Every week, US Citizenship Podcast brings you practice interviews, quizzes, resources, and the latest news that help you get ready for your US Citizenship Interview.
Q44-45: USCIS 96 Questions 44-45: President, Term, Martin Luther King Jr., Civil Rights
19/03/2008 Duration: 03minToday we will listen to Questions 44-45 plus M-638 comments. You can download the Class Handout 44-45 to deepen your knowledge of US History and Politics and broaden your English language skills. Look for new vocabulary, grammar structures, and idioms. Note the key words--these words will help you remember the questions and answers. The key words for 44-45: PresidentTermMartin Luther King Jr.Civil Rights Dictation Sentences All people want to be free. Today is a sunny day.
Interview 11: Simple Citizenship Interview: Jong-Yi Wang
13/03/2008 Duration: 05minToday we will listen to our eleventh practice interview from Jong-Yi Wang (Country of Birth: Korea; Country of Nationality: Taiwan). These are simple questions are based on the N-400. You can get a pdf. of the Simple Citizenship Interview here. Visit us at for the show notes. Thanks!
Q42-43: USCIS 96 Questions 42-43: Germany, Italy, Japan, Alaska
04/03/2008 Duration: 03minToday we will listen to Questions 42-43 plus M-638 comments. You can download the Class Handout 42-43 to deepen your knowledge of US History and Politics and broaden your English language skills. Look for new vocabulary, grammar structures, and idioms. Note the key words--these words will help you remember the questions and answers. The key words for 42-43: Germany ItalyJapanAlaska Dictation Sentences Only Congress can declare war.There are 50 states in the Union.
Q40-41: USCIS 96 Questions 40-41: Original 13 Colonies, Patrick Henry
26/02/2008 Duration: 04minToday we will listen to Questions 40-41 plus M-638 comments. You can download the Class Handout 40-41 to deepen your knowledge of US History and Politics and broaden your English language skills. Look for new vocabulary, grammar structures, and idioms. Note the key words--these words will help you remember the questions and answers. The key words for 40-41: Original 13 ColoniesPatrick Henry Dictation Sentences The American flag has thirteen stripes. The people have a voice in government.
Presidents Day Special!
18/02/2008 Duration: 10minToday we will review the 96 questions and the 100 questions about President George Washington and President Abraham Lincoln. You can get a copy of the handout here.
MLK Day Special!
18/01/2008 Duration: 06minToday we will review the 96Qs (45) and the new 100Q (48, 84, 85, 100) related to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. You can get the MLK Day handout here. Check out: EL Civics: MLK MLK CenterSimple Wikipedia: MLK VOA News: MLK Remembered
Interview-10: Simple Citizenship Interview--Xuan Do
17/01/2008 Duration: 09minToday we will listen to our tenth practice interview from Xuan Do (Hanoi, Vietnam). These are simple questions are based on the N-400. You can get a pdf. of the Simple Citizenship Interview here. Visit us at for the show notes. Thanks!
Thanksgiving Special!
18/11/2007 Duration: 08minToday we will review the 96Qs (50, 53, 68, 69, 70) and the new 100Q (10, 58, 59, 87, 100) related to Thanksgiving. Handouts: Thanksgiving mp3Q50 and 53 Class HandoutQ68-70 Class HandoutThanksgiving Quiz: USCIS 96Qs & new 100QsThanksgiving Quiz Answers (Qs with answers--perfect for practice)Thanksgiving Cloze Essay Dictation: All people want to be free.Many people come to America for freedom. There are many links listed on the handouts. Of special interest are: ELCivics: Thanksgiving The 13 Original ColoniesESLPodcast 91 – Thanksgiving HeadsUp English: Thanksgiving TimePage: 13 Original Colonies Time Line VOANews: Thanksgiving Day: Filled With Family Traditions and, Oh Yes, FoodVOANews: American History Series: A Clash of Cultures in the New World
Q38-39: USCIS 96 Questions 38-39: Speaker of the House, Chief Justice
26/10/2007 Duration: 04minToday we will listen to Questions 38-39 plus M-638 comments. You can download the Class Handout 38-39 to deepen your knowledge of US History and Politics and broaden your English language skills. Look for new vocabulary, grammar structures, and idioms. Note the key words--these words will help you remember the questions and answers. The key words for 36-39: Speaker of the HouseChief Justice Dictation Sentences The House and Senate are parts of Congress.The people have a voice in government. You can get more info about the Speaker of the House and the Chief Justice from ELCivics: The Capitol Building EL Civics: The Supreme Court Simple Wiki: Speaker of the House Simple Wiki: Supreme Court
Q36-37: USCIS 96 Questions 36-37: Capital, Governor
20/10/2007 Duration: 05minToday we will listen to Questions 36-37 plus M-638 comments. You can download individual State Handouts 36-37 (see below) to deepen your knowledge of US History and Politics and broaden your English language skills. Look for new vocabulary, grammar structures, and idioms. Note the key words--these words will help you remember the questions and answers. The key words for Q36-37: CapitolGovernor Dictation Sentences The United States of America has fifty states.There are fifty states in the Union. You can get more info about State Capitals and Governors from 50 States State Maps: 50 states Wikipedia: List of US Governors Wikipedia: State Capitals (detailed!) Simple Wiki: State Capitals Individual State Handouts for Q36-37: AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaWashington Check back for more states. If you need a state handout quickly, email Thanks!
