Game Of Thrones With Shark Liver Oil

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 72:05:10
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Essential counselling to help you cope with regular major character deaths


  • A Dance With Dragons, Part 14 - Ser Rasputin Selmy

    14/05/2016 Duration: 01h27min

    RESUBSCRIBE NOW - in your RSS subscription section! It's the big finish - la grande crescendo - el grand culminacion: and this is A Song of Ice and Fire, so it's bloody. Join us as we sprint into Season 6 of Game of Thrones, and share our astonished delight at the continued survival of the original badassed grandpa; surely he can't be long for this world? He's doing better than most people, though. Mentioning no names. On an unrelated topic, this podcast marks our final embrace of the fact that George RR Martin is not misunderstood after all, and is in fact as much of a bastard as everyone thinks. Why, George? Why?! As ever, get us your thoughts on the books, the series, and the fate of certain people at, or on Twitter @sharkliveroil. For the watch!

  • Dance With Dragons 13: Enter The Dragon (Tamer)

    05/05/2016 Duration: 01h14min

    Hey, you know what would be a good idea? Heading down to the dragon pit for a bit of amateur dragon taming." Said no sane person ever. Join Shark Liver Oil for our penultimate part in our gargantuan read through of A Dance With Dragons. We spend a lot of time across the narrow sea as Quentyn makes his bid for greatness. We also check in with Tyrion as he tries to become a mercenary and we join Cersei for the worst stroll through Kings Landing since that High Septon had his arms ripped off. Promises to be eventful. Get your feedback into us at or find us on twitter @sharkliveroil

  • A Dance With Dragons, Part 12 - Every Child an X-Man

    11/04/2016 Duration: 01h35min

    We're back! And this week, there's the smooth flavour of Essos' own take on Ocean's Eleven, the arresting notion of Nicholas Cage as Arya Stark, and the surprising possibility that George RR Martin was once shut out of a Madness gig and took it reeeeeaaally personally. I don't know what you're used to, Wensleydale, but around here we do things by the book. As ever, get in touch through, on on Twitter @sharkliveroil, and let us know what other references we're missing.

  • Dance With Dragons 11: Welcome To Pork And Monkey Island

    04/04/2016 Duration: 01h09min

    In part 11 Shark Liver Oil boldly sails into unchartered waters in search of a mysterious land called Pork and Monkey Island! First discovered by Victarion Greyjoy. The bold captain waited there for his Iron Fleet and (while enthusiastically stocking up on all the pig meat he could carry) was mercilessly pelted with as much shit as a troop of monkeys could throw (which was a lot). We're also treated to the Talent Show To End All Talent Shows as Tyrion and Penny do their hilarious jousting routine and Danaerys rides a dragon off into the sunset. You. Were. Fan. Tastic..... Release the lions... Send us your feedback to or get us on twitter @sharkliveroil Sorry for the sporadic uploads recently, we keep hitting our bandwidth limit and we don't make any cash from this - so we have to make do with a limit like the plucky and stoic little paupers we are.

  • A Dance With Dragons Part 10 - Exit, Pursued By A Dragon

    14/03/2016 Duration: 01h25min

    We're back, and it's time for part 10 of our coverage of A Dance With Dragons by George RR Martin. This week, we've got characters trolling other characters, and the author trolling his audience; it must be Game of Thrones. Also a wedding, (another) ambiguous death scene, and Theon striking the least-well-timed heroic pose in the history of Westeros. As ever, let us know what you're thinking about the book, the podcast, or Season 6 of Game of Thrones. Looking forward to it? Terrified? Strangely warmed? @sharkliveroil on Twitter, or

  • Dance With Dragons 9: Not Long For This World

    06/03/2016 Duration: 01h06min

    "Extra! Extra! Read All About It! Mad Dick Head Kisses Queen! Not Long For This World!" Welcome to part 9 of Dance With Dragons or, featuring a cast of thousands, seemingly not long for this world. Northmen from the hills are fatalistically preparing for a chilly winter death, Stannis is getting bogged down in snow, Daario is pushing new boundaries of indiscretion and Ser Barristan continues to defy Dave's prediction of violent death - but how long can he survive?! It feels like everyone's livin on the edge! Get your feedback into us at or find us on twitter @sharkliveroil

  • A Dance With Dragons Part 8 - Abstinence Education with Tyrion Lannister

    17/02/2016 Duration: 01h10min

    The shark rides the dragon onwards, ever onwards! This week in our romp through A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin, we've got the many faces of the Artist Formerly Known As Theon Greyjoy, a heroic effort from Jon Snow to piss off literally everybody who works for him, and the worst cooking practice in the history of naval cuisine. Also witticisms, attempted witticisms, and jokes that didn't fall flat on their faces, you're just not smart enough to get them. As always, get in touch with your thoughts, schemes, ideas, fan theories and lurve: you're the best. Twitter @sharkliveroil, email

