Grammar Girl Quick And Dirty Tips For Better Writing

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 194:41:04
  • More information



You'll get fun and friendly doses of writing advice in three short chunks: a Quick and Dirty Tip, a meaty middle, and a final tidbit. Grammar Girl covers everything from punctuation and grammar to style and voice.


  • 440 GG How to Plan a Novel

    30/10/2014 Duration: 11min

    For NaNoWriMo: How to format a character's thoughts, how to plan a novel, and the surprising newness of the novel format. Visit the website:

  • 439 GG Texting, Coffins, and Death

    23/10/2014 Duration: 12min

    Today, with Halloween in mind, I have a Quick and Dirty tip about the difference between a casket and a coffin; and an excerpt from David Crystal’s new book, Words in Time and Place, that goes through the many words we have for death and dying. Finally, I saw something shocking in a formal document a few weeks ago, so I have a tidbit about text messaging and language. Read the transcript:

  • 438 GG Why Do People Say Punctuation Out Loud?

    16/10/2014 Duration: 21min

    "Vaccine" Versus "Vaccination." Syelle Graves explains why people say things such as "We never leave any soldier behind. Period," and more generally, the relationship between speech and writing. A doozy of an eighteenth-century grammar rule: Don't use "who" to refer to children. Read the transcript:

  • 437 GG What’s the difference between England, Great Britain, and the UK?

    09/10/2014 Duration: 07min

    I know all you European listeners think it’s ridiculous that Americans don’t know the difference between England and Britain, but a British friend told me that many of you don’t know the difference between Britain and the United Kingdom, and that this would be a good topic for a podcast even though people should already know. Read the transcript:

  • 436 GG Why People Have Always Been Confused About Apostrophes

    02/10/2014 Duration: 13min

    An interview with Ammon Shea about the confusing history of apostrophes. Hanged Versus Hung. The story of the Victorian Great Exhibition, where Adolphe Sax displayed his invention: the saxophone. 

  • 435 GG We Might Could Harvest the Corn

    25/09/2014 Duration: 13min

    Yes, you can start a sentence with "because." Here's how to do it. What are helping verbs (also called auxiliary verbs), and why do people in some regions say things such as "might could" and "might should"? English writers didn't always use a dot over the letter "i." We'll talk about when and why they started. Visit the website:

  • 434 GG Ya Shank: The Made-Up Swear Words of 'The Maze Runner'

    18/09/2014 Duration: 10min

    Insults, swear words, and world-building for young adults: In an interview with James Dashner, I got the inside scoop on the language of "The Maze Runner." Read the transcript:

  • 433 GG Why People Mix Up the Pronouns "Me" and "I"

    11/09/2014 Duration: 13min

    I can tell you which pronouns to use, but it takes a linguist to explain WHY people get confused. Here, Gretchen McCulloch reveals the fascinating reason that people struggle with sentences such as "Billy and me went to the store." Read the transcript:

  • 431 GG Words That Aren't Words

    28/08/2014 Duration: 12min

    In this podcast, you get a Quick and Dirty Tip about where to put periods and commas relative to quotation marks, an excerpt from Ammon Shea's book "Bad English," and a tidbit about a 1921 poem called "Alphabet of Errors." Read the transcript:

  • 430 GG The Plural of Money. This Is Your Brain on Writing. Egregious

    21/08/2014 Duration: 13min

    In this week's podcast, Grammar Girl discusses the plural of money, how to use "egregious," and talks with Ellen Hendriksen from The Savvy Psychologist podcast about the findings from an experiment done by German researchers in Germany who studied people’s brains while they were actively writing. Read the transcript:

  • 429 GG How to Use the Conjunction “Nor”

    14/08/2014 Duration: 16min

    How do you use the conjunction "nor" and why is it so special it deserves a podcast of its own? Neil Whitman explains. Visit the website to read the full transcript:

  • 428 GG Crash Blossoms

    07/08/2014 Duration: 11min

    Why the Associated Press accidentally made people think another Malaysian airplane had crashed, and what it tells us about language. Visit the website to read the full transcript:

  • 427 GG 7 French Food-Related Words That Became English

    31/07/2014 Duration: 13min

    When the Normans took over England in 1066, they brought their food and their language. We talk about seven interesting French words that made it into English, and guest Clever Cookstr shares some of her favorite related recipes. Read the full transcript:

  • 426 GG A Language Lover's Trip to England

    24/07/2014 Duration: 11min

    During a short but delightful trip to England, I saw the Rosetta Stone, the White Tower at the Tower of London, ancient alphabet tiles and wax seals, a stained glass window honoring William Caxton, and many more wonders. Hear about them all. Read the transcript on the website:

  • 425 GG Why Weird Al's Word Crimes Video Made Me Want to Quit

    17/07/2014 Duration: 08min

    Why Weird Al's Word Crimes Video Made Me Want to Quit. Visit the website to watch the video and comment:

  • 424GG There's Something Weird About "For," "Yet," and "So"

    10/07/2014 Duration: 08min

    FANBOYS are a myth and there's something weird about "for," "yet," and "so."

  • 423 GG Is the Semicolon in TL;DR Ironic?

    03/07/2014 Duration: 03min

    "TL;DR" means "too long; didn't read," but the semicolon is usually associated with long or complex sentences. What is it doing in this abbreviation? Note: This piece originally appeared as a Grammar Girl blog post January 22, 2014 and was rereleased as an audio podcast on July 3, 2014. Visit the website to read the full transcript and leave a comment:

  • 422GG Manipulating Words to Make Things Funny

    26/06/2014 Duration: 05min

    Why sentences like this are funny: A woman gives birth in the UK every 48 seconds. She must be exhausted.

  • 421 - Part II: Why Do People Say 'A-Whole-Nother'?

    19/06/2014 Duration: 11min

    Why do people say "a-whole-nother"?It's the same reason we say "an apron" instead if "a napron."

  • 420 - Why 'A-Whole-Nother' Isn’t Like 'Ala-Frickin’-Bama' and 'Hizzouse'

    12/06/2014 Duration: 07min

    While researching why people say "a-whole-nother," Syelle Graves discovered that even knowing what to call the phrase gets complicated (and interesting).

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