Where Paranormal is Normal. The BEST guests worldwide interviewed by paranormal expert Patricia Baker & her co-hosts. Guests from this world...and others.
Scleroderma Miracle with Jane Grecsek
22/09/2021 Duration: 01h30minScleroderma is a potentially deadly disease with very few effective traditional treatments and no cure. The diagnosis is usually a death sentence for hundreds of thousands of patients. Jane developed Scleroderma after a very traumatic car accident. Her symptoms progressed until fibrosis had paralyzed her intestines and esophagus. There were only two choices left - let the doctors remove her intestines or take a medication from Italy - off label - that might help. Hear her choice and her incredible, miraculous story. Jane is a very successful commercial photographer and nationally recognized cause marketing expert. Her experience spans two decades and began in the publishing arena where she founded Princeton Scientific Publishers - a company which produced newsletters, journals and seminars on reducing and replacing animals in toxicity studies. This pioneering work led to major changes in the role and treatment of animals in testing today. Call in with your questions: 563-999-3539
Nikolai Tesla & More~Inventors of free energy with Expert/ Inventor Tom Paladino
15/09/2021 Duration: 01h30minOur world would have taken a different direction had Tesla's inventions been allowed to be understood and established . What was really possible with Tesla's innovations? And who else discovered scalar capablities only to be thrown into obscurity while we became slaves to corporations owning energy? Expert/ inventor Tom Paladino shares all.
Uncrossing! Rid yourself of hexes & curses with Expert/Author Katrina Rasbold
08/09/2021 Duration: 01h30minKatrina is a practicing bruja, rootworker, Tarotologist, teacher and author of over thirty published book. She has been active in the magical arts since 1982. in 1997 she and her husband Eric founded the CUSP spiritual path now practiced worldwide. Eric and Katrina own Crossroads Metaphysical Store in Shingle Springs, California, where they offer their handmade magical products and services such as spellcasting, healing, and cleansing. You can contact Katrina via Katrina and Eric have six adult children who are grown up and loose out there in the world.
Spontaneous Past Life Healing with expert/author Dr. Shelley Kaehr
01/09/2021 Duration: 01h30minDoes your past life trauma color your world today? According to Dr. Kaehr it often does, however, there is a way to heal that and set yourself free! For two decades, Shelley A. Kaehr, PhD (Dallas, TX) has worked with thousands of people around the world helping them achieve greater peace and happiness in their lives. A world-renowned past-life regressionist, Dr. Shelley’s method of combining energy work with hypnosis has been endorsed by numerous leaders in the field of consciousness, including near-death experience pioneer Dr. Raymond Moody and Dr. Brian Weiss. She received her Doctorate of Philosophy in Parapsychic Science from the American Institute of Holistic Theology in 2001.
Astrologer Jeff Harman Tell Us What Is Coming Next~ Buckle Up
25/08/2021 Duration: 01h30minIn a tumultuus world this is a "need to know" time. Too may high level secrets have left us out in the cold. What can we expect and what should we do? Jeff Harman, is a second-generation astrologer. With 45 years of experience, Jeff is a master of Classical, Vedic, and Kabbalistic Astrology. He also draws from many other traditions of spiritual knowledge for clearing people and property of unwanted energies, and he is a consultant for paranormal investigations. Jeff specializes in Electional Astrology--the art of selecting auspicious times to sign contracts, release product, travel, and schedule weddings, surgery, and other important events. Jeff has also worked in many aspects of the entertainment industry. Based in Los Angeles, California, Jeff is available worldwide by phone and internet conferencing.
Medical Reiki~ Using Healers and Traditional Medical with Raven Keyes
18/08/2021 Duration: 01h30minTonight another leading edge SuperNatural Health Segment! Patients can now choose to have traditional and alternative practitioners work side by side in operating rooms and medical treatment centers to produce a more successful outcome. Raven Keyes, RMT, CRMT, is an internationally recognized Reiki Master Teacher who has worked with surgeons and other health professionals for many years. She is the author of the award-winning book The Healing Power of Reiki and the founder of Raven Keyes Medical Reiki International. Raven was also names Best Reiki Master in New York by New York Magazine.
INVOCATION with Expert/Author Lon Milo DuQuette
11/08/2021 Duration: 01h28minOccult expert and author Lon Milo DuQuette gives us insight on why Invocation is so important for both meditation and magickal practice. Singer-songwriter, recording artist, and humorist, Lon Milo DuQuette is also the author of 19 critically acclaimed books (translated in 12 languages) on Magick and the Occult. Critics have called him one of the most respected and entertaining writers and lecturers in the field of the Western Mystery Traditions. Since 1975 DuQuette been a national and international governing officer of Ordo Templi Orientis, one of the most influential magical societies of the 20th and 21st Centuries. He is currently the Order's United States Deputy Grand Master. He is an internationally recognized authority on tarot, ceremonial magick, and esoteric Freemasonry. Although he takes these subjects very seriously, he tries not to take himself too seriously. This rare combination of scholarship and humor has earned him in the last 30 years a unique and respected position in American spiritual and
Remote Viewing with Expert Lori Lambert Williams
03/08/2021 Duration: 01h30minIn 1999, Lori met the first remote viewer to be inducted into the military’s then-fledgling “psychic spying unit”: Melvin Riley. Mel and Lori became good friends, and she has been blessed to have his additional mentoring in her life. Over the years, Ms. Williams has spent countless hours honing her remote viewing skills through practice sessions with provable feedback, complete with written summaries and recorded datasheets. In those early years (1996 to 2001) she drove 12 hours round trip on many weekends to assist and learn from Mr. Buchanan as he taught various remote viewing workshops. In 2001, Ms. Williams became the first certified civilian Controlled Remote Viewing instructor, and has been teaching an average of one to five 3-day workshops on a monthly basis ever since. She has taught Remote Viewing in Canada, Ireland, Russia, Europe and all over the United States.
Clearview "Skinwalker" Ranch: with Colorado's Mufon Director Katie Griboski
28/07/2021 Duration: 01h30minWhat is going on at Clearview "Skinwalker" Ranch? Tune in to find out. Katie Griboski is Colorado MUFON’s State Director and serves on the Colorado Board of Directors. She is a STAR (Strike Team Area Research) Investigator for MUFON. She is team lead/administrator for MUFON’s MARRS Team (MUFON’s Archive Research, Reporting System). She also conducts her own independent investigations and research outside of MUFON and likes to present her findings. Katie spends a lot of her time traveling to archives for research and to conduct interviews. She is the author of; Letters of Love & Light - Four Decades of UFO Encounters, Experiences & Sightings Shared with Ufologist R. Leo Sprinkle Ph.D. She is currently writing her second book: High Strangeness on a Colorado Ranch; The Colorado “Skinwalker” Ranch – Craft, Cattle, Copters, Cryptids and Cover-Ups.
Mediumship and Near Death Experiences with Psychic Medium Michelle Clare
21/07/2021 Duration: 01h31minMichelle is a Certified Medium, Angel Intuitive, Spiritual Coach, Energy Healer and 3 time Near Death Experience (NDE) survivor. She receives messages from loved ones who have crossed over, as well as Angels and Life Guides. Michelle will offer free readings to a few lucky listeners. If you would like Michelle to read for you, please come prepared with a specific question.
Mr. Covert Disclosure~ On Cryptids and ETs - Are They Kidnapping Our People?
14/07/2021 Duration: 01h29minMr. Covert Disclosure who works at a hidden government facility housing Cryptids and aliens, answers questions surrounding the Missing. Who or what is taking them? Why? And will they be returned? Since Mr. Covert cannot reveal his identity he has provided cloaked audio answering our questions. Tom Dongo joins us to discuss these paranormal events and what is behind them. Tom is recognized as a world authority, and one of United States of America's leading authorities, on UFOs, and paranormal occurrences. Tom is also a remote viewer and over the course of many years has been a key lecturer at numerous U.S national, and international, conferences including the International UFO Congress. Don't miss this one!
Top Secret: Wright Patterson Air Force Base with guest expert Raymond Szymanski
07/07/2021 Duration: 01h29minA four-decade U.S. Government senior scientist turned paranormal researcher and author, Raymond Szymanski takes us inside the Top Secret Holy Grail of Ufology, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, to look at alien visitation possibilities that have never been previously explored. His interest in Extraterrestrials and their connection to Wright-Patt was ignited during his first week of government employment by a mentor who eventually earned promotion to the exclusive ranks of the Senior Executive Service. This intriguing back-story and many revelatory adventures are presented as Raymond investigates his way through the UFO/ET phenomena, transforming from a curious, skeptical researcher to a firm believer in the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis. Szymanski is the award winning author /researcher of Alien Shades of Greys & Swamp Gas My A**
The Mojave Incident with Author/Expert Ron Felber
30/06/2021 Duration: 01h29minThe Mojave Incident is one of the most chilling UFO abduction stories ever told. Tune in as Author Ron Felber shares all the details of this frightening abduction and how Elise & Tom Gifford survived. RON FELBER is the author of the Jack Madson crime thriller trilogy, which includes Dark Angel, The Kafka Society, and A Man of Indeterminate Value. Like his thriller protagonist Jack Madson, Felber has worked as a deputy sheriff, transporting federal criminals, and has fought Golden Gloves. The recipient of the UPI Award for fiction, he began his writing career with articles based on his experiences for True Detective magazine. Felber was educated at Georgetown University, Loyola University of Chicago, and Drew University, where he earned his Doctorate. He currently teaches creative writing at Drew University's Caspersen School of Graduate Studies.
