This podcast features interviews with physicians and those that serve them. We explore many topics- and particularly focus on what are the awesome successes and dreadful mistakes that doctors make that can drastically change their future- for good or ill.
S7, Episode 13 - What You Need to Know About Life Insurance
24/06/2022 Duration: 14minWhen you buy life insurance, you're investing in your family's future. A good financial security strategy includes life insurance in case something happens to you. There are many different types of policies to choose from, so it's important to understand how buying life insurance works before making a purchase decision. In this episode, Dave talks about… Why life insurance is important for you and your family? How much does your family depend on your income? How much debt do you have? What are the 2 basic ways to get life insurance? Three methods to know how much do you need for life insurance What’s the difference between term life insurance and cash value life insurance? Resources Mentioned: Contact: 612-284-2409 Email: For all the show notes, and more, check out the podcast website at ----more--------more---- Investment advice is only offered in jurisdictions where Centurion Financial Strategies, LLC (“Centurion”) is appropriately registered
S7, Episode 12 - What You Need to Know About Disability Insurance
17/06/2022 Duration: 14minIn a nutshell, disability life insurance provides financial support to your family if you become disabled and can no longer work. It can replace your income as well as help out with other expenses (e.g., rent, mortgage). It's an expense you definitely want to consider. Listen to this episode for more details on how this type of life insurance works. In this episode, Dave talks about… What’s the purpose of Disability Income Insurance? When do you consider disability insurance? Difference between group and individual disability insurance When do you stop disability insurance? How dependent of your family on your income? What’s your debt loan look like? How long do you have for retirement? Why do you need to consistently save non-qualified funds? Resources Mentioned: Contact: 612-284-2409 Email: For all the show notes, and more, check out the podcast website at ----more--------more---- Investment advice is only offered in jurisdictions where Centuri
S7, Episode 11 - Roth Conversions
10/06/2022 Duration: 13minIf you are interested in opening a Roth IRA account because you have been looking for an investment vehicle that will allow you to save for retirement with tax-free income, then listen to this episode to learn more. In this episode, Dave talks about… Overview of Roth IRA and traditional IRA Pitfalls of Roth IRA conversion Things to watch out for Roth Conversion How to save money on taxes today? Why you should do a traditional IRA or Roth IRA? Resources Mentioned: Contact: 612-284-2409 Email: For all the show notes, and more, check out the podcast website at ----more---- ----more---- Investment advice is only offered in jurisdictions where Centurion Financial Strategies, LLC (“Centurion”) is appropriately registered or exempt from registration. Our Form ADV Part 2 brochure can be obtained free of charge at by searching for our firm by name or its unique CRD number (316454). This podcast is not a solicitation to provid
S7, Episode 10 - My Next Financial Experiment
03/06/2022 Duration: 23minI'm sure you've heard about some of my successes, big and small wins in our Podcast. It's been a lot of work, but sometimes it feels harder than you'd expect it to be. The past few years have been challenging, but I've learned a lot. I'm excited to share an important update with you. So here's another Podcast Episode to look at my next financial experiment. In this episode, Dave talks about… How does Dave’s land business pay his family loan His multiple streams of income Cons of Land business How can he find something that is tax-efficient? His conclusion about investment What are his two next steps for Financial Experiment? (HINT: You can learn a lot here) Why is he interested in these two things? Resources Mentioned: Website: Self storage income podcast Self storage income Storage rebellion podcast Email: Contact: 612-284-2409 For all the show notes, and more, check out the podcast website at ----more--------more---- Investment advice is onl
S7, Episode 9 - How to Use Novelty in Your Investments
27/05/2022 Duration: 22minInvesting is a numbers game. The more informed you are, the better your chances of success. Nobody likes to lose. You'll always be better off if you go with your gut and then follow up on it with some research. That way you won't second-guess yourself every step of the way. So, in this episode, Dave will tell you how can use novelty in your investment based on his personal experience and knowledge as a financial advisor. In this Podcast, Dave discusses… How to still be in control even if you have a financial advisor? What is the benefit of doing something novelty? How being educated is a powerful thing for crypto and investments The journey of novelty about Dave’s land business Resources Mentioned: Locum Story For all the show notes, and more, check out the podcast website at ----more---- Investment advice is only offered in jurisdictions where Centurion Financial Strategies, LLC (“Centurion”) is appropriately registered or exempt from registration. Our Form ADV Part 2 brochur
