Joyce Barrie & Friends

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 310:07:00
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Joyce Barrie & Friends... With stimulating talk, news you can use and ways to stay home, have FUN and make more money.Motivation, inspiration, and education. Positive, happy thoughts to improve your life, health, and finances. Take positive actions to create a gratifying lifestyle. Life Lessons from me, your host, Joyce Barrie, straight from the Coach's Corner and some valuable insights and specific recommendations about having a lucrative, home business. And not to be missed, our special friend(s)each and every day to motivate and inspire you to have what you want in ALL areas of your life.


  • Quantum Success Secrets – Author Ted Ciuba

    03/12/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    Dr. Ted Ciuba is the bestselling author of The New Think And Grow Rich, the quantum modernization of Napoleon Hill’s monumental success classic, Think And Grow Rich. And with his most recent book, released in January 2013, 101 Success Secrets, Ted has taken the concepts he began to articulate there to entirely new quantum levels. While he was willingly aligning himself with the principles of the original as stated in Think And Grow Rich for the modernization, he suffers no such restrictions or designs on his writing, his teaching, his training, his creativity, or the benefit he brings in 101 Success Secrets. There are churches, study groups, pastors, and business people all over the world embracing this philosophy and using this book as their prime text. There’s athletes, students, and medical professionals finding in Ted Ciuba’s message as stated in 101 Success Secrets, the elusive key to quantum leaps of contribution, rewards, and quality of life. Join us as we delve deeply into what it means to go quan

  • Thanks-Giving it Your All - Carla Lynne Hall

    02/12/2019 Duration: 01h05min

    THANKS-GIVING IT YOUR ALL is the way to go. Be thankful for the opportunities,, the possibilities,the blessings, the miracles.  When things go your way, give it your all while you are in this upward cycle.  You already have the momentum. The Law of Attraction comes into play.  You attract more of what you want while you are already getting what you want. When you are in a downward cycle, you want to be thankful for the lessons and learn from them.  You want to figure out how to make lemonaide out of the lemons. Here, too - giving it your all will work wonders to turn things around and get into the much desired upwards spiral. Hear from Carla Lynne Hall who always gives it her all.  Carla will inspire you to play at 100% and play to win.   Happy Thanksgiving weekend.  Get a taste of Thanksgiving trivia, quotes, poems, riddles and jokes.  WISHING YOU ALL A  BLESSED and "FUNTASTIC". THANKSGIVING. 

  • The Miracle of Giving Thanks - Stefan Rybak

    29/11/2019 Duration: 01h03min

    Thanksgiving  is truly a time for givng; not just for our friends and family, but for those less fortunate.  That is the miracle of Thanksgiving.  Look for daily miracles surrounding you and create miracles for others.  The positive energies in miracles will be your blessings and will bless others. The people in my life are my most precious blessings.  You will meet a few of my favorites today--Stefan Rybak, John Bell, Beverly Nadler and Peter Marks.  I am so thankful that they bless my life, and they are joining us today to bless yours.

  • Thanks - Giving All You've Got - Beverly Nadler

    28/11/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    Thanksgiving is the day to count your blessings; be grateful and express it.  It is also a day to have fun, be happy and be with people you love.  Let this day serve as a model for the days to come.  Today, Author, Beverly Nadler and I will share our favorite quotes, jokes, riddles and prayers to make this Thanksgiving your most special one ever.

  • Miraculous Healing - Chap Oscar Smith

    27/11/2019 Duration: 01h05min

    Albert Einstein says "There are two ways to live; you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle."  Coach Joyce believes that miracles happen to those who believe in them. Chap Oscar delves into miraculous healing and lets you know what it takes to attract the miracles that will heal you.  Chap Oscar believes that everything happens for a reason and that everything is a miracle.  Patricia Neal affirms that a strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.  

