Internet radio for Scotlands social services
Driving through culture change in difficult times
18/01/2013 Duration: 46minAngela Morgan, Chief Executive of Includem, shares her experience and lessons in leading a small, innovative organisation through difficult economic times and changes while remaining true to its core purpose and vision. Recorded at Exploring culture change: approaches and challenges.
If working with personal outcomes and Talking Points is so simple, why does it not feel easy
18/01/2013 Duration: 37minJune Findlater, South Lanarkshire Council, describes the journey towards embedding the outcomes-focussed approach as advocated by Talking Points in East Renfrewshire and South Lanarkshire Councils. Recorded at Exploring culture change: approaches and challenges.
Culture change and self-directed support: a clear vision
18/01/2013 Duration: 37minHenry Simmons, Chief Executive of Alzheimer Scotland, explores culture change in relation to self-directed support. He talks about the need for a clear vision based on the principles of human rights as a driver for successful change. Recorded at Exploring culture change: Approaches and challenges.
Culture change in the public sector: an evidence review
18/01/2013 Duration: 16minMichelle Drumm (Iriss) talks about her Insight on the evidence around culture change in the public sector, viewed through the lens of the Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) Highland Pathfinder. Recorded at Exploring culture change: approaches and challenges.
Culture change and the integration of health and social care
18/01/2013 Duration: 26minAlison Petch, Director of Iriss, discusses the change in culture needed for the successful integration of health and social care, what supports this and some of the remaining challenges. Recorded at Exploring culture change: approaches and challenges.
At Home Abroad exhibition
12/12/2012 Duration: 34minOn 12 December 2012, visited the 'At Home Abroad' exhibition, which was being held at the Scotland Street School Museum in Glasgow. The exhibition opened in December 2012 and runs until the end of January 2013 and is housed at the Scotland Street School Museum in Glasgow. In the exhibition, children from four schools - migrants and non-migrants - share their views of the migratory experience through photographs, poems, objects, painting and collage. It illustrates children's real and imagined experiences of migration and aims to present a different view of the migratory experience, as seen by children. The exhibition is a result of a piece of research that was conducted on the experiences of East European migrant children. Daniele Sime, Senior Lecturer at the University of Strathclyde told us more about the research and the resulting exhibition. The exhibition is a result of research that was conducted in 2011, entitled, At home abroad: the life experiences of Eastern European migrant children in Sco
Keeping an eye on the child
08/11/2012 Duration: 34minKey Capabilities and students as leaders in multidisciplinary contexts. Professor Brigid Daniel's keynote address to the 2012 SCOPT (Scottish Organisation for Practice Teaching) annual conference offered a positive and optimistic view of social work as new entrants bring fresh perspectives. Students, in general, are curious and not afraid to ask questions, keen to read the evidence and apply it in practice. In short, they are well adapted for multidisciplinary working and leadership roles. She senses the pendulum swinging away from risk aversion and raises the question of how we equip students to become creative, autonomous professionals, capable of taking risks without the fear of being 'hung out to dry'. Reports mentioned in Brigid's talk: SIESWE Key capabilities in child care and protection (PDF) GIRFEC NHS Education for Scotland - Core competency framework for the protection of children Common Core of Skills, Knowledge & Understanding and Values for the "Children's Workforce" In Scotland Iriss Ins
SASW MHO of the Year Award: Liz Snodgrass
02/11/2012 Duration: 22minLiz Snodgrass from Renfrewshire became the first winner of the SASW MHO of the Year Award in memory of Wilma MacDonald, a highly respected and loved MHO from the East End of Glasgow who died in 2009. Liz has been a social worker for many years and a practising MHO who has a wealth of experience in the field. She told us a bit about why she went into social work; the opportunities that social work has given her; why she specialises in mental health work; the significance of the award; changes in the field over the years and what needs to be done going forward; how she shares her skills and knowledge; what advice she would give to others working in mental health; how she 'goes the extra mile' in her work; and the challenges of personalisation. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
Media and the criminal courts in Scotland
01/11/2012 Duration: 27minBlogging and microblogging in court. James Doleman started blogging during the Tommy Sheridan trial in 2006. At a seminar organised by Strathclyde University's Centre for Law, Crime and Justice, he talked about why social media in criminal courts should be seen as an opportunity rather than a problem. Social media offers a new set of media tools that can open up justice and enable citizens to take an active role in the world: going to courtrooms or local council meetings and telling people what is happening. James explained why he thought problems tend to be exaggerated and reflected on how they can be managed. James Doleman blog The Sheridan Trial Guest blog post on Open Justice? What Is the Problem With Tweeting From a Scottish Court? Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
Harnessing community capacity to deliver great outcomes and savings
30/10/2012 Duration: 36minCommunity Catalysts. Sian Lockwood, Chief Executive of Community Catalysts talks about harnessing community capacity and micro-enterprise. Recorded at the Iriss Champions network meeting.
Talking Points: scaling out - piloting to embedding
30/10/2012 Duration: 09minAlison Petch, Director at Iriss, talks about the origins and implementation of the Talking Points programme, an approach that focuses on assessing the outcomes important to the individual. This was part of a wider presentation on 'scaling out', from piloting to embedding, delivered with Lisa Pattoni who talked about the work Iriss has been doing with East Dunbartonshire Council on an asset based approach for positive mental health and wellbeing.
- internet radio for Scotland's social services
29/10/2012 Duration: 30minIan Watson, Programme Manager at Iriss, speaks about, internet radio for Scotland's social services. He also speaks about access to social media in the workplace. Recorded at the Iriss Champions network meeting.
On being an Iriss Champion: Ronnie Black
29/10/2012 Duration: 08minIn this short presentation, Ronnie Black the Iriss champion at Crossreach, talks about how he has benefited from being a champion. Recorded at the Iriss Champions network meeting.
Leading for outcomes tool use at Aspire Scotland
29/10/2012 Duration: 11minEddie talks about how Aspire Scotland has adapted Iriss's Leading for outcomes: children and young people guide as part of their online training for staff. Recorded at Iriss Champions network meeting, New Lanark.
Pilotlight self-directed support project
29/10/2012 Duration: 20minJudith and Kate from Iriss talk about the Pilotlight project. Recorded Iriss Champions network meeting, New Lanark.
Please listen: highs and lows of a life in care
29/10/2012 Duration: 14minWith the support of Gavin Sinclair, Creative Arts Development Officer and Scottish screen actor, Daniel Portman, two young people from Kibble have written a ten minute play called 'Please Listen', which explores the highs and lows of a life in care. The play explores issues such as being moved from home to home and having little control over your own life, but ultimately focuses on the strengths of young people and their ability to trust, care, develop their talents and reach their potential if given the chance. A film of the play is available on the Kibble website. Recorded at Iriss Champions network meeting, New Lanark.
Self-directed support: human rights work stream findings
29/10/2012 Duration: 26minPam Duncan, Policy Officer, Independent Living in Scotland project (ILiS) and Tressa Burke, Chief Executive of Glasgow Disability Alliance, talk about their involvement in the Evidence Explorers project, specifically the Human Rights workstream. Recorded Iriss Champions network meeting, New Lanark.
Self-directed support: evidence explorers and pilotlight
29/10/2012 Duration: 15minSally Witcher, an associate at Iriss, talks about the Evidence Explorers project. Recorded at the Iriss Champions network meeting, New Lanark.
Evidence Explorers, mental health workstream
29/10/2012 Duration: 18minDee Fraser, Programme Manager (Providers and Personalisation) at CCPS Scotland discusses her involvement in the mental health workstream of the Evidence Explorers project. Recorded at the Iriss Champions network meeting, New Lanark.
Protecting people through partnerships: WithScotland Conference 2012
24/10/2012 Duration: 22minOn 25th October 2012, WithScotland (formerly SCCPN and MARS) held its first national conference under its new name on the subject of 'Protecting people through partnerships'. spoke to a number of the speakers, including Tom Wood, Chair of East and Mid-Lothian Adult and Child Protection Committees and Chair of the event; Beth Smith, Director at WithScotland; Joy Barlow, Strategic Advisor at STRADA; and Brigid Daniel, Head of Social Work at the University of Stirling. They offered their thoughts on the importance and challenges of partnership working and the significance of the conference. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free