The BIGG Success Show is an entreprenurturing™ session. We nurture your inner entrepreneur with personal, professional, and business development tips to succeed BIGG. Your co-hosts are George Krueger and Mary-Lynn Foster. George is an experienced business owner who also teaches entrepreneurship at the University of Illinois. Mary-Lynn is a veteran radio broadcaster and award-winning audio producer turned social media entrepreneur.
#1108 - Get More Out of Reading in 3 Easy Steps
11/08/2022 Duration: 11min#1108 - With the back to school season upon us, we begin a 10-part series on lifelong learning by focusing reading. Today’s podcast episode is made possible by KindleUnlimited. Unlimited Reading. Unlimited Listening. Any Device. Learn more at See our show summary, The Professor's whiteboard, and resources mentioned in this episode here: Thanks so much for listening, - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. Reading can change your life, so can finding your purpose! Take our free Life Purpose Quiz at
#1107 - 13 Ways to Overcome Money Problems
04/08/2022 Duration: 19min#1107 - We share our favorite quotes about money in a way that not only offers insight, but also tells a story about how to overcome money problems. This week's podcast episode brought to you by Rockebook: Reduce clutter by digitizing your notes. See our show summary, The Professor's whiteboard, and resources mentioned in this episode here: Thanks so much for listening, - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. Money is more fulfilling when it's aligned with your purpose! Take our free Life Purpose Quiz at
#1106 - 6 Steps to Go From Idea to Action
19/07/2022 Duration: 17min#1106 - We share the story of how one man is saving lives after putting an idea to action, and outline the steps he took. This week's podcast episode brought to you by ExpressVPN: Protect your data on any device. See our show summary, The Professor's whiteboard, and resources mentioned in this episode here: Thanks so much for listening, - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. Want to find more purpose in your life? Take our free Life Purpose Quiz at
#1105 - The Boy Who Found the Recipe for Success
14/07/2022 Duration: 08min#1105 - At a young age, Bill Rosenberg learned valuable lessons that the Dunkin' Donuts founder still uses today. Learn his recipe for success. Today's podcast episode brought to you by Rocketbook: Save time by digitizing your notes. See our show summary, The Professor's whiteboard, and resources mentioned in this episode here: Thanks so much for listening, - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. Want the recipe for a full life? Take our free Life Purpose Quiz at
#1104 - 3 Ways to Choose Freedom
29/06/2022 Duration: 10min#1104 - We discuss three areas of life where you can choose to be free. Experience freedom from financial worry, boredom, and regret. See our show summary, The Professor's whiteboard, and resources mentioned in this episode here: Thanks so much for listening, - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. Want to feel the freedom that comes from knowing you’re living your life’s purpose? Take our free Life Purpose Quiz at!
#1103 - 4 Keys to Living a Fulfilled Life
21/06/2022 Duration: 09min#1103 - We share some words of wisdom from author and philosopher, the late great, Robert Pirsig, on how to have a fulfilled life. See our show summary, The Professor's whiteboard, and resources mentioned in this episode here: Thanks so much for listening, - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. Searching for more fulfillment? Take our free Life Purpose Quiz at!
#1102 - The Pros and Cons of Cash Stuffing
14/06/2022 Duration: 14min#1102 - When it comes to personal finance, lot of influencers on social media are encouraging a practice called “cash stuffing.” Is it right for you? See our show summary, The Professor's whiteboard, and resources mentioned in this episode here: Thanks so much for listening, - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. We just talked about taking control of your finances. Wanna take control of your life? Take our free Life Purpose Quiz at!
#1101 - 5 Steps to Gain Recognition for Your True Value
07/06/2022 Duration: 15min#1101 - Would you like to get recognition for your true value? Then value yourself. Here are five steps to take... See our show summary, The Professor's whiteboard, and resources mentioned in this episode here: Thanks so much for listening, - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. You’ll feel more value when you are living your purpose. Take our free Life Purpose Quiz.
#1100 - You Can Be a Success Today
24/05/2022 Duration: 08min#1100 - BIGG success is a destination. But it is also a journey. Each and every day, you can be a success if you understand where the victory lies. See our show summary, The Professor's whiteboard, and resources mentioned in this episode here: Thanks so much for listening, - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. Looking to grow in certain areas of your life? Our LIfe Purpose Quiz can help. Take our free Life Purpose Quiz at!
