The BIGG Success Show is an entreprenurturing™ session. We nurture your inner entrepreneur with personal, professional, and business development tips to succeed BIGG. Your co-hosts are George Krueger and Mary-Lynn Foster. George is an experienced business owner who also teaches entrepreneurship at the University of Illinois. Mary-Lynn is a veteran radio broadcaster and award-winning audio producer turned social media entrepreneur.
#971 - How Getting a Raise Can Cost You
23/04/2019 Duration: 06min#971 - Getting a raise at work should be all good. But many people fall into a trap and end up in worse shape financially. Discover how to stay out of the trap. Sponsored by: Here are the show notes + the signup for the free guide we mention: Thanks for listening! - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. Your reviews help us grow and encourage us. Would you leave one?
#970 - Unbudgeting: Budget Without Budgeting
16/04/2019 Duration: 10min#970 - Unbudgeting: Budget Without Budgeting Sponsored by: Unbudgeting is an alternative to traditional, personal budgeting. Think of it as a way to budget for people who hate budgeting. Here are the show notes: Thanks for listening! - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn
#969 - 4 Takeaways from 3 Renowned Personal Finance Experts
09/04/2019 Duration: 16min#969 - We share four takeaways from our Money Smart Week podcast interview series, which featured three renowned personal finance experts. Sponsored by: Here are the show notes: 4 Takeaways from 3 Renowned Personal Finance Experts Thanks for listening! - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn
#968 - David Bach on The Latte Factor
05/04/2019 Duration: 28min#968 - 9-time New York Times best-selling author, David Bach, joins us to share the secrets of financial freedom from his new book, The Latte Factor. Sponsored by: Today's show is part of our special podcast series for Money Smart Week - coordinated by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago to help individuals and families better manage their personal finances. Here are the show notes: Thanks for listening! - George aka "The Professor" & Marymoney-Lynn
#967 - Jean Chatzky on Women with Money
03/04/2019 Duration: 17min#967 - NBC’s TODAY show financial expert Jean Chatzky joins us to talk about her new book, Women with Money. Sponsored by: Today's show is part of our special podcast series for Money Smart Week - coordinated by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago to help individuals and families better manage their personal finances. Here are the show notes: Thanks for listening! - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn
#966 - Broke Millennial Erin Lowry on Beginning Investing
01/04/2019 Duration: 18min#966 - We talk with Erin Lowery about her new book on beginning investing called, Broke Millennial Takes On Investing: A Beginner’s Guide to Leveling Up Your Money Sponsored by: Today's show is part of our special podcast series for Money Smart Week - coordinated by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago to help individuals and families better manage their personal finances. Here are the show notes: Thanks for listening! - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn
#965- Tips from 3 World Famous Financial Experts
26/03/2019 Duration: 10min#965 - Get tips from some of the top financial experts in the world as we kick off our special Money Smart Week Podcast Series. Made possible by: Here are the show notes: Thanks for listening! - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn
#964 - How to Make Smart Financial Decisions
14/03/2019 Duration: 11min#964 - George Krueger's recent appearance on U.S. News & World Report inspired this podcast episode about what to keep mind when making financial decisions. Direct link to this podcast show notes: How to Make Smart Financial Decisions Thanks for listening! - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. Do like our podcast? Help us grow by sharing it on social media, or by leaving a review. We appreciate your support!
#963 - Money Questions You Need to Ask
26/02/2019 Duration: 21min#963 - Asking better money questions is one of the keys to getting the future you want, says Veronica Karas, author of the new book, Money Matters: Everything You Should Have Learned in School but Didn’t. Direct link to this podcast show notes: Money Questions You Need to Ask Thanks for listening! - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. Do like our podcast? Help us grow by sharing it on social media, or by leaving a review. We appreciate your support!
