Hear stories about the alien moons orbiting other planets, of cold stars, and the future of space exploration. Dr. Carrie Nugent chats about an amazing part of our universe with a scientist or engineer. Spacepod is the podcast that gives you an inside look into space exploration and astronomy.
30: Space weathering with Dr. Kaluna
31/01/2016 Duration: 11minDr. Heather Kaluna talks about space weathering, which changes the surfaces of the moon, asteroids, and Mercury. She studies space weathering in a laboratory, where she can reproduce hundreds of millions of years of weathering in just forty minutes.
29: Keeping the James Webb Space Telescope cool with Dr. Stone
24/01/2016 Duration: 18minThe James Webb Space Telescope is the biggest astronomy project in the world right now. It’s an amazingly complex robot, and some of its sensors need to be kept cool. Dr Kris Stone talks about the cooling system, and how it will be tested during the longest continuous test ever conducted at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
28: Building experiments for the International Space Station with Dr. White
17/01/2016 Duration: 17minDr. Lauren White talks about designing and building instruments for the International Space Station (ISS). She shares a secret about designing instruments for the outside of the space station, and also talks about being the first American to command a laser on the ISS.
27: Searching Iceland’s lava fields for life on Mars with Dr. Cable
10/01/2016 Duration: 19minDr Morgan Cable comes back on the podcast to tell us about how she and a team of scientists searched a fresh lava field in Iceland to look for signs of life. They pretended to see the landscape like a rover would, so that the lessons they learned in Icela
26: Old, volatile, and gassy: Why comets would make unpleasant but interesting dinner guests with Dr. Bauer
03/01/2016 Duration: 14minDr. James "Gerbs" Bauer talks about comets, the icy dirtballs (or dirty iceballs) that orbit the Sun. We talk about the ancient Egyptian term for comets, why you probably shouldn't eat a comet, and an exciting new discovery made by the NEOWISE team.
25: Why couldn't New Horizons orbit Pluto?
27/12/2015 Duration: 18minThe New Horizons mission revealed Pluto's jaw-dropping vistas and geophysical mysteries. One listener wanted to know why the spacecraft didn't go into orbit around Pluto. Tom Spilker, interplanetary travel expert, tells us the answer.
24: Engineering the Galileo Probe, Pt 2.
20/12/2015 Duration: 13minIn part 2, engineers who worked on the Galileo probe discuss what it was like when the probe entered Jupiter's atmosphere. This episode includes a bonus story about Pioneer Venus.
23: Engineering the Galileo Probe, Pt 1.
13/12/2015 Duration: 12minCelebrating the 20th anniversary of the successful deployment of a probe into Jupiter's atmosphere, this episode is a series of interviews with the engineers who worked on this challenging, historic mission.
22: Merging galaxies with Dr. Privon
06/12/2015 Duration: 13minDr. George Privon talks about what galaxies are and what happens when two galaxies merge.
21: The fascinating, hidden world of isotopes in water with Dr. Dan Petrizzo
29/11/2015 Duration: 16minDr. Dan Petrizzo explains what isotopes are, and what isotopes in water can tell scientists about ancient climates. He also explains how he made Mars rocks in the lab.
20: Tuning in to comet radio stations with Prof. Lovell
22/11/2015 Duration: 13minProfessor Amy Lovell talks about listening in on radio waves coming from comets, as well as the particular challenges of using the world's biggest radio telescopes.
19: Where to land on Mars, and where to look for Martian microbes with Prof. Ehlmann
15/11/2015 Duration: 23minProfessor Bethany Ehlmann discusses how to pick a landing site for NASA's next Mars rover, Mars 2020. Over a particularly good beer, we also cover looking for life on Mars, and she answers the thorny question: why look for life on Mars, which has little
18: Pluto’s big mystery with Dr. Buratti
08/11/2015 Duration: 14minDr Bonnie Buratti talks about Pluto's big mystery: What is the source of energy that is causing all the active geology seen by New Horizons?
17: Landslides on Mars with Dr. Watkins
01/11/2015 Duration: 10minDr. Jessica Watkins talks about enormous landslides on Mars that are millions of years old.
16: The strange surfaces of asteroids with Dr. Busch
25/10/2015 Duration: 13minDr. Michael Busch talks about the strange, low gravity surfaces of asteroids, and the challenges a visiting astronaut might face.
15: Finding Europa in our Antarctic backyard with Dr. Schmidt
18/10/2015 Duration: 15minDr. Britney Schmidt tells us about how she can learn about they icy, watery moon Europa by exploring giant Antarctic ice shelves with submarines.
14: We are all made of star stuff... or are we? With Dr. Rich
11/10/2015 Duration: 15minDr Jeff Rich talks about where elements come from, and the famous phrase, "We are all made of star stuff".
13: Cassini explores Saturn and its moons with Dr. Spilker
04/10/2015 Duration: 16minDr. Linda Spilker discusses the Cassini Spacecraft; what it looks like, what it has discovered, and plans for the conclusion of the mission.
12: Exploring planets from your living room with Emily Lakdawalla
27/09/2015 Duration: 14minEmily Lakdawalla talks about, a place where everyday people explore the solar system by processing images from robotic spacecraft.
11: How many asteroids are out there? With Dr. Mainzer
20/09/2015 Duration: 13minDr. Amy Mainzer discusses how she and her team calculated how many asteroids are out in space, waiting to be discovered.