Marketing Moxie: Online Marketing I Branding I Promotion I Copywriting I Conversions I Traffic

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 27:42:15
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Marketing Moxie is all about getting down and dirty on all things marketing for entrepreneurs. Maggie Patterson takes a practical, no holds barred approach to helping you take action. You can get show notes, past episodes of the show and more at


  • MM90: Kira Hug on Overcoming Fear with 30 Pitches in 30 Days

    30/06/2015 Duration: 22min

    Putting yourself out there can be nerve racking and fill you up with fear. That’s why I couldn’t wait to have Kira Hug on the show to share a challenge she set for herself - pitching 30 podcasts in 30 days. She shares how she did it and how it helped her spread her wings. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Kira pitched 30 podcasts in 30 days, she explains what really instigated this for her and how the process worked. At some point, you have to stop focusing on your business crushes and start focusing on your own business. Kira shares her biggest hang ups for her project and how she overcame them. It’s easy to feel like you aren’t an expert and aren’t good enough to be interviewed, but once you do it you realize you have something to say. Once you start building momentum, pitching becomes so much easier! Kira gives the advice to start small-pitch a small number of smaller podcasts and pile up the w

  • MM89: The Fine Art of Referrals

    26/06/2015 Duration: 09min

    Wouldn’t a business where customers just arrived at your website and purchased from you be amazing? That’s exactly what referrals can do for your business as it shortcuts the know-like-trust factor and turns people into clients that much faster. Listen in for the scoop on referrals. Show notes with key points and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Referrals have been a huge part of how I built my business, for the first 8 years of my business, referrals were my main marketing tool. If you’re going to ask for a referral, you need to do work that is referral-worthy. Customer experience is what will fire up your referral business. I break down how to make referrals a part of your business and make sure you’re not ignoring it. If you want referrals, you need to be someone who gives them without expecting to receive in return. It’s up to you to deliver the goods every single time to your customers. In a world where reputation is everything, we’r

  • MM88: Holly Gillen on Getting in Front of the Camera

    23/06/2015 Duration: 16min

    Video: love it or hate it, it’s so valuable in your business. But the whole idea of getting in front of the camera can be such a hangup for most of us. It’s no wonder, because there’s a lot of moving pieces from scripting to set up to getting your hair tamed. Holly Gillen joins us today to help break it all down and get us comfortable in front of the camera. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Holly explains why it’s so important to get over our fear of the camera and use video in our business. 85% of people are more likely to make a purchase once they’ve watched a video of some sort on your site. For teaching, 65% of your education can reach people in visual form versus only 10% in text form. How can we pick and choose the right places to use video if we’re just starting out? Holly shares some unique ways to use videos for sales and marketing. Confused about all the different kinds of video softwar

  • MM87: The Fortune in Your Follow-Up

    19/06/2015 Duration: 08min

    Do you dream of abundance and fortune in your business, but it’s as elusive as the magic make six figures while you sleep unicorn? Newsflash, you’re probably sitting on a fortune in your business that you don’t even realize. The fortune my friends, is in your follow-up. Today we break down some proven ideas on how to help you provide a top notch customer experience and build your business in the process. Show notes with key points and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Why ‘follow up’ is actually a very feisty topic. When you suck at follow up, you’re leaving money on the table. I break down some ways you can follow up very easily and quickly. Following up is not bugging someone, you just don’t know if you don’t ask. Having a follow up system should be a critical part of your process. I share some examples of awesome follow up systems that truly have worked. Following up with current clients (think of it like an upsell) should be a key part

  • MM86: Surprise & Delight Your Customers

    16/06/2015 Duration: 14min

    What if you could build your business without doing all of the marketing things? It is possible! In this episode we break down the #1 marketing strategy you’ll ever have - surprising and delighting your customers. Focusing on the clients you have today can transform your business tomorrow. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: At the core of businesses and brands that I love is that they make me feel good. It costs 7 times more to hire a new customer than to keep an existing one, so let’s work to reduce the hustle. What does it actually mean to truly surprise and delight your clients? Handling the details from day 1 is super important; if you provide a really good experience up front, you need to continue that until they walk out the door. Let’s get back to basics: what is really important to your clients? Boundaries are necessary and important, but don’t confuse boundaries with being petty or turning

