Solo: How To Work Alone (and Not Lose Your Mind)
- Author: Rebecca Seal
- Narrator: Rebecca Seal
- Publisher: Simon & Schuster
- Duration: 7:35:03
“Kind, realistic, and genuinely helpful...Install a copy on whatever surface is functioning as your desk, and you may even feel a little bit less alone.” —The Observer (London)
A practical, accessible, and charming guide for finding joy while navigating your professional life working remotely from home—without losing your mind.
Like it or not, working alone is now the new normal. The COVID-19 pandemic may have accelerated the process, but the trend is clear—making a living outside the confines of a public workplace is here to stay.
For anyone who needs guidance on how to navigate working from a home office—or a home sofa—here is a charming, expert, and genuinely helpful guide to managing a productive career without impromptu hallway conversations or on-call IT support, but with more joy—and, for most of us, better coffee. Written by a dedicated work-from-home expert, Solo culls wisdom from the latest research in psychology, economics, and social science and explores what we gain, or lose, in the shift to solo work. In chapters like “Loneliness and Solitude,” “The Power of Planning,” and “The Curse of Comparison (and Why Social Media Sucks),” it picks up where the bibles for freelancers stop, offering practical, inspiring, and uniquely reassuring advice culled from a range of influences, from Aesop’s fables to medical journals, and explaining what helps us stay resilient, productive, and focused in a company of one.
001 Solo Open
Duration: 29s -
002 Solo Preface
Duration: 01min -
003 Solo Introduction
Duration: 19min -
004 Solo Part1 HowWeWork Chapter1 TheGoodBits
Duration: 08min -
005 Solo Chapter2 TheTrickyBits
Duration: 10min -
006 Solo Chapter3 LonelinessAndSolitude
Duration: 37min -
007 Solo Chapter4 WhatIsMeaningfulWork
Duration: 36min -
008 Solo Chapter5 TheProblemOfLongHours
Duration: 46min -
009 Solo Chapter6 CourageResilienceAndDoingHardThings
Duration: 01h01min -
010 Solo Chapter7 FocusAndFlow
Duration: 01h12min -
011 Solo Chapter8 BeYourOwnCEO
Duration: 13min -
012 Solo Chapter9 OtherPeople
Duration: 17min -
013 Solo Part2 WhereWeWork Chapter10 InsideAndOutside
Duration: 40min -
014 Solo Chapter11 FoodAndDrink
Duration: 17min -
015 Solo Part3 WhatsThePoint Chapter12 WhatDoesSuccessLookLike
Duration: 15min -
016 Solo Chapter13 ThePowerOfPlanning
Duration: 05min -
017 Solo Chapter14 TheCurseOfComparison AndWhySocialMediaSucks
Duration: 05min -
018 Solo Chapter15 FreelanceNetworks AndHowToBuildThem
Duration: 06min -
019 Solo Chapter16 TheProblemWithMoney Psychological
Duration: 10min -
020 Solo Chapter17 TheProblemWithMoney Practical
Duration: 17min