Where Paranormal is Normal. The BEST guests worldwide interviewed by paranormal expert Patricia Baker & her co-hosts. Guests from this world...and others.
Who Are We? The Mystery of Hybrid Humanity
09/02/2014 Duration: 02h57sDid we evolve from apes? Are we descendants of Adam & Eve? Why is the missing link still MISSING? Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they speak with Anthropologist and author Susan Martinez, Ph.D. about our origins in the heavens and on earth. Tune in to hear about the angel-engendered races and how we acquired the blood of the Gods. Martinez earned her doctorate in anthropology at Columbia University, where she also served as a lecturer in ethnolinguistics. She is the author of The Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man, The Psychic Life of Abraham Lincoln, The Hidden Prophet, Time of the Quickening, and The Lost History of the Little People.
THE AFTERLIFE of Billy Fingers
02/02/2014 Duration: 02h02minJoin Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they speak with author Annie Kagan about life after death. Annie, a chiropractor and songwriter living in Manhattan, abandoned her hectic city life in search of serenity in a small, secluded house by the bay. When her brother Billy died unexpectedly and began speaking to her from the afterlife, Annie agreed to accompany him on his journey through the mysteries of death. As Billy reaches from the “other side” to change his sister’s life and the lives of those around her, he shares secrets about the bliss and wonder to come in the afterlife. The fascinating, true story of her on-going, after death communication with her brother Billy is recounted in her book: The Afterlife of Billy Fingers: How My Bad Boy Brother Proved to Me There is Life After Death
Obamacare: Dead on Arrival with Mark Davis, MD
30/01/2014 Duration: 01h02minTune in to POWER Preppers as host Patricia Baker speaks with Medical doctor and author, Mark Davis, MD. His new book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival: A Prescription for Disaster describes, in detail, the horrific events that follow when medical care is rationed and how it will directly affect YOU. Mark will speak with us about the negative outcomes of limiting medical services and how Obamacare was never intended to improve medical care and access. Instead this egregious legislation's intent was to equalize the boundaries between the societal classes. If this is implemented get ready for insufficient ambulances, deficiencies of cutting edge pharmaceuticals, lack of medical specialists and more that can lead to to bad outcomes. After listening to Mark, your knowledge will increase exponentially on the current state of medical politics and how you can circumvent the worst elements of Obamacare.
26/01/2014 Duration: 02h01minJoin Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they speak with author Robbie Holz. Robbie's book, Secrets of Aboriginal Healing was written at the request of Aboriginal healers and reveals the beliefs and principles of the 60,000-year-old healing system of the Aborigines of Australia, the world’s oldest continuous culture. During the show we will explore the use of dreamtime, spirit guides, and telepathy to discover and reprogram the subconscious motivations behind illness—a process that enacts healing at the cellular and the soul level, where the root of physical illness is found. Gary Holz, D.Sc. (1950–2007), was an award-winning physicist and a psycho-neuro-immunologist. In 1994, confined to a wheelchair with multiple sclerosis, he went to Australia to stay with an Aboriginal tribe and experienced miraculous healing. Robbie Holz is a holistic health consultant dedicated to continuing the healing work of her late husband. She healed herself of hepatitis C and has also worked with Aborig
Return of the Golden Age: A Celestial Opportunity
19/01/2014 Duration: 01h57minJoin Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they speak with historian Ed Malkowski. Drawing on the pre-catastrophe teachings preserved by the ancient Egyptians, Malkowski reveals that we are returning to a Celestial Configuration parallel to that of an earlier Golden Age. Through our collective DNA memory and the creative power of our minds we have the ability to end our 12,000 year quest to regain paradise lost and launch a Golden Age of unity and abundance for all. Ed is the author of Return of the Golden Age: Ancient History and the Key to Our Collective Future, The Spiritual Technology of Ancient Egypt, and Ancient Egypt 39,000 BCE, Sons of God - Daughters of Men
POWER Preppers: How To Survive A Carjacking
16/01/2014 Duration: 01h58sCarjackings are on the rise. Would you know what to do? Join POWER Preppers host Patricia Baker as she speaks with Security Expert Steve Minguez about staying safe. Carjacking stats: Ninety-three percent occur in cities or the suburbs.92% of carjackings are committed when the victim is alone in their car.90% of carjackings involved the use of a weapon.Most happen near the victims home or work. Steve is a former member of the New York City Police Department with twenty-seven years experience as a Senior Firearms Instructor and member of the Intelligence Division Dignitary Protection Unit. Steve was Senior Instructor in charge of the Emergency Service Unit for twelve years. He developed numerous training programs that included advanced firearms training, hostage rescue, dignitary protection, counter assault team tactics, CQB training, sniper training, active shooter, waterborne operations, and interagency operations. He has conducted training and established anti-terrorism deployments. He is a New York Sta
Time Travel and ETs: NEW Information - What the G-men Know That You Don't!
