Awake in the DREAM Radio - Join Dr. DREAM as he presents guests and topics that will Raise Your Frequency and Expand Your Consciousness...! Join Us "LIVE" at on Mondays at 2pm (Pacific Time - Los Angeles)These recordings are of past interviews, presentations and our radio broadcasts.To connect with Dr. DREAM direct or find out about other events,Visit the website; & & Facebook at Listen to the "LIVE" Awake in the DREAM Radio broadcasts at
"The Laura Eisenhower & Dr. DREAM-hour"
06/03/2014 Duration: 58minAwake in the DREAM Radio presents; "The Laura Eisenhower & Dr. DREAM-hour", tonight we discuss; Grey ETs and treaties, protecting our Souls, and advancing as a human race in practical ways, in the face of control agendas.
Awake in the DREAM Radio with Nigel Kerner
04/03/2014 Duration: 01h58minAwake in the DREAM Radio with Laura Magdalene Eisenhower and Dr. DREAM, with Nigel Kerner; Author & Freelance Journalist. Our topic; "UFO Phenomenon, the Greys, DNA & Your Soul"
"The Laura Eisenhower & Dr. DREAM-hour"
26/02/2014 Duration: 01h04sAwake in the DREAM Radio presents; "The Laura Eisenhower & Dr. DREAM-hour", tonight we discuss healing and transformation, listening to the body, retrogrades, our inner child, divine innocence and self love.
Awake in the DREAM Radio with Mona Delfino
25/02/2014 Duration: 01h58minAwake in the DREAM Radio with Laura Magdalene Eisenhower and Dr. DREAM, with Mona Delfino; Author, Medical Intuitive, Vibrational Healer. Our topic; "The Truth's In You ~ Healing on All Levels"
Hundredth Monkey Radio; Divine Feminine Roundtable ~ the Ladies
23/02/2014 Duration: 01h05minHundredth Monkey Radio; Divine Feminine Round table Emma Stow, Cynthia Kavassilas, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower February 23 2014 (Part 1 of 2)
"The Laura Eisenhower & Dr. DREAM-hour"
19/02/2014 Duration: 57minAwake in the DREAM Radio presents; "The Laura Eisenhower & Dr. DREAM-hour" Addressing Trauma and what it really means to let go and practice discernment.
Awake in the DREAM Radio with Karen Hudes
18/02/2014 Duration: 01h57minAwake in the DREAM Radio with Laura Magdalene Eisenhower and Dr. DREAM, this week's guest is Brien Foerster; Attorney, World Bank whistleblower. Our topic; "What Does It Take to Save the World?"
"The Laura Eisenhower & Dr. DREAM-hour"
12/02/2014 Duration: 01h04sAwake in the DREAM Radio presents; "The Laura Eisenhower & Dr. DREAM-hour" What is real fear compared to being moved to take action? How can we maintain balance with the light and dark, and then move towards empowerment?
Awake in the DREAM Radio with Brien Foerster
11/02/2014 Duration: 01h57minAwake in the DREAM Radio with Laura Magdalene Eisenhower and Dr. DREAM, this week's guest is Brien Foerster; Adventurer / Guide / Author. Our topic; "Ancient Lost Worlds & Hidden History"
Laura Eisenhower on Ravenstars Witching Hour with Solaris Blueraven
09/02/2014 Duration: 01h45minRavenstars Witching Hour, Solaris Blueraven with guest Laura Magdalene Eisenhower
"The Laura Eisenhower & Dr. DREAM-hour"
05/02/2014 Duration: 59minAwake in the DREAM RAdio presents; "The Laura Eisenhower & Dr. DREAM-hour" About wounds revealing what matters most, and what we came here to change - take the pain, and put it into action and purpose.
Awake in the DREAM Radio with Andrew D. Basiago
04/02/2014 Duration: 01h59minAwake in the DREAM Radio with Laura Magdalene Eisenhower and Dr. DREAM, this week's guest is Andrew D. Basiago; "The Inhabited Multi-verse"
"The Laura Eisenhower & Dr. DREAM-hour"
29/01/2014 Duration: 58minAwake in the DREAM RAdio presents; "The Laura Eisenhower & Dr. DREAM-hour" Chemtrails and being pro-active with empowerment and why doing the inner work is a huge part of this.
Awake in the DREAM Radio with Wigington & Webre
28/01/2014 Duration: 01h58minAwake in the DREAM Radio with Laura Magdalene Eisenhower and Dr. DREAM, this week's guests will be Dane Wigington on Geoengineering and Alfred Webre on Fukushima.
Dr. DREAM on Whole Living Radio with Sherry Gideons
28/01/2014 Duration: 57min"Dream the Biggest Dream, Supporting You in Creating the Life of Your Dreams" Dr. DREAM with Sherry Gideons on Whole Living Radio
Dr. DREAM on Revolution Radio with Michael David
27/01/2014 Duration: 01h49minDr. DREAM on Revolution Radio with Michael David's program; Odyssey.
Awake in the DREAM Radio with Cobra
21/01/2014 Duration: 01h58minAwake in the DREAM Radio with Laura Magdalene Eisenhower and Dr. DREAM with Cobra. "Messages from the Resistance"
Laura Eisenhower & Dr. DREAM on Granada Forum on Revolution Radio
17/01/2014 Duration: 01h42minLaura Eisenhower & Dr. DREAM on with Wendy from Granada Forum on Revolution Radio
In5D Cosmic Awakening Conference Preview
17/01/2014 Duration: 01h56minIn5D Radio with Laura Eisenhower, Dr. DREAM, Barbara Lamb, Nora Herold and Bashar - Cosmic Awakening Conference Preview
"The Laura Eisenhower & Dr. DREAM-hour"
15/01/2014 Duration: 59min"The Laura Eisenhower & Dr. DREAM-hour" Topics this evening include healing the negative ego, standing firm with boundaries, stopping patterns that no longer serve, and more