The BIGG Success Show is an entreprenurturing™ session. We nurture your inner entrepreneur with personal, professional, and business development tips to succeed BIGG. Your co-hosts are George Krueger and Mary-Lynn Foster. George is an experienced business owner who also teaches entrepreneurship at the University of Illinois. Mary-Lynn is a veteran radio broadcaster and award-winning audio producer turned social media entrepreneur.
Part 1 - Live Your Dream With Purpose
17/12/2007 Duration: 04minToday we'll discuss why defining your core values helps you live your dream life. Listen to the show and read the summary here.
Intuition - It's Not Just For Women Anymore
14/12/2007 Duration: 06minWhen to use intuition to your advantage...and how a magic 8-ball can help! Listen to the show and hear the summary.
When A Co-Worker Bad Mouths You
13/12/2007 Duration: 05minOne of our listeners, David, recently overheard an employee bad-mouthing him. We offer him tips on how to handle this difficult situation the right way, listen to the show and read the summary here.
The Communication Debate: E-mail, Phone, Or Face Time?
12/12/2007 Duration: 04minShould you send e-mail, make a phone call, or have a face-to-face meeting? We put a fun twist on our tips that will help you choose the right communication tool. Listen & read more here.
Are Twenty Somethings Getting A Bad Rap?
11/12/2007 Duration: 06minDo young people today want the rewards without the effort? How can Baby Boomer managers motivate Gen Y? Listen and read more...
Regrets...Had A Few?
10/12/2007 Duration: 05minWe discuss a study by the University of Illinois that reveals our two biggest regrets. What are yours? Listen to the show & read the summary here.
Tips For Starting Over: How To Turn Misfortune Into Fortune
07/12/2007 Duration: 05minLast time, we talked about Todd, a young real estate entrepreneur, whose triumph turned to tragedy. Today, we want to go beyond the lessons and offer some advice on how to recover from a devastating turn of events...Listen to the show and read the summary here.
Lessons Learned From A Bankrupt Business Owner
06/12/2007 Duration: 05minToday we’ll look at what we can learn from a bankrupt business owner, who's story we found in the New York Times...Listen to the show and read the summary here.
Get Real Estate
05/12/2007 Duration: 06minThere’s less competition for property today. It’s a buyer’s market.That’s why we think you should buy now. We'll share tips to help you get started. Listen to the show and hear the summary here.
Start a Franchise or Business to Create Passive Income
04/12/2007 Duration: 05minThere are two scenarios that allow you to start your own franchise or business, yet minimize your risk. We'll discuss them both and help you jump start your passive income! Listen to the show and read the summary here.
Getting Aggressively Passive: Creating A Passive income That Sets You Free
03/12/2007 Duration: 06minWe'll share five steps you can take NOW to create a passive income that sets you free to do what you want! Listen to the show & hear the summary here.
Mingle Bells: Tips For Networking At Your Holiday Party
30/11/2007 Duration: 05minToday we'll share networking tips to help you mingle your way through your holiday parties. Hear the show and read the summary.
Get The Monkey Off Your Back
29/11/2007 Duration: 06minTime and energy are often wasted second-guessing ourselves. We'll look at lessons to be learned from a recent study done with monkey's at Yale. Listen to the show and read the summary here
The Confidence Game
28/11/2007 Duration: 05minIf you have owned your own business, you have probably struggled with self-confidence from time to time. Today, we'll share some tips on how to give yourself a boost. Listen to the show and read the summary here.
Stretch Yourself Anew
27/11/2007 Duration: 07minLet’s face it – we’re all busy. As we age, our careers get more demanding. We have more family responsibilities. Real life gets in the way of stretching ourselves in new ways. We want to give you four questions to ask yourself to rediscover joy in your life. Listen to the show and read the summary here.
Practice Not Being Perfect
26/11/2007 Duration: 05minToday we'll help one of our listeners who is tired of stressing out over finding the perfect holiday gifts. We'll discuss how to overcome perfectionism. Listen to the show and read the summary here.
Putting The Giving In Thanksgiving
23/11/2007 Duration: 06minIn our last show, we told you about the benefits of being thankful. Today, we'll tell you about the "helper's high". Hear today's show and read the summary here.
Putting The Thanks In Thanksgiving
22/11/2007 Duration: 05minIn our last show, we talked about 'tater types. Today, we'll tell you about a study that is sure to make you more grateful. Hear today's show & read the summary, here.
What Kind Of Tater Are You?
21/11/2007 Duration: 05minIn our last blog, we discussed the role of role playing – practicing to be perfect, professionally and personally. Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day here in the U.S., we want to ask you a question: What kind of ‘tater are you? Hear today's show and read the summary here
The Role Of Role Playing
20/11/2007 Duration: 06minLast show, we told you the story on storytelling. In fact, we even told you a story to illustrate our point. Today, we'll discuss how role playing can help you professionally, and personally. First, let's define what we mean by role play...(hear the show and read the summary here)