  • ARIAHNA - The Voice of an Angel

    26/11/2019 Duration: 01h04min

      ARIAHNA has the voice of an angel.  She writes her own songs, all beautiful and inspiring.  Her songs go straight to your heart and soul. This gal needs to get her songs out in the world to make the world brighter. Today you will hear her amazing songs.  You be the judge. Ariahna is the name of this extraordinary artist, this amazing talent. She is best known as Dr. Denise Nadler, Chiropractor, Healing Catalyst, Intuitive Business Strategist and Master Teacher and Coach. Of note, she is the daughter of our Health Guru, Beverly Nadler.

  • Special Role of the Caregiver - Dr. Cindy Collins

    25/11/2019 Duration: 01h02min

    There are many extremely positive effects of caregiving.  The role is very demanding and plays a major role in the health and recovery of one who needs help and support.  Caregiving is so important to those who have trouble taking care of themselves--the elderly, the sick, the disabled and those with significant health disorders, such as stroke, dimentia and altzheimers.   Our special guest today, Dr. Cindy Collins, has over 30 years experience in the Hospice, nutrition, psychology and education fields.  Her expertise is expansive with years of medical experience in acute, chronic and terminal illness. Dr. Collins focusses on nutrition, wellness and grief issues.  She will be giving important tips to the Caregiver and provide valuable resources.

  • Repeal and Replace TRUMP! - Dr. Bob Ruotolo tells why.

    22/11/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    Dr. Bob Ruotolo thinks it's time to REPEAL AND REPLACE TRUMP!   Trump, our Commander in Tweet, is a bully, a racist, and an egocentric child.  Our country, under Trump, is the laughing stock of the world.  We can do better.  We must do better to preserve our values, our integrity, our democracy and our standing in the world.  We have to speak up and speak out!  As JFK said, "If not us, who?  If not now, when?"  Edmund Burke said,"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little."  Get inspired today to play a role in the restoration of our values and to make "America Great Again"  by getting rid of Donald Trump as our leader.  Demand more of our leaders.  Fight for the impeachment of Trump.  Be a loud voice to your representatives in Congress.  Demand to be heard.  Keep on marching for justice for all.

  • Spiritual Laws of Polarity and Rhythm - Beverly Nadler

    21/11/2019 Duration: 01h03min

    Our lives are governed by universal laws which are spiritual laws.  The laws that cause the most frustration and challenges are the laws of polarity and rhythm.  Join Heath Guru, Beverly Nadler, as she explains how these laws impact our lives.

  • Multi Level/Multi Opportunities - Michael Wenniger

    20/11/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    Michael Wenniger, Founder and CEO of Essante Organics, offers an extraordinary opportunity to participate in a home business that has outstanding, healthy products and a very lucrative compensation plan.  Hear about the awesome benefits of network marketing/multi-level marketing.  We will explain why this is the wave of the future, and how you can participate. Coach Joyce highly recommends that you join a great company and start earning extra income now, part-time, full-time, anytime. You can also lead others to be healthier, happier and financially secure. You can make the world a better, safer and healthier place to live in.  You can make a difference one positive action and one person at a time.

  • Near Death Experiences (NDEs) - Dr. Eben Alexander

    19/11/2019 Duration: 01h02min

    Dr.Eben Alexander, a renowned academic neurosurgeon,spent over three decades honing his scientific world view.  He thought he knew how the brain and mind worked. A transcendental Near Death Experience (NDE), in which he was driven to the brink of death and spent a week deep in a coma, from an inexplicable brain infection, changed all of that -- completely! Host Joyce Barrie spent a week deep in a coma from an inexplicable surge of her blood pressure to 230.  Joyce and Dr. Alexander will discuss their NDEs and the mind, body and soul connection.   We highly recommend Dr. Alexander's best selling books, "Proof of Heaven" and "Map of Heaven."  Both books are powerful and fascinating.

  • Forget Fear and Embrace Love - Dr. Bernie Siegel

    18/11/2019 Duration: 01h03min

    Franklin Roosevelt said in his first Inaugural Address that the “Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself."  Today's show with the extraordinary Dr. Bernie Siegel will drive that point home.  Dr. Siegel is the author of many awesome best selling books, including "Peace, Love & Healing" and "A Book of Miracles." “I believe that we are here to contribute love to the planet—each of us in our own way,” says Dr. Siegel.  Love yourself, love others and focus on that.  Love is significant for healing.  Dr. Siegel will talk about how you can heal yourself and inspire you to stay positive and optimistic and have faith that things will work out for the best.

