The Perfection Trap: Embracing The Power Of Good Enough
- Author: Thomas Curran
- Narrator: Sid Sagar
- Publisher: Simon & Schuster
- Duration: 7:55:27
In the bestselling tradition of Brené Brown’s The Gifts of Imperfection, this illuminating book by an acclaimed professor at the London School of Economics explores how the pursuit of perfection can become a dangerous obsession that leads to burnout and depression—keeping us from achieving our goals.
Today, burnout and depression are at record levels, driven by a combination of intense workplace competition, oppressively ubiquitous social media encouraging comparisons with others, the quest for elite credentials, and helicopter parenting. Society continually broadcasts the need to want more, and to be perfect.
Gathering a wide range of contemporary evidence, Curran calls for both introspection and broader, societal change. He shows what we can do as individuals to resist the modern-day pressure to be perfect, and in so doing, win for ourselves a more purposeful and contented life.
The Perfection Trap is for anyone who has ever felt overwhelmed by the soul-crushing need to not just compete but compete to a level beyond reason. In place of an ever-moving treadmill, it offers the relief of letting go to focus on what matters most.
001 ThePerfectionTrap Open
Duration: 33s -
002 ThePerfectionTrap Prologue
Duration: 07min -
003 ThePerfectionTrap PartOne WhatIsPerfectionism Chapter1 OurFavoriteFlaw OrModernSocietysObsessionWithPerfection
Duration: 29min -
004 ThePerfectionTrap Chapter2 OrWhyPerfectionismIsSoMuchMoreThanExceedinglyHighStandards
Duration: 47min -
005 ThePerfectionTrap PartTwo WhatDoesPerfectionismDoToUs Chapter3 WhatDoesntKillYou OrWhyPerfectionismDoesSoMuchDam
Duration: 31min -
006 ThePerfectionTrap Chapter4 IStartedSomethingICouldntFinish OrTheCuriousRelationshipBetweenPerfectionismAndPerfor
Duration: 33min -
007 ThePerfectionTrap Chapter5 TheHiddenEpidemic OrTheAstonishingRiseOfPerfectionismInModernSociety
Duration: 17min -
008 ThePerfectionTrap PartThree WhereDoesPerfectionismComeFrom Chapter6 SomePerfectionistsAreBiggerThanOthers OrTheI
Duration: 36min -
009 ThePerfectionTrap Chapter7 WhatIDontHave OrHowPerfectionismGrowsInTheSoilOfOurManufacturedDiscontent
Duration: 38min -
010 ThePerfectionTrap Chapter8 WhatShePosted OrWhySocialMediaCompaniesProfitFromPressuresToBePerfect
Duration: 35min -
011 ThePerfectionTrap Chapter9 YouJustHaventEarnedItYet OrHowMeritocracyHasSetANewStandardOfPerfectionInSchoolAndCol
Duration: 48min -
012 ThePerfectionTrap Chapter10 PerfectionismBeginsAtHome OrHowPressureToRaiseExceptionalKidsAffectsHowWeParent
Duration: 25min -
013 ThePerfectionTrap Chapter11 HustleIsASixLetterWord OrHowInsecurityInTheModernWorkplaceCreatesARelianceOnPerfecti
Duration: 36min -
014 ThePerfectionTrap PartFour HowCanWeEmbraceImperfectionInTheRepublicOfGoodEnough Chapter12 AcceptYourself OrThePo
Duration: 32min -
015 ThePerfectionTrap Chapter13 PostscriptForAPostPerfectionismSociety OrLifeInTheRepublicOfGoodEnough
Duration: 55min -
016 ThePerfectionTrap Credits
Duration: 41s