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Oregon Counties Reject Pot Businesses
20/05/2016Two Oregon counties reject pot businesses thanks to a vote in Tuesday's primary, where voters in Grant and Klamath counties rejected measures to allow them.
House Votes to Allow VA Medical Marijuana
20/05/2016The House of Representatives voted 233-189 today to allow Veterans Administration doctors recommend medical marijuana for vets in the 25 legal medical marijuana states.
Colorado Marijuana Legalization Might Work
18/05/2016In an about-face from statements made shortly after Colorado legalized marijuana, Gov. John Hickenlooper says “It’s beginning to look like it might work.“
Sanders Supports Puerto Rico Legalization
17/05/2016Bernie Sanders takes his political revolution to Puerto Rico, promising in Spanish to legalize marijuana if elected president.
Colorado School Allows Medical Marijuana
15/05/2016A Colorado Springs-area school district will now allow students who rely on medical marijuana to take doses at school
Minority Juvenile Cannabis Arrests Up in Colorado
12/05/2016Minority Juvenile Cannabis Arrests Up in Colorado as Marijuana Arrests Dip for White Teens, Rise for Minorities.
AAA Calls For Ending Driving THC Limits
12/05/2016Six states that allow marijuana use have THC limits to determine driving while impaired by the drug that have no scientific basis, according to a study by the nation’s largest automobile club that calls for scrapping those laws.
Missouri Medical Marijuana Vote Imminent
10/05/2016Activists with New Approach Missouri have submitted their petition signatures to place a medical marijuana initiative on the November ballot.
California Marijuana Legalization Vote Imminent
06/05/2016Backers of a 2016 California marijuana legalization vote say they have collected enough signatures for the measure to qualify for the California ballot this November.
Harborside Health Wins vs. Feds
05/05/2016Harborside Health Wins vs. Feds as the federal government agreed to drop its four-year bid to shut down Oakland’s Harborside Health Center.
Oregon Marijuana Licenses Issued
05/05/2016The Oregon Liquor Control Commission has issued its first eight recreational marijuana licenses. The Oregon marijuana licenses for growing were issued in Lane, Tillamook, Washington, Clackamas, Jackson and Josephine counties and include a mix of large and medium scale indoor, mixed and outdoor cultivation growers, the agency said.
NJ Weedman Arrested in Temple Raid
30/04/2016A New Jersey marijuana advocate dubbed NJ Weedman has been arrested again on marijuana charges after law enforcement raided his restaurant and cannabis temple.
Maine Legalization Makes the Ballot
28/04/2016State officials announced Wednesday that a proposed initiative to end marijuana prohibition in Maine has officially qualified for the November ballot.
United Nations Discusses Global Drug Policy
28/04/2016The first U.N. General Assembly special session to address global drug policy in nearly 20 years heard major differences on the approach to drug use.
Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Law Signed
19/04/2016Pennsylvania has become the 24th state to legalize a comprehensive medical marijuana program. Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf signed the bill into law Sunday afternoon surrounded by a jubilant crowd of supporters at the Capitol building in Harrisburg.
France Marijuana Decriminalization Rebuked By Gov't
13/04/2016Socialist lawmakers in France are rebuking a fellow minister who criticized the country’s prohibition of marijuana as ineffective and called for “a selective lifting of prohibition for adults”.
Rhode Island Marijuana Legalization Hearing
12/04/2016The Rhode Island House Judiciary Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing Tuesday on a bill that would end marijuana prohibition in the state and replace it with a system in which adults can purchase marijuana from licensed businesses, similarly to alcohol.
Maine Legalization Initiative Back On Track
09/04/2016A Kennebec County Superior Court judge ruled on Friday that state officials may have improperly invalidated thousands of signatures of registered Maine voters
Church Denied Cannabis Sacrament
08/04/2016A federal court has ruled that a church for Native Americans in Hawaii should not be excused from federal marijuana laws despite the group’s claim that ingesting cannabis is part of their sacred sacrament.
DEA Marijuana Rescheduling Decision Will Happen This Year
08/04/2016The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has indicated it will announce its decision on rescheduling cannabis before the end of President Obama’s administration.