  • MM85: Wow Your Clients Every Time

    12/06/2015 Duration: 06min

    Brand experience, customer experience, customer buzz words right? Earlier this year, one of my good friends said she thought that the “customer experience” conversation was on it’s way to being the next content marketing.  Trendy or not, I don’t think we can ignore it or pretend it’s not a critical marketing strategy if we want to go. Show notes with key points and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: When we have a great experience, we stand up and take notice. Shouldn’t this just be the norm? As a business owner, it’s up to you to make providing a great customer service experience your mission. If you don’t nail this piece, the rest really doesn’t matter! It costs 7 times more to acquire a new customer than to keep one you already have. If you want to make more of an impact, focus on the clients you have right now. This is the call for you to forget the marketing to do list, and to start surprising and delighting your current c

  • MM84: Kylie Patchett Owning Your Money Mindset

    09/06/2015 Duration: 27min

    Think you don’t have money mindset issues? Think again! We all have a story around money and Kylie Patchett joins us today to help bust through the myths and misconceptions we may have to help us step up and own our money mindset. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Kylie puts the ‘woo-woo’ attitude about having a money mindset to rest once and for all. Why we are holding ourselves back with our money mindset and how we can change it. The idea that we have to be overworked and exhausted to succeed at entrepreneurship is all too common and not true or sustainable. Kylie explains where we get in our own way in our business, and how to recognize what tools we need to get out of it. Trying to do your business someone else’s way is all too common and a mistake for your business in the long run. We need to create a quiet space for ourselves where we can go inward and really hear our own voice. What is a m

  • MM83: Please Do the Math

    05/06/2015 Duration: 07min

      It’s time for a math lesson - or maybe it’s a plea for us to all pay attention to the math so we can run more productive and profitable businesses. Show notes with key points and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: We’re almost at the mid point of the year, which is when we start to look at where we are in terms of our ‘big goal’ We may find ourselves doing something drastic to try and get to our goal, and this can be dangerous Before you do anything, please stop and ‘do the math’ Conversion is the secret sauce in your business on what will take you from good to great Sometimes you need to look inside your business instead of outside for programs or coaches to help you reach your goal Don’t be afraid of the numbers and the math, they might end up being the best thing to happen to your business Google has a lot of tools we can use to dig into where we’re missing steps in our business and on our site Don’t lose site of the big picture and wh

  • MM82: Creating Your Custom Marketing Plan

    02/06/2015 Duration: 19min

    One of the biggest challenges that most business owners face is that marketing takes up way too much time. From learning the ropes to actually implementing strategies, it can be a steep learning curve. Which is exactly why you’ll want to hear what Michelle Evans has to say, she has an amazing corporate marketing background which gives her a different spin on online marketing and what we really need to be doing. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ for marketing, don’t be fooled by how seductive the ‘magic strategies’ can be. Michelle explains what she sees happening with people following the ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach in their marketing. Michelle gives us some key questions we have to answer about our business before we can even begin to have a marketing strategy. The key assessments Michelle uses with her clients to help them pinpoint their uniqueness in their targe

  • MM81: Strategy Shouldn't Be a Buzzword

    29/05/2015 Duration: 06min

    Calling something strategic doesn’t make it so. In fact, strategy is being used and abused and it’s about time we have a honest discussion about the fact that not everything is strategic, and when you call everything a strategy, you’re not doing yourself any favors. Show notes with key points and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: I explain why the word ‘strategy’ puts me on edge as of late. The difference between a strategy and a tactic is hard to grasp and easy to make interchangeable when they shouldn’t be at all. When we use the word ‘strategy’ too often, we are setting the expectations off and it isn’t doing us any favor. Why me being a minor in history relates to the terms ‘strategy’ and ‘tactics’. How your strategy is the big picture plan (the ‘what’ and the ‘why’) and your tactics are your ‘how’ Your strategy can be stretched over months or years, while the tactics are your day to day to dos to reach that goal. I’m not the word poli