  • Nothing Succeeds Like Success - Dr. Bob Ruotolo

    15/11/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    Dr. Bob Ruotolo, popular author and executive coach is our special guest.  He wants you to think about success and what it means to you. Are you as successful as you want to be?  Have you defined success for yourself?  What barriers seem to get in your way of being successful?  Do you think outside the box? You might have heard the definition of insanity which states that "insanity is doing the same thing again and again, expecting different results."  Do you want different results?  better results? more results? Booker T. Washington says "Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome."  Dr. Ruotolo will inspire you to do what it takes to be a success.  

  • Find Peace in Spite of Everything - Beverly Nadler

    14/11/2019 Duration: 01h03min

    In an outer world filled with calamity, crises and catastrophy, it may be that the way to find peace is to turn to your inner world.  Join us as Health Guru, Beverly Nadler, shares thoughts and perspectives on how tuning into your spiritual self can transform your life and help you find peace in a troubled world.

  • Sydney Biddle Barrows - From Mayflower Madam to Magnificent Mentor

    13/11/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    Perhaps better known to millions as the Mayflower Madam, Sydney Biddle Barrows is now making quite a name for herself as a Magnificent Mentor. Her first book, Mayflower Madam, went right to the top of the New York Times bestseller list.  She has since become a highly successful management consultant and writer.  She masterfully reinvented herself as a marketing guru.  She is coaching businesses on how to attract clients and keep them coming back.  Sydney will be giving that advice to you today.

  • Who is in Your Room - Stewart Emery

    12/11/2019 Duration: 01h02min

    Stewart Emery asks that you take a close look at  "Who is in Your Room?"  The Co-Founder of my favorite workshop, Actualizations, Stewart is one of my Mentors.  Stewart really gets you to focus on who you have as a friend, advisor, mentor, and/or coach.  You want to take a hard look at who you surround yourself with, as these are the people that clearly impact your life.

  • Celebrate Our Veterans - Father Brian McWeeney

    11/11/2019 Duration: 01h03min

    Father Brian McWeeney, Director of Ecumenical Affairs and Inter-Religious Activities for the Archdiocese of New York pays tribute to our veterans and offers his blessings.  Truth be told, we should honor our vets every day, not just on Veterans Day.   Let's help our military members, veterans and their families.  Please do your part to assist them and support them.      Donate to their causes, do random acts of kindness, do what you can to make the world a better place for our awesome veterans.  As Maya Angelou said, "how important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and  she-   roes!"

  • Lovingly and Organically Yours - Daniel Wenniger

    08/11/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    “Love yourself first and everything else falls into line."   How true.  How can you show your love for yourself?  You start by buying only healthy products and you shower yourself with love and pamper yourself with fabulous, products that make you feel good.   Just ask Daniel Wenniger, Chief Communications Officer (CCO) of Essante Organics.  A true entrepreneur,  Daniel has a proven track record of success, and is here to tell you how you can succeed in business and have a happy and healthy lifestyle.

  • ABCs to Create a More Joyous and Fulfilling Life - Beverly Nadler - Part 2

    07/11/2019 Duration: 01h10min

    Join us for a delightful and insightful journey through the alphabet.  Health Guru, Beverly Nadler, and your host, Success Coach, Joyce Barrie, select words--for each letter of the alphabet--and describe how applying and incorporating what these words mean, can bring more health, happiness and success into your life. Tune in to Part 1 on November 2nd.

  • ABCs to Create a More Joyous and Fulfilling Life - Beverly Nadler - Part 1

    06/11/2019 Duration: 01h09min

    Join us for a delightful and insightful journey through the alphabet.  Health Guru, Beverly Nadler, and your host, Success Coach, Joyce Barrie, select words--for each letter of the alphabet--and describe how applying and incorporating what these words mean, can bring more health, happiness and success into your life. Tune in to Part 2 on November 9th   -

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