Internet radio for Scotlands social services
OpenLearn: the Open University's open content initiative
21/06/2007 Duration: 27minAlma Hales (Deputy Head of Intellectual Property, Open University), and Bernadette Attwell (Copy-Right Consultants Ltd).
International social work: is a universal ethic for social work attainable?
18/06/2007 Duration: 01h11minProfessor Richard Hugman (University of New South Wales, Australia). Recorded at Glasgow School of Social Work Research Seminar Series.
Neglect, risk and resilience
29/05/2007 Duration: 40minBrigid Daniel, Professor of Child Care and Protection, University of Dundee. Brigid is the Director of Studies for a large suite of post-qualifying child care and protection training courses. Recorded at Achieving Results with Children and Families conference.
Achieving results for children through kinship care
29/05/2007 Duration: 39minJane Aldgate, Professor of Social Care, Open University. Jane has researched a wide range of child welfare issues and publications in the field of Child Welfare including 'Children's Needs - Parenting Capacity'. Recorded at the Achieving Results with Children and Families conference.
Getting the balance right: achieving results with children and families
29/05/2007 Duration: 28minMaggie Mellon, Director of Children and Family Services with Children 1st. Maggie previously worked as Head of Public Policy for NCH Scotland and has written and edited a number of publications. Recorded at the Achieving Results with Children and Families conference.
The same as you? Opportunities for young people with learning disabilities after leaving school
02/05/2007 Duration: 45minDr. Gillian MacIntyre, Glasgow School of Social Work. Recorded at Glasgow School of Social Work Research Seminar Series.
The role of personal narratives in addressing stigma and discrimination
18/04/2007 Duration: 44minCase studies from mental health. Neil Quinn (East Glasgow CHCP/GSSW) and Lee Knifton (NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and GSSW). Recorded at Glasgow School of Social Work Research Seminar Series. The soundtrack from the video clips played during this lecture are reproduced with the kind permission of Scottish Television.
Criminal justice social work in three countries: Scotland, Canada and Ireland
08/03/2007 Duration: 49minProfessor Dennis Bracken, School of Social Work, University of Manitoba, Canada.
Protecting our communities: learning from inspections
08/02/2007 Duration: 49minAlexis Jay and Gill Ottley, Social Work Inspection Agency. Recorded Glasgow School of Social Work Research Seminar Series.
Blended learning in social care
29/01/2007 Duration: 57minAileen Yates (COLEG) and Kenny Park (Cardonald College). This workshop will describe how the project developed blended learning resources and used these to support a blended approach within HNC Social Care, followed by a demonstration of sample resources.
The role of the e-Library and Shared Space to support your community
29/01/2007 Duration: 21minAnnette Thain, NHS e-library. The workshop will demonstrate the NHS Scotland e-Library, how to access it and how to register for a password; the Shared space tool which provides a virtual workspace to support the sharing knowledge and learning; how to use the online discussions; Discussion of the role of communities of practice in supporting elearning and how the tools could assist the development of these communities.
Technology enhanced professional learning: design and practice
29/01/2007 Duration: 43minTony Van Der Kuyl, Scottish Interactive Technology Centre, University of Edinburgh. Having large amounts of information online is not a solution for a quality learning experience, Personalisation, accessibility, collaboration, and customisation are all features of todays successful learning environments. The workshop will describe and demonstrate these features through an interactive workshop.
Reusable learning objects and learning designs
29/01/2007 Duration: 18minDawn Leeder, UCeL. The workshop commences with an introduction to RLO-CETL, a demonstration of RLOs followed by a brief introduction to pedagogical design guidelines. Participants will brainstorm a learning design for an RLO in pairs or small groups using the RLO-CETL Pedagogical Design Sheet. These designs will then be presented and discussed.
Web 2.0 and informal learning
29/01/2007 Duration: 01h04minLearning Technology Team, Scottish Institute of Excellence in Social Work Education. How can blogs, wikis, podcasting and other web 2.0 methods be harnessed to support learning for practice? This workshop will enable participants to learn more about the “Web 2.0” phenomenon, demonstrate some emerging educational applications, and consider the pros and cons of applying these methods in the context of learning for the social service workforce.
The centre cannot hold: childcare social work, emotional dynamics and modern organisations
11/01/2007 Duration: 48minProfessor Andrew Cooper (Tavistock Clinic). Recorded at Glasgow School of Social Work Research Seminar Series.
Social work, eligibility and justice: moral economies of practice
14/12/2006 Duration: 33minDr. Tony Evans, University of York.
Citizens, clients and consumers in the welfare state
11/12/2006 Duration: 24minCitizens and Clients in Public Services. Recorded Scottish Policy Innovation Forum, Royal Society of Edinburgh.
Consumers in professionalised services
11/12/2006 Duration: 22minCitizens and Clients in Public Services. Gill Hogg. Recorded Scottish Policy Innovation Forum,Royal Society of Edinburgh.
Redemption and risk, social enquiry and the new penology
06/12/2006 Duration: 50minFergus McNeill (Glasgow School of Social Work), Nicky Burns (Strathclyde Law School).
Performance assessment in social work education
01/12/2006 Duration: 08minAn interview with Kathryn MacKay - University of Stirling.