S7, Episode 8 - Why I Hate Illiquid Investments
20/05/2022 Duration: 20minAll about Illiquid Investment When the market is going through one of its many highs and lows, it seems like everyone has something to say. However, what you might not hear a lot about are illiquid investments—assets that may be hard to sell quickly and can take time to turn into cash. If you are unfamiliar with illiquid investments, you've come to a good place. In this episode, Dave talks about... What to watch out about Illiquid Asset Different kinds of financial advisers / financial planners About Direct participation programs What does a broker-dealer do? Why many doctors are given horrible advice by shady advisors Listen about a physician client that was based in the Cayman Islands The big problem with Illiquidity What is the best thing to do in Investment rather than having completely illiquid? Few different things that Dave’s advice as to ways of vetting this kind of investment Resources Mentioned In This Episode Website Locum story Email: For all the show notes, and
S7, Episode 7 - How to Fight Inflation with Your Portfolio
13/05/2022 Duration: 38minHow can inflation be best combatted? Inflation can be a real pain. It eats into the value of the money that you have in your wallet, and due to this, it reduces the spending power of your hard-earned cash. In other words, inflation brings about erosion in the value of a currency against other goods and services, reducing its worth over time. But do not let inflation get you numb, for it is something that can be controlled even when it is difficult to predict its prevalence in the economy. In this episode, Dave discusses… Country that had the highest inflation in 2021 3 ways to meet the unpaid bills of a nation Talks about the markets - April 12, 2022 Inflation investment opportunities in major sectors Dave elaborates more about metal and mining producers Know more about Short term bonds & Bloomberg floating Rate What are managed futures? Resources Mentioned: Contact: 612-284-2409 Email: For all the show notes, and more, check out the podcast website at www.doctorfreedo
S7, Episode 6 - Buying a Medical Office Building with Trisha Talbot of DocProperties
06/05/2022 Duration: 45minConsidering a medical office building investment? When you purchase an income property, your investment income and cash flow can be more predictable. This is hard to find in today's market. Plus, if you are a physician who owns his or her own practice, you know how important it is to be financially secure. Today’s podcast is dedicated to helping doctors and other healthcare professionals find the best real estate opportunities and with the help of our next guest… Trisha Talbot, advises physician owners and investors about opportunities in the healthcare real estate asset class. Her track record in investment sales, landlord representation, corporate representation, and tenant representation offers clients trusted experience with comprehensive strategies with pricing, market fluctuations, and problem-solving solutions that result in successfully closed transactions. In this episode, Dave and Trisha discuss… Trisha’s journey and background on how she grew up. Why she didn’t want a residential real estate com
S7, Episode 5 - All About Franchises with Jon Ostenson
29/04/2022 Duration: 43minAre you interested in generating income streams through franchising? Our guest for today, is a consultant, investor, author, and international speaker specializing in the area of non-food franchising. He serves as CEO of FranBridge Consulting where he helps clients understand all aspects of franchising in the process of introducing them to opportunities from the over 300 high-growth brands that he represents. Additionally, Jon oversees FranBridge Capital where he and his partners own 14 territories across 3 property service franchises. Please Welcome, Jon Ostenson Jon & Dave talk about… A little background about Jon Ostenson How did he end up in this kind of business? Jon shares his experience in franchising (Hint: Gives you a lot of ideas in the Franchising business) Is Jon's business just something he grew up with? What did his folks do? Who is not good for franchises and who is good at franchise opportunities? Jon’s advice for people that are going to be making a good deal of money, but don't have t
S7, Episode 4 - Financing College Education
22/04/2022 Duration: 15minHints for Financing College Education Financing education can be one of the most daunting parts of starting college. Many students are concerned with the cost and wonder how they will pay for school. Fortunately, this episode gives you hints and options available to help you make college affordable. Listen to this Episode, as Dave talks about: 10 Secrets to Financing a College Education Best books to read that can help you aid for College education A base income year (Hint: Informative & Very useful) Why is it better to put assets in your own name rather than your child's name? What scholarship organizations can you apply to? Simplified Needs test Why is consumer debt bad? Resources Mentioned: Books: Paying for College Without Going Broke, the 2012 edition by Chany, Kalman Debt Free You by Zac Bissonnette Scholarship Websites Email Financial Advisor Contact: (612) 284-2409 For all the show notes, and more,
S7, Episode 3 - Asset Allocation
15/04/2022 Duration: 15minUnderstand the concept of asset allocation Asset allocation is a method of diversifying a portfolio by spreading investments among different asset categories. The idea behind this strategy is to paint with a broad brush while maintaining an overall risk management strategy. In this Podcast episode, Dave talks about… Financial Planning Elaborating Asset Allocation What is a Risk Tolerance Questionnaire? How to use a Risk tolerance questionnaire? How Proactive do you want your advisor to be? What are the 2 basic kinds of investment types? Three basic principles that financial advisers put to work every day Resources Mentioned: For free 30 minutes strategy session with Dave Denniston Contact: 612-284-2409 Morningstar For all the show notes, and more, check out the podcast website at ----more--------more--------more---- Investment advice is only offered in jurisdictions where Centurion Financial Strategies, LLC (“Centurion”) is appropriately registered or exempt
S7, Episode 2 - First Meeting with Financial Advisor
08/04/2022 Duration: 16minWhat to expect in the first meeting with a financial advisor? The first meeting with a financial advisor is an evaluation. It's like meeting a new doctor: the advisor has to decide what to report, what recommendations to make, and how you will be diagnosed. In this Podcast episode, Dave discusses… The 4 basic steps to prepare when you meet with a financial advisor What are the important things to figure out during the meeting? Dave shares the tools that financial advisors used to get to know their clients. Possible questions and information that a Financial Advisor will ask you. You will learn to build a relationship with your financial advisor for them to be able to deliver the best possible advice. Resources Mentioned: For free 30 minutes strategy session with Dave Denniston Contact: 612-284-2409 For all the show notes, and more, check out the podcast website at ----more--------more---- Investment advice is only offered in jurisdictions where Centurion Financi
S7, BONUS EPISODE- Four Investment Opportunities in 2022
05/04/2022 Duration: 44minInvesting in the stock market can be a bit intimidating. If you’re feeling anxious about the market, we have a few tips to help keep things in perspective. Listen to this Bonus episode to know more. In this episode, Dave talks about… Potential investment opportunities today What is S&P 500 all about? All Cap Global Index, Bond index, Corporate Bond Index Highest and Lows for the year when it comes to investment What is nearly everything that has a negative number in front for this year? (Hints: Learn about bonds) How much risk are you willing to take? What happens if you bought at a 5% dip? Should you put 100% of your money in the market? Resources Mentioned: Website: David Denniston 612-284-2409 Yahoo Finance Morningstar Email:
S7, Episode 1 - How to select financial advisor?
01/04/2022 Duration: 15minWhat is the best way to choose a financial advisor? Selecting a financial advisor isn't easy. Like choosing a medical doctor, finding a financial advisor requires interviewing people to determine the best fit for your needs and personality. Although there may be many qualified professionals in your area, you need to find one that is someone you can trust and with whom you can relate. Some financial advisors are generalists who provide advice on a variety of subjects and work with clients from all backgrounds. Others specialize in one area or have a particular type of client. In this Podcast episode, Dave talks about… Financial planning concepts How to select a Financial Advisor Dave discuss the key to building a great relationship with clients Questions to ask your Financial Advisor ( Hints: Highly Informative) What are the three primary different ways that Financial Advisors work with clients? (Hints: Talks about Compensation) Why is it important to understand their personality? Resources Menti
S3, Episode 46-Tax Tips and Tricks from America‘s Money Answer Man - Jordan Goodman
25/03/2022 Duration: 42minWe love to talk taxes, we love to talk about debt. Our next guest has experience in all of those things. He is known as "America's Money Answer Man!!!" He has been doing this for over 35 years. He has written for Money Magazine for 18 years, was an analyst for NBC News for 9 years. He has also written 14 books including Fast Profits in Hard Times, Master your Debt, and The Ultimate Guide to Student Loans, just to name a few. Please help me welcome Jordan Goodman. Welcome, Jordan! In this podcast you will: Learn what will happen with investments if the government passes a new tax bill. Acquire Jordan's top things to do at the end of 2017 to prepare for the upcoming tax season. Gain 2 major tips that will help reduce your student debt. Find out how to take 25 years off of your mortgage (THIS IS A TIP YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS!!!) For all the show notes, transcription, and more, check out the podcast website at ----more--------more---- Investment advice is only offered
S3, Episode 45-Building The Skills To Become A Doctorpreneur with Mike Woo-Ming MD, The BootstrapMD
