Internet radio for Scotlands social services
Building the future; shaping our social work identity
30/05/2018 Duration: 20minBuilding the future; shaping our social work identity newly qualified social worker conference was held on 31 May 2018 in Edinburgh. Delivered with the University of Edinburgh (in partnership with the Higher Education Heads of Social Work Group), Iriss, SSSC, SASW, Social Work Scotland and the Scottish Government, it provided an opportunity for newly qualified social workers to come together to connect and reconnect. Viviene Cree introduces the conference, and is followed by a presentation by Jane Johnstone who provides some thought provoking asks of attendees. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes
The grand challenge(s) for social work
17/05/2018 Duration: 39minAt the Social Work Scotland AGM 2018, John Devaney, Centenary Chair of Social Work, spoke about social work in Scotland today. He focused on three key themes: The nature of modern social work and contribution of social workers to civil society The role of leadership in social work How to raise or sustain profile of what social work does and its value to wider society. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes
Learning Disability Week 2018
03/05/2018 Duration: 12minLearning Disability Week will take place from 14 to 20 May 2018. Michael McEwan speaks to Linda Mitchell from the Scottish Commission for Learning Disability (SCLD) about the week's activities. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
I Am Me
19/04/2018 Duration: 19minMichael McEwan speaks to Debbie Campbell and Megan Milligan from I Am Me, a community charity, which is focused on raising awareness of disability hate crime in Scotland. I Am Me aims to change attitudes and behaviours so that disabled and vulnerable people in Scotland feel safe in their communities. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
See Me
20/03/2018 Duration: 19minSee Me is Scotland's Programme to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination. It is funded by Scottish Government and Comic Relief and is managed by SAMH and The Mental Health Foundation. Michael McEwan speaks to Nick Jedrzejewski, Communications Manager about the various campaigns the Programme leads on. Maeve Grindall tells us what the Social Movement Team is and what it's involved in. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
Paisley Disability Resource Centre:2
28/02/2018 Duration: 14minThe Paisley Disability Resource Centre actively promotes independent living through various leisure, social, educational and employment activities and services. It aims to be a welcoming, supportive and inclusive place, where people come to socialise and network, as well as taking part in activities. In this second of two episodes, Michael McEwan speaks to Jim Thompson, the web design and movie maker co-ordinator, as well as Duncan Tomlinson, a participant in the activities. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
Paisley Disability Resource Centre:1
20/01/2018 Duration: 09minPaisley Disability Resource CentreThe Paisley Disability Resource Centre actively promotes independent living through various leisure, social, educational and employment activities and services. It aims to be a welcoming, supportive and inclusive place, where people come to socialise and network, as well as taking part in activities. Michael McEwan speaks to Kevin Cantwell, the arts group facilitator at the Centre, as well as a number of people who take part in the activities which include painting, photography and dancing. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
Conversation with Evan Rae, a support worker
08/12/2017 Duration: 20minMichael McEwan speaks to Evan Rae about his experiences as a support worker with Sense Scotland. Evan talks about what motivated him to get into care, the challenging and rewarding parts of working in care, some of the issues that need to be addressed, and the importance of self-directed support. He provides encouragement and information to those who might be interested or considering a career in care. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
Conversation with Greg Campbell, a support worker
16/11/2017 Duration: 17minMichael McEwan has a conversation with Greg Campbell, a support worker who works with vulnerable adults. Greg speaks about his motivations for pursuing a career in care, the transition from education to practice and the positive and challenging experiences. It's an inspiring message for others, and particularly men, who may be considering a career in care. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
PAssport to Independent Living
31/10/2017 Duration: 45minThe launch of PAssport to Independent Living (PDF), a published collection of stories written by Personal Assistants (PA) about their experiences of what it's like to work as a Personal Assistant in Scotland took place on 31 October 2017 in Glasgow. The project was supported by Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living (GCIL), the Workers Education Association (WEA) and Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC). Before hearing from the Personal Assistants, Mandy, Lizzie and Susan, we spoke to Lilian Smith, SDS Development Coordinator at Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living; and Sharon Ledger, Education Co-ordinator at Worker's Educational Association, who give us some background on the project, information about the PA Network Scotland and the intentions of the publication. The SSSC offered support through Open Badges. We heard from Yvonne and Alison who told us about the work of the SSSC, and what Open Badges are and how they can be acquired. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
Access Film Club
22/10/2017 Duration: 17minOur roving reporter on disability issues, Michael McEwan, speaks to Jodie Wilkinson, the Public Engagement Coordinator of Access Film Club which is hosted at Glasgow Film Theatre. She speaks about the purpose and aims of the club and the types of films screened. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival
02/10/2017 Duration: 17minMichael McEwan speaks to Richard Warden, the film lead, about the 2017 Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival (10-29 October). Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
Restorative justice
31/08/2017 Duration: 33minRestorative Justice is a process of dialogue between two parties; in the context of criminal justice social work this will be a victim (or person harmed) and an offender (one who has caused harm). Statutory criminal justice social work in Edinburgh is a service aimed at reducing reoffending and protecting the public through evidence based interventions. The development of a restorative justice service for those on statutory orders is a new and progressive approach to tackling reoffending. In this episode speaks to Ciara Webb, who is a practitioner involved the service and who has recently completed research on the topic of restorative justice in partnership with University of Edinburgh. She tells us more about the research and plans for practice. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
The Care Collective
24/08/2017 Duration: 17minMichael McEwan speaks to Ruth Gallagher (Voluntary Action East Renfrewshire), Lynn Wardle (Thrive) and Colette Walker (carer) about the Care Collective. The Care Collective is a project in East Renfrewshire to support carers and involve them in discussions and decisions about their support. A number of organisations are working in partnership to make it happen. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
The Dundee Early Intervention Team
30/07/2017 Duration: 38minThe Dundee Early Intervention Team (DEIT) provides early intervention support to families. The team is a partnership of the four leading children's charities in Dundee – Aberlour, Children 1st, Action for Children and Barnardo's Scotland – the team works together with Dundee City Council, NHS Tayside and Dundee Voluntary Action. Practising a social pedagogy model, the team work alongside families to build their capacity to tackle challenges and make sustainable change. In 2017 Iriss worked with the Dundee Early Intervention Team to capture learning about the partnership model underpinning the team and to evidence the impact of its support on families. In this conversation, practitioners Natalie, Harriet, Jade, Bianca and Brian share their experiences of working with families as part of the Dundee Early Intervention Team. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
Hidden disabilities: Joseph Delaney
19/07/2017 Duration: 19minMichael McEwan speaks to Joseph Delaney about growing up with a 'hidden disability'. Joseph is on the autistic spectrum and tells us about his life experiences, and his journey to getting his music degree at university and working at Limelight Music. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
Hidden disabilities: Ryan Fleming
18/06/2017 Duration: 28minMichael McEwan speaks to Ryan Fleming about growing up with a 'hidden disability'. Ryan is on the autistic spectrum and tells us about the challenging, as well as positive experiences he has faced from childhood right through to adulthood. He talks about how he sees the world, how he interacts in social situations, his support network and his hopes for the future. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
Secure care in Scotland
22/05/2017 Duration: 48minThe second of two episodes to celebrate the Festival of Residential Child Care 2017. Debbie Nolan, Centre for Youth & Criminal Justice (CYCJ) introduces Alison Gough, secure care national adviser, also of CYCJ. She asks her about the key messages emerging from the Secure Care National Project, which were published in the 2016 CYCJ report: Secure care in Scotland: looking ahead. Deborah, Lesley and Sharon, who all work in secure care, share their perspectives, experiences, hopes and priorities for the future for young people in, and on the edges of, secure care and the sector. Discussion points: Public and professional perceptions of secure care and whether these chime with practice experience The implications for secure care practitioners helping young people who have been involved in seriously harming others, alongside those who have been exploited and are very vulnerable to further harm Priorities for the planned strategic board for secure care, next steps, and the involvement of practitioners. Transcr
Between a rock and a hard place
22/05/2017 Duration: 40minThe first of two episodes to celebrate the Festival of Residential Child Care 2017. In this episode Debbie Nolan and Kristina Moodie (Centre for Youth & Criminal Justice) introduce the rationale behind, and findings of their 2016 research 'Between a rock and a hard place': responses to offending in residential childcare. This enabled discussion with Sheila, Duncan, David and David, all of whom are residential childcare workers, on how far these findings aligned with their experiences of practice. Key themes discussed: Complexity in responding to offending in residential child care Supports to staff in doing so The dilemmas and tensions faced The recommendations made in the research to change practice. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
Active and Independent Living Improvement Programme (AILIP)
17/05/2017 Duration: 30minSarah Mitchell Programme Director for the Active and Independent Living Improvement Programme and Susan Kelso AHP Lead for Early Intervention (Scottish Government) spoke to about the programme and the LifeCurve Survey. The Active and Independent Living Improvement Programme (AILIP) was officially launched on April 26th by Shona Robison MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport. The vision for Scotland as outlined in the Health and Social care Delivery Plan is to have a Scotland with high quality services that have a focus on prevention, early intervention and supported self management. The AILIP will be a key contributor to delivering that vision. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free