Seth Andrews, a former Christian broadcaster and believer for 30 years, ultimately escaped the bonds of superstitious thinking to embrace the more satisfying explanations that science provides. A professional video producer and host of one of the most popular atheist communities on the internet, Seth Andrews brings a polished format, a relaxed environment and a rage-free challenge to the religious beliefs that defined his youth.
A Disagreement Between Friends (with David Smalley)
05/11/2017 Duration: 01h07minIn the wake of the recent - and extremely controversial - Mythinformation Conference in Milwaukee, broadcasters and activists Seth Andrews and David Smalley have a public conversation about a personal disagreement, with the larger goal of demonstrating how people can disagree without becoming enemies.This is a "bonus" show on the lineup for any and all who'd like to listen in.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Is The Atheist Movement Dying?
31/10/2017 Duration: 01h19minSeth Andrews offers his perspective on "The Atheist Movement," its challenges, its opportunities, its evolution, and the warnings about its demise. It's hoped that you'll approach the show with an open mind, a respectfully critical ear, and the desire to build a world free from the bonds of superstition, dogma, and magical thinking.Support our sponsors:The Great Courses Plus: (promo code: sethandrews) Become a supporter of this podcast:
Fears and Phobias: What Scares You?
24/10/2017 Duration: 01h35minAs we approach Halloween, we again explore our (often irrational) fears, why they happen, and what we can do to overcome them. Your calls and emails, and we conclude the show with Dr. Caleb Lack, a clinical psychologist and expert on anxiety disorders.Support Seth Andrews on Patreon: a supporter of this podcast:
Ghost Stories 2017
17/10/2017 Duration: 01h38minIt's an annual tradition. Join us as we gather around the virtual campfire and share spooky stories to get into the Halloween spirit. Turn down the lights, crank up the sound, grab onto a friend, and enjoy!Support our sponsor: Seth on Patreon: Become a supporter of this podcast:
Queer Disbelief: What LGBTQ and Atheist People Can Learn From Each Other
10/10/2017 Duration: 01h50sHemant Mehta of "Friendly Atheist" and author Camille Beredjick speak about "Queer Disbelief," a book (near publication) which links the atheist movement to the LGBTQ movement, exploring the similarities and differences...and what they can learn from each other.Kickstarter Page: our sponsor: a supporter of this podcast:
Katherine Ozment: Grace Without God
03/10/2017 Duration: 32minKatherine Ozment is an award-winning journalist and author, with credits that include National Geographic, The New York Times, and Salon. Katherine navigated her own journey toward secular meaning, purpose and "grace." She speaks with Seth Andrews about "Grace Without God."Katherine's website: http://katherineozment.comVIDEO of this interview: (coming soon)Support our sponsor: a supporter of this podcast:
I Am A Superhero
26/09/2017 Duration: 54minSeth Andrews shares some humorous anecdotes and observations in this largely off-topic show. File this one under, "Something fun to listen to." Enjoy.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Seth Andrews and Matt Dillahunty: The Ark Encounter Tour
19/09/2017 Duration: 47minWhat happens when two atheist activists tour Ken Ham's "Ark Encounter" in Williamstown, KY? They get together and talk about it. Matt Dillahunty joins Seth Andrews for a recap of their experience.Support our sponsor: (code: sethandrews)VIDEO: Atheists at the Ark Encounter - a supporter of this podcast:
Those Godless Millennials
12/09/2017 Duration: 01h31minThe Millennial Generation is increasingly unaffiliated with religion. It's also a generation often described as entitled, coddled, disinterested, and lazy. We explore the label and the people beyond it.Time Magazine - "The Me Me Me Generation": USA Today - "The Malignant Myth of the Millennial": Support our sponsors: The Great Courses Plus: 2017: Become a supporter of this podcast:
Salvation, Shame and Shunning - The Story of Lloyd Evans: Ex-Jehovah's Witness
05/09/2017 Duration: 50minEx-Jehovah's Witness and activist Lloyd Evans tells his compelling story about his introduction to - and escape from - the JWs.Lloyd's website: www.JWsurvey.orgLloyd's book: Lloyd's YouTube channel: Video of this interview (coming soon).SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: a supporter of this podcast:
Rage and Funyuns!