#962 - Finding Startup Money
13/02/2019 Duration: 14min#962 - Finding startup money is essential if you are to move forward with a new business. However, you might not need as much as you think. Direct link to this podcast show notes: Finding Startup Money Our guest: Maria Aspan, Editor-at-Large of Inc. Magazine. Her book: Startup Money Made Easy Thanks for listening! - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. Do like our podcast? Help us grow by sharing it on social media, or by leaving a review. We appreciate your support!
#961 - The One Thing You Need to Know to Retire Early
31/01/2019 Duration: 13min#961 - Retire early. Most people like the idea, but how can you do it? Start by knowing this one thing which is the driver of early retirement. Direct link to this podcast show notes: The One Thing You Need to Know to Retire Early Direct link to learn more about our freedom tool: Thanks for listening! - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn
#960 - Managing Your Household Finances Like a Business
16/01/2019 Duration: 14min#960 - Manage your household finances like a business to see your finances in new and enlightening ways, and understand your money better than ever before. Direct link to this podcast show notes: Managing Your Household Finances Like a Business Direct link to learn more about our freedom tool: Thanks for listening! - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn
#959- 5 Financial Resolutions for 2019
02/01/2019 Duration: 16min#959 - Prosper in the New Year! We talk with Consumer Reports’ Senior Money Editor Tobie Stanger about timely financial resolutions for 2019 Direct link to this podcast show notes: 5 Financial Resolutions for 2019 Direct link to learn more about our freedom tool: Thanks for listening! - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. Do like our podcast? Help us grow by sharing it on social media, or by leaving a review. We appreciate your support!
#958 - What Is Financial Freedom?
18/12/2018 Duration: 14min#958 - What is financial freedom? Plenty of money…for life! We break down that definition and share how to get to the next level of financial freedom. Here are the show notes: Here's the link to the Freedom Tool: Thanks for listening! - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn
#957-Do More Good
04/12/2018 Duration: 10min#957 - Do more good by discovering how to gain more confidence, clarity and choices when it comes to your money. Direct link to this podcast show notes: Do More Good Direct link to learn more about our freedom tool: Thanks for listening! - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn
#956 - The Gratefulness Dividend
20/11/2018 Duration: 10min#956 - A gratefulness dividend flows to those who fight off abundance denial. Find out how so you can reap the rewards of gratitude. Direct link to this podcast show notes: The Gratefulness Dividend Thanks for listening! - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. Do like our podcast? Help us grow by sharing it on social media, or by leaving a review. We appreciate your support!
#955 - Saving for Retirement with a Stingy Employer
06/11/2018 Duration: 14min#955 - Saving for retirement is harder than ever as many employers are shifting more of the burden on to employees. See how you can respond. Direct link to this podcast show notes : Saving for Retirement with a Stingy Employer Thanks for listening! - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn P.S. Do like our podcast? Help us grow by sharing it on social media, or by leaving a review. We appreciate your support!
#954 - The Hedonic Treadmill Costs You Money
23/10/2018 Duration: 13min#954 - The hedonic treadmill suggests that any happiness we gain from a new purchase quickly reverts back. Here's 5 ways to avoid getting stuck. Direct link to this podcast show notes : The Hedonic Treadmill Costs You Money Thanks for listening! - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn ------------------- P.S. Do like our podcast? Help us grow by sharing it on social media, or by leaving a review. We appreciate your support!
#953 - The Best Investment Strategy for Normal People
16/10/2018 Duration: 15min#953 - In this episode, we share the best investment strategy for non-financial people. Hear study-backed findings that show why this simple approach tends to yield better risk-adjusted returns. Direct link to this podcast and blog post (and links to resources mentioned): The Best Investment Strategy for Normal People Thanks for listening! - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn We'd love your review in iTunes, it would mean so much.
#952 - Reverse Side Hustles: More Money, Less Risk
02/10/2018 Duration: 09min#952 - A reverse side hustle can help you make more money while lowering your risk. We share three principles of finance so you understand how this works. Here are the show notes with links to resources that further explain the concepts mentioned in this episode: Thanks for listening! - George aka "The Professor" & Mary-Lynn