Inspired Choices Network An often playful and always poignant look at the curious and funny life situation, dilemmas, joys and stumbles that we come across in our everyday life and the exploration of the extraordinary and delightfully different ways we can approach, manage, surpass and laugh at them. Kass Thomas
Are You Avoiding Greatness? ~ Kass Thomas
13/05/2015Living Consciously with Kass Radio Show Do you start a project with a lackadasical attitude that sets you up for failure or mediocre success instead of off the charts? "Join me weekly while we have some fun talking with folks from all over the world about what makes us deliciously different, surprisingly the same and intensely interested in creating more for ourselves and everyone and everything around us."
Who are Your Heroes? ~ Kass Thomas
06/05/2015Living Consciously with Kass Radio Show Who are the people that have stimulated you to strive for more? Who has stuck you with a lie about what you can or can't do that you have bought it as true? "Join me weekly while we have some fun talking with folks from all over the world about what makes us deliciously different, surprisingly the same and intensely interested in creating more for ourselves and everyone and everything around us."
What is Your Relationship to the Molecules? Guest Cory Michelle
29/04/2015Living Consciously with Kass Radio Show How to create in the space of working within your life and business. What is your relationship to the molecules? What is your natural capacity with that? Join Kass Thomas and her Guest Corey Michelle on this wonderful show as they discuss some amazing areas of life and your relationship to the molecules. "Join me weekly while we have some fun talking with folks from all over the world about what makes us deliciously different, surprisingly the same and intensely interested in creating more for ourselves and everyone and everything around us."
What Scares You Shitless? Kass Thomas
22/04/2015Living Consciously with Kass Radio Show Scared does it have to do with danger? What is that adrenalin rush that happens? What is it? Hights? Danger? Bodily Harm? Is it an awarenesss or is it something that stops you? Is fear an invention? Could it be excitement? "Join me weekly while we have some fun talking with folks from all over the world about what makes us deliciously different, surprisingly the same and intensely interested in creating more for ourselves and everyone and everything around us."
Is the Obvious Really Obvious? ~ Kass Thomas
15/04/2015Living Consciously with Kass Radio Show Is the obvious really obvious - Every time I say "Well obviously..." I realize that perhaps what I am taking for granted may not be true at all and may not be so obvious to others. What have we taken as a given that is influencing what can and does show up in our lives, our relationships our bodies and our money flows? "Join me weekly while we have some fun talking with folks from all over the world about what makes us deliciously different, surprisingly the same and intensely interested in creating more for ourselves and everyone and everything around us."
Feeding Your Future ~ Kass Thomas
08/04/2015Living Consciously with Kass Radio Show Do your creations require some juice? Are you willing to feed your desires for the future with the creative juices they need to stimulate the momentum so that they can contribute to you and you can create the future you desire? Are you planning for success? "Join me weekly while we have some fun talking with folks from all over the world about what makes us deliciously different, surprisingly the same and intensely interested in creating more for ourselves and everyone and everything around us."
Showing Up In Your Life ~ Kass Thomas
25/03/2015Living Consciously with Kass Radio Show How often are we so ready to promote other people and be a support for other people but not willing to speak up and be that for ourselves? Join me for an interesting conversation about how we sabotage our own success by not being willing to step up? Is that kind to you? To the world?
Consciousness in the Mainstream Work World with Guest Lisa James
18/03/2015Living Consciously with Kass Radio Show Is it possible to empower employees to work better and enjoy their lives? Is that key the key to create new possibilities in the work world? Where is consciousness available now? Join Kass Thomas and Lisa James as they discuss this ever expanding topic. www.kassthomas.com
50 Shades of Painful Pleasures ~ Guest Samantha Lewis
11/03/2015Living Consciously with Kass Radio Show with Kass Thomas What is it that brings you pleasure, what is it that brings you pain? Are they mutually exclusive? Join us for an intimate and hones conversation about what we love to hate and what we hate to love. You might be surprised….
Surprise Show ~ Living Consciously with Kass
04/03/2015Living Consciously with Kass Radio Show with Kass Thomas SURPRISE SHOW….Come and see what Kass is planning on creating! With Kass-An often playful and always poignant look at the curious and funny life situation, dilemmas, joys and stumbles that we come across in our everyday life and the exploration of the extraordinary and delightfully different ways we can approach, manage, surpass and laugh at them. Kass’ direct yet warm and friendly dance invites you to swing, tango or mumbo and find your rhythm and get in the groove. “Join me weekly while we have some fun talking with folks from all over the world about what makes us deliciously different, surprisingly the same and intensely interested in creating more for ourselves and everyone and everything around us.”