Star Trek Medicine in Baja, CA with Clinic Director/Expert Jennifer Miele
23/06/2021 Duration: 01h30minStar Trek medicine is here. Tune in to hear all about the treatments that offer TRUE health, with leading edge procedures that work to restore wellness. Jennifer Miele specializes in medical research and nutrition with extensive studies and over 20 years of experience in the integrative health field. Her approaches include functional medicine to immunology, photodynamic therapies among others. Ms. Miele is the co-founder and director of Baja Medgate in Baja California Mexico, the director of Nube Health Inc as well as a partner with Weber Medical. Ms Miele is dedicated to ongoing research, education and training. Ms Miele also holds an HONORIS CAUSA DOCTORATE Recognition by the Instituto Mexicano de Líderes de Excelencia (Mexico City) in the area of medical research. Baja MedGate
Law Enforcement Encounters with the Paranormal with Author/Expert Paul Rimmasch
16/06/2021 Duration: 01h30minIn a profession dominated by logic, law, evidence, and science, are there some things you can't explain? Join a veteran crime scene investigator exploring 26 chilling experiences spanning two decades. His true stories will leave you wondering if it is a criminal, or something else, going bump in the night. Paul Rimmasch graduated from Weber State University in Ogden, Utah, with a bachelor’s degree in Forensic Science and a minor in Photography in 1997 and with a master’s in criminal justice in 2019. He has worked as a crime scene investigator for Weber-Metro CSI for the past 23 years and is a three-time recipient of the Weber County Sheriff's Office Medal of Merit. Paul has certifications through The International Association for Investigations in latent fingerprint examination and forensic photography. He is currently serving as Utah's representative to the Western Identification Network Latent Fingerprint Committee. Paul's first novel, The Lost Stones, was published in 2011, followed by a sequel The Lost
When your body speaks, do you listen? with Expert/author Ewald Kliegel
09/06/2021 Duration: 01h30min"Treat your body well so that your soul likes living in it." Teresa of Avila Our scientific knowledge of the human being is only a part of the truth, as our organs are not only clusters of cells but also spiritual soul formations and condensed love. Ewald Kliegel shares a straightforward method of listening to the messages our body is giving us every moment. If we learn to listen to the language of the body, we can truly heal. Naturopath Ewald Kliegel initially trained as a medical massage therapist. He then expanded his training in the field of physiotherapy. He led his own practice as an alternative healing practitioner in Stuttgart for over 30 years and organized a clinic project at the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa in the 90s. In the 40 years in which he has intensively dealt with reflexology and a deeper understanding of the organs, he has written a number of books and released CDs on the subjects of reflexology, crystal healing and communication with the organs, which have since been published i
The Power of Lucid Dreaming with Expert/Author Lee Adams
02/06/2021 Duration: 01h30minIf you are not already in touch with the absolute power of your dreaming mind, this interview with expert/author Lee Adams will show you the way. It is time that we all learn what lies in the world of the lucid dreamer. Is it power? is it the ultimate connection? Is it a way out of the Matrix? Tune in to find out. Lee Adams is a researcher and has been practising an teaching lucid dreaming for over 20 years. He has a bachelor's degree in psychology and is currently pursuing his Ph.D at Pacifica Graduate Institute. He runs the podcast Cosmic Echo as well as the dreamer community
DISCLOSURE with author/expert Robert Luca
26/05/2021 Duration: 01h30minThere is no one better to discuss dislosure than author/expert Robert Luca. When The Andreasson Affair was about to be released Bob & his wife Betty Andreasson Luca learned the hard way that they had become the target of our own government. The Andreasson Affair became a NY Times best seller and Betty and Bob were shadowed everywhere they went. The government was denyng the existence of UFOs and aliens all while tracking UFO experiencers for years. Betty and Bob went on to write another book, A Lifting of the Veil, and a third is in the works, entitled The HUNTED. With supposed disclosure by June 1st, Bob joins us to share his thoughts on what truths will be told and what will remain hidden. Don't miss this one!
Amazing Cancer Breakthroughs - New Tests and Treatments with Dr. Hannibal Miles
19/05/2021 Duration: 01h29minWhat if you had cancer? Would you want to know everything about it? What traditional treatments work and which ones don't? What supplements to take and which ones to stay away from? Would you like to know about a revolutionary blood test that gives you all that and more? Hannibal Miles, ND completed his undergraduate studies at Washington & Jefferson College, achieving a B.A in Business Administration with minors in Chemistry and Spanish as well as completing the pre-health track. Though originally on the path towards a traditional medical education, he found his passion in natural, holistic, and preventative forms of medical care. He went on to attend the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine. There, he graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Doctorate degree in Naturopathic Medicine and Masters in Human Nutrition. His thesis entitled “Breakfast may not be the most important meal of the day: The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting on Health, Exercise, and Muscle Growth” was accepted in the u
Forgotten Gospels of the Virgin Mary w/ author Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, Ph.D.
12/05/2021 Duration: 01h28minTune in to hear of the secret mysteries of the Virgin Mary from author/expert Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, Ph.D. Was Mary born into a family of powerful priestesses who were able to consciously conceive elevated human beings to help the planet? Did this lineage include Mary's own mother who was schooled in Shamanism? Dr. Rigoglioso says YES, in the ancient times, these were women who held real power right from Source. Dr. Rigoglioso is the foremost authority on the history of virgin birth and has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in both the United States and the UK. The founding director of Seven Sisters Mystery School, she is the author of The Cult of Divine Birth in Ancient Greece and Virgin Mother Goddesses of Antiquity. Her new book is The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception, Mary & the Lineage of Virgin Births. Marguerite lives in Western Massachusetts.