29/08/2017 Duration: 39minSeth Andrews mixes frustration and food in this (unscripted) broadcast about life, religion, activism, faith, and yes...Funyuns. Enjoy!Support Seth on Patreon: a supporter of this podcast:
The Myth of New Atheism
22/08/2017 Duration: 51minCommentary abounds on "New Atheism" and "New Atheists." But what, exactly, is "New Atheism?" Seth Andrews counters the claims that 21st century critics and criticisms of religion are a new or unique phenomenon.the National Review article "What Ever Happened to the New Atheists?": Seth Andrews on Patreon: a supporter of this podcast:
The Science of the Soul: with Dr. Julien Musolino
15/08/2017 Duration: 55minIf humans possessed a soul, could that soul somehow be observed and measured scientifically? Can science properly speak for/against the claim that supernatural forces influence our minds, actions and behaviors? Is there a "Science of the Soul?"Join us for a conversation with Dr. Julien Musolino, a cognitive scientist who holds a dual appointment in the Psychology Department and the Center for Cognitive Science at Rutgers University. Musolino is author of the book, "The Soul Fallacy," which dissects the "soul beyond science" claims so often promoted by religion and religious apologists.Video of this interview: (link coming soon)Dr. Musolino's website: http://www.julienmusolino.comSupport our sponsor: The Great Courses Plus: a supporter of this podcast:
Atheists Believe in Nothing (and other misconceptions)!
08/08/2017 Duration: 01h27minDo atheists believe in nothing? Are they really without a moral framework? Are they all angry and spiteful? This show explores many (often ill-informed) claims about the non-believers in gods.Support our sponsors:The Great Courses Plus: (promo code: sethandrews)Michael Sherlock's article "The Atheist Atrocities Fallacy" a supporter of this podcast:
God Loves Gluten (and other observations)
25/07/2017 Duration: 57minSeth Andrews does a (largely spontaneous) commentary about Cardinal George Pell, gluten-free communion wafers, the Flat Earth Society, and...guacamole!Support Seth on Patreon: a supporter of this podcast:
Seth Andrews Teaches Sunday School
18/07/2017 Duration: 01h20minNo...these aren't the stories you're used to hearing at Sunday Sermon. These are stories that are often skipped over, ignored, or excused, lest they send Christians into a fit of head-scratching, guffaws and gasps. Let us explore The Good Book. (And if you can, share this episode with your Christian family and friends. They'll love it!)Support our sponsor: a supporter of this podcast:
"Praying" on the Disabled
11/07/2017 Duration: 01h13minHow do those with disabilities feel when religious people declare them sinners, a life lesson, or a miracle just waiting to happen? We explore this subject, and the stories of various listeners who have been labeled, named, claimed, prayed over, and in some cases, ignored.Link to Washington Post editorial: "What Christians Have Taught Me About My Disability: our sponsor: a supporter of this podcast:
04/07/2017 Duration: 38minWhat's it like to emerge from a religious belief, and to navigate the complex, difficult and wonderous world beyond? Seth Andrews has a candid conversation with a young apostate who is currently walking this path. Her name is Sara. Her story is challenging, occasionally heartbreaking, and ultimately inspiring.Support Seth Andrews on patreon: a supporter of this podcast:
The Pensacola Cross and Trinity Lutheran: The Church and the State
29/06/2017 Duration: 38minSeth Andrews speaks with two secular legal experts about several recent court decisions that reflect (or betray) the United States Constitution's Establishment Clause. Andrew Seidel is a Constitutional attorney for the Freedom From Religion Foundation, and Monica Miller is Senior legal Counsel for the American Humanist Association.Video of the Monica Miller interview: Mehta's article on the Pensacola backlash against Monica Miller: Seth Andrews on Patreon: Become a supporter of this podcast:
What is "Radical Islam?"
27/06/2017 Duration: 01h42minIs Islam the most dangerous religion on the planet today? Is "Islamophobia" legitimate? What's an Atheist Muslim? How do we address the challenges that come with the world's fastest growing religion?Lots of contributors to this show, including:Ali Rizvi: author of "The Atheist Muslim"Muhammad Syed & Sarah Haider: Ex-Muslims of North AmericaArmin Navabi: Founder of AtheistRepublicYasmine Mohammed: Founder of "Confessions of an Ex-Muslim"Faisal Saeed Al-Mutar: Founder of "Global Secular Humanist Movement"Support our sponsor: (promo code: sethandrews) Become a supporter of this podcast: