Internet radio for Scotlands social services
The Advocacy Project
26/04/2014 Duration: 09minCatriona Rowley of The Advocacy Project talks to Michael McEwan of Able Radio about advocacy and the services offered by the project. The Advocacy Project Twitter @theadvocacypro Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
The arts in social care: overview of the evidence base
23/04/2014 Duration: 11minIn early 2013 Consilium research (commissioned by Skills for Care and the Baring Foundation) conducted a literature review of available evidence to explore the role of the arts in delivering social care outcomes. Jim Thomas gives us an overview of the research findings.
Welfare reform. Impact on third sector social and housing care providers in Scotland
22/04/2014 Duration: 34minIriss and CCPS - the Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland - collaborated on an ESRC funded research project to investigate the impact of welfare reform on third sector social and housing care providers in Scotland. The results of this project were shared at a workshop on the 23rd of April 2014 in Edinburgh. Lead Researcher Gregory White describes the project and its findings. Shaheena Din explains how the Scottish Welfare Reform Advisory Service (SCOTWRAS) works, highlighting examples of the kind of enquiries they handle. Finally Kirsty McKechnie from Child Poverty Action Group Scotland describes the Early Warning System for gathering information about the impact of welfare on children and their families. British Social Attitudes Park, A., Clery, E., Curtice, J., Phillips, M. and Utting, D. (eds.) (2012), British Social Attitudes: the 29th Report, London: NatCen Social Research Scottish Welfare Reform Advisory Service (SCOTWRAS) CPAG Early Warning System NOTE: the quotations from support worker
Status change: will the marriage of health and social care lead to better partnership working?
27/03/2014 Duration: 45minThe Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Bill that has passed through Scottish Parliament is aimed at ensuring closer integration of health and social care services across Scotland. Given a growing older population on the one hand and a past history of sometimes difficult working relationship between health and social work services on the other, any measure which will result in more joined-up services with less people falling through the gaps is to be welcomed. At the same time, it is clearly important to learn the lessons from previous attempts to improve joint working and to explore the implications of these changes for inter-professional education and working. These are some of the issues which Alison Petch, Director at Iriss explores in this seminar, based on her extensive research in this area. Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Bill (as passed) Delivering integrated care and support (report commissioned by ADSW) Iriss Insight 24: Delivering integrated care and support. Transcript of episode M
How can we ensure that older people are equal partners in developing preventative approaches?
21/03/2014 Duration: 24minPlan P: New approaches to prevention with older people, is an Iriss project which addresses the issue of social isolation and loneliness amongst older people. Each quarter the advisory group records a group discussion about a related aspect of prevention. This is the second discussion - 'How can we ensure that older people are equal partners in developing preventative approaches?'. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
Fit for the Future
14/03/2014 Duration: 16minRhiann McLean, lead on Fit for the Future, a joint Iriss and Scottish Care project, speaks to about the project's aims and objectives and gives us an update on progress to date. Fit for the Future is a project dedicated to inspiring better outcomes for older people in Scotland. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
Dates-n-Mates nightclub for people with learning disabilities
14/03/2014 Duration: 10minMichael McEwan of Able Radio catches up with John Paul, a Director of Dates-n-Mates, at the Arches to talk about Late, Scotland's first inclusive club night for people with learning disabilities. Dates-n-Mates Melisa House, Unit 3 Festival Court, Brand Place, Glasgow G51 1DR Phone 0141 427 2957 Text or phone us at 07765 246336 Email Twitter @datesnmates Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
The Peckham Experiment. Henrietta Trotter in conversation with Lisa Curtice
12/03/2014 Duration: 41minLisa Curtice in conversation with Henrietta Trotter who was closely involved with the Pioneer Health Centre, popularly known as the Peckham Experiment. The centre was set up in 1926 as a public health research study and became something of an icon for people interested in self organising communities. The Peckham Experiment The Pioneer Health Centre closed in 1950 but the Pioneer Health Foundation continues to promote the legacy and the ideas of the Centre. Peckham Experiment in the 21st Century Total participation, total health: reinventing the Peckham Health Centre for the 1990s Scotsman article on plan to recreate the experiment in Fife Science, Synthesis and Sanity. An inquiry into the nature of living, by George Scott Williamson, Innes Hope Pearse (1965) Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
Impact Arts (2/2)
07/03/2014 Duration: 09minThis Session introduced the Impact Arts creative pathways approach and delivery methods which build confidence, communication and teamwork skills. We reflected on how these processes could be applied in different settings. Rye I was chucked out of school and I was the worst type of person, as much as I hate to admit. This boosted my confidence and brought me back to earth. It's changed me as a person and made me better.On Impact arts: There's nothing like it. It is the only work environment when you go in and they treat you the exact same – treat you as a colleague and not as a child. Reece You're not always stuck at a desk all the time. You can actually do your own thing, design your own work., It's a great laugh.
Impact Arts (1/2)
07/03/2014 Duration: 07minThis Session introduced the Impact Arts creative pathways approach and delivery methods which build confidence, communication and teamwork skills. We reflected on how these processes could be applied in different settings. Rye I was chucked out of school and I was the worst type of person, as much as I hate to admit. This boosted my confidence and brought me back to earth. It's changed me as a person and made me better.On Impact arts: There's nothing like it. It is the only work environment when you go in and they treat you the exact same – treat you as a colleague and not as a child. Reece You're not always stuck at a desk all the time. You can actually do your own thing, design your own work., It's a great laugh.
