Inspiring People, Stories, Interviews and Insights
Before You Can Choose Joy, You Have to Choose You.
20/10/2016 Duration: 07minEver know someone who just radiates light? Someone who is unapologetically joyful? Even under the most challenging circumstances, there’s this heartbeat that celebrates what is good? What is it about those people? What makes them that way? Probably a million different things. But, there’s one fairly universal choice that I’ve come to believe serves as […]The post Before You Can Choose Joy, You Have to Choose You. appeared first on Good LifeProject. See for privacy and opt-out information.
How to Live a Good Life [BONUS EPISODE]
18/10/2016 Duration: 09minWhat if today was the day that changed everything? What if you didn’t have to wait to step into your good life and, instead, you could just start living it? This moment. This day. What if a good life was a simple, daily practice, not some far away place that someday, off in the distance, […]The post How to Live a Good Life [BONUS EPISODE] appeared first on Good LifeProject. See for privacy and opt-out information.
Lori Harder: Transforming Anxiety Into Action and Elevation
17/10/2016 Duration: 53minHow does a fearful kid from the midwest with severe social anxiety and a struggling self-image end up on the cover of magazines and teaching women how to love themselves?That's the story in today's episode of Good Life Project, featuring Lori Harder. Growing up in Michigan, Lori found herself increasingly anxious about more and more things, from the size of her body to her ability to fit in. Not surprising for a young teen. But, add to that being born into a faith with an ethos of separation from outsiders, and you've got a perfect recipe for amplified struggle.In her early teens, though, something changed that began to bring Harder out of her shell. And, that was just the beginning. She eventually transformed herself into not just a fit and confident woman, but a cover model and an advocate not just for fitness, but for a more complete approach to wellbeing. She now teaches and speaks on this in her workshops and keynotes and retreats.As she writes in her manifesto, "Beauty is a way of being. Strength m
Unbusy: A Manifesto
13/10/2016 Duration: 11minBusyness. It’s a problem. But, what if there was something deeper happening? An epic battle between intention and surrender that is both a source of profound pain, and an unlock key for life unbounded? And, along with that, an undiagnosed condition—Reactive Life Syndrome—that so many of us are living with, without even knowing it, or […]The post Unbusy: A Manifesto appeared first on Good LifeProject. See for privacy and opt-out information.
Beyond Coaching, What Really Matters: Michael Bungay Stanier
10/10/2016 Duration: 01h04minToday's guest, Rhodes Scholar, Box of Crayons Senior Partner and bestselling author, Michael Bungay Stanier, has a bone to pick.It's about coaching.But, he's not just talking about coaches, he's talking about every person who finds themselves in regularly helping others move forward, from parents to friends to colleagues and, yes, actual coaches.In his latest book, The Coaching Habit, he makes a bold proclamation, maybe it's time to spend less time talking and more time listening and asking the 7 simple questions that'll unlock a stunning amount of connection, revelation and elevation.But, here's the thing, Michael and Jonathan are old friends, so it takes them a while to get to these ideas. Along the way, they dive deep into Michael's personal journey, the wacky world of self-help/personal-development, and Michael shares a "technology" that incites accelerated growth and change that's remarkably powerful and has used and validated in giant organizations. In This Episode, You'll Learn:5 unspeak
Jocelyn Glei: Unsubscribing as an Act of Creation.
06/10/2016 Duration: 12minJocelyn Glei knows how to get the right stuff done. The founding editor and a key member of the team that built the massive 99u community, website and conference and the Behance platform for creative professionals, she’s a brilliant thinker in the realm of focused creation, with a track record to back up her ideas. […]The post Jocelyn Glei: Unsubscribing as an Act of Creation. appeared first on Good LifeProject. See for privacy and opt-out information.
Refuge in Grief: How Megan Devine Came Back to Life
03/10/2016 Duration: 58minThe day Megan Devine's partner died started like any other.The sun was shining as they walked to a favorite spot by the river. Matt waded in, as he'd done countless times before. Minutes later, he was gone. No warning, no time to prepare, no chance to say goodbye.Megan is a psychotherapist. She trained for years to help people through moments like this. Now, being on the other side of the experience, she was faced with a daunting reality. None of it worked. And, heaped upon this realization was a mountain of judgment about "how" she grieved and what that must have said about who she "really" was.Megan realized, she'd have to find a new way to not only move through that window, but also through a life that was almost unrecognizable from the one she'd been forced to leave behind.What emerged was not only a profoundly different approach to loss, but also to life. How could it be any other way? Megan is no longer the person she used to be. Her journey and the set of tools she built are detailed in Every
You Don’t Have to Go Big to Make a Big Difference.
29/09/2016 Duration: 10minThere’s this idea out in the world that if you want to make a real difference, to make meaning, you have to go big. Be massively public. Take the giant risk. Build something vast and complex. You’ve got to be the wave that crashes on the shore. That is, indeed, one approach to leaving your […]The post You Don’t Have to Go Big to Make a Big Difference. appeared first on Good LifeProject. See for privacy and opt-out information.
Lisa Sugar: The Making of POPSUGAR (and a very good life)
26/09/2016 Duration: 54minA child of the 80s, Lisa Sugar grew up obsessed with pop-culture. Little did she know, her childhood fascination would become her career.Graduating college, Sugar headed into the world of media, and then advertising. She was working her way up the ranks on the media planning side. But a little voice kept calling her to write. So, she started a little website, POPSUGAR, on the side.At first, she was writing in the evening and weekends, then pretty much any break she could get. What happened next took her breath away. Turns out, her obsession wasn't just her own. And, her voice was landing in a way that had people reading, sharing and coming back for more.Within a year, more than a million readers were coming to her website, so she quit her job and made POPSUGAR her full-time pursuit. Six months later, with the company now exploding, her husband left his tech-job and joined her. POPSUGAR is now the leading lifestyle brand in the world, with more than 85-million visitors a month and 1.5 billion media impres
The Power of Personas: Unlock Your Inner Boldness
21/09/2016 Duration: 08minWhat if we could tap into the hidden superhero, savant or performer that lays buried deep inside us to do things we could normally never do? Not as a way to hide or put on a mask, but as a way to mine a secret wellspring of latent boldness and often creativity and energy that […]The post The Power of Personas: Unlock Your Inner Boldness appeared first on Good LifeProject. See for privacy and opt-out information.
Ali Handal: Music, Mastery, Meaning and Money [live performance]
19/09/2016 Duration: 01h01minQuick note - be sure to listen to the end, we've got a live, acoustic performance by this week's guest that will rock your world!Ali Handal grew up loving music but packed up her guitar and dreams of becoming a professional musician in order to pursue a Ph.D. in psychology. Eventually, though, music called her home.She spent years mastering her craft, becoming a lead-guitarist, vocalist and songwriter, and entrepreneur, eventually co-founding Triple Scoop Music which helps artists license their projects. Ali has also released three albums, toured across four continents, and worked with artists such Neil Young, Janet Jackson, and Paul Williams. Her training book, Guitar for Girls, was written to help students at all levels gain the self-confidence needed to master new challenges so they don't settle for less.And, a little more than three years ago, she was diagnosed with an incurable form of cancer.In this episode, we dive deep into her remarkable journey from student of human beh
When Ethos Meets Ability, Magic Ensues.
15/09/2016 Duration: 07minWhen you’re looking to build something real, something that matters, from a family or community, to a business or any other mission-driven endeavor, skills matter. So do people. Thing is, there’s also something bigger that’s important. It’s about the sweet spot between cultivating a powerful, well-defined and articulated ethos or culture, then matching that ethos […]The post When Ethos Meets Ability, Magic Ensues. appeared first on Good LifeProject. See for privacy and opt-out information.
Mark Manson: On Pain, Possibility and Profanity
12/09/2016 Duration: 01h03minThe first time I stumbled upon Mark Manson's writing, I didn't know what to do. It was a complete pattern interrupt.The issues were raw and real, the ideas were rich and his lens was so contrarian and refreshing it made me think. Really think. But, then, there was the language. This particular essay was wall-to-wall F-bombs.I was having trouble reconciling the depth of thought with the width of profanity. I found myself diving into more of his work, and discovered that I wasn't the only one. Some 2 million people read him every month. Waiting for his next philosophical provocation.When I heard Mark had a new book out, I figured it was the perfect opportunity to sit down with him and dive into his bigger story. To get to know the person behind the writing. In this week's conversation, Mark and I take a meandering road through everything from global travel and which country emotes more than others to a more nuanced conversation of pain, possibility, writing and exactly how, when and why he began to insert profa
The Making of a Book: How to Live a Good Life
08/09/2016 Duration: 23minYou may have heard, I have a new book coming out. It’s called How to Live a Good Life: Soulful Stories, Surprising Science and Practical Wisdom. You can download the first chapter free here. What you have not yet heard, though, is the odyssey that unfolded behind the scenes. The twists and turns and struggles and […]The post The Making of a Book: How to Live a Good Life appeared first on Good LifeProject. See for privacy and opt-out information.
