Where Paranormal is Normal. The BEST guests worldwide interviewed by paranormal expert Patricia Baker & her co-hosts. Guests from this world...and others.
Astrologer Jeff Harman Looks Into Our Future~How will we survive?
29/06/2022 Duration: 01h30minJEFF HARMAN is a second-generation, world-renowned Master Astrologer and Spiritual Advisor with 47 years of experience. Jeff uses ancient techniques including Classical, Vedic, Kabbalistic, Naadi & Astro-Location Astrology, combined with 35 years of Vedic Planetary Gem prescription to assist his clients. Jeff also draws from many other traditions of spiritual knowledge for clearing people and property of unwanted energies, and he is a consultant for paranormal investigations. Jeff's specialty is Electional Astrology - the art of selecting auspicious times to sign contracts, release product, travel, and schedule weddings, surgery, and other important events. Jeff has a remarkable client base and data bank of thousands of case studies. He's spoken for IONS, MUFON, the Joshua Tree Retreat Center, and the Association of Celebrity Personal Assistants. He has been a guest on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, Veritas Radio, Fade to Black, and numerous other radio, TV, and web shows. Jeff spent many ye
Rommie Buhler, Animal Communicator Talks with Your Pets!
22/06/2022 Duration: 01h37minCall in for your FREE reading during the LIVE show! 563-999-3539 Rommie Buhler is a world renowned Animal Communnicator & Holistic Animal Health Coach and is here tonight to help you with your animal families. If your animal has a problem, Rommie finds out why and then finds a great solution. Rommie addresses health issues, emotional problems and is also excellent at finding missing pets and people. Rommie lives in Australia.
Origins of the Gods, Shamans & Transdimensional Intelligence with Gregory Little
15/06/2022 Duration: 01h30minWhat is humanity's place in the Universe? It's not what you've been told. Tune in to hear Gregory L. Little share stories of our true past, our true origin. Greory L Little, Ed.D is the author of more than 30 books, including Denisovan Origins co-authored with Andrew Collins. Gregory's research has been featured on the National Geographic Channel, MSNBC, DISCOVERY and the HISTORY Channel. He lives in Memphis, TN
Outlaws and Secret Societies of the Wild West with Expert/author Daniel J. Duke
08/06/2022 Duration: 42minFamous Outlaws of the Wild West had a tremendous influence on American history from the small, rural streets to the highest level of our nation's government. Tune in to hear all about our hidden history. Daniel Duke is the great great grandson of Jesse James and grew up surrounded by stories of outlaw treasures. For more than two decades he has researched the mysteries involving his family. Daniel is the author of Jesse James and the Lost Templar Treasure and co-author of The Mysterious Life and Faked Death of Jesse James. Daniel lives in Texas.
The Alien Brain - Edd Edwards & Lihi Introp share their light photon power
01/06/2022 Duration: 01h29minTWO LIVE DEMONSTRATIONS ON AIR TONIGHT! Don't miss this one... As a young child Edd Edwards learned he could project energy is such a way that he could make people move without touching them. Edd Edwards & Lihi Introp - both talented light photon generators join us with the latest on their research and energy adventures worldwide. They will do two demonstrations for our audience. Buckle up and get ready to feel the power of photons long distance. A gift from his grandmother, Edd developed a technique of photon projection that can also help people heal themselves. Edd has been tested at the Rhine Institute and more recently at the Monroe Institute where Research Coordinator Ross Dunseath discovered that both Edd and his Energy partner Lihi Introp were able to increase their own voltage significantly. "When Edd Edwards and his healer associate Lihi Introp visited in early July, we observed some fascinating phenomena. Edd has been involved in "energy" manipulation since he was a small child, and has p
The Latest Ghost Hunting Technologies & the Mysteries of Time with Aage Nost
25/05/2022 Duration: 01h29minRecorders, cameras, ouija boards, ghost boxes - what is new in the world of ghost hunting technology? Paranormal researcher, Aage Nost describes the latest tech used to hear and see the dearly departed. Aage was born on a farm in Norway, and came to the US at the age of 25 to become a Professional Pilot. He did so and in a partnership, owned a Flight School, Air Taxi and Air Carrier. After retiring from flying he started studying the Mind. Aage is a hypnotist, author of several books, was a TV Talk show host for 6 years, and is a Radio talk show cohost on Broadcast Team Alpha. He has been teaching classes on Self Hypnosis, Meditation, Psychic abilities, Astral Travel, and Universal Success Principles.Tonight Aage will also explain the mysteries of time, time travel and how we can Reverse the Aging process!
Forecast of the Future with Renowned Astrologer William Stickevers
18/05/2022 Duration: 01h30minTune in to hear trends analyst and internationally renowned astrologer William Stickevers help us navigate these difficult times. William will be talking about the financial market, the world economy, war between Russia & the Ukraine, food shortages and UFO disclosure. What's coming? Join us to find out! With a broad scope of political, economic, psychological, spiritual, and metaphysical knowledge, William Stickevers systematically explores possibilities about the future and how they can emerge from the present by weaving current secular trends, geopolitical factors, and mundane astrological portents. William provides his clients with strategic guidance to achieve their goals, move through challenges gracefully, and make the RIGHT decisions. With vast knowledge of both "real world" circumstances and spiritual truths, William counsels his clients with expertise few astrologers have on the economy and how it affects the client; psychology, the subconscious, and the psyche; metaphysical and transpersona
The Infamous Illuminati ~Truth or Fiction with Expert Jon E. Graham
11/05/2022 Duration: 01h31minExpert Jon E. Graham, translator of the book, The Bavarian Illuminati, the Rise and Fall of the World's Most Secret Society, tells ALL about this small group founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt. The term Illuminati dominates our conspiracy culture, but is it a conspiracy? What about the illuminati is real? Charting the rise and fall of this infamous Order, this book, first published in French in 1915, explains the Bavarian Illuminati’s grades, rituals, and ceremonies as well as its fundamental philosophies. It also examines the leaders of the Order and includes the only surviving record of documents destroyed during the World Wars. Jon E. Graham is an award winning translator, artist, and writer specializing in esoteric topics and Surrealism. Jon lives in Vermont.
Animal Communicator Rommie Buhler ~ how to communicate with our animals!
04/05/2022 Duration: 01h30minROMMIE BUHLER The Holistic Animal Health Coach Rommie is passionate about animal welfare and is driven to change the perceptions around how we can communicate with them so they can be more consciously looked after. Most people that have animals in their care, while very connected to them, are only seeing part of their health and wellbeing picture. Mostly through what they observe, what they think and the things they may already know, but when you communicate from a higher perspective and you have a conversation with them, you are able to see the whole picture. That means, you are able to support them in a way “they” need, not in a way we think they need as you see the truth behind behaviours, psychological and physical problems. She works globally, but lives on the east coast of Australia as an Animal Communicator, Missing Animals Investigator, Medical Intuitive and Animal Energy Healer. Rommie also runs online and in person courses in Animal Communication, Missing Animals Investigation and Intuitive Deve
Plant Deva Wisdom - A New Dimension of Herbal Medicine
27/04/2022 Duration: 01h30minHerbs are our allies in these difficult, ever-changing times. Thea Summer Deer tells us how to listen and receive healing knowledge beyond the physical. Thea Summer Deer is a clinical herbalist, singer-songwriter and childbirth educator. Raised with Seminole Indians in South Florida until the age of eight,she lives surrounded by Cherokee ancestral land in the Appalachian Mountains of western North Carolina
Medical Intuition~ Healing body, mind & heart with Dr. Lotte
20/04/2022 Duration: 01h30minDr. Lotte Valentin, “The Intuitive Physician”, is an N.M.D., author, medical intuitive, evidential medium, ancestral healer and an international keynote speaker! She is the author of Med School after Menopause, The Journey of my Soul, an inspirational story about transformation, healing and spirituality, which won 1st place in the category of Spiritual Leadership in August 2021 from Living Now Book Awards! This award recognizes truly world-changing books that contribute to positive global change. Dr. Lotte has had two Near-Death out-of-body experiences which resulted in her becoming clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient and activating her life path. She was then guided to attend medical school as well as become an author and evidential medium. Dr. Lotte completed her medical school pre-requisites and was accepted into medical school at the age of 54! Dr. Lotte is also the host of her own podcast Dr. Lotte: Science with Soul to help people create a path to healing their own life physically, emotionally
Speaking w/ an Extraterrestrial~Tom Dongo divulges real, live ET communication
13/04/2022 Duration: 01h33minTom Dongo is a long time resident of Sedona, Arizona. He is recognized as a world authority, and one of United States of America's leading authorities, on UFOs, paranormal occurrences and remote viewer and over the course of many years been a key lecturer at numerous U.S national, and international, conferences including the International UFO Congress. He studied at the Berkeley International Pyschic Institute in Santa Cruz, California, and has spent the last thrity (30) years in the greater Sedona, Arizona area, which is known as one of the premier UFO hot-spots of the world. Mr. Dongo is a writer of mainstream magazine articles and the author of eight (8) books on the paranormal including ~ The Mysteries of Sedona: The New Age Frontier, The Alien Tide (Mysteries of Sedona, Book 2), The Quest, The Quest: Twenty-Six Who have Answered the Call to Sedona Peak of Their Spiritual Quests & Experiences, The Quest: In Pursuit of the Ultimate Mastery, Merging Dimensions Vol.1: The Opening Portals of Sedona,
Pulling Back the Veil with Angel Communicator Michael André Ford
06/04/2022 Duration: 01h29minMichael André Ford is internationally renowned for removing the veil that prevents you from seeing and hearing your Angels. Tune in to hear how its done and how to feel the direct benefit of angelic communication in your life. Michael is an Angel Intuitive who helps people meet, hear & see Angels, Guides and other loving figures, including passed-over loved ones and pets. How? Michael removes the Veil so you have a direct experience. Michael currently lives in San Antonio but he's originally from the East Coast. He started off on Wall Street before switching over to corporate public relations and spent 17 years working in New York City. He graduated from Middlebury College and Phillips Academy Andover.
Werewolves, Dogmen & Shapeshifters with author Pamela K. Kinney
30/03/2022 Duration: 01h29minAuthor Pamela K. Kinney gave up long ago trying not to listen to the voices in her head and has written award-winning, bestselling horror, fantasy. science fiction, poetry, along with nonfiction ghost books ever since. Three of her nonfiction ghost books garnered Library of Virginia nominations. Her third ghost book, Virginia’s Haunted Historic Triangle: Williamsburg, Yorktown, Jamestown, and Other Haunted Locations, reached a second printing and is now a 2nd edition with extra new stories and ten new ghostly images added. Her horror short story, “Bottled Spirits,” was runner-up for the 2013 WSFA Small Press Award and is considered one of the seven best genre short fiction for that year. She has horror, fantasy, and science fiction stories published in various anthologies and magazines, plus an urban fantasy novel, a science fiction novella published too. Her horror poem, “Dementia,” that was published in HWA Poetry Showcase Vol VII in 2020, got her name mentioned as one of five whose poems the editor liked i
Corey Goode - Insider Shares all on ETs, Antarctica and the Secret Space Program
23/03/2022 Duration: 01h28minHear all the insider stories and experiences from Corey Goode! Corey Goode, described as the “insider’s insider,” is a Secret Space Program (SSP) whistleblower and contactee, film producer and content creator based on his experience of over 20 years in Unacknowledged Special Access Programs including “Project Solar Warden,” a Navy SSP that patrols our solar system and beyond. Beginning in 2014 Corey has experienced increased physical contact with ET and inner earth civilizations that prepared him to be a messenger to convey the importance of spiritual focus and inner work during Earth’s transition into higher density consciousness, which has already begun. Retaining many insider contacts, Corey was credited as the first to leak Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) documents verifying the Pentagon’s UFO investigative unit, disclosed in 2017.
The Healing of Souls with Jeff O'Driscoll, M.D.
16/03/2022 Duration: 01h28minAs an emergency physician, Jeff received messages that helped him care for patients. These messages from Spirit added an incredible dimension to his work and placed him on a path of a true healer. Tune in to hear his life story and his remarkable experiences with healing souls. Jeff O'Driscoll, MD, practiced emergency medicine in a level-one trauma center for twenty-five years, and served as department chair for eight. He received his training at the University of Utah School of Medicine and completed his residency in Salt Lake City, Utah. He is board certified in internal medicine and is a fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians. Dr. O'Driscoll recently stepped away from practicing medicine to pursue consulting and to write. His recent books include a novel, Who Buried Achilles?, a series of children's books about Muck the Duck and friends, and his award-winning memoir, Not Yet, focusing on his spiritual encounters in the emergency department.
Proof of Heaven! with World-Renowned Author/Expert Eben Alexander, MD
10/03/2022 Duration: 01h30minAcademic neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander III, whose career includes decades as a physician and associate professor at Harvard Medical School and revered teaching hospitals, was once staunchly committed to the materialist world view -- the belief that the physical world is all that exists. His scientific belief system was altered by his 2008 transcendental near-death experience (NDE), an odyssey into another realm during a week-long coma. Despite a bleak medical prognosis, Dr. Alexander awoke to make an inexplicable return to full health. His medical case and recovery were validated in the peer-reviewed Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. Since his NDE, Dr. Alexander has been reconciling his rich spiritual experience with quantum physics, cosmology and the philosophy of mind. Dr. Alexander speaks around the world to educate about the role that consciousness plays in wellness, healing and recovery. A pioneering scientist and modern thought leader, Dr. Alexander has been featured in more than 400 media inter
Encounters with Spirit Animals~Expert/Author Dr. Steven Farmer
03/03/2022 Duration: 01h30minRenowned “animal spirit guy” Dr. Steven Farmer explains how profound encounters with Spirit Animals affirm our intimacy with the animal world and the realm of Spirit. His wisdom will heighten your understanding of spirit animal symbolism, the five major ways that spirit animals can speak to you, and how to discern their messages for you. Dr. Steven Farmer is a licensed psychotherapist, soul healer, and author of several best-selling books and oracle cards, including Animal Spirit Guides, Earth Magic, Earth Magic Oracle Cards, Children’s Spirit Animal Cards, Healing Ancestral Karma and the recently released book Animals: Personal Tales of Encounters with Spirit Animals and the oracle cards Shaman’s Path.
Chintamani ~the Wish Fulfilling Crystal~ w/experts Hapi Hara & Johndennis Govert
24/02/2022 Duration: 01h30minSpace, time, intention, matter, and consciousness all entangle in crystals. Nowhere is this more evident than in the ancient gem archetype of the chintamani, the wish-fulfilling jewel known in legends around the world as the stone that grants your heart’s desires. As authors/experts Johndennis Govert and Hapi Hara reveal, the chintamani’s “tachyolithic” technology of wish-granting and spiritual enlightenment creates a vehicle for positive transformation. They tell us how the chintamani energy matrix can be accessed using tangible crystals and gemstones, meditation, yoga, and the powerful science of intention. Johndennis Govert is a feng shui consultant, astrologer, author, and Dharma teacher. He is a yogi and guru of the profound path of spiritual liberation. He holds the lineage of three Dharma traditions and is a practitioner of several mystic arts, called Dao or Ways, that are parallel paths and supports of spiritual development. Johndennis has been involved in a number of Traditional Chinese Medicine c
Bring in the Money & Love with NLP expert Michelle Masters
17/02/2022 Duration: 01h29minUnlike a smartphone, your brain is not designed to update itself. Most of us are running incredibly old operating systems in our thoughts and hearts and feelings. This is what Michelle's NLP work does. It re-writes patterning. It changes the neurological associations that determine experience. It gives you choice and control over what you experience. There is so much this work can do that the list of what this can’t change would probably be shorter. This work can change beliefs and limitations about self, money, career, love, relationships, family, health, potential and possibilities. It can change emotional reactions to stress, relationships, performance, work, family or life in general. It can reduce or eliminate phobias and anxieties. It can increase levels of calm, focus and satisfaction. It can reduce stress or upset. It can make success more attainable and it can release generational patterns of struggle, illness and depression. Michelle travels all over the world teaching and leading workshops. Mic