• Author: Podcast
  • Narrator: Podcast
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 300:12:38
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Internet radio for Scotlands social services


  • What's out there?

    09/06/2010 Duration: 12min

    Farkhanda Chaudhry, Community work, SCLD (Scottish Consortium for Learning Disabilities) Recorded at the Equal, Connected and Contributing Conference. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Adults with learning disabilities and the social significance of work

    09/06/2010 Duration: 24min

    Murray Simpson, School of Education, Social Work and Community Education, University of Dundee. Murray has undertaken various pieces of work for social work agencies, including the development of risk protocols and reviews of day service provision for two local authorities. Recorded at the Equal, Connected and Contributing Conference. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • The art of inclusion: the role of creative activities in promoting social inclusion and belonging for people with learning disabilities

    09/06/2010 Duration: 32min

    Ed Hall, Lecturer in Human Geography, University of Dundee. His research has two strands, within the first strand -geographies of disability, welfare and social exclusion - there are two themes. He developed a significant research interest in social exclusionary (and inclusionary) geographies of learning disability. Within the second research strand - new medical geographies - he has established a research interest in the transformation of medical and lay knowledges of health and disease in the context of new genetic claims and technologies. Recorded at the Equal, Connected and Contributing Conference. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Integration and value: a historical perspective

    09/06/2010 Duration: 35min

    Duncan Mitchell is Professor of Health and Disability at Manchester Metropolitan University and Head of Clinical Services at Manchester Learning Disability Partnership, he is the first holder of this joint appointment between the University and Partnership. Previously he was at the University of Salford where he was Head of the School of Nursing. He has also worked as a Community Learning Disability Nurse and has lectured in learning disabilities, politics of health and history of nursing. Duncan is the author of papers on the history of learning disability, health and learning disability. Recorded at the Equal, Connected and Contributing Conference. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Equal, Connected and Contributing conference introduction

    09/06/2010 Duration: 04min

    Welcome to conference by Dr. Alison Petch, Iriss Director. Recorded Equal, Connected and Contributing Conference. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Vicarious traumatisation or vicarious transformation?

    26/05/2010 Duration: 31min

    Dr Arash Toosheh PhD Researcher in Psychotraumatology at Glasgow School of Social Work. Arash obtained his qualification in 2010. He was supervised by Dr Pam Green Lister and professor Andy Kendrick. Arash is originally from Iran and brings a unique multi-cultural perspective to social work. Recorded Glasgow School of Social Work research seminar series. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Empathy and conscience

    06/05/2010 Duration: 47min

    Professor Christopher Gillberg, Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University of Gothenburg. Recorded Fred Stone Memorial Conference. Child and Mental Health Law, Glasgow. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • The New Orleans intervention for maltreated children and their families

    06/05/2010 Duration: 40min

    Professor Charles Zeanah, Professor Director of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Tulane University, New Orleans Recorded Fred Stone Memorial Conference. Child and Mental Health Law, Glasgow. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Fred Stone memorial conference 2010

    06/05/2010 Duration: 21min

    Tam Baillie, Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People Fred Stone Memorial Conference. Child and Mental Health Law, Glasgow. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • YoungMinds and working with Fred Stone

    06/05/2010 Duration: 41min

    Peter Wilson, former Director of YoungMinds. Recorded Fred Stone Memorial Conference. Child and Mental Health Law, Glasgow. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Basic legal principles of child law

    06/05/2010 Duration: 33min

    Professor Kenneth Norrie, Professor of Law, University of Strathclyde. Recorded at Fred Stone Memorial Conference. Child and Mental Health Law, Glasgow. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • The children's hearing system and the Kilbrandon Committee

    06/05/2010 Duration: 47min

    Professor Andrew Lockyer, Professor of Citizenship and Social Theory, University of Glasgow. Recorded Fred Stone Memorial Conference. Child and Mental Health Law, Glasgow. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Substance misuse and social work: 'It's everyone's job'

    28/04/2010 Duration: 01h06min

    Joy Barlow MBE, Head of STRADA. Glasgow School of Social Work Research Seminar, Substance Misuse and Social Work - the essential contribution. "It's everyone's job". Recorded at Glasgow School of Social Work Research Seminar. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • How to encourage innovation in the regulated environment

    22/04/2010 Duration: 58min

    Part of the Iriss Masterclass series. Carole Wilkinson, former Director of the Scottish Social Services Council talks about how to encourage innovation in the regulated environment. In her lecture, Carole Wilkinson talked about some of the reports, policy and thinking that has impacted on social work in the 20th and 21st Century. Most recently in February 2010, The Social Work Inspection Agency published their report of all 32 local authority social work department inspections since 2005 – Improving Social Work in Scotland. In 2006 the Scottish Government's Changing lives report laid out a vision of social work in the 21st century – building on the Barclay report and the Social Work Taskforce. In addition to reports and policy on social work, Carole Wilkinson also refers to thinking on public services. She refers to the 2002 annual Reith Lectures given by Baroness Onora O'Neill on The Question of Trust which discussed our growing distrust with the profession of public services and book Welfare and Well-being

  • What does the concept of Next Practice offer to people using social services?

    19/03/2010 Duration: 50min

    Part of the Iriss Masterclass series, Geoff Mulgan. Geoff Mulgan is director of the Young Foundation. Between 1997 and 2004 he worked in the UK Prime Minister's office and Cabinet Office and before that was the founding director of the thinktank demos. He is a Visiting Professor at LSE, UCL, Melbourne University and the China Executive Leadership Academy. He also works as a part time adviser to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in Australia. His latest book is The Art of Public Strategy: mobilising power and knowledge for the common good. Gathering information and data about good and poor services Geoff Mulgan talks in his lecture about the concept of Failure Demand: demand caused by a failure to do something or do something right for the service user or client and often involves miscommunication or lack of action. This is different to Value Demand - demand responding to what the service exists to provide. Overcoming failure demand is important to the experience of the service and is about improving quality. Where an

  • Mental health and employment

    17/03/2010 Duration: 53min

    This workshop examines the important role employment plays in both improving and maintaining mental health amongst those who have experienced mental health problems. Miles Rinaldi. Recorded at What Works: Putting Research Into Practice. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • The role of social workers in dealing with the legacy of the conflict in Northern Ireland

    13/03/2010 Duration: 53min

    Dr Jim Campbell, Queen's University, Belfast. Recorded at Glasgow School of Social Work Research Seminar. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Knowledge Café

    19/02/2010 Duration: 57min

    Part of the Iriss Masterclass series, David Gurteen - talks about the Gurteen Knowledge Cafe. David Gurteen With over 30 years experience working in high-technology industries, David today works as an independent knowledge educator and coach – helping people in organisations to share their knowledge more freely; to be more creative and innovative and to work more effectively together. He is the founder of the Gurteen Knowledge Community (a global learning network of over 14,000 people in 153 countries) and publishes the Gurteen Knowledge Website (a resource website containing book reviews, articles, people profiles, etc.) David is a frequent speaker and facilitator, and is particularly well known for the knowledge cafés that he runs regularly in London and in other cities around the world. Taking these ideas forward Setting up and running a Knowledge Cafe If you are interested in setting up a knowledge café there are plenty of details on David Gurteen's website. An alternative format to the Knowledge Café is

  • Youth justice

    05/02/2010 Duration: 59min

    This workshop examines the range of practices and procedures for dealing with young people involved, or at risk of being involved, in offending. Professor Fergus McNeill leads this workshop. Fergus is Professor of Criminology and Social Work in the Glasgow School of Social Work (a Joint venture of the Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde) and a Network Leader in the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research at the University of Glasgow. Prior to becoming an academic in 1998, Fergus worked for a number of years in residential drug rehabilitation and as a criminal justice social worker. His research interests and publications have addressed a range of criminal justice issues including sentencing, community penalties, ex-offender reintegration and youth justice. Most recently, Fergus' work has focused on the policy and practice implications of research evidence in the process of desistance from offending. His first book, co-authored with Bill Whyte, 'Reducing Reoffending: Social Work and Community Justic

  • Effective user involvement

    20/01/2010 Duration: 44min

    Peter Beresford discusses user involvement in public service design and management has been widely promoted as a means of improving the quality and responsiveness of services. This workshop examines the role of the user in service planning. Recorded What Works: Putting Research Into Practice. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

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