The Effortless English Show with AJ Hoge teaches you to speak English powerfully. AJ is the author of "Effortless English: Learn To Speak English Like A Native" and is known as "The World's #1 English Teacher". Learn English. Learn English vocabulary. Learn about American culture.
Walk n Talk | Fatpocalypse, Diets, Fitness
18/06/2018 Duration: 42minCasual chat while walking to work.
The Secret Technique To Speak Fluently Faster
18/06/2018 Duration: 47minSpeak English effortlessly faster. The Effortless English engine has two parts, motor and fuel. You need race car fuel to succeed faster.
Walk n Talk | Self Employment, Simple Needs, World Cup
16/06/2018 Duration: 56minCasual chat with while walking to work.
How To Make $ Money | Rich Dad Poor Dad 1B | EE Book Club
16/06/2018 Duration: 01h03sHow to find money opportunities. Rich Dad Poor Dad Chapter 1B. This Effortless English Book Club lesson teaches us the emotions that make us wage slaves, and how to overcome them. Learn how to master fear and greed. Learn how to think like the rich. Learn how to find opportunities to make money. Learn to win the game of money. #EEBookClub #money #entrepreneur #financial freedom #EEBusinessClub
Answering Your Questions About Speaking Confidence
15/06/2018 Duration: 33minCoach AJ answers your questions. Some audio problems (microphone problem)
#WalknTalk | Christian Bale, Namba, Takoyaki
15/06/2018 Duration: 54minCasual chat with AJ as he walks to work.
Overcome Your Fear
14/06/2018 Duration: 29minOvercome your fear. Fear stops you. Fear of failure. Fear of criticism. Stops you from living your dreams. Stops you from starting a business. Stops you from getting your dream job. Stops you from trying. Stops you from succeeding. Stops you from living. How do you overcome fear? AJ discusses this terrible fear. He teaches you how to change your mind. How to let go of fear. How to grow stronger and take action. How to live your dreams.
Walk n Talk | Koyasan, Japanese Ryokan, Camping
14/06/2018 Duration: 01h14minCasual chat with me as I walk to work!
Financial Freedom Step 1 | EE Business Club
14/06/2018 Duration: 34minThe first step to financial freedom is...... find your baseline. This is much easier than making a lot more money. AJ teaches you what BASELINE means, why it is so important, and how to find your own. Your financial baseline will free you from most financial fear. It will help you be more successful starting a business, becoming a freelancer, becoming an investor, or getting a job you love. Finding your baseline will also help you overcome the fear of criticism and failure. Your baseline gives you freedom. Enjoy this #EEBusinessClub Show!
Contribution | Effortless English Family Values
12/06/2018 Duration: 24minWe are an international community of English learners. The Effortless English Family is special. We have members and fans from every country in the world: all kinds of different people. Everyone is very friendly. Everyone is supportive and positive. We help each other. We encourage each other. We congratulate each other. Why is this community so special? It is the Code, Mission, and Values that guide us. In this Effortless English Show, AJ discusses one of our most important values: contribution. A contribution mindset is an important secret to our success-- and to your success and happiness in life.
Walk and Talk | Rain, Formula, Bicycles, Solopreneurs
12/06/2018 Duration: 50minSpecial: For Audio Podcast Listeners Only. A casual chat as I walk to work in the city.
Speak English Powerfully | The Formula
11/06/2018 Duration: 19minPowerful English Speaking requires fluency, confidence, and persuasion. You must master all three skills to speak #English powerfully. Persuasion is, perhaps, the most difficult skill. But you need it. Persuasion is how you convince other people to help you. Persuasion is how you build a team. Persuasion is how you create a strong family. Persuasion is necessary to start your own successful business. While there are evil kinds of persuasion, there are also honest and good methods. Learn the three key skills of the Effortless English System.
Rich Dad Poor Dad | Chapter 1A | Book Club with AJ
10/06/2018 Duration: 58minEffortless English Book Club Lesson | Rich Dad Poor Dad | Chapter 1A. AJ teaches you vocabulary and the main ideas from Robert Kiyosaki's bestselling book about money. The #EEBookClub is a great way to learn English through reading and listening. In Chapter 1A, we learn the key difference between rich people and others. Rich people think differently about money. Rich people make money in a different way than most people. Most people are wage slaves. The rich achieve financial freedom.
Job Interviews | Questions About Past Jobs | EE Job Club
06/06/2018 Duration: 01h21minJob interviews in English are difficult. Questions about past jobs can be stressful. You must be careful how you answer. Why did you leave your last job? Why do you want to leave your current job? Why did you change jobs so often? Were you ever asked to resign? Were you ever fired? Coach AJ Hoge teaches you how to answer these questions skillfully, in English. Get the job you want. Master job interview skills with the Effortless English Job Club.
Animal Farm | Chapter 10 | AJ Hoge
04/06/2018 Duration: 43minYou learn the final chapter of Animal Farm today. The story ends. What finally happens to the animals? What happens to the pigs? Is this a happy ending, a sad ending, a funny ending? Enjoy this last lesson for George Orwell's classic book!
Fluent In 6 Months
30/05/2018 Duration: 25minHow can you be Fluent In 6 Months | What’s the secret to fluency? How long do you need? Here are the secrets to speaking English fluently in 6 months, using the Effortless English System. This system is designed to improve your spoken English. You learn to speak powerfully and improve quickly. In this podcast AJ Hoge, “The #1 English Teacher In The World”, tells you exactly how to speak English fluently 6 months from now.
Animal Farm | Chapter 9 | EE Show with AJ
19/05/2018 Duration: 01h11minLearn English with AJ Hoge and the Effortless English Show. Continuing our book club, today's lesson is Chapter 9 of "Animal Farm". Life gets even worse for the animals as Napoleon and the pigs get stronger. A great hero suffers and dies. The lies and propaganda continue, and only Benjamin the donkey sees the truth. The story of Animal Farm is almost finished.
Animal Farm | Chapter 8 | with AJ Hoge
09/05/2018 Duration: 56minLearn English with AJ Hoge and his book club. Today's lesson is Animal Farm | Chapter 8. Life continues to get worse for all of the animals, except the pigs and dogs. Napoleon and the pigs get more powerful. Finally, there is another major battle on the farm!