Using the Sony Playstation Portable (PsP) for context based learning
04/03/2014 Duration: 24minKey Community Supports provides support for people with disabilities across Scotland. During 2013 Iriss worked with Key to explore how mobile technologies might provide context-based information and training for care workers. Specifically we looked at how a mainstream device - the Sony Playstation Portable - could be used to deliver video instructions and support. Iriss's Ian Watson talked to Key's Alistair Welsh and Sandy Marshall about how it worked out, what lessons they had learned and their plans for the future. Using the Sony Playstation Portable (PsP) for context-based learning Project report (including sample video clip) More on the PSP as mobile learning device Mobile learning in the workplace. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
Disability sports in Scotland and the Commonwealth Games 2014
20/02/2014 Duration: 13minMichael McEwan of Able Radio speaks to Gavin Macleod, Chief Executive of Scottish Disability Sport about the work that they do and the build up to Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games. He also interviews Greg Warnecke, Head of Sport at Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games about the programme of activities. Scottish Disability Sport Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Para-sports: Looking forward to the main event - Michael McEwan's article in the Sunday Herald, 27 April 2014. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
Why attachment matters beyond early years. SAIA Conference 2013
29/01/2014 Duration: 38minDuring the Scottish Attachment In Action 2013 conference spoke to the speakers - Tam Baillie, Judy Furnivall, Helen Minnis, Sally Wassell and Paul Gilroy - as well as some of the delegates on a range of topics: how research into brain development in early years is helping us understand brain development in adolescence; professionalism and risk averse practices; why attachment is not better understood by everyone working in human services; evidence informed practice and practice informed evidence; and the use of randomised control trials in the social sciences. Scottish Attachment in Action Attachment Matters for All - An Attachment Mapping Exercise for Children's Services in Scotland - report by CELCIS and SAIA,. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
Supporting practitioners through the ethical research journey
27/01/2014 Duration: 22minAn event 'Navigating ethical approval and access in social care research' was held on 28 January 2014. It provided an opportunity to discuss the routes for gaining ethical approval for social care research and to provide a platform for the launch of the guidance document developed by a working group led by Scottish Government. In this episode, Catherine-Rose Stocks Rankin, Iriss Associate speaks about supporting practitioners through the ethical research journey taken on the PROP (Practitioner Research and Older People) project. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
Importance of ethics in social care research and six principles for ethical research
27/01/2014 Duration: 29minAn event entitled, 'Navigating ethical approval and access in social care research' was held on 28 January 2014. It provided an opportunity to discuss the routes for gaining ethical approval for social care research and to provide a platform for the launch of the guidance document developed by a working group led by Scottish Government. In this episode, Alison Petch, Director at Iriss, speaks about the importance of ethics in social care research and the six key principles for ethical research. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
Trend Spotter network
15/01/2014 Duration: 06minMichael McEwan of Able Radio interviews Susan Campbell of the Social Care Ideas Factory about the Trend Spotter network in Glasgow that will capture stories and trends of everyday living of people affected by disabilities. The Trend Spotter network will link people together virtually through the SCIF website, a specific Trend Spotter Facebook page and also face to face through regular meet up sessions. Trendspotters SCIF (Social Care Ideas Factory) Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
Mindfulness in practice
18/12/2013 Duration: 22minIn December 2013, spoke to Sandra Gyaltsen, Learning and Development Officer at Dumfries and Galloway Council, and Jane Kellock, Senior Manager - Children and Early Intervention at West Lothian Council, on the subject of mindfulness and its application to social services practice. Mindfulness Association Mindfulness video produced by Dumfries and Galloway Council. Sandra Gyaltsen: Jane Kellock: Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
What does prevention mean in an ageing population?
17/12/2013 Duration: 38minPlan P: New approaches to prevention with older people, is an Iriss project which addresses the issue of social isolation and loneliness amongst older people. Each quarter the advisory group records a group discussion about a related aspect of prevention. This is the first discussion - 'What does prevention mean in an ageing population'. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free
Risk assessment and risk management in youth justice
09/12/2013 Duration: 01h01minA discussion about the theory and practice of risk assessment and risk management in youth justice hosted by Mark McSherry, Head of Development with the Risk Management Authority. Taking part are Lorraine Johnstone (a consultant clinical and forensic psychologist), David Orr (a Social worker with Edinburgh Youth Offending Service, seconded to the Centre for Youth and Criminal Justice), Stuart Allardyce (a social worker seconded from Barnardo's to the Centre for Youth and Criminal Justice) and Nina Vaswani (Research Fellow at the Centre for Youth and Criminal Justice). Centre for Youth Crime and JusticeGlossary of acronyms: AIM2 – Assessment Intervention and Moving On 2 FRAME – Framework for Risk Assessment, Management and Evaluation JSOAPII – Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment Protocol II RCT – Rational Choice Theory RNR – Risk Needs Responsivity SAVRY – Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth SPJ – Structured Professional Judgement (Y)LS/CMI – (Youth) Level of Service/Case Management InventorySee also
Able Radio presents... December 2013
09/12/2013 Duration: 06minAble Radio's Michael McEwan provides a roundup of news and events for people with disabilities. Third of the series. International Day of Disabled People 2013 Able Radio Trend Spotting / Social Care Ideas Factory Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free