• Author: Podcast
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  • Duration: 300:12:38
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Internet radio for Scotlands social services


  • ISBA 2016: The shifting sector - Amy MacFarlane

    13/09/2016 Duration: 25min

    Amy MacFarlane, Founder and Chief Executive at Recreational Respite talks about innovative partnerships and use of technology in respite provision in Canada. Introduced by Donald Macleod, Conference Chair. Recorded at the 10th International Short Break Association conference, 13–15 September 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free

  • ISBA 2016: The 10th International Short Break Association conference - Don Williamson

    13/09/2016 Duration: 07min

    Don Williamson, ISBA President, explains the background to the biennial ISBA conference that was held 13–15 September 2016 in Edinburgh, Scotland. The theme was 'Unlocking the potential of short breaks'. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free

  • ISBA 2016: Back in the driving seat - James McKillop

    12/09/2016 Duration: 12min

    Dr James McKillop MBE, a person who has been living with dementia for a long time, tells of his personal experience of risk and outdoors activity. He has been supported by Dementia Adventure to fulfil his dream of going driving again in a safe environment. Introduced by Neil Mapes, Chief Executive, Dementia Adventure. Recorded at the 10th International Short Break Association conference, 13–15 September 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free

  • ISBA 2016: Adventures with dementia - Neil Mapes

    12/09/2016 Duration: 25min

    Dementia Adventure is a registered charity that is dedicated to supporting people to live well with dementia and have a sense of adventure in their lives. Neil Mapes, Chief Executive at Dementia Adventure describes the benefits of outdoor environments, engaging with nature and active holidays for those with dementia and their family and friends. Introduced by Donald Macleod, Conference Chair. Recorded at the 10th International Short Break Association conference, 13–15 September 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free

  • ISBA 2016: Anything to declare? - Jaynie Mitchell

    12/09/2016 Duration: 19min

    Jaynie Mitchell, Director at Inspiring Inclusion (Scotland) shares the experience of her own family of accessing appropriate services and support for her son who was diagnosed with autism as a child. Introduced by Donald Macleod, Conference Chair. Recorded at the 10th International Short Break Association conference, 13–15 September 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free

  • ISBA 2016: Caring in Scotland - Aileen Campbell

    12/09/2016 Duration: 14min

    In this episode, Aileen Campbell, Minister for Public Health and Sport talks about: How the Scottish Government hopes to support carers - paid and unpaid New social security powers are being devolved to Scotland, how might these be best used? Integration of health and social care Self-directed support The Short Breaks Fund Short Breaks Bureau Young Carers Festival The Respitality Project Local authority duties and short break services statements. Introduced by Donald Macleod, Conference Chair. Recorded at the 10th International Short Break Association conference, 13–15 September 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free

  • ISBA 2016: ISBA values and themes - Don Williamson

    12/09/2016 Duration: 10min

    Don Williamson, ISBA President and Chief Executive at Shared Care Scotland details how the conference came to be hosted in Scotland in 2016 and the value that previous conferences have contributed to the sector. He explains the intentions behind the theme 'Unlocking the potential'. Introduced by Donald Macleod, Conference Chair. Recorded at the 10th International Short Break Association conference, 13–15 September 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free

  • ISBA 2016: Welcome - Donald Macleod

    12/09/2016 Duration: 08min

    Donald Macleod, Conference Chair, welcomes visitors to the conference. Recorded at the 10th International Short Break Association conference, 13–15 September 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free

  • Appreciative inquiry in health and social care

    04/09/2016 Duration: 47min

    A roundtable discussion on the topic of Appreciative inquiry (AI) - a complement to Iriss' evidence summary: Insight 33 - Forming new futures through appreciative inquiry which launched on 17th October 2016. The discussion covers in some detail what AI is and how it has been used in health and social care. Participants include the authors of the evidence summary - Cathy Sharp (Research for Real) and Belinda Dewar (University of the West of Scotland); as well as Alison Upton (SSSC) and Robin Jamieson (SCDC). Kerry Musselbrook (Iriss) introduces and chairs the discussion. Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free

  • C-Change

    07/08/2016 Duration: 10min

    In this episode, Michael McEwan speaks to Sheryl Walker, PR and Marketing Co-ordinator for C-Change, about the goals and objectives of C-Change and the work that it does. This year, C-Change is celebrating its 15th birthday, and we hear about some of the associated events that are being organised. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free

