The Dental Realist Podcast is unlike any other dental podcast. As three practicing dentists we have learned many things that we wish we'd known before dental school graduation, and we are here to give future, new, and veteran dentists the help they need to have a more enjoyable career.
Episode 49 - Feeling Like an Imposter
24/06/2020 Duration: 43minImposter Syndrome is the persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved. It can affect people in any profession, including dentistry. On Episode 49 we discuss what Imposter Syndrome is, how it can affect dentists, and what can be done to manage it. We start the show by discussing our favorite bands and musicians and we would love for you to join us! Contact Dental Realist: Twitter: @dentalrealist Email: Website: LinkedIn: Dental Realist
Episode 48 - An Unprecedented Return
22/05/2020 Duration: 55minMost dentists are back to work, but how has Covid-19 affected the everyday operations of dental offices? On Episode 48 we discuss: -How we felt going back to full-time dentistry. -The extra precautions we're taking. -Our least favorite pandemic phrases. -A variety of news topics. We start the episode by discussing our favorite movies of all time. We'd love you to join us on this unprecedented episode as we try to return to the new normal. Contact Dental Realist: Twitter: @dentalrealist Email: Website: LinkedIn: Dental Realist
Episode 47 - Staying Positive in Trying Times
27/03/2020 Duration: 33minEven though most dentists are only allowed to treat emergency patients right now, there are still some ways to stay positive and also tackle some necessary projects at the office. We discuss some ways to find positivity during this stressful time as well as continuing to be productive even when patient treatment is not an option. Contact Dental Realist: Twitter: @dentalrealist Email: Website: LinkedIn: Dental Realist
Episode 46 - The COVID-19 Effect on Dentistry
25/03/2020 Duration: 38minThe COVID-19 pandemic has affected all aspects of life and is now having a profound effect on dentistry. On Episode 46 we discuss: -The ADA's recommendations for dental practices -How dentists are coping during this crisis -How the virus has changed every day practice -The effect the virus is having on dental students We also talk about Dr. Neff's television debut and much, much more. This is a stressful time for dentists and students. We'll get through it together. Contact Dental Realist: Twitter: @dentalrealist Email: Website: LinkedIn: Dental Realist
Episode 45 - Standing Up To Insurance Companies w/ Benjamin Tuinei
26/02/2020 Duration: 49minOn Episode 45 we talk with Benjamin Tuinei to discuss how dentists can fight against low insurance reimbursements. Mr. Tuinei is the founder and CEO of Veritas Dental Resources and host of The Navigating Dental Insurance Podcast. We cover a variety of topics, including: -How to negotiate higher reimbursements. -How to know when to drop an insurance plan. -How to communicate with patients when dropping an insurance plan. We also discuss how dentistry got to this point with insurance and what is being done on a national level to improve the situation. Contact Dental Realist: Twitter: @dentalrealist Email: Website: LinkedIn: Dental Realist
Episode 44 - Preparing for Board Exams
21/02/2020 Duration: 42minClinical board exam time is one of the most stressful periods during dental school. On Episode 44 we discuss how to best prepare for boards in the weeks and days prior. We also relive some of our memories from our boards and discuss some ideas to improve board exams for dental students. We start Episode 43 by answering a listener question and discussing our favorite soda pop. Contact Dental Realist: Twitter: @dentalrealist Email: Website: LinkedIn: Dental Realist
Episode 43 - Deciding on a Job After Dental School
19/01/2020 Duration: 40minChoosing which job to pursue after dental school can be one of the dental student's most important decisions. On Episode 43 we discuss our individual stories for getting started after dental school, when dental students should start researching job opportunities, who to contact first, and what we would look for in an associate or practice purchaser. We start Episode 43 by discussing our favorite candy. We would be honored if you would join us! Contact Dental Realist: Twitter: @dentalrealist Email: Website: LinkedIn: Dental Realist
Episode 42 - Holiday Bonuses for the Dental Team
16/11/2019 Duration: 44minThe dental team is one of the most important assets of an enjoyable dental career. During the holidays the dental team is usually given a bonus of some kind, but how do you know how much to give each team member? And how do you scale back if your practice has had a slow year? What do you do if you staff begins to expect a bigger bonus each year? And what kind of gift is appropriate for dentists who work in corporate offices. We discuss this and much, much more on Episode 42 of the Dental Realist Podcast! Contact Dental Realist: Twitter: @dentalrealist Email: Website: LinkedIn: Dental Realist
Episode 41-Helping Private Practices Stay Competitive
01/08/2019 Duration: 46minWith the cost of running a dental practice getting more expensive, the rise of DSOs, and the changing dental marketplace how do private practice dentists stay competitive? To help dentists and future dentists navigate their careers during these changing times, we are joined by Caleb Carter of the Ion Dental Group. We discuss smart technology purchases, what challenges private practice dentists are facing now and will face in the future, how private practices can thrive in the current environment, and much more. We would be honored if you would join us! Contact Dental Realist: Twitter: @dentalrealist Email: Website: LinkedIn: Dental Realist
Episode 40 - Burnout in Dentistry
07/07/2019 Duration: 52minBurnout in dentistry has become a hot-button issue in recent years with more and more dentists being willing to admit they have experienced moderate to severe stress at some point in their careers. How is burnout defined? How does burnout manifest itself? How can it affect a dentist's personal and professional life? What can be done to deal with burnout when it comes? We answer these questions and many more on Episode 40 of the Dental Realist Podcast. Contact Dental Realist: Twitter: @dentalrealist Email: Website: LinkedIn: Dental Realist
Episode 39 - Challenging Patients and Diagnoses
13/06/2019 Duration: 44minEvery dentist encounters patients who have oral hygiene issues that are difficult to diagnose and questions that may not have clear-cut answers. Also, some patients claim to have immaculate oral hygiene home care, but still get cavities and want to know why. What are the best ways to deal with these patients? Is "I don't know" an acceptable answer? What is the dentist's responsibility and the patient's? We discuss these topics and much more on Episode 39. Contact Dental Realist: Twitter: @dentalrealist Email: Website: LinkedIn: Dental Realist
Episode 38 - How Decisions in Dentistry Impact Your Life
29/05/2019 Duration: 50minDecisions during your dental career are some of the most important you will make throughout your life. From deciding to go to dental school to deciding where to practice, decisions in dentistry can impact your life for years to come. What should be considered before making these major decisions? How do you decide between career opportunity and lifestyle location if the two aren't aligned? How does your personality impact some of these decisions? What kind of career movement is available in dentistry? We discuss this and much, much more on Episode 38. Contact Dental Realist: Twitter: @dentalrealist Email: Website: LinkedIn: Dental Realist
Episode 37 - Is This the Truth About Dentistry?
15/05/2019 Duration: 55minThe release of a recent article by The Atlantic called The Truth About Dentistry raised some questions about some of the information about dentistry that the general public receives. On Episode 37, Dr. Neff, Dr. Stevens, and Dr. Waldron discuss many of the topics in this article. Is dentistry really a science? Where is the balance between prevention and treatment? What is true and what is false in this article? Contact Dental Realist: Twitter: @dentalrealist Email: Website: LinkedIn: Dental Realist
Episode 36 - Questions From Future Dentists
10/03/2019 Duration: 54minRecently, some of the the dental students that Dr. Neff works with asked him some very important questions concerning their futures in dentistry. On Episode 36, Dr. Stevens and Dr. Waldron try to answer some of these questions and give guidance to all future dentists. Why do dentists seem to only work 3-4 days a week? What are our favorite procedures? What should new dentists look for when purchasing a practice or joining as an associate? What keeps dentists up at night? What are the benefits of a military loan repayment option? We discuss these topics and much, much more on Episode 36. We would be honored if you would join us! Contact Dental Realist: Twitter: @dentalrealist Email: Website: LinkedIn: Dental Realist
Episode 35 - Is the Solo Practice Dead?
18/01/2019 Duration: 56minWith the rise of dental service organizations, is private practice still a viable option for dentists? What sets dentistry apart from medicine that will allow private practices to survive? What are the benefits of working for a DSO? What are the benefits of working in a private practice? What are the best ways for the solo practice to compete with DSOs? We discuss all of this and much more on Episode 35 of the Dental Realist Podcast! Contact Dental Realist: Twitter: @dentalrealist Email: Website: LinkedIn: Dental Realist
Episode 34 - Challenges of Rewarding and Retaining Employees
26/12/2018 Duration: 57minWith the current economic realities of dentistry what is the rationale for offering our employees incentives and bonuses? How do you communicate this to staff members? How can you make employees feel like their job is rewarding when you can't offer big bonuses and benefits packages? What motivates someone to work at a dental office and to leave? What makes an employee feel important? We discuss this and much more on Episode 34 of the Dental Realist Podcast! Contact Dental Realist: Twitter: @dentalrealist Email: Website: LinkedIn: Dental Realist
Episode 33 - Retirement Age Is Increasing and Is the ADA Doing Anything To Help?
21/09/2018 Duration: 59minAccording to the American Dental Association, the retirement age of dentists is increasing and we discuss why we think this is, what dentists and future dentists can do to avoid a later retirement, and what the ADA can do to help. We also breakdown a recent interview with incoming ADA president Dr. Jeffrey Cole. What are his biggest concerns about the profession of dentistry? Does he have any solutions? What are his goals for his one-year presidency? What do we think the ADA should really do? How does this affect dentists and future dentists? We start the show by talking about an insurance issue that Dr. Stevens had this week and how it can affect other dentists' offices. Contact Dental Realist: Twitter: @dentalrealist Email: Website: LinkedIn: Dental Realist
Episode 32 - Mentur DDS
18/07/2018 Duration: 30minOn Episode 32 Dr. Neff, Dr. Stevens, and Dr. Waldron announce and discuss our new mentoring program, Mentur DDS. We started the Dental Realist Podcast to help other dentists and dental students navigate their career in dentistry and Mentur DDS will allow us to do this on a more personal level. We discuss our early days in dentistry and why we wish we would have had mentors that could help give us a head start in dentistry. We also discuss some of the traits we look for when hiring new staff members and much more! We would love you to join us. Contact Dental Realist: Twitter: @dentalrealist Email: Website: LinkedIn: Dental Realist
Episode 31 - Is a Residency Right For Me?
28/06/2018 Duration: 32minIn this episode Dr. Neff, Dr. Stevens, and Dr. Waldron discuss doing a one-year residency after dental school graduation, and Dr. Neff offers his unique perspective on these programs. What are the benefits of a one-year residency? What are some potential drawbacks? What are some things to consider when choosing a residency? Would it be better to complete a specialty residency? We discuss these questions and much more. We would love you to join us! Contact Dental Realist: Twitter: @dentalrealist Email: Website: LinkedIn: Dental Realist
Episode 30 - Dealing With A Bad Employer
05/06/2018 Duration: 43minIn this packed episode Dr. Neff, Dr. Stevens, and Dr. Waldron start by discussing how patient stress can impact the treating dentist. We continue our discussion by answering a listener's questions about dealing with a bad owner-dentist. Whose job is it to bring in new patients? Who decides which types of materials are to be used? Who should pay for practice marketing? What questions should a new dentist ask before accepting an associate position? We wrap up this episode by talking about an example of out-of-control student loan debt. Where does the burden fall when dental student debt continues to grow unchecked? Should dental school tuition continue to increase when dentist income is going down? **We apologize for a technical difficulty with Dr. Neff's audio in the second half of this episode.** Contact Dental Realist: Twitter: @dentalrealist Email: Website: LinkedIn: Dental Realist