  • MM80: Jeff Goins on Passion, Purpose and the Art of Work

    26/05/2015 Duration: 15min

    We hear it all the time about following our passion, but today’s guest has a different spin on passion and purpose. Author and writer Jeff Goins joins the show today to discuss his new book The Art of Work. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Jeff discusses how he never thought he had a ‘dream’ but followed the thread of his life to narrow down what it could be. The past doesn’t have to dictate your future, but it can inform it. Jeff explains how finding out your pursuit is the easiest part, but the work that goes into it from then on is the real process and the journey that lasts your whole life. Jeff’s advice on how to master our own skills in a way that lets us write our own ticket. With the changing economy, you have to be ready to accept your calling can be more than one thing. If you have several things that you do and that compliment each other well, you will always be able to change and grow

  • MM79: Professional Doesn’t Mean Corporate (Why Personality is a Must)

    22/05/2015 Duration: 05min

    When you’ve worked in corporate, it’s hard sometimes to break free of those expectations and you can find yourself being way more formal than you need to be. Today we dive into how you can still be professional and not sound over the top corporate in your communications. Show notes with key points and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: If you come from a corporate environment, you can be so worried about being professional that you come across as formal and impersonal Not confusing being professional with being corporate is one of the toughest things to translate to the online entrepreneurial world You can be professional and have personality and not sound like a robot Some signs you are ‘overdoing it’ in being formal Why are we so scared of letting our personality out? The reason we started our own business is to be able to do our own thing! It’s easy to default to what we know and not step outside our comfort zone, but formality can sound

  • MM78: Patrice Perkins on Creating Your Genius Law Strategy

    19/05/2015 Duration: 17min

    If you’re a creative, I’m willing to bet that the word legal or lawyer puts your back up because it feels constricting. The reality is that, creatives absolutely need a legal strategy in place and this episode has Chicago-based lawyer to creatives, Patrice Perkins breaking it all down. Show notes with key points, takeaways and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: When you’re a creative, legal stuff can seem boring. Patrice explains how to look at in a different way to get excited about it. Patrice cautions against ‘following the herd’ with legal for your business and what you definitely shouldn’t DIY. We chat about some of the best options for creating a plan to protect your IP. Patrice explains what a trade secret is and why it’s important in your business. The ‘quick and easy’ way to tell the difference between a copyright and a trademark. One of the things that keeps entrepreneurs up at night is someone taking our course or offering, stick

  • MM77: 10 Years in Biz - A Reflection

    15/05/2015 Duration: 07min

    The month of May marks a major milestone in my biz as I celebrate my 10th anniversary.  Back then I was the mom of a soon to be one year old who didn’t want to go back to her amazing, but fast-paced job. So I opted out and decided to do things a whole new way.  Here are a few things I’ve been reflecting on that have made this all possible. Show notes with key points and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: I can’t believe I’ve been in business 10 years, but at the same time there wasn’t another option when I left my full time job. (Well there was, but I wasn’t thrilled about those options.) I love the continuous learning aspect of running my own business and in hindsight I even love the bad experiences I’ve had along the way. Not having a website is not an excuse for not growing your business. For 8 years I had no website and still made it all work. Having a really strong personal network and focusing on delivering really great experiences fo

  • MM76: Tanya Geisler on the Impostor Complex and How to Handle It

    12/05/2015 Duration: 21min

    If you’ve ever thought ”I’m not good enough” or “they're going to find out I’m a fake” - this show is for you. Why? Because you're likely experiencing impostor complex. Coach Tanya Geisler breaks down the essentials of impostor complex, why it’s actually good news if you have it, and how to live with it. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Tanya explains what the impostor complex is and some signs that you are currently struggling with it When we recognize that we’re experiencing the impostor complex, how can we deal with it and work through it? Why having the impostor complex means you’re actually stronger than most around you How the impostor complex in parenting parallels running your business Why hearing stories of others having the impostor complex can show us we are in excellent company Tanya shares some hallmark concepts of the impostor complex and how to deal with them Knowing we won’t get r

