An Abundant Future with Matt Powers is a podcast focused on ushering in a syntropic future of abundance and regeneration. Hear from experts from all over the world who are actively working to reverse the damage we've done to our ecosystems and ourselves. Learn how to apply these lessons to your own life and help bring about the abundant future we all desire EVERY MONDAY!!
Episode 110 A Therapeutic Food Forest with Dr. Engebretzen & Jeff Reiland
04/06/2019 Duration: 52minMatt Powers speaks with Dr. Engebretsen of PCH and Jeff Reiland of Abundant Design in Des Moines, Iowa about using gardens and food forests in a medical and therapeutic context. If you've ever thought about the future of medicine, this is the episode for you! PHC Therapeutic Garden: Abundant Design - Jeff Reiland Blog on the Healing Garden:
Episode 109 Vegan Off Grid Permaculture with Jake Mace
01/06/2019 Duration: 01h12minChatting with vegan athlete, martial artist, youtube star, and off grid enthusiast, Jake Mace, on a Regenerative Future about living off grid on an island off the coast of Canada after living in urban Arizona. Subscribe to Jake Mace's Channels on Youtube - Off Grid Living with Jake & Nicole: Off Grid Athlete (formerly Vegan Athlete) Kung Fu & Tai Chi Center with Jake Mace
Writing & Self-Publishing INSIDE LOOK | Writer's Workshop Warning!!
27/05/2019 Duration: 13minIf you liked this teaser, CLICK THIS LINK: WE START TODAY!! Signups close tomorrow, so if you enjoyed this, please signup & join us - I don't know if I'll do this course again, but you'll have lifetime access to the materials even if we don't, so join us before it's too late!! Click HERE:
Writing & Self-Publishing INSIDE LOOK | Writing Books: Where To Begin
27/05/2019 Duration: 13minWE START TODAY!! Signups close tomorrow, so if you enjoyed this, please signup & join us - I don't know if I'll do this course again, but you'll have lifetime access to the materials even if we don't, so join us before it's too late!! Click HERE:
Writing & Self-Publishing INSIDE LISTEN | Course Overview & Introduction
25/05/2019 Duration: 23minThis is the first video of the first week of an 8-week online course Matt Powers Teaches: Writing & Self-Publishing - enjoy & let me know if you want to write a book in the comments - EVERYONE CAN WRITE A BOOK! I Can Show You How - Start Your Book This Week With MATT POWERS - SIGNUP HERE:
Episode 108 The Permaculture Market Garden With Zach Loeks
03/05/2019 Duration: 50minThe child of a humanitarian and an ecologist, Zach Loeks was raised on a permaculture farm and in many ways embodies the future of permaculture thinking. The lessons and systems of permaculture were implicit in his early life. His first book, The Permaculture Market Garden, is stunning - his artwork shows the mastery that comes from deeply understanding his students. He teaches college soil science and is working on a new book. Everyone should buy his book and keep their eye on Zach because he is carving a new path. Zach Loeks on Instagram: The Permaculture Market Garden on Amazon:
Episode 107 | Beyond the Erosion of Civilizations with David Montgomery
14/04/2019 Duration: 44minDavid R. Montgomery is an author and professor at the University of Washington. He is a morphologist and has been focused in recent years on the relationship between humans and soil. Books by David Montgomery Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations The Hidden Half of Nature Growing a Revolution
Chapter 19: Invisible Structures: Community, Commerce, & Governance 2 | The Permaculture Student 2
09/04/2019 Duration: 11minThis is a chapter from The Permaculture Student 2 by Matt Powers. If you'd like to own this book, you can order it on Amazon or for a limited time only, you can get it at a discount & signed by the author here:
Chapter 19: Invisible Structures: Community, Commerce, & Governance 1 | The Permaculture Student 2
09/04/2019 Duration: 15minThis is a chapter from The Permaculture Student 2 by Matt Powers. If you'd like to own this book, you can order it on Amazon or for a limited time only, you can get it at a discount & signed by the author here:
Episode 106 The R.A.H.T. Racer with Rich Kronfeld
08/04/2019 Duration: 31minRich Kronfeld talks about his invention the RAHT Racer, a new electric vehicle that has optional pedal power that can recharge the batteries to an extent and provide a workout! It brings pedal power up to car speeds most importantly cutting down on the time difference between transportation modes. Listen in & learn more! Kronfeld Motors Homepage:
Episode 105 Community Permaculture & Fire Recovery with Matthew Trumm
08/04/2019 Duration: 01h21minMatthew Trumm discusses shifting from off-grid to community-based permaculture as well as the Paradise wildfire disaster in detail. If you are interested in wildfires, this is an episode not to miss. Matthew's observations are incredibly valuable for everyone in fire prone areas. Ecosystem Restoration Camps Homepage:
Episode 103 Taproot Fibre Lab with Patricia Bishop
16/03/2019 Duration: 36minTaproot Fibre Lab: Taproot Farms CSA:
Episode 102 AMA Sea Beauty & Thalassotherapy with Antoinette Marquez
15/03/2019 Duration: 01h28minIn this episode, Adriana and Matt Powers interview inventor and entrepreneur, Antoinette Marquez of Santa Barbara, CA. Ancient wisdom, modern science, and best practices in health coincide in this amazing podcast interview!! AMA Sea Beauty's Homepage: PharmerSea's Homepage:
Do We Need GMOs? with Matt Powers
15/03/2019 Duration: 21minDNA is not Destiny | the New Science of Epigenetics - the original Epigenetics publication from 2006: How to Unlock the Full Potential of Your Mind | Dr. Joe Dispenza on Impact Theory: Bruce Lipton The Biology of Belief Full Lecture: This Trick Makes You Immune To Illness | Wim Hof on Impact Theory:
The Habits | Unlocking Your Enthusiasm pt 3
07/03/2019 Duration: 32minLearn More & Check out The KICKSTARTER:
The Roots of Enthusiasm | Unlocking Your Enthusiasm pt 2
06/03/2019 Duration: 16minIf we want to taste the best fruit off the tree of life, we need to nourish the roots of our enthusiasm and stay deeply connected. -Matt Powers Unstoppable Enthusiasm
The Benefits of Enthusiasm with Matt Powers | Part 1 of Unlocking Your Enthusiasm
06/03/2019 Duration: 22minThank you so much for listening! Please feel free to watch the entire MiniCourse here for FREE:
Episode 102 | Protecting the Sacred with Michael Cundick of SLC Air Protectors
26/02/2019 Duration: 45minSLC Air Protectors Facebook Page:
Episode 101 Ugandan Permaculture with Charles Mugarura
24/02/2019 Duration: 01h15minCharles Mugarura of Broadfield Enterprises Uganda - Permaculture Group shares his thoughts on African Permaculture especially in terms of Ugandan education and the future of governance and economy in Africa. Learn More:
Episode 100 Raskal Turbeville on Extreme Mycoremediation
19/02/2019 Duration: 01h05minRaskal's Recommended Links: Watch the Full Video: Crude, the documentary, on Youtube: