Breaking Bio

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 55:46:29
  • More information



A group of biologists brings you into the world of evolution and biodiversity research by interviewing the people making new and exciting discoveries about our world.


  • BB24: D20 is people! (March 28, 2013)

    02/04/2013 Duration: 29min

    In episode 24, we chat with Anthony Salvagno (@thescienceofant), newly minted Ph.D in physics, about his thesis research on the effects of heavy water on living things (come, see the giant E. coli!) and his open science approach. It's a great conversation, so have a listen!

  • BB23: Academentia and administrivia! (March 21, 2013)

    26/03/2013 Duration: 28min

    In episode 23, Tom, Morgan and I return to our roots of shooting the scientific breeze, ranging from de-extinction to the ... interesting things ... that people ask us when they find out what we do. Plus, for bonus points, you can play the Breaking Bio drinking game! 

  • BB 22: NOT just dinosaurs (March 15, 2013)

    18/03/2013 Duration: 29min

    In episode 22 we talk with @JohnRHutchinson, who does awesome biomechanics work on big animals (NOT just dinosaurs).  Ever wanted to know what it's like to get a look at an elephant's intestines?  He's your man.  Also, this is Heidi's first episode as a regular cohost of the show!  As you'll see, she fits right in.

  • BB21: Fire ants! (March 7, 2013)

    11/03/2013 Duration: 29min

    In Episode 21, we talk with Heidi Smith from the University of Texas at Austin about her postdoc in behavioural ecology with Mike Ryan, the wonders of nature, bathing in fire ants, guns everywhere!, and a lot more!  

  • BB20: Sexy dinosaurs! (February 28, 2013)

    04/03/2013 Duration: 27min

    In episode 20, we talk to Jon Tennant (@protohedgehog), PhD student in paleontology at Imperial College, London about the ins-and-outs of the Jurassic-Cretaceous extinction, feathers and sexual dimorphism in dinosaurs, and how the "terrible lizards" got freaky!

  • BB19: Sasquatch! (And bot fly weightloss...)

    24/02/2013 Duration: 29min

    In episode 19, we dissect the Sasquatch genome paper with David Winter (@TheAtavism).  Spoiler alert:  still not real.  Also, looking for a radical new weight loss solution?  Well, don't try bot flies. Seriously.  Morgan and Bug Girl explain why it's a really stupid idea.

  • BB 18: Parasites FTW! (February 14, 2012)

    18/02/2013 Duration: 29min

    In episode 18, Morgan and I are joined by Tommy Leung, evolutionary biologist and parasitologist extraordinaire, to talk about parasites of all kinds.  And as a special bonus, MC Parasite appears out of *nowhere* to hit us with some evobio rhymes on the evolution of cooperation! 

  • BB17: Scio! (February 8, 2013)

    11/02/2013 Duration: 29min

    In this episode, Morgan, Rafael and I talk about the reasons we move where we do, why you don't want a blood transfusion in Akron, and Morgan reports on Science Online (#scio13).  

  • BB16: A chat with Chris Buddle!

    04/02/2013 Duration: 29min

    In episode 16 we're joined by Chris Buddle (@cmbuddle) to talk about wolf spiders and their distinct lack of hunting in packs, field work in the Arctic, and how scientists can benefit from social media. All that and more! 

  • BB15: Baby carrots! (January 25, 2013)

    29/01/2013 Duration: 29min

    In episode 15, Lauren, Morgan, Rafael, Tom and I discuss the least-stressful job of 2013 (professor!) and scientific literacy.  Then, the topic turns to baby carrots and things go completely off the rails.  You may never look at your vegetables the same way again. 

  • BB14: Jaden Walker and the bedroom of spiders! (January 18, 2013)

    22/01/2013 Duration: 29min

    In Episode 14, Morgan and I chat with Jaden Walker (@theeternal, @myriap0da), who is an amateur entomologist, musician, autism advocate, and more.  If you've ever wondered what it's like to house 12,000 spiders (no, that's not a typo) in your bedroom, this is the episode for you!  

  • BB13(3): Jacquelyn Gill, Part 3

    13/01/2013 Duration: 37min

    In this episode, we talk with the fantastic Jacquelyn Gill (@jacquelyngill)!  We had a great conversation but it was so meaty that I decided to break this one up into three parts.  In this third part, we talk with Jacquelyn about how to be social in science, getting a faculty job, dealing with the NSF (if you're American), and using Skype during your thesis defense!

  • BB13(2): Jacquelyn Gill, Part 2

    13/01/2013 Duration: 27min

    In this episode, we talk with the fantastic Jacquelyn Gill (@jacquelyngill)!  We had a great conversation but it was so meaty that I decided to break this one up into three parts.  In this second part, we talk with Jacquelyn about science and social media, imposter syndrome, and Bug Girl arrives to talk about the standing of women in science and how we can improve things.

  • BB13(1): Jacquelyn Gill, Part 1

    13/01/2013 Duration: 32min

    In this episode, we talk with the fantastic Jacquelyn Gill (@jacquelyngill)! We had a great conversation but it was so meaty that I decided to break this one up into three parts. In this first part, we talk with Jacquelyn about paleoecology, dung, scicomm, and mammoth cloning!

  • BB12: The Strepsiptera are rubbish! (November 30, 2012)

    13/12/2012 Duration: 41min

    In Episode 12, Bug, Crystal, Morgan, Tom and I talk about why the Strepsiptera are rubbish, censorship!, the public conversation about science and whether we can blog our science as it happens, and academic ... CV ... size.  Not only was this Crystal's first live podcast, but Tom was kind of drunk.  Audio is definitely NSFW.  

  • BB11: Bedbugs and traumatic insemination with Mike Siva-Jothy (November 22, 2012)

    02/12/2012 Duration: 53min

    In this episode I'm joined by Lauren, Tom, Morgan, Michael and Bug Girl as we talk with Professor Mike Siva-Jothy of the University of Sheffeild.  We cover traumatic insemination in bedbugs, tiny glass-blown genitalia, and the triumphant return of pubic lice! 

  • BB10: ESA Clips (Special episode)

    21/11/2012 Duration: 52min

    In this series of clips shot at the Entomological Society of America 2012 conference, Morgan and Crystal interview a series of special guests (including a quick cameo from friends of the show @TheBugChicks!).

  • BB9: Bug Chicks! (November 7, 2012)

    15/11/2012 Duration: 01h03min

    In episode 9 we're joined by the Bug Chicks (  Tom, Rafael, and I chat with Jessica and Kristie about everything from teaching about bugs to driving in East Africa with no brakes.  

  • BB8: Goblins and goodies. (October 26, 2012)

    31/10/2012 Duration: 58min

    I'm joined by Lauren, Morgan, Rafael, and guest Sam Evans to chat about science goblins, anti-intellectualism, Master's degrees, the things we write on grants and the joys of working in a call centre.

  • BB7: An interview with Rob Brooks (October 17, 2012)

    20/10/2012 Duration: 47min

    Professor Rob Brooks (@Brooks_Rob), a behavioural ecologist studying sexual reproduction at the University of New South Wales, joins Rafael, Morgan, Tom, Michael, Lauren, and I for an interview about his book (Sex, Genes, and Rock'n'Roll), and evolution in general.  In a departure from our usual format, there was a minimum of chaos.  Also, our new cohost Lauren (@PygmyLoris) joins us for the first time!  Due to mic issues we don't hear much from her, but look for her to be a big part of things in episodes to come.

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