12/01/2014 Duration: 02h02minJoin Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they speak with former Army Sergeant, Clifford Stone. Stone spent 22 years in the US Army as a part of an extremely elite and secret group that was rapidly dispatched to crash sites in order to recover UFO or ET craft, bodies, and artifacts. Stone states that the U.S. Government tried to suppress what he had actually seen one strange day in Pennsylvania, in 1969. "I was involved in situations where we actually did recoveries of crashed saucers. There were bodies that were involved with some of these crashes. Also some of these were alive," he said. "While we were doing this, we were telling the American public there was nothing to it. We were telling the world there was nothing to it," Mr Stone added. Most startling is that according to Stone there are ETs that look very much like you and me, they walk among us and we don't even notice the difference. Stone has catalogued 57 different species of alien life forms and is coming to Supernat
Talk to the Dead With Medium Suzane Northrop
05/01/2014 Duration: 02h04minDo you want to speak with someone who has passed on? This is your chance. Call in for your FREE READING with famous Medium Suzane Northrop. Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson will interview Suzane about her fascinating 30 year career as a Medium, Grief and Bereavement expert. Call in during the LIVE show with your questions! Suzane has helped thousands worldwide to recover and heal from the loss of loved ones by bridging the gap between the world of the living and the spiritual world. In addition to her top selling books, Everything Happens for a Reason (now published in 4 languages) and Second Chance: Healing Messages from the Afterlife, Suzane is breaking new ground yet again with her most recent release, A Medium’s Cookbook: Recipes for the Soul. The Afterlife, Suzane’s Emmy-nominated TV series, has captured the imagination and hearts of millions in both the U.S. and Canada, demonstrating Suzane’s unparalleled talent as a Medium and her profound impact on those who experience h
World Famous UFO Abductee TRAVIS WALTON: Fire in the Sky
22/12/2013 Duration: 02h07minJoin Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they interview Travis Walton about his abduction which began on November 5, 1975, in the Arizona, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest. Travis was one of a seven man crew that was clearing trees on a government contract. After the end of the work day, all of the crew jumped into foreman Mike Roger's pick-up truck and began their trip home. As they drove, they were shocked to see a "luminous object, shaped like a flattened disc" by the side of the road, Travis left the truck to get a better look, and was hit by a blue beam throwing him to the earth. The six other men feared for their lives and roared away in the truck for a distance, but then, realizing they had left Travis behind and he might need help, they turned the truck around and headed back to find him. Walton was gone. “I looked at the vague but reassuring forms of the doctors around me. Abruptly my vision cleared. The sudden horror of what I saw rocked me as I realized I was definitely n
Solar Flares In Our Past and In Our Future with Robert Schoch
19/12/2013 Duration: 01h01minJoin host Patricia Baker as she speaks with Robert Schoch, Ph.D., a scientist, who twenty-two years ago, redated the Sphinx and launched the New Archaeology. His book Forgotten Civilization: The Role of Solar Outbursts in out Past and Future distills all that has happened since into a simple conclusion: that solar activity ended the last cycle of high culture and may destroy ours in turn. According to Joscelyn Godwin, Ph.D., senior faculty member at Colgate University Schoch is no fearmonger, no hawker of a pet theory. What we do with this knowledge is up to us, but once digested, it changes everything.
FREE Readings with World Renowned Numerologist to the Stars, Patricia Kirkman
15/12/2013 Duration: 02h03minAn Early Holiday Present To All Our Listeners! Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson speak with Astrologer and Numerologist to the Stars, Patricia Kirkman. Over a thirty year career Patricia has earned a reputation for being "the best of the best". She is reknown for her unique ability to take her client's personal numbers and translate them into past patterns and future directions. CALL IN for your personal LIVE, on-air reading!!! Patricia will use astrology and celestial forecasting to encourage you to expand your personal horizons, discover new directions, and achieve awareness and fulfillment in your life. She will also be talking about a MYSTERY celebrity and what is in store for them.
POWER Preppers: Creating & Storing Fermented Foods with Simon Gorman
12/12/2013 Duration: 01h51sPeople are storing food, but are they storing the right kind of food for health and wellness? Join host Patricia Baker & guest Simon Gorman as they discuss the health benefits of fermented food, bone broth and more! Simon’s interest in raw cultured vegetables began several years ago, when he discovered that a diet rich in unpasteurized fermented foods greatly improved his health, digestion, and well-being. But it was almost impossible to find the foods that he needed to keep himself and his family in the best of health. Aware of how difficult it is for most families to find good quality raw cultured foods, Simon decided to set up his own online store to offer the best raw cultured vegetables and juices to everyone who wants to enjoy these delicious healthy fermented foods, and/or to make their own. Wise Choice Market was born.
The Mid-Atlantic UFO Flap: Abductions, Sightings & Paranormal Terror
08/12/2013 Duration: 01h38minJoin Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and Becky Andreasson when they interview author Gerard Medvec on the incredible UFO flap that took place in one year in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region. 1,729 UFO sightings were reported, which averaged out at 144 per month, 5 per day! In his book, Mid-Atlantic UFOs Gerard reports 80 true encounters, alien abductions, a mass fleet sighting, advanced extraterrestrial technology and an unusual blue green mist that terrorized young men in the wilderness at a campsite. Gerard Medvec is also the o-author of Ghosts of Delaware and UFOs Above PA and has published over 60 non-fiction articles and four short stories.
