Astronomy Cast brings you a weekly fact-based journey through the cosmos.
AstronomyCast 173: The Herschel Space Observatory
17/02/2010 Duration: 30minAstronomyCast 173: The Herschel Space Observatory
Ep. 26: The Largest Structures in the Universe
11/02/2010 Duration: 27minThis week we continue the story of galaxy formation, learning how groups of galaxies come together to form the biggest structures around – galaxy superclusters. And when you look at the Universe at this scale, environment is everything.
AstronomyCast 171: Solar System Movements & Positions
10/02/2010 Duration: 36minAstronomyCast 171: Solar System Movements & Positions
AstronomyCast 170: Coordinate Systems
02/02/2010 Duration: 35minAstronomyCast 170: Coordinate Systems
AstronomyCast 169: The Fermi Mission
01/02/2010 Duration: 31minAstronomyCast 169: The Fermi Mission
Ep. 15: Listener Questions Answered
18/12/2006 Duration: 29minWe finally get organized enough deal with several listener questions: isn�t dark matter just regular stuff we can�t see? how can parts of the Universe be expanding faster than the speed of light? what will Betelgeuse look like when it explodes as a supernova? what�s the speed of gravity? All these and more questions are answered.