Making Positive Changes In Your Life and In Your Health With Brief Inspirational Messages Through Ericksonian Principles
CFH065: CHAPTER 7 Beliefs: You Have the Power Within to Follow Your Own Path
02/09/2016 Duration: 05minOur internal resource is our power to move things in our lives—resources that we have acquired over our lives through our experiences.
CFH064: CHAPTER 7 Beliefs: When We Believe In Limited Beliefs
01/09/2016 Duration: 04minWhen we live with limited beliefs, we rob ourselves of the opportunity to see how far we can go in our abilities.
CFH063: CHAPTER 7 Beliefs: Believe In The Possibilities
31/08/2016 Duration: 05minWe need to believe in what's possible before we have a clear picture of what's possible, and for this we need to look to the past.
CFH062: CHAPTER 7 Beliefs: Sooner Is Better Than Later
30/08/2016 Duration: 04min"I wish I had done it sooner." This is a very common response we have after doing something that we've been putting off.
CFH061: CHAPTER 6 Perspectives: Make a Detour In Life
29/08/2016 Duration: 05min"It is the experience of re-associating and reorganizing his own experiential life that eventuates in a cure." — Milton Erickson
CFH060: CHAPTER 6 Perspectives: A Community Of Potentials
26/08/2016 Duration: 04minWe are a community of people, which means that, by our nature we are social creatures.
CFH059: CHAPTER 6 Perspectives: Staying Cool In a Chaotic World
25/08/2016 Duration: 05minHow do we keep cool when everything around us is chaotic?
CFH058: CHAPTER Perspectives: No Day is the Same
24/08/2016 Duration: 03minWe will never repeat the same day, because each day is new.
CFH057: CHAPTER 6 Perspectives: Learning from Children?
23/08/2016 Duration: 03minWhat can we learn from children?
CFH056: CHAPTER 6 Perspectives: Visiting Loved Ones
22/08/2016 Duration: 03minAfter we have renewed ourselves visiting our loved-ones, we can take on the days ahead.
CFH055: CHAPTER 6 Perspective: Put a Positive Spin On a Difficult Situation
19/08/2016 Duration: 04minWhen things aren't working the way we want, we can put a positive spin on it.
CFH054: CHAPTER 6 Perspectives: Change Your Prototype
18/08/2016 Duration: 04minMilton Erickson doesn't tell his patients that they will need more flexibility; instead he sets up the patients to do something to break up the inflexibility.
CFH053: CHAPTER 6 Perspectives: Uniqueness Brings Richness to a Community
17/08/2016 Duration: 03minWe are each unique, and although we don’t always know what we want in life, we know our wants, desires, and wishes.
CFH052: CHAPTER 6: Perspectives: Put Things In Perspectives
16/08/2016 Duration: 03minWhen we're about to face some difficulties, it is time to get some perspective on them.
CFH051: CHAPTER 6: Perspectives: Humor and Perspectives
15/08/2016 Duration: 04minHumor is good for our health. It can discharge negative energy. It helps us to deal with a difficult situation and is entertaining for mind, body and soul.
CFH050: CHAPTER 5: Fearing Little Is the Only Way Out
12/08/2016 Duration: 05min"And what do you need to fear? Very little that you need to fear? — Milton Erickson
CFH049:CHAPTER Doubts: Today Was Once Tomorrow
11/08/2016 Duration: 05min"People always have that tendency to put off working on a problem to tomorrow." — Milton Erickson
CFH048: CHAPTER 5 Doubts: Out of the Pit of Self-Doubt
10/08/2016 Duration: 04minSelf-doubts can limit our choices. Without choices no one is free, and unless we widen our mind, we won't see choices that are in front of us.
CFH047: CHAPTER 5 Doubts: So Far So Good: Breaking Down Fears
09/08/2016 Duration: 05minWhen it comes to fear, we don't jump into something without having some reservations.
CFH046: CHAPTER 5 Doubts: Uncertainty About Life
08/08/2016 Duration: 04minWe all have experienced feeling uncertain about things. We want to know everything about a thing before we begin the task.