South Africa: Children of The Lonely Road ~ Guest Judy Tipograph
25/02/2015Rediscovering a land you thought you knew and finding yourself. The road less traveled of the thousands of children and women and a dream and hope for a tomorrow that includes you. Join me Kass Thomas with special guest Judy Tipograph, native New Yorker and all South African at heart. Find out what you can do to make a difference today!
What’s right about me? with Kass Thomas
28/01/2015It’s so easy to feel wrong in this reality. When is it that you know without a shadow of a doubt that you are right? When do you know you’re wrong? Join me for a look at what’s right about YOU that your not getting! Kass Thomas Classes
I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts! Guest Megan Rogers
21/01/2015Communicating with the Beyond ~ The Magic of Relating to Others with Ease – part 1 – The weird stuff People have so much going on in their own world and in their own head when we encounter them. Sometimes they are even in contact with the spirit world and don’t know it. Join me with guest Megan Rogers while we discuss some practical ways to 1. recognize when there are spirits around 2. what you can do to send them away 3. how you might find more comfort in communicating with them 4. lots of other fun and unexpected surprises. How much are you willing to be aware of EVERYTHING going on around you?
Holistic Finance ~ Guest Wickham Boyle
14/01/2015Getting out of the sphere of financial fear into realm of financial abundance. Even when nothing seems to change in your wallet, take control and live better. Do you know what the latte factor is? How to go from deprived, to excited and be emboldened!!! Wicki, has an MBA from Yale University and lives in Tribeca New York City working as a writer, financial coach and international entrepreneur. She has a long history with non profits and assists traditionally financial challenged populations (artists, women and the self employed) change their financial reality. Join me for this innovative conversation full of tips to change the way you prepare for your future.
Getting in Shape for the New Year
07/01/2015Getting in shape for the new year from the inside out or from the outside in? When people want to change their lives some start from the inside, changing their point of view getting spiritual and digging deep, and some start from the outside and go in changing their appearance which changes their outlook on life How are these aspects interrelated and which comes first or does it depend on who and where you are and when? Join me with special guest Coach G live from Washington DC. He is an International trainer, coach and physical guru, coach G also known as Gerard Burly has trained people on three continents from the jet set crowd to tribe members in Africa. What change are people looking for and where do they start ?
OUT with the Old IN with the New! Kass Thomas
31/12/2014OUT with the Old IN with the New! What would you like to say goodbye to in 2014? People; habits; points of view; any part of you that is no longer required, working or desired? And what can you make space for in 2015 that would expand your ease, your joy and your exuberant expression of life? Join me while we take a look at the old, the new and the infinite possibilities of a future that goes beyond what you always knew was possible but never dared to truly invite.
Dancing with Riches! ~ Kass Thomas
17/12/2014What does it mean to be wealthy? Is it the same as being Rich?Wealth is something you have and noone can take away from you. Rich is something you acquire, possess and hold onto.What riches and wealth do you have that you could turn into gold?Join me for a discussion about my new book by the same title.Come play with me!!!
Tis the Season!!! with Kass Thomas
10/12/2014Tis the Season – Holidays around the world and the weird and interesting ways they celebrate! Let’s travel around the world and see what people are up to this December. Would you like to share your traditions, creations and celebrations? Come play with me!!!
The Art of Communication with Kass Thomas
03/12/2014What is communication? Does it involve words? images? thoughts? feelings? emotions? all of the above? Why do some people have so much ease and others feel so tongue tied or awkward? Survey on this topic has revealed some very interesting information about what people find easy, what they find hard. I will share some tips from my upcoming book The Art of Communicating aka The Magic of Relating to Others with Ease.
Addiction and Recovery ~ Guest Marilyn Bradford
27/11/2014What is addiction? Is it genetic? heriditary? learned behavoir or a weakness? What do you do with it? Can you really change it and if so how? Join me with Marilyn Bradford, MSW and Addiction specialist for a VERY different conversation about addiction which will give you different way to look at addiction, recovery and your life and the people in it. You don't want to miss this one. It could have more to do with you than you think.