  • Dance With Dragons 7: Little People Big People

    13/02/2016 Duration: 01h17min

    It's all about extreme in part seven of Shark Liver Oil's readthrough of A Dance With Dragons. From the smallest amongst us we find out more about Tyrion and Penny's pig riding, ship breaking and storm ravaged journey across the hot and humid climes of their ocean journey towards Slavers Bay. At the other end of the height spectrum, everyone's favourite giant Wun Wun has trouble settling into life at Castle Black. It's like fire and ice, taking over the whole wooooorld... Get your feedback into us at or find us on twitter @sharkliveroil

  • A Dance With Dragons Part 6 - Pretty Bad HR Policy

    04/02/2016 Duration: 01h37min

    WE'RE BACK ON THE DRAGONS! It's our return for a final victory lap of the world of A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin (at least until The Winds of Winter comes out). Revel! In the sight of a grown admiral acting like an angry teenager. Gasp! At the wince-enducing cruelty of negligent pirates. And chortle! At the apparent presence of early 90's hip comedy staples in the otherwise bleak wastes of Westeros. As ever, get in touch with your thoughts on the book, the characters or the podcast - @sharkliveroil on Twitter, or

  • A Dance With Dragons Part 5 - Harpies Gonna Harp

    14/12/2015 Duration: 01h03min

    It's time for some guerrilla warfare, some questionable health advice, and, of course, some poor life choices - it's time, in fact, for the fifth part of our coverage of A Dance With Dragons by George RR Martin! Featuring dragons, dancing, and some beings who are definitely not zombies no no definitely not. As ever, send us your thoughts at, or on Twitter at @sharkliveroil.

  • A Dance With Dragons 4: The Onion Of Ill Omen

    10/12/2015 Duration: 01h20min

    Welcome to part 4 of shark liver oil's journey through A Dance With Dragons. We check in with Davos during his ill advised diplomatic mission to White Harbour, we encounter the stone men as part of Tyrion's Big Gap Year Boat Trip Adventure, Theon/ Reek visits a new contender for "Most Miserable Place in Westeros" and problems continue to pile up for both Jon and Dany. Things are getting rough - good job we're here to guide you through it. Shields Up! Swords! Lets do this! Get you feedback over to us on email or on twitter @sharkliveroil

  • A Dance With Dragons 3: Not Even An Ethical Grey Area

    10/12/2015 Duration: 01h48min

    Welcome to part 3 of our rollocking good romp through A Dance With Dragons. In this section Danaerys considers bringing back Mereen's "Even More Extreme WWE" style fighting pits, Jon sends his best friends away in an honourable move worthy of Ned Stark and Davos moves ever closer to his Feast For Crows illustrated head on a spike situation in White Harbour. Get your feedback and comments to us on email or on twitter @sharkliveroil

  • Dance With Dragons 2: Knock His Block Off

    16/11/2015 Duration: 01h24min

    The second part of Shark Liver Oil's page by page guide to George RR Martin's Dance With Dragons says hello to a pole-boat load of new characters, welcomes back some old favourites and fetches the chopping block for one of its enemies. Get ready to meet Griff, Halfmaester Haldon, as-yet-unnamed-purple-haired-boy, Sexy Septa and of course the worst named knight in the seven kingdoms and beyond: Ser Duck. We also say "hello old friend" to Davos Seaworth. However, considering we learned in Feast For Crows that he's to have his head on a spike at White Harbour in the not so distant future, we fear he won't be around for long. What? That's not a spoiler! When is a spoiler not a spoiler? When the author's written it into a previous book, thats when!! Ahem, get your feedback into us at or find us on twitter @sharkliveroil And download it fast - we're running out of bandwidth for this month!! (Sorry about this, we're working on a solution..)

  • Dance With Dragons 1: King of the Rabbits

    15/11/2015 Duration: 01h42min

    WE'RE BACK! As dragon returns to its recently-charred livestock, so we return to A Song of Ice and Fire, and it's good to be back on the dragon wagon. This week, we've got the return - with a bump - of all the characters you missed during A Feast for Crows, which means Jon Snow! In the snow! Tyrion Lannister! In a barrel! And Danaerys Targaryen! In a surprisingly complex political and cultural quandary! Yes, ASOIAF is still the smartest gig in fantasy, and we are still running to keep up, telling fart gags all the way. This week featuring extra Desmond Tutu. As ever, get in touch with us on @sharkliveroil or via email, and let us know what you think of the book!