  • Social pedagogy in practice at Camphill Scotland

    07/07/2016 Duration: 50min

    Social pedagogy is an approach to working with people which focuses on relationships as a way to help people to learn and develop. It is widely used in Europe but is still in its infancy in the UK. In Scotland there is a small but growing group of organisations that are using social pedagogy, but this is predominantly with children and young people. In 2014, Camphill Scotland received funding from Scottish Government through the Keys to Life strategy on learning disability to pilot the use of social pedagogy with adults with learning disabilities. Camphill has become one of the first organisations to work in this way with adults. In this episode we hear stories from three staff at Camphill who completed social pedagogy training and are now using it in their practice. Participants include Robina Alford – House Leader, Camphill Blair Drummond; Istvan Tanko – House Leader, Camphill Blair Drummond; Alex Gavin – Support Worker, Camphill Blair Drummond; Sandra Sabiston – Assistant Director, Camphill Blair Drummond;

  • Neighbourhood Networks

    23/06/2016 Duration: 10min

    Michael McEwan speaks to Lauren May, Network Manager for Glasgow about Neighbourhood Networks and the services it provides. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free

  • Challenging child protection: new directions in safeguarding children

    19/06/2016 Duration: 42min

    This is the third of three episodes in a seminar series entitled, 'Critical perspectives on child protection'. In this seminar, Janice McGhee and Professor Lorraine Waterhouse, explore the research landscape in child protection drawing on the work of academics from different research backgrounds both disciplinary and place. The work of the United Nations provides a global account of the reality of violence towards children around the world. Traditional forms of research in the UK will be considered and the potential contribution of advancing technologies will be discussed. Three opportunities to realise the potential of routinely-collected administrative data for child protection research are considered: first, the potential for predictive risk modelling; second, for spatial analysis; and third for a public health approach using population level data. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free

  • Social workers' communication with children involved in child protection

    16/06/2016 Duration: 23min

    This is the second of three episodes in a seminar series entitled, 'Critical perspectives on child protection'. In this seminar, Professor Cree and Dr Morrison share findings from the Talking and Listening to Children (TLC) research. This is a UK-wide study on social workers' communication with children. Funded by the ESRC, the research took place between 2013 and 2016. It began with the realisation that social workers have often been criticised in child abuse inquiries for not taking enough account of children's views and for sometimes failing even to see children. Using ethnography and video stimulated recall, the research makes a new contribution to knowledge on 'real time' social work practice. The seminar focuses on the ethnographic phase of the research and explores the key findings that emerged. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free

  • Reforming child protection insights from Australasia

    13/06/2016 Duration: 41min

    This is the first of three episodes in a seminar series entitled, 'Critical perspectives on child protection'. In this seminar, Professor Marie Connolly, shares her experiences of child welfare reform efforts in Australia and New Zealand. Situating these reforms within a broader frame of political change across the public sector, she discusses the ways in which reform occurs within a dynamic and quickly changing environment. She explores what she considers are important elements supporting successful reform, including building knowledge frameworks that are accessible to practitioners, creating service pathways that are more responsive to the needs of children and families, developing a child-centred organisational culture, and nurturing organisational leadership around a coherent vision. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free

  • Acumen: giving mental health service users and carers a voice

    16/05/2016 Duration: 15min

    Michael McEwan of Able Radio speaks to Pauline Vance, Development Worker at Acumen, about its supports and services. Contact Acumen: 0141 887 9103 Email: Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free

  • Learning Disability Week 2016

    01/05/2016 Duration: 11min

    Learning Disability Week will be held from 16-20 May 2016. Michael McEwan speaks to Linda Mitchell, Learning and Development Manager at Scottish Commission for Learning Disability, about the theme for this year and associated activities happening in Scotland. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free

  • Action on Hearing Loss Scotland

    28/03/2016 Duration: 11min

    According to Delia Henry, Director at Action on Hearing Loss Scotland, hearing loss and deafness don't often get highly profiled in Scottish society. In this episode, Michael McEwan speaks to Delia about Action on Hearing Loss - its history, who it works with, and the services it provides. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free

  • Disabled Access Day 2016

    25/02/2016 Duration: 15min

    Kiki McDonald, founder of Disabled Access Day, speaks to Able Radio's Michael McEwan about Disabled Access Day and associated events and activities. It will be held on 12 March 2016. Disabled Access Day Disabled Access Day - Facebook Disabled Access Day - Twitter, @access_day Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free

  • My Life My Way: Wesley Greer

    14/01/2016 Duration: 25min

    Never underestimate people with disability. Wesley (Wes) Greer talks to Michael McEwan of Able Radio about his life from school through the highs and lows of breaking into performing arts. Currently Wes is working in a voluntary post at Common Knowledge UK (CKUK). He is also a member of East Kilbride Rep Theatre where he recently played the dormouse in their pantomime adaptation of Alice In Wonderland. This was particularly intriguing as Wes is 6ft 5 inches tall! Wes has steadfastly refused to let his learning disability limit his ambitions and he explains how his self confidence increased through attending college and being a Host City Volunteer at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow in 2014. Through CKUK he was introduced to Sunny G 103 community radio where he now hosts his own show. His message is to the world is 'never underestimate people with disability' - and to people with a disability 'believe you can achieve what you want'. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free

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