HERBS for your SURVIVAL with Herbalist Guido Mase
05/12/2013 Duration: 01h01minWhat do you need to know about herbs, how to store them and use them for your daily health and in an emergency? POWER Preppers host Patricia Baker interviews expert and author Guido Mase, (The Wild Medicine Solution), on what to keep on hand when the grid goes down and no medical care is available. Guido Masé is a well known clinical herbalist, herbal educator and garden steward specializing in holistic Western herbalism, though his approach is eclectic and draws upon many influences. He spent his childhood in Italy, in the central Alps and in a Renaissance town called Ferrara. After traveling the United States, he settled into central Vermont where he has been living since 1996 and began a family while accomplishing and teaching in this herbal movement. He is a founder and director of the Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, a non-profit sliding-scale community clinic and apothecary that also offers an intensive 3-year clinical herbalist training program. He works clinically and teaches as a professi
ALIENS in Ancient Egypt and The Brotherhood of the Serpent
01/12/2013 Duration: 02h01minHow did the advanced civilization of ancient Egypt arise seemingly overnight, then appear to lose its prior advancements with the death of Akhenatan? Were aliens from other worlds responsible for the uplifted energy and expanded consiousness? And were another group of aliens responsible for hiding the truth and then setting everything in motion to keep us in darkness? Find out when Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and Becky Andreasson interview author Xaviant Haze. Xaviant is a researcher of ancient manuscripts and alternative history, and the author of Aliens in Ancient Egypt: The Brotherhood of the Serpent and the Secrets of the Nile Civilization.
Memories of Mad Bear Anderson: A Medicine Man for All Time and All Nations
24/11/2013 Duration: 02h04minWallace Mad Bear Anderson from the Tuscarora tribe of the Iroquois Nation was one of the great Medicine Men of all time. He had a deep understanding of nature and Spirit. Author Doug Boyd describes him as having a name that suited him, a name given to him by his grandmother due to his bad temper. "Mad Bear did not at all match my image of him. I had never seen anyone quite like him before, yet it seemed very reasonable to me that there should be such a person. His name suited him, or perhaps it was the other way around." ~Doug Boyd Mad Bear was recognized as a highly sophisticated, articulate, and skilled Medicine Man who traveled widely and lived and studied with Druids, Vikings,Tibetans, Hindu yogis, and various aboriginal peoples. He was the catalyst for much healing, both personal and global. "The purpose of good medicine is to make it simple. There's no need to create any opposing destructive force; that only makes more negative energy and more results and more problems.” ~Mad Bear Anderson Jo
Adapting Native American Survival Strategies for Today
21/11/2013 Duration: 01h03minNative People are reknown for their hunting, gathering and overall survival skills. What do you need to learn from them to survive the challenges ahead? Evan Pritchard, a descendant of the Mi’kmaq people, has taught Native American studies at Pace University, Vassar College, and Marist College and is the director of the Center for Algonquin Culture. Steeped in bird lore by his Mi’kmaq great aunt Helen Perley, he is the author of several books, including Bird Medicine, Native New Yorkers and No Word for Time. A regular on radio shows such as NPR’s Fresh Air and on the History Channel, he lives in the Hudson Valley of New York.
How the Universe Works ~ The Truth
17/11/2013 Duration: 01h29minSupernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and Becky Andreasson get answers on a very big question, How the Universe Works, with special guest Michael Buchele, MD. Michael studied under inventor extraordinaire Arthur M. Young and shares the answers to many questions of mystery about the workings of our inner and outer worlds. In Young's "Theory of Process," there is no more "fringe" and the paranormal is really normal. Join this fascinating discussion on How The Universe Works and step into the real power of life.
POWER Preppers: Double Helix Water For Your Health
14/11/2013 Duration: 01h01minWe all know the importance of water to stay healthy and alive, but what if we can take our stored and daily use water to a new level? Join Host Patricia Baker and Guest Randy Gerson, who will explain the mysterious power of this water and its effect on bacteria. How can Double Helix impact your health? Tune in to find out if this is a product you should store in your prepper pantry. Randy is an executive with the Double Helix company and is a cancer survivor.
Bird Medicine: The Sacred Power of Bird Shamanism
10/11/2013 Duration: 02h04minSupernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson speak with author Evan Pritchard, a descendant of the Mi'kmaq people. Evan will be sharing his profound knowledge of bird spirituality and shamanism. Around the world birds are known as teachers, guardians, role models, peacemakers and even meteorlogists! Birds carry messages and warnings from loved ones and the Spirit world. Do you know how to listen? Evan Pritchard has taught Native American studies at Pace University, Vassar College and Marist College. He is the Director of the Center for Algonquin Culture and lives in the Hudson Valley, New York.