Seth Andrews, a former Christian broadcaster and believer for 30 years, ultimately escaped the bonds of superstitious thinking to embrace the more satisfying explanations that science provides. A professional video producer and host of one of the most popular atheist communities on the internet, Seth Andrews brings a polished format, a relaxed environment and a rage-free challenge to the religious beliefs that defined his youth.
Stones of Tribulation: a short story by Ed Suominen
07/06/2016 Duration: 53minSUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: (promo code: thinkingatheist)Ed Suominen is an engineer, inventor, recovering fundamentalist Christian, and author. His books include, "An Examination of the Pearl," and "Evolving out of Eden," which Ed co-wrote with Dr. Robert M. Price. Ed also writes "Ed Suominen's Shitty Little Blog," which can be found at, and one year ago, his retelling of the biblical story of Abraham was read by Seth Andrews in a podcast titled, "Abraham's Excellent Adventure." (LISTEN HERE: a story written and produced specifically for this broadcast (and again performed by Seth Andrews), Ed explores the implications of Yahweh's commands in Deuteronomy 22, prompting the listener to (hopefully) review and re-examine the goodness of the Bible...the supposedly Good Book.Written version with footnotes: a supporter of thi
The Order of Elijah: No Longer a Christian Band
31/05/2016 Duration: 40minSUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: (promo code sethandrews) "The Order of Elijah" is a metalcore band from Joplin, Missouri. Since their debut album "Accession" released in 2012, they have been identified as a Christian band. Yet lead singer Shannon Low recently declared that he - and the band - no longer held to the Christian faith. Low is an atheist, and he is being very public about it.Shannon Low joins Seth Andrews for a candid discussion about Christianity, the business of Christian music, his apostasy, the backlash, and the future of a "formerly Christian" band.VIDEO OF THIS INTERVIEW: Order of Elijah pages:FACEBOOK: RECORDS:!the-order-of-elijah/c1ighHemant Mehta's article: a supporter of this podcast:
God is Messed Up: A Conversation with Tracie Harris
24/05/2016 Duration: 01h12minSponsored by The Phil Ferguson Show: Harris is one of the co-hosts of the Austin-based television show, "The Atheist Experience." She joins Seth Andrews for a conversation about religion, atheism, God, family, boundaries, and the reasons that someone who dislikes debate would host a debate broadcast.Plus, viewer comments and questions.The Atheist Experience website: http://www.atheist-experience.comWATCH the video of this conversation on YouTube: a supporter of this podcast:
The Liberal Redneck
21/05/2016 Duration: 36minSUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: this conversation on YouTube: Crowder is a Tennessee comedian (and definitely not a southern conservative). His recent video on transgender bathrooms went viral, and his redneck rants on social issues have made international news.Trae joined Seth Andrews for a brief yet entertaining conversation about his recent internet fame, the south, God, and the trials and joys of being a "Liberal Redneck.ON TWITTER: @traecrowderON YOUTUBE: WEBSITE: http://wellredcomedy.comBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Monster On Sunday
17/05/2016 Duration: 49minSUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: 2012, Steve and Tally Cass founded the atheist band, "Monster on Sunday." MoS's 2015 debut album (titled "Baby Eater") is an in-your-face wall of anti-religion rock, and a labor of love by this husband/wife team based in San Diego. In this departure from our usual "talk radio" format, Seth introduces the players and highlights some of the music. No doubt, this particular flavor of loud, firebrand activism won't be for everyone, but if you're interested in grass-roots, guitars and godlessness, Monster on Sunday just might be your ticket.VIDEO of this conversation on YouTube: on Sunday's website: Become a supporter of this podcast:
John de Lancie: a Rally for Reason
10/05/2016 Duration: 38minSUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: actor John de Lancie is a featured speaker at the 2016 Reason Rally. He joins Seth Andrews to discuss his own views on reason, religion, the 2016 rally in Washington DC, and of course, his decades as film and television icon.John de Lancie's website: http://delancie.comBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Alix Jules: Religion & Race in the Year of Donald Trump
