Listen every day of the week. The Vibe radio network is home to some talented hosts with awesome shows with a wide range of topics.Monday Nights- Paranormal Party-9pm-10pm Est.Time w/ The Conner Sisters and 10-11 pm The Freakin Awesome Paranormal Show with Ryan Jones, Celestial McBride and Amanda Lea Tuesday Night- 8pm-9pm Shadow Travels With Kevin Cook and Raymond Stazzone9pm-10pm Freqs n Geeks with April Mooneyham and Keri LongestWednesday Night-Bat girl radio- 8pm-9pm Est. Time W/ Amy JoRising above the ashes radio-9pm-10pm Est.time W/Holly MullinsThursday Night-Light,Love& Peace 9pm-10pm w/ Alex and NicoleWithin Chaos 10pm-11pm Est.Time w/ Rodney Shortridge and Robyn DaltonFriday Night- Saturday Night-Hour of Enlightenment- 9pm-10pm Est.W/Jake FifeSunday Night-Rev. Payshence Spiritual Ministry Radio w/ Payshence Smith and Tangee 9pm-10pm Est. TimeChasing the Supernatural 10pm-11pm Est. Time W/Josh Bender
All of the Above Radio welcomes Transcend Paranormal
13/01/2016 Duration: 02h24minTune in as All of the Above Radio speaks with Steven Dills & John Harris of Transcend Paranormal, an investigative team based in Richmond, Va. Transcend has been featured in magazine & news articles, and have been tasked with being the primary investigative team for locations such as Hanover Tavern, Henricus Historical Park, and The Graffitti House. All due to their professional conduct and knowledge of the field. This is SURE to be a great show, and LOTS of informaation will be shared. You SSURELY don't want to miss this show!
Paranormal Party-Melissa Bryan & Faps Interviews Pat Bussard
12/01/2016 Duration: 02h02minParanormal Party 9pm-10pm with the Conner Sisters- Listen as they Interview Melissa Bryan. Chris Porkka (DJTiger101) and Melissa Bryan (Katherine Horton - James) are Cousins who teamed up to do something better with the Paranormal. We are Independent in all that we do. Psychic Mediums; Demonologist; Paranormal Author; Spirit Research & Investigations; Rocks, Gems & Minerals; Watkins Herbals and Paranormal Personalities. We are seeking to be Guests on Paranormal Radio, a well as getting Sponsors for our work. DJTiger101 and I have a combined 62 years' experience with all things Spirit. Our Home is also Haunted. Our Abilities come of Ancestral Lineage; Shamanic, Druidic, and Gypsy. We also connect on a Past Life as Husband and Wife, enabling us to work even better together, knowing exactly what the other is thinking and feeling. Together, we Own Outlaw Life Paranormal Team NM TV & Radio, LLC. Copyright, Trademark and Insurance are coming soon. Our Radio Show "Rancho Paranormal" premiers on ZTalk Ra
Chasing the Supernatural-Cory Heinzen
11/01/2016 Duration: 55minChasing the Supernatural- 10pm-11pm with Josh Bender Join Josh as he interviews Cory Heinzen from Maine Paranormal Society..
Hour of Enlightenment Interviews Teen Parnaormal Investigator John Covey
10/01/2016 Duration: 01h05minThis is the debut show of "Hour of Enlightenment" and I will have John Covey on the show. John is a teen Paranormal Investigator who has had many amazing experiences, and is very knowledgeable about other fields as well!
Emerald Tablet- Meet your Hosts & Within the Chaos- The Conner Sisters
08/01/2016 Duration: 02h02minEmerald Tablet Radio 9pm-10pm with your hosts Tara Perfetti Street & Holly Mullins- Listen in to the girls first show on the Vibe Radio Network, They will introduce themselves as well as talk about what you will hear on Emerald Tablet Radio. Within the Chaos 10pm-11pm with your hosts Rodney Shortridge and Robyn Dalton- Listen in as they interview The Conner Sisters of Sisters of Salem Paranormal Research and Paranormal Party we will find out what got them into the paranormal world and were their future in the paranormal world is heading.
Bat Girl Radio Stephen Erkintalo & Rising from the Ashes Radio-Josh "Jb" Bowen
07/01/2016 Duration: 02h00sFrom 8pm-9pm listen in to Bat Girl Radio as your Host Amy Jo Interviews Stephen Erkintalo from Superior Paranormal. From 9pm-10pm Listen in to Rising from the Ashes Radio with your host Holly as she brings in 2016 with her special show. "New Year,Better Me" with special guest Josh "JB" Bowen, A fitness professional and accomplished personal trainer.
All of the Above Radio talks with Jeff Mudgett
06/01/2016 Duration: 01h52minListen in as your hosts Dennis Estlock and Melissa Duck talk with Jeff Mudgett regarding the passing of his daughter Melissa (Missy). Find out how our medical system played a role in the loss of such a beautiful soul. Could it have been miscommunication, mistakes & over-sights, or perhaps just a flawed system? We'll get Jeff's story and let you decide.
Paranormal Party-Nicole Glosser &Freakin Awesome Paranormal Show-Karissa Fleck
05/01/2016 Duration: 01h53minParanormal party 9pm-10pm with the Conner Sisters- Listen in as the Conner sisters interview the beautiful and talented Nicole Glosser, Spiritual Sensitive. She is learning to embrace my God-given gifts so that she may help others. she is able to communicate with spirits by hearing them, and receiving images and knowledge from them. "I am grateful for all the connections my gift has helped me make." Freakin Awesome Paranormal show 10pm-11pm with Ryan Jones and Amanda Dalton- Listen in as Ryan Jones and Amanda Dalton interview Karissa Fleck the lead investigator on the Horsefly Chronicles case for 2 years. She is an extensive knowledge of the paranormal and has been on many investigations. Karissa is a medium who has been caled on to help out on many different cases. She is also the hosts Sleepless Night Radio on Saturday nights, The Paranormal Panel on Thursday nights and Dark Para Radio on Wednesday nights.
Pagan Presence-Paranormal within & Chasing the Supernatural- Holly Mullins
04/01/2016 Duration: 01h56minPagan Presence 9pm-10pm with Aradia- Listen in as Aradia discusses the Paranormal within the normal, Are we all born Psychic? Chasing the Supernatural 10pm-11pm with Josh Bender- Listen in as Josh Interviews Paranormal Investigator Holly Mullins. , Co Founder and lead Investigator of Black Mountain Paranormal Society. Black Mountain Paranormal Society was founded in 2010 by Holly and Garry Adams. She is also a Radio Network Owner and hosts multiple podcasts. Holly has always been drawn to the Paranormal, Hearing stories as a child then in her young adulthood having her own experiences with "Obe's" aka Astral Projection it opened her up to the paranormal even more. Wanting to help others like herself she had the oppurtunity to start a group to do so. After a few years of Investigating Holly found answers in research and through other people. Through Meditation and Spiritual Awakening she now finds herself on the healing path. Being able to do energy work as well as being intuitive. Her notorious hot han
The Freakin Awesome Paranormal Show presents practice Holly
29/12/2015 Duration: 01h14minDress Rehearsal
Its The Vibe Family Christmas Special
22/12/2015 Duration: 01h32minIt's time to meet and greet the hosts of the brand new Vibe Radio Network...join us as we spread some holiday cheer!!