#1099 - How College Graduates Can Establish Credit
17/05/2022 Duration: 13min#1099 - You need credit to help you make major purchases. But you can’t get credit until you establish credit. It’s a vicious circle. Here's how to break it. See our show summary, The Professor's whiteboard, and resources mentioned in this episode here: Thanks so much for listening, - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. What are you saving up for? What kind of meaningful life you want to lead? Take our life purpose quiz Take our free Life Purpose Quiz at!
#1098 - A 7-Point Creed to Live By
09/05/2022 Duration: 11min#1098 - When our favorite coach, John Wooden, graduated from 8th grade, his father gave him a card with a 7-point creed to live by. See our show summary, The Professor's whiteboard, and resources mentioned in this episode here: Thanks so much for listening, - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. Are you living a meaningful life that is true to you? Take our life purpose quiz Take our free Life Purpose Quiz at!
#1097 - A Simple Technique to Find Your Business Idea
03/05/2022 Duration: 09min#1097 - Where do great business ideas come from? A lot of people start by looking for the hottest business, but it’s the wrong place to start... See our show summary, The Professor's whiteboard, and resources mentioned in this episode here: Thanks so much for listening, - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. Want a simple technique to find what matters most to you? Take our free life purpose quiz at!
#1096 - The Most Important Success Habit
19/04/2022 Duration: 08min#1095 - We know there are certain habits that lead to success, but there is just one that determines the difference between success and failure. See our show summary, The Professor's whiteboard, and resources mentioned in this episode here: Thanks so much for listening, - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. Do you have a strong purpose that motivates you to achieve success? Take our free Life Purpose Quiz at!
#1095 - 4 Ways to Beat Inflation
12/04/2022 Duration: 14min#1095 - In the current economic atmosphere, you can lose money without even trying. Here's 4 ways to beat inflation to keep that from happening. See our show summary, The Professor's whiteboard, and resources mentioned in this episode here: Thanks so much for listening, - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. Want to enjoy the freedom that comes from living a life true to yourself? Take our free Life Purpose Quiz at!
#1094-How Reactions to Life Events Can Change Your Future
07/04/2022 Duration: 05min#1094 - Your reaction to life events can have a BIGG impact on your future. Find out the2 kinds of life events and the 3 types of reactions to them. See our show summary, The Professor's whiteboard, and resources mentioned in this episode here: Thanks so much for listening, - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. Want to change your future? Be pro-active and take our free Life Purpose Quiz at!
#1093 - The Corner Blocks of John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success
23/03/2022 Duration: 14min#1093 - John Wooden's famous pyramid has 15 characteristic blocks that lead to success. However, the structure is held together by 10 corner blocks. See our show notes for The Professor's whiteboard for this episode and links to the resources we mentioned: Thanks so much for listening, - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. We've created a guide that goes in depth into each of the 15 blocks of the Pyramid of Success - the hard traits that build character for success. Download your free copy at
#1092 - The 6 Types of People You Need in Your Network
16/03/2022 Duration: 14min#1092 - You hear it all the time, "it’s not what you know it’s who you know". We explore just "who" should be in your network.... See our show notes for The Professor's whiteboard for this episode and links to the resources we mentioned: Thanks so much for listening, - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. Want to connect more deeply with people in your network? Take our free life purpose quiz at!
#1091 - 5 Research-Based Ways to Add More Happiness to Your Life
09/03/2022 Duration: 13min#1091 - A new study shows happiness is a key factor in success. So, we found 5 ways - each backed by research - to get more happiness in your life. See our show notes for The Professor's whiteboard for this episode and links to the resources we mentioned: Thanks so much for listening, - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. Are you trying to find more happiness in your life? Take our free life purpose quiz at!
#1090 - How to Cut Through Clutter to Find Clarity
28/02/2022 Duration: 08min#1090 - Find out why Professor's Whiteboard is a metaphor for mental and physical clutter, and how to keep clutter at bay with clarity. See our show notes for The Professor's whiteboard for this episode and inks to the resources we mentioned: Thanks so much for listening, - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. Are you trying to find your clarity in your life? Take our free life purpose quiz at!
#1089 - What Is the True Meaning of Success?
10/02/2022 Duration: 11min#1089 - The true meaning of success is much bigger than what is defined in the dictionary. BIGG success is inner peace which flows from 3 sources... See our show notes for The Professor's whiteboard for this episode and inks to the resources we mentioned: Thanks so much for listening, - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. Are you trying to find your calling? Take our free life purpose quiz. Take it at!