03/05/2016 Duration: 01h02minSUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: http://www.evolvefish.comAlix Jules is a secular activist, writer, and President of Black Nonbelievers of Dallas, Texas. He chairs the Dallas-Fort Worth Coalition of Reason's Diversity Council, is a founding member of the Fellowship of Freethought, and is an advisor to the Council for Secular Humanism's Africal Americans for Humanism Initiative.His atheism and activism have gained national attention.In this one-hour conversation with Seth Andrews (recorded in Dallas on April 9th, 2016), Alix speaks candidly about religion, race, politics, equality, and the rise of black secularism throughout the United States.VIDEO of this conversation is here: Jules' blog on Patheos: Become a supporter of this podcast:
Religion: The Mind Virus
26/04/2016 Duration: 01h04minSUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: (promo code: sethandrews)Is religion a virus of the mind? Three mental health experts join us.Dr. Andy Thomson is a psychiatrist, a trustee for the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science, on staff with the University of Virginia, and author of "Why We Believe in God(s): a Concise Guide to the Science of Faith."Dr. Valerie Tarico is a psychologist, columnnist for AlterNet, and author of "Trusting Doubt: A Former Evangelical Looks at Old Beliefs in a New Light."Dr. Darrel Ray is a psychologist, co-founder of Recovering From Religion, author of "Sex & God" and "The God Virus," and host of the Secular Secuality podcast.Become a supporter of this podcast:
The Dogma Debate Tandem Show: Seth Andrews & David Smalley
19/04/2016 Duration: 01h59minSUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: (promo code thinkingatheist)Seth Andrews joins Dogma Debate host David Smalley in the DD studio for two hours of candid discussion about their shows, the guests, the fans and critics, and some of the opportunities, challenges and quirks of producing "heathen" radio.Obviously, they had no trouble finding things to talk about. Enjoy!DOGMA DEBATE: www.dogmadebate.comBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Skeptical Money (with Phil Ferguson)
15/04/2016 Duration: 47minPhil Ferguson is a financial advisor and host of "The Phil Ferguson Show." In this bonus podcast, Phil speaks with Seth Andrews about the application of critical thinking to areas of our lives beyond religion, including the decisions we make with our money.With (occasionally thick) financial jargon relating to things like stocks, mutual funds, college savings, retirement planning, etc, this show won't be for everyone. But it may provide some useful information to those interested in investment-related material.Phil's website: Become a supporter of this podcast:
Homeschool Cults (Part 2 of 2)
12/04/2016 Duration: 01h04minSUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: U.S. Department of Education says that over 1.7 million children in the United States are homeschooled. But what happens when homeschooling stops being about education, and instead becomes insulation? Isolation? Inodctrination?This broadcast isn't a referendum on the concept of homeschooling. It's an exploration into some of the more extreme religious homeschool environments, and into the lives and personal stories of those who experienced them.This is part 2 of a two-part broadcast. Homeschoolers Anonymous: https://homeschoolersanonymous.orgVyckie Garrison "No Longer Quivering:" a supporter of this podcast:
Homeschool Cults (Part 1 of 2)
05/04/2016 Duration: 01h09minThe U.S. Department of Education says that over 1.7 million children in the United States are homeschooled. But what happens when homeschooling stops being about education, and instead becomes insulation? Isolation? Inodctrination?This broadcast isn't a referendum on the concept of homeschooling. It's an exploration into some of the more extreme religious homeschool environments, and into the lives and personal stories of those who experienced them.This is part 1 of a two-part broadcast. Become a supporter of this podcast:
God's Not Dead: The Christian Persecution Complex
02/04/2016 Duration: 26min"God's Not Dead" is a film produced by PureFlix which released in 2014. With a budget of only $2 million, GnD grossed over $60 million. It's not hard to see why a sequel film has just been introduced to theaters.The premises of both films are essentially the same. Christianity is under attack in the United States, and brave God Warriors must stand up against the evil atheists to defend their faith and their savior. Are these movies rooted in any shade of reality? And how do they speak to another, larger phenemenon within many religious cultures: the manufacturing of martyrdom?Seth Andrews shares a recent article by (former Christian) Neil Carter, as we examine the Christian Persecution Complex.YOUTUBE VIDEO "Gods Not Dead (Again!): Carter's article, "Persecute Me, Please: God's Not Dead 2 and the Evangelical Lust for Victimhood:" a supporter of this podcast:
Skeptical Youth