  • Feast For Crows 10 - Hangin With Brienne

    03/07/2015 Duration: 01h13min

    Its the final episode of Shark Liver Oil's rollocking good romp through George RR Martin's A Feast For Crows! And what a feast we have for you here. In a shock twist, Brienne appears to have survived, only to appear to die again a few pages later in another shock twist. Will she return in yet another shock twist when we get to A Dance of Dragons? And speaking of shock twists... its the return of Pate!!! (who?). Dude from the prologue. Wanted to sleep with a prostitute. Met some shady fellow in an alleyway and passed out. Of all the characters to make a dramatic and glorious return, he probably wasn't up there with Robb Stark, but we'll take what we can get at this stage.. Get your feedback into us on twitter @sharkliveroil or on email Note: Sorry for how late this episode has been. We've had a spike in popularity recently and its meant we crashed through our bandwidth limit last month. It's reset now but if it keeps happening we'll upgrade. Don't worry sharklettes, Shark Liver

  • Feast For Crows 9 - Descent

    23/06/2015 Duration: 55min

    In Descent, Shark Liver Oil explores the murky nadir of A Feast For Crows. We plough through more Cersei insanity and spend almost an entire chapter locked in a tower with a petulant and unapologetic teenager. We then get a luxurious amount of detail lavished upon Sansa and Sweetrobin's climb down the mountain. With no Brienne or Jaime to redeem it, this looks like a bumpy ride ahead. But what's this? Dave actually liked most of this part and it wasn't as bad as Matt remembered from the last read. Maybe there's light at the end of the tunnel after all! And there's also the long overdue return to our long running joke about Westeros's favourite elderly House DJ, Grandmasta Pycelle. Lets get it on! Send your feedback to or find us on twitter @sharkliveroil

  • Feast for Crows 8 - Two Arrows, A Mace, And A Vat Of Boiling Oil

    16/06/2015 Duration: 01h06min

    We continue our tour of Westeros like the hardy northmen we are, not even asking for a refund when the bed turns out to be more populated with bugs than Kings Landing is by psychos; INSTEAD, we hear the world's worst marriage proposal, see the outcome of some truly horrendous dental work, and Ser Loras encounters a Family Guy tribute he'll never forget. The poor bastard. Matt's still scared that our audience is standing around in hoods, silently watching us - so if you'd like to relieve his misery, get in touch through @sharkliveroil on Twitter or for email. See you next week for a special edition entitled Matt Gets Really Cross.

  • Feast For Crows 7: The Quiet Isle

    08/06/2015 Duration: 01h08min

    We continue our rollocking good romp through George RR Martin's A Feast For Crows with Part 7: The Quiet Isle. Brienne takes a breather on Monk Island, a not so cunning plot of Cersei's backfires spectacularly and we visit Braavos and meet Cassio - King Of The Seals. Will he make a late bid for the Iron Throne? We certainly hope so. We're also making a heartfelt plea for feedback. We can see from our stats that we've had a bit of a spike in (apparently silent) listeners recently. Why not drop us an email or send us a tweet @sharkliveroil and we'll give you a mention on the cast! Or don't, and continue to freak Matt out. That would be funny too.

  • A Feast for Crows Part 6 - The Reaver

    01/06/2015 Duration: 54min

    We're back, galloping across Westeros, thundering through King's Landing and doing fuck all in the North because there's none of that in this book and George Martin doesn't care how you feel. BUT INSTEAD we've got a new entry in the popular 'poor life choices in Westeros' series (now starring Cersei), a rare sighting of Jaime's sense of honour, and the mother of all hangovers. Grab your bottles of ouzo destructo and get involved - we're and @sharkliveroil on Twitter.

  • Feast For Crows 5 - Kill The Beets

    24/05/2015 Duration: 01h07min

    We're at the halfway stage of A Feast For Crows by George RR Martin and things are starting to heat up! There's a crazy one man cavalry charge to round off an even crazier freewheeling teen plot to take over Westeros, a diplomatic masterclass from everyone's favourite slimy politician and some strange happenings over at the House of Black and White. And if that wasn't enough there's flying porridge and a Westeros wide ban of beets (not the headphones) as the realm's entitled children decide they're fed up and they're not going to fucking take it any more. It promises to be a lively discussion. If you want to get involved in shark liver oil with any thought on A Feast For Crows or the cast in general, send them to or find us on twitter @sharkliveroil

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