• Author: Podcast
  • Narrator: Podcast
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 300:12:38
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Internet radio for Scotlands social services


  • Residential child care and the family metaphor: relations, relationships and relatedness

    12/02/2009 Duration: 47min

    Professor Andrew Kendrick, Glasgow School of Social Work. Introduction John Campbell, Senior Lecturer, Glasgow School of Social Work. Recorded at University of Strathclyde Faculty of Education Professorial Lectures.

  • Changing Lives: sharing knowledge, improving practice

    06/02/2009 Duration: 24min

    Keynote talk from the Social Services Knowledge Scotland “Sharing Knowledge, Improving Practice, Changing Lives” conference given by Alan Baird, President, Association of Directors of Social Work. Recorded at Glasgow Royal Concert Hall.

  • Later life transitions

    29/01/2009 Duration: 36min

    Some more optimistic findings from research about ageing across the world. Talk given by Ken Laidlaw, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, NHS Lothian. Recorded Edinburgh City Chambers.

  • Language, communication and the brain: two hemispheres are better than one

    22/01/2009 Duration: 44min

    Professor Catherine Mackenzie, University of Strathclyde. Introduction: Nicky Souter, Senior Lecturer Curricular Studies. Recorded at University of Strathclyde Faculty of Education Professorial Lectures.

  • The protection of adults vulnerable through mental disorder

    15/01/2009 Duration: 49min

    The Protection of Adults Vulnerable Through Mental Disorder: Legislation and the Role of Social Work, the Local Authority and the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland. George Kappler, Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland. Recorded at Glasgow School of Social Work Research Seminar Series.

  • Self-directed support

    09/12/2008 Duration: 12min

    Monologue about an older man weighing up personalised care. Performed by Iain Anderson - Radio Scotland's late night presenter. The script was written by Charlotte Barker, John Scott and Una Munro. Artwork is by Karen Irvine.

  • Collaborating to learn and learning to collaborate

    09/12/2008 Duration: 01h07min

    Professor Donald Christie, Department of Childhood and Primary Studies and Applied Educational Research Centre, University of Strathclyde. Introduction: Jill Bourne (Dean of Faculty of Education) and Professor Ian Menter (Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Education, University of Glasgow). Recorded at University of Strathclyde Faculty of Education Professorial Lectures.

  • Disability: sameness and difference

    18/11/2008 Duration: 45min

    Professor Kirsten Stalker. Recorded at University of Strathclyde Faculty of Education Professorial Lectures.

  • Criminal justice social work after McLeish: possibilities and pitfalls

    06/11/2008 Duration: 57min

    Professor Fergus McNeill, Glasgow School of Social Work. Explores the implications for criminal justice social work of the recent report of the Independent Prisons Commission, 'Scotland's Choice'. Examines whether the idea of offenders paying back in the community represents a necessary and sufficient underpinning rationale for the use of community penalties and, more generally, for the future development of criminal justice social work. Recorded at Glasgow School of Social Work Research Seminar Series.

  • Changing Lives: engage, change and deliver

    08/10/2008 Duration: 55min

    Alan Baird, President of the Association of Directors of Social Work and Director of Social Work, Dundee City Council talks about Changing Lives in the context of what the ADSW is doing to reinvigorate the agenda and progress on personalisation of services. Recorded at Glasgow School of Social Work Research Seminar Series.

  • ESRC strategy for social work and social care research

    01/10/2008 Duration: 15min

    Rhoda Macrae (Iriss) is in conversation with Elaine Sharland (ESRC). Elaine has just been appointed by the Economic and Social Research Council as strategic advisor for social work and social care research.

  • Fit for the future

    25/09/2008 Duration: 19min

    Netta Maciver, Principal Reporter, Scottish Children's Reporter Administration. Session 5 - Changing Children's Services. Recorded at Getting It Right for Every Child: Childhood, Citizenship and Children's Services, Glasgow, 24-26 September 2008.

  • Changing children's services: promoting and supporting informal care

    25/09/2008 Duration: 42min

    Professor Robbie Gilligan, Trinity College Dublin. Session 6 - Changing Children's Services - promoting and supporting informal care. Recorded at Getting It Right for Every Child: Childhood, Citizenship and Children's Services, Glasgow, 24-26 September 2008.

  • Getting it Right for Every Child: managing the change – ideas from theory and experience

    25/09/2008 Duration: 24min

    Professor Jane Aldgate, The Open University. Session 5 - Changing Children's Services. Chair: Dr David Stone, Director of Glasgow University's Paediatric Epidemiology and Community Health Unit at Yorkhill Hospital. Recorded at Getting It Right for Every Child: Childhood, Citizenship and Children's Services, Glasgow, 24-26 September 2008.

  • Getting It Right for Every Child: promoting effective change

    24/09/2008 Duration: 18min

    Bill Alexander. Head of Children's Services for NHS Highland and Highland Council. Session 4 - Changing Children's Services. Recorded at Getting It Right for Every Child: Childhood, Citizenship and Children's Services, Glasgow, 24-26 September 2008. Transcript of episode

  • Accountability and practical change in child welfare: beyond professionalism

    24/09/2008 Duration: 22min

    Dr Mark Creekmore, University of Michigan. Session 4 - Changing Children's Services. Recorded Getting It Right for Every Child: Childhood, Citizenship and Children's Services, Glasgow, 24-26 September 2008.

  • Changes in support for children and families in Iceland: social capitals, challenges and opportunities

    24/09/2008 Duration: 29min

    Professor Dóra Bjarnason. University of Iceland. Session 4 - Changing Children's Services. Chair: Ms Martha Holden, Project Director, University of Cornell. Recorded at Getting It Right for Every Child: Childhood, Citizenship and Children's Services, Glasgow, 24-26 September 2008.

  • Getting it right for looked after children and young people: building a strong corporate family

    24/09/2008 Duration: 19min

    Anna Fowlie, Head of Corporate Parenting, Care and Justice Division, Children, Young People and Social Care Directorate. Scottish Government. Session 3 - Building Better Childhoods, Responding to Need. Chair: Professor Andrew Kendrick, Glasgow School of Social Work. Getting It Right for Every Child: Childhood, Citizenship and Children's Services, Glasgow, 24-26 September 2008. Recorded 25th September 2008.

  • Better learning, better behaviour

    24/09/2008 Duration: 16min

    Dr George Head, Senior Lecturer, University of Glasgow. Session 3 - Building Better Childhoods, Responding to Need. Recorded at It Right for Every Child: Childhood, Citizenship and Children's Services, Glasgow, 24-26 September 2008.

  • Improving child health: discussion of evidence on promoting protective factors and reducing modifiable risk factors

    23/09/2008 Duration: 18min

    Professor Linda de Caestecker, Director of Public Health, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Session 2 - Building Better Childhoods, Understanding Contemporary Childhood. Recorded at Getting It Right for Every Child: Childhood, Citizenship and Children's Services, Glasgow, 24-26 September 2008.

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