29/03/2016 Duration: 56minA November 2015 Pew Research Center survey revealed that the United States is becoming less religious overall, and "especially the youngest Millennials, who have entered adulthood since the first Landscape Study was conducted {a few months earlier} - are far less religious than their elders."Admittedly, these "nones" aren't necessarily atheists, and many may consider themselves "spiritual" on some level. But what's driving this exodus from the formal structures of religion, and what do these young people think and say about the often hugely religious climate they see all around them.This show focuses on youth, how they view the world, and how their exit from the church is impacting the United States and the world.Secular Student Alliance: https://secularstudents.orgBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Billboards, Brainwashing, Justice and Jared Fogle
22/03/2016 Duration: 01h12minWatch the video of this podcast HERE: submit their own comments and questions for this show. We highlight the proposed "Genocide & Incest" counter-billboard to The Ark Encounter's grand opening. And we spend more than half of the show discussing the recent prison beating of convicted sex offender Jared Fogle and the proper response(s) to the violence carried out against him. An interview with Sarah Morehead caps the broadcast.Funraising page for Tri-State Thinkers "Genocide & Incest" billboard campaign: Morehead's blog: a supporter of this podcast:
Evil Western Medicine
15/03/2016 Duration: 01h02minSUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: (promo code thinkingatheist)It's a topic we've addressed in various forms, but this is an entire show dedicated to medicine. Science-based medicine. Alternative medicine. The names and claims of many so-called "natural" cures. And the charge that medical science should be distrusted in favor of unlicensed "healers" who operate outside the checks and balances of regulatory agencies, and who - in so many cases - are making a pretty penny.Joining us for the show are Dr. Harriet Hall (the "SkepDoc") of Science Based Medicine:, and Dr. Stephen Barrett of Hall's 10-course lecture series: "Inside Chiropractic:" a supporter of this podcast:
You Pick the Topic - March 2016
08/03/2016 Duration: 01h12minSUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: theme or topic. Just a full show of listener comments and questions. Enjoy.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Matt Dillahunty: We're Just Talking
01/03/2016 Duration: 01h25minSponsored by The Phil Ferguson Show: Dillahunty is one of the hosts of The Atheist Experience television show, he is a frequent speaker and debater, and he hosts the Atheist Debates YouTube channel.Matt and Seth Andrews are friends who often enjoy long conversations on the freethought convention circuit. This time, they decided to record the conversation for the podcast audience, touching on topics ranging from religion to atheism to Star Wars.THE ATHEIST EXPERIENCE: DEBATES: a supporter of this podcast:
Astronomy Saves the World!
24/02/2016 Duration: 56minSUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: http://www.evolvefish.comScience has proven the Big Bang. So why is it so difficult for the everyperson to communicate the how/why of that event? Perhaps, it's because the universe is a mind-bogglingly huge thing for us to grasp. Overwhelmed, we sometimes check out of necessary conversations about cosmology, our origins, and the observable, natural world.Dr. Dan Batcheldor has a Ph.D in astrophysics and is Head of Physics and Space Science at the Florida Institute of Technology. He's a user of NASA's Hubble telescope, and he studies heavy subjects like supermassive black holes. He is also eager to provide resources to the rest of us that can be understood and explained, making us better educated, and making us more effective in our discussions with creationists and pseudoscientists who claim that our universe bears the mark of a Divine Hand.There's a video of this exchange on YouTube: Dan's book via his website: http://www.danielbatcheldor.comBe
God: The Most Unpleasant Character in All Fiction (with Dan Barker)
17/02/2016 Duration: 01h03minSUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Barker's new book (titled after the famous Richard Dawkins quote) doesn't exactly cast a flattering eye at the biblical god. Truth be told, the Bible itself doesn't flatter God, either. Not-so-hidden inside the pages of scripture is the profile of a deity so ugly, brutish, bloodthirsty and petty, he would be condemned by the faithful as a monster in another context.Join us, as we speak with Dan Barker about his own personal story, and we examine The Most Unpleasant Character in All Fiction.VIDEO VERSION:'s book on Barnes & Noble: Amazon: a supporter of this podcast: