to listen to a podcast where we talk about the concepts of leadership - communicating, developing great relationships and all that stuff. But our actual working environments can create barriers to being a great leader. Many of those challenges feel so ingrained that they may seem insurmountable. I’ve invited author and speaker Shelley Flett onto the show to talk about being a dynamic leader in a real world situation.
139 - How to become an everyday creative | Ft. Mykel Dixon
28/10/2020 Duration: 46minMyths abound on the concept of creativity. Far from being a skill afforded to a chosen few, creativity is an innate human attribute that expresses itself in countless ways. Indeed, it has frequently served our species as a survival skill. Mykel Dixon works to help people recognize this reality and discover what makes them uniquely suited to his words, ¨find their magic.¨ Unlocking the potential of self-expression is the theme of today's conversation, as the author of ¨Everyday Creative” takes creativity out of the box. Connect with Mykel Dixon: Website: LinkedIn: Twitter: Instagram:
138 - The Rules of Belonging | Ft. Fiona Robertson
14/10/2020 Duration: 38minA quick study of the self-help section at your local bookstore will reveal that vague guidance and banal platitudes have dominated team leadership literature in recent years. Fiona Robinson aims to pour concrete ideas around the concept of culture with her new book The Rules of Belonging. She strips away the pretentiousness and offers perspective on how ¨monkeys in shoes” somehow manage to navigate modern life. SHOW NOTES: Connect with Fiona Robinson: Website- Twitter- LinkedIn-
137 - Learn how to truly serve your customers | Ft. Jaquie Scammell
30/09/2020 Duration: 44minJaquie Scammell has spent years studying the science of connecting with customers. Her new book ¨Service Habits¨ works to crack the code of excellent customer service as well as demonstrating its value to organizations of all types.
136 - The secrets to managing your virtual team | Ft. Alison Hill
17/09/2020 Duration: 38minThe ability to build and coordinate an effective remote workforce will only increase in importance as our new world continues to take shape. Alison Hill made her name writing and editing, but as the remote work legacy unfolds, she is now working to establish a legacy in virtual team building. In her return to the Team Guru Podcast, she shares some of her winning insights on steering a ship through uncharted waters. Show notes and Timestamps:
TGP - "Girl's Don't Lay Bricks": Teen mom to CEO with Casey Mackinlay
03/09/2020 Duration: 37minCasey MacKinlay is rarely found on the path of least resistance. After taking up the male dominated-field of bricklaying in her teenage years, MacKinlay was forced to balance her career with the added challenge of becoming a single mother. She rose to the challenge in fearless fashion, with her entrepreneurial drive empowering this indefatigable individual to transcend her circumstances. In this enlightening chat, she discusses her new book ¨Girls Don´t Lay Bricks¨ as well as her journey from ambitious adolescent to accomplished adult. 1:54 The Hero's Journey The multi-business owner´s rise to prominence was an arduous path, and MacKinlay speaks candidly about the challenges she has faced. Her book represents a running commentary on her experiences with the feel of a coherent narrative. The author goes into detail about the process of taking the book from concept to coffee table, stressing the importance of her support network in bringing the project to fruition. She also speaks on gaining a deep appreciati
134 - Beat Gender Bias in your workplace with Karen Morley
19/08/2020 Duration: 34minExecutive Coach Dr. Karen Morley´s second appearance on the Team Guru podcast expands on the compelling themes that made the first required listening. She is the perfect listen for team leaders seeking to maximize their resources by emphasizing inclusion. Her latest book ¨Beat Gender Bias¨ highlights less obvious workplace dynamics that can prevent otherwise capable women from flourishing in the office environment, as well as outlining concrete strategies for women seeking to establish themselves as leadership candidates. Website: Twitter: Blog: Contact:
133 - What you can learn in 100 lunches with strangers ft. Kaley Chu
05/08/2020 Duration: 31minYou are about to hear from a really cool young lady. In a world where we often feel overwhelmed, Kaley Chu set a remarkable goal. She decided to have lunch with 100 strangers in just one year! As a raving introvert that makes me tired just to write those words. But Kaley actually did it. Why’d she do it? What did she learn about herself in the process? Who was her favorite? I just have so many questions for her. Kaley wrote a book about her experience. 100 Lunches With Strangers reveals why a shy and unassuming person decided to undertake such a mammoth task. The book features 15 eye-opening life lessons, an in-depth look at relatable life struggles, and inspirational tips that will offer any reader a way to forge their own happier way of living. Kaley is based in Melbourne, and currently works at Equi Wealth, a wealth advisory firm where she helps clients create leverage and protect wealth without sacrificing their lifestyle. Her aim is to give her clients confidence, freedom, and control of their
132 - Be Brilliant and Lead a Life of Influence | Janine Garner
23/07/2020 Duration: 37minThis episode is brilliant. Literally. It’s all about you about being brilliant. This time we're joined once again by Janine Garner. Way back in episode 55 we chatted about creating a network that works for you. In this one, Janine gives us some wonderful insight into what it takes to lead a life of brilliance. It’s a practical guide on how to lead a successful, fulfilling life.
131 - When corporate culture goes insane with Ross Judd
06/07/2020 Duration: 39minIs your workplace culture insane? It’s a strong questions but for those of you that answered with an unqualified “YES!” we’re here to help. A toxic workplace culture is one that hurts the people involved and the business itself. Workplace culture is incredibly important. It sustains both the productivity and the profitability of the people who are a part of it. Great workplace cultures can be energising and rewarding. Bad ones can be toxic and soul destroying. Ross Judd thinks that we’ve been over-complicating our efforts to re-shape workplace culture. He’s come up with a simple and effective process for transformation. His company Team Focus has worked for decades to help transform corporate culture. His new book is titled Cultural Insanity. In it he reveals the mistakes companies make when trying to change a toxic culture. And he offers a simple solution based on the acronym A.D.A.P.T.
130 - How to deal with a Bad Boss | Michelle Gibbings
24/06/2020 Duration: 39minBad Bosses. We’ve all had them. Some of us work for one now. So what can you do about it? That’s the question my guest this week wanted to answer. Michelle Gibbings draws upon decades of experience in corporate leadership to provide a practical transformation guide.
129 - The art of deep listening with Oscar Trimboli
11/06/2020 Duration: 43minYou've heard it said a million times. People are good at talking but very few of us are good listeners. That's about to change. My guest this week is Oscar Trimboli, the Jedi master of listening. Oscar Trimboli is on a quest to create 100 million Deep Listeners in the world. He is an author, Host of an Apple Award winning podcast and a sought-after keynote speaker.
128 - Leading in the age of AI | Ft. Dr. Mat Donald
02/06/2020 Duration: 40minDoctor Mathew Donald is an expert in leading and managing change in this crazy age of disruption and artificial intelligence. We have a wide ranging chat about the future and everything that might come our way - and importantly, how we as leaders can position ourselves strongly.
127 - Say goodbye to positive thinking | Chris Helder
13/05/2020 Duration: 30minUnique and interesting are two words that definitely describe my guest in this episode. Chris Helder is a powerful motivational speaker - as you’re about to find out. He really got my attention with his statement: “It’s time to say goodbye to positive thinking”. Chris says he has a better way and I think you’re going to like it. Chris Helder is a master storyteller whose presentations have radically transformed thousands of people worldwide. He is also the bestselling author of three books “The Ultimate Book of Influence” which has been published in five languages, “Useful Belief”, which is one of the highest selling Australian business books of all time and "Cut The Noise" which is about achieving better results with greater focus.
126 - The Quietly Powerful Leader | Ft. Megumi Miki
30/04/2020 Duration: 34minThe era of the hero leader is over. For years the loudest voice in the room dominated corporate culture. Fortunately, that’s starting to change. Organizations are beginning to realize that the overlooked quiet member of the team has much to contribute. That realization is the central premise of Megumi Miki’s new book. Quietly Powerful shares hew own experience of succeeding despite being a quiet professional. Her story is backed-up extensive research that reveals the power of quiet.
125 - How to evolve out of your leadership comfort zone Brad Giles
15/04/2020 Duration: 42minBrad Giles thinks and talks about leadership lie an engineer. He’s used his time as an entrepreneur and leadership coach to break the profession of leadership into it’s fundamental moving parts. Brad believes that that mechanics of leadership can be taught. It's not a mystery! Brad is the founder of the strategic planning and coaching consultancy Evolution Partners. He works with CEOs and leadership teams to build enduring, great companies.
124 - Avoiding the mistakes that will sink your business | ft. David Sharrock
02/04/2020 Duration: 42minIn this episode we are going to strike at the heart of what it takes to develop a successful business. My guest is David Sharrock. Through his long career as a suburban solicitor, David has helped thousands of small business owners. He knows what works and what doesn’t. He has seen everything. From the woefully unsuccessful to the booming enterprise, and everything in between. And, of course, he’s learned a bunch of lessons about what separates the good from the bad. The winners from the losers. I love his calm wisdom. And the genuine care he has for people who run businesses. Because, he knows, the success or otherwise of small and medium business affects lives. It can set people up for a happy, fulfilled, secure life . Or it can plunge them into a spiral of worry and anxiety.