18/03/2022 Duration: 01h08minAre you burnt out, sick of not having time for your family, and feel underpaid? Then you will love our next guest! He graduated from the Mayo Clinic in 1999 ready to conquer the world. Working as a family physician in Southern California, he truly enjoyed medicine but wanted something else in life. In 2003, an event occurred that really spurned his life and drastically changed his direction that I’m sure we’ll get into. As a doctor working 60, 70, 80 hours of a week that just wasn’t happening. So he made the decision to go full-bore into starting his own online business and has sold and started others since. Today, he has an online site- BootstrapMD- which was created to help work with other like-minded doctors who are ready to be their own boss and take control of their physician life. Please help me welcome Mike Woo-Ming MD from Bootstrap MD. Welcome, Mike! In this podcast you will: Discover how his family had an influence on how he handles money. Receive Mike's BIGGEST financial mistake, so you
S3 Episode 44-Top 5 Financial Books for Doctors to Achieve a Millionaire Mindset
11/03/2022 Duration: 15minHello Friends! Welcome back to the Freedom Formula for Physician's Podcast, the podcast dedicated to helping you slash your debt, slash your taxes, and live a liberated lifestyle. We also have the mission of trying to create a hundred new physician multi-millionaires. Let's get right into it, shall we? In this podcast episode today, you will: Discover what the top 5 financial books for doctors in my opinion Learn what originally inspired me to do this podcast Learn who some of my mentors are, and how they've influenced my life Why mindset is the #1 thing most physicians feel they could use work on Learn what makes for a millionaire mindset Top 5 books: 1. The Millionaire Mind-Thomas Stanley 2. Tools of the Titan-Tim Ferriss 3. Rich Dad, Poor Dad-Robert Kiyosaki 4. I Will Teach You to Be Rich- Ramit Sethi **Review from 5 Best Personal Finance Books-"Solid beginners tomb to all things-personal financing and investing" 5. Think and Grow Rich-Napoleon Hill
S3 Episode 43-The Red Pill or The Blue Pill? Piles of Cash or Several Streams of Income
25/02/2022 Duration: 23minHello Friends! Welcome back to the Freedom Formula for Physician's Podcast, the podcast dedicated to helping physicians get to be multi-millionaires, and of course dedicated to helping you slash your debt, slash your taxes, and live a liberated lifestyle. I'd like to kick off this episode with a huge THANK YOU to each and every one of you. It just means so much for you to take time out of your super busy schedules, listen to this podcast, and send me encouraging feedback. A shout out to a couple of listeners, who showed some podcast love: Rcdrguy- "Always enjoy listening to Dave's high-quality content, practical advice, and superb interview guests! Highly recommended for anyone who wants to educate themselves about personal finance." Gainadelph- "Both podcast and book are excellent resources for physicians looking to get a primer on financial planning and find resources to learn more on their own." If you'd like to get some love and hear your name on the podcast, make sure to rate and review the podca
S3, Episode 42-The REAL ”Behind-The-Scenes” world of the 3 P‘s-Payers, Providers, & Patients-with Alan Coppock of Adminology Bay
18/02/2022 Duration: 49minMy name is Dave Denniston. Welcome back my friends to the latest episode of The Freedom Formula for Physicians Podcast. In this podcast, we’ve interviewed experts of all kinds- debt, burnout, real estate, and taxes. Our next guest is someone who comes from the healthcare field, and on June 30th- stepped away from the hospital system after 20+ years. He really had this desire to give providers a forum, to give healthcare executives a forum, and help bridge the ever-widening chasm between the two. Please help me welcome Alan Coppock from Adminology Bay and founder and host of the recently debuted podcast, Caring for Healthcare. In this podcast you will: Meet a former hospital CEO who's blazing a new path for healthcare Receive insight into the difficult and mostly unknown behind-the-scenes world for hospital CEO's Find out why a physician shortage resulted in the heart-breaking decision to turn away patients Discover the complex world of the 3 P's-Payers, Providers, and Patients Ask yourself this qu
S6, Episode 24 - My Financial Experiments 2021 Updates
11/02/2022 Duration: 33minThis is the final episode for Season 6, so I would like to thank you, my friend, for being with me along the journey. So, with this episode, I would like to share with you some updates to my Financial Experiment in which you will get a lot of ideas on how I improved my finances for the past years. In this Podcast, you will… Be updated to Dave’s Financial Experiment last 2021 Listen to his story when he started this Podcast What has Dave invested in the past couple of years? What is his plan doing in the future? Talk about his Land Business - Generation Family Properties Total properties Dave’s sold from 2018 to 2021 The benefit of having a Virtual Assistant How did he foreclose on 57 tax liens? Why self-storage facility? Resources Mentioned: Free 30mins strategy session - 612-284-2409 Generation Family Properties Bento The Freedom Formula for Physicians Book For all the show notes, and more, check out the podcast website at ----more--------more--