New USCIS 100 Questions
28/09/2007 Duration: 01minGet the new 100 Questions here! More info coming soon!
Q34-35: USCIS 96 Questions 34-35: Constitution, Bill of Rights
27/09/2007 Duration: 05minToday we will listen to Questions 34-35 plus M-638 comments. You can download the Class Handout 34-35 to deepen your knowledge of US History and Politics and broaden your English language skills. Look for new vocabulary, grammar structures, and idioms. Note the key words--these words will help you remember the questions and answers. The key words for 34-35: Constitution Bill of Rights Dictation Sentences The Constitution is the supreme law of our land. He knows how to a ride a bike. You can get more info about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights from EL Civics: The US Constitution NCC: Explore the Constitution Simple Wiki: The US Constitution
Q32-33: USCIS 96 Questions 32-33: Judicial Branch, Supreme Court, Law
26/07/2007 Duration: 04minToday we will listen to Questions 32-33 plus M-638 comments. You can download the Class Handout 32-33 to deepen your knowledge of US History and Politics and broaden your English language skills. Look for new vocabulary, grammar structures, and idioms. Note the key words--these words will help you remember the questions and answers. The key words for 32-33: Judicial BranchSupreme CourtLaw Dictation Sentences There are three branches of government.He has a very big dog. You can get more info about the Executive Branch from EL Civics: The Supreme Court Simple Wiki: The Supreme Court VOA The Supreme Court
Q30-31: USCIS 96 Questions 30-31: Excutive Branch, President
25/07/2007 Duration: 03minToday we will listen to Questions 30-31 plus M-638 comments. You can download the Class Handout 30-31 to deepen your knowledge of US History and Politics and broaden your English language skills. Look for new vocabulary, grammar structures, and idioms. Note the key words--these words will help you remember the questions and answers. The key words for 25-27: Executive Branch President Dictation Sentences The President is elected every four years.He came to live with his brother. You can get more info about the Executive Branch from EL Civics: The White House VOA: The Road to the 2008 US Elections The White House: Presidents Simple Wiki: US Executive Branch Wikipedia: US Presidential Elections
Reminder: New Fees Begin July 30, 2007!
24/07/2007 Duration: 08minToday we will listen to a reminder about the new USCIS fees starting July 30, 2007.Here's a Class Handout: Summary of the New Fees. Here is another Class Handout: "Sending Your N-400 to USCIS". Please note that there are four pages: one page for each USCIS Service Center in California, Texas, Nebraska, and Vermont. Please confirm that you are using the correct page for your state. Originally, I put the information for all four USCIS Service Centers and their assigned states on a single sheet of paper. When I gave the single sheet of paper to my students, they became confused. The print was too tiny and there was too much information. I re-formatted the information and printed the Summary of the New Fees on the first side and Sending Your N-400 to USCIS on the second side. I printed the information on color paper so they can find this paper quickly and easily. Many students took extra copies home for their family and friends. Also, please check out the new online video from USCIS "Promise of Freedom"--a twelv
Interview-09: Advanced Citizenship Interview--David Bian (Tianjin, China)
19/07/2007 Duration: 12minToday we will listen to our ninth practice interview David Bian (Tianjin, China). These are basic questions are based on the N-400. You can get a pdf. of the Advanced Citizenship Interview here. Visit us at for the show notes. Thanks!
Interview-08: Basic Citizenship Interview--Wei Zhang (Beijing, China)
10/07/2007 Duration: 10minToday we will listen to our eighth practice interview Wei Zhang (Beijing, China). These are basic questions are based on the N-400. You can get a pdf. of the Basic Citizenship Interview here. Visit us at for the show notes. Thanks!
Interview-07: Simple Citizenship Interview--Juana Ortega (Las Margaritas, Jalisco, Mexico).
07/07/2007 Duration: 07minToday we will listen to our seventh practice interview from Juana Ortega(Las Margaritas, Jalisco, Mexico). These are simple questions are based on the N-400. You can get a pdf. of the Simple Citizenship Interview here. Visit us at for the show notes. Thanks!
July 4th Special: the new 142Qs and more!
05/07/2007 Duration: 15minToday's podcast will feature questions related to the current USCIS 96qs and the Pilot Questions. The Pilot Questions have been revised There are now 142 questions. Two questions were removed related to the minimum wage and battles of the American Revolution. Topics were added to organize the questions and some of the questions have been rearranged. Questions have been marked for Senior Citizens older that 65 and have been legal permanent residents for more than 20 years. You can get the reformated USCIS 142 here. You can get the reformated USCIS 142Qs for Senior Citizens here. You can get the M-638 Quick Civics Lessons in English here. You can get the M-638 Quick Civics Lessons in Spanish here.
Q28-29: USCIS 96 Questions 28-29: Legislative Branch, Congress, House of Representatives
03/07/2007 Duration: 04minToday we will listen to Questions 28-29 plus M-638 comments. You can download the Class Handout 28-29 to deepen your knowledge of US History and Politics and broaden your English language skills. Look for new vocabulary, grammar structures, and idioms. Note the key words--these words will help you remember the questions and answers. The key words for Q28-29: Legislative BranchCongressHouse of Representatives You can get more info about the House of Representatives from Simple Wikipedia: House of RepresentativesWikipedia: 110th CongressNational Atlas: Congressional DistrictsHouse of Representatives: Find Your RepresentativeUSPS Zip Code + 4 Lookup (to help you find your US Rep)VOA THIS IS AMERICA #1061 Census of 2000