Jenny Blake: Pivot Your Life (It’s no longer optional)
05/09/2016 Duration: 58minIs it possible to optimize your career for money and meaning simultaneously? Or does one always take the lead?We explore this and more in today's conversation with author, career and business strategist and international speaker Jenny Blake.Jenny helps people organize their brains, move beyond burnout and build sustainable, dynamic careers they love. Her latest book, Pivot: The Only Move That Matters is Your Next One dives deep into how to methodically make your next career move by doubling down on what is already working. With two years at a technology start-up as the first employee, five years at Google on the Training and Career Development teams, and over five years of running her own business, Jenny combines her love of technology with her superpower of simplifying complexity to help clients through big transitions — often to pivot their career or business.We talk through her own personal pivots that lead her to leave the clout of Google, write her first book, find herself in NYC with
Work as an Act of Devotion and Expression (and, gulp, love).
01/09/2016 Duration: 09minHow does someone spend over five decades of their life fundamentally doing the same thing and still be so madly devoted and passionate and in love with what their doing that they show up and rock it out? I’m talking about Bruce Springsteen. The man. The myth. The legend. What drives that astonishing experience? What leads […]The post Work as an Act of Devotion and Expression (and, gulp, love). appeared first on Good LifeProject. See for privacy and opt-out information.
Sir Ken Robinson: On the Power of Creativity and Will [Best Of]
29/08/2016 Duration: 01h09minIn February 2006, Sir Ken Robinson stepped onto the TED stage and delivered a scathing indictment of the modern educational system, entitled "How Schools Kill Creativity."That talk exploded into the public's consciousness and has since become the most watched TED Talk in history, with more than 32 million views and more than 250 million people estimated to have seen it. While it may not have started the conversation on education, it brought a level of global attention to the problem like never before.In the intervening 9 years, Robinson has continued to speak and evangelize a different approach to education built not around order and conformity, but passion and personalization. And he's written a series of bestselling books with his newest, Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution that's Transforming Education, featuring inspiring "schools done right" case-studies to both learn from and build around.Even more remarkable than Robinson's fierce intellect and provocative ideas is where he came from. Growing u
There is no perfect moment beyond the one you create.
25/08/2016 Duration: 06minWe are constantly surrounded by imperfect circumstances that we perceive as barriers to our ability to act at the highest level. So, what do we do? We wait for the stars to align. For a sign from God that “now is the time.” Never realizing, with rare exception, that sign is our own willingness to act. […]The post There is no perfect moment beyond the one you create. appeared first on Good LifeProject. See for privacy and opt-out information.
Elizabeth Gilbert: Creating Your Life In Real Time [Best Of]
22/08/2016 Duration: 01h53sAs we move into these final weeks of August, we'll be airing two extraordinary "Best Of" episodes, featuring powerful conversations from the last year.First up, Elizabeth Gilbert. Gilbert exploded into the public's consciousness in 2006 with the release of her mega-bestselling memoir, Eat Pray Love.Since then, she's published a series of books, given a TED talk on creative genius that's been viewed more than 10 million times, become a leading voice on the pursuit of a creative, connected and vital life.GIlbert's latest book, Big Magic, takes you deeper into what it means to live a creative life, offering a wonderful blend of wisdom, unabashed magical thinking, amazing stories and a whole lot of unexpected myth-busting and contrarian insights.I had a chance to sit down with Liz and, as often happens with these Good Life conversations, we ended up going all sorts of places I'd never planned. We touched on the power of curiosity and the fallacy of passion, where creativity comes from, what stops us from doi
The Tyranny of Always
18/08/2016 Duration: 07min*** Camp GLP Final Call: Come join us next week! *** Why do we hammer ourselves with life-stifling, defeatist absolutes attached to negative expectations all the time? I always get rejected… I always get knocked down… I always lose… I always… I call this the “tyranny of always,” and it is a form of false self-talk that is immensely destructive, […]The post The Tyranny of Always appeared first on Good LifeProject. See for privacy and opt-out information.