  • MM75: Why You May Need a Hiatus

    08/05/2015 Duration: 07min

    When does too much of a good thing become well, too much of a good thing? As business owners we’ve got freedom, but we’re also able to do whatever we please which means we can get carried away. Which is why I’m a big fan of a hiatus where you take a break from things in your business. Show notes with key points and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: How my creative and idea hiatus last year came about and the advantages it had for my business. What my Fascinate test results say about my need to take a hiatus sometimes because I’m literally drowning in “good” ideas. Some ideas of what things to take a hiatus from - especially as we go into the Summer months! How your personality and business style can dictate what you should take a hiatus from because sometimes we can be our own worst enemy. How ‘too much of a good thing’ applies to your archetype and your business and what to do about it. Links for this Episode: Sign Up to Learn More About

  • MM74: Marie Poulin on Designing Your Digital Strategy

    05/05/2015 Duration: 24min

    If you don’t know today’s guest, you need to. She’s an absolute powerhouse when it comes to digital strategy. She break what a digital strategy is, why you need one and how this is something you can’t afford to overlook. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: If you think of web design as the ‘what’ then strategy is the ‘how’, digital strategy helps you decide how you’re going to use digital tools to help you reach out business goals Marie shares where we are struggling with our digital strategy and how to fix it The difference between a content strategy and a digital strategy The numbers that Marie looks at to create and analyze a digital strategy Why you shouldn’t be scared to look at your numbers, they can actually empower you! We spend so much time in creation mode that we don’t remember to reuse our content and optimizing all the things we already have Marie explains how to create a long term stra

  • MM73: Behaving Badly on Facebook

    01/05/2015 Duration: 06min

    Warning - ranty times ahead.  This week I get super feisty about Facebook and how people forget the whole point is people when building community. Thanks to Michelle and Val for the inspiration for this episode as I often wonder if how I feel about people behaving badly is you know, well, just me. Show notes with key points and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: If we’re going to all use Facebook for business, please act like a human. If you wouldn’t do it in person, please don’t do it on Facebook! (Official hashtag #notcool) I’m all for selling on Facebook, but it needs to be in an appropriate time and place. Showing up only to sell is not okay and means you're entirely missing the point of community. Communities are for connecting, not for list building. Think about how stringent you want to be, and how you want to connect with that person.  Sending a PM to say you must give me your email is obnoxious. (Please stop it.) Do not private mes

  • MM72: Paid Traffic to Grow Your List

    28/04/2015 Duration: 18min

    Too many times people don't realize that one of the key things people to do grow their list is using paid traffic - usually Facebook ads - to make it happen. Today's guest Claire Pelletreau is an absolute Facebook ads genius, and loves all things conversions and math, so we have a lively discussion about traffic, conversions and more. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episodes available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Facebook ads can be such a pain! Claire gives her top power tips for launching FB ads If you’re overwhelmed by FB ads, just start slowly Claire gives us some of the first steps to running a successful ad campaign If you don’t have conversion tracking in place, you don’t know how much you’re paying per sign up You need to get comfortable with looking at the reports. They look fancy and scary, but the reality is you don’t need to look at most of the numbers FB provides There is a big connection between your ad campaigns’ success and w

  • MM71: How Not to Pitch Yourself

    24/04/2015 Duration: 05min

    Pitching yourself can be scary, but there's a right way and a wrong way to go about it. If you're going to do it - you want to do it in a way that you'll be successful and from a place of understanding the exchange that goes on. Acting like you're doing someone a favor or like you're not worthy isn't the right way to go about it - ever. Show notes with key points and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: How do you extend the invitation where you’re making the ask? You want to make sure you come across in the best light when you’re trying for an opportunity Do your homework, be smart, and make sure you know what your target actually needs Don’t make the assumption that everyone wants you or that you’re doing them a favor When getting your pitch together, be honest but very clear about what you can offer Keep it short and sweet, people are busy! Links for this Episode: Guest Post Pitching Guide Link to Free Marketing Moxie Facebook Group

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