Hosts Mark and Rick helping humans discover just how simple being healthy really is. Eat like a human. Sleep like a human. Move like a human. Enjoy life like a human. New episodes on the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th of every month.
#79 Dr. Claire Sexton Interview and TV Talk
21/05/2015 Duration: 01h09minOn today’s show, Mark and Rick interview sleep expert and Oxford Research Scientist, Dr. Claire Sexton (44:25). Then it’s another moderately funny edition of the Humans Being Human Segment with TV Talk (44:25). They wrap up with the Simply Human Tip of the Week which is -- make your bed (1:01:45). They talk to Dr. Sexton about her extensive background, sleep 101, sleep quality, improving sleep, what Rick does to fall asleep, dangers of not getting enough sleep, brain volumes, sleep shortcuts, cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, Claire’s routine, physical activity, meditation, and listening to Taylor Swift. Before the interview, Rick and Mark discuss Rick completely ignoring his wife, and the crazy-bananas Waco Biker Gang thing. Thanks for listening! Leave us a review on iTunes and share our podcast with a friend! STUFF THEY TALK ABOUT: About Dr. Claire Sexton Simply Human Reset SH Reset Testimonials nutreince - caltonnutrition ($10simplyhuman) SkinnyFat ($5simplyhuman) The Simp
#78 Kate Galliett and Charles Mayfield Interview and Mark Calls His Mom
14/05/2015 Duration: 01h04minOn today’s show it’s an in-person interview with Kate Galliett and Charles Mayfield on the PaleoFX expo floor (13:25). Then it’s another moderately funny edition of Humans Being Human with Mark’s mom, Melissa (44:20). We wrap up with our Simply Human Tip of the week which is -- do things that register as a credit to your unconscious mind (58:04). Mark talks to Kate and Charles about PaleoFX, optimal foraging strategy, being obese and sick doesn’t mean you have done anything wrong, Go-Muscles vs. Show-Muscles, Paleo Porn?, human touch, bonding to fur, measuring Charles, shamanism, legalizing marijuana, doing life right, the direction of the “paleo” label, ducks on june bugs, and sustainability. Before the interview, Rick and Mark discuss a chance for you to win a free copy of the Updated and Expanded Edition of Becoming a Supple Leopard by Dr. Kelly Starrett and Glen Cordoza, a severe weather Rick’s Cop Corner, and killing animals. Thanks for listening! Leave a review on iTunes! Email the show if you have a Hu
#77 Listener Questions and Cousin Zach
07/05/2015 Duration: 01h15minOn today’s show Rick and Mark talk to … Rick and Mark. It’s the Listener Question show! They discuss (14:37) quitting diet soda, addiction, cold showers, meditation, and barefoot running. Before they get to the questions, Mark tells a couple of stories about his parents involving ice cream and an inappropriate hand gesture. Then we learn that Rick likes some weird rap group called Kreayshawn or something. The Humans Being Human segment (50:00) involves Rick’s cousin, Zach Garza, and some funny childhood stories. Then Zach talks about a non-profit he has started for kids with no dads. Rick and I are both supporters and encourage all of our human listeners to give some support to the Forerunner Mentoring Program via the link below. The Simply Human Tip of the Week (1:08:30) is -- making decisions isn’t as easy as a driver controlling a car or a programmer designing some software, you are riding an elephant. Thanks for listening! Leave us a review on iTunes! STUFF WE TALK ABOUT: why zebras don’t get ulcers -- bo
#76 Jordan Black Interview and a Dog Chase
28/04/2015 Duration: 01h03minOn today’s show, Rick and Mark interview 10-year NFL veteran, dad, and owner of a Snap Fitness, Jordan Black (13:25). Then it’s another moderately funny edition of the Humans Being Human segment with Wade Griffith and a story about being chased by a killer dog through the countryside (42:56). They wrap with the Simply Human Tip of the Week which is -- practice the qualities you want to possess like compassion and courage (58:45). They talk to Jordan about being tall, high school ignorance, NFL strength and conditioning programming, moving correctly, back problems, deadlift and squat, favorite football moments, gaining weight, feeling vulnerable, and enjoying time with your kids. Before they interview Jordan, Rick and Mark discuss a spouse prank, Rick’s Cop Corner, and a misunderstanding. STUFF THEY TALK ABOUT: Simply Human Reset SH Reset Testimonials nutreince - caltonnutrition ($10simplyhuman) SkinnyFat ($5simplyhuman) The Simply Human Kids page The Simply Human MOMS page The Simply
#75 Kristi Cheek Interview and Mark Struts
21/04/2015 Duration: 57minOn today’s show Mark and Rick interview Kristi Cheek, an RN, yoga instructor, holistic health counselor and coach. Then it’s another moderately funny edition of the Humans Being Human story and Mark stops up the drain and accidentally exposes himself. They wrap with their Simply Human Tip of the Week which is -- four tips on getting better sleep including go to bed at the same time each night and make up for lost sleep. They talk to Kristi about being a chubby kid, food allergies, gluten-free isn’t always healthy, baby girls, being 9 months pregnant, using babies as medicine balls, movement during pregnancy, and taking walks with your husband. Before interviewing Kristi, Mark and Rick discuss a naked idiot, Rick’s marathon, Santa Claus Jesus, and Rick’s Cop Corner. Thanks for listening! Leave us a review on iTunes for a chance to win a free shirt in the Simply Human T-shirt Giveawayathon! STUFF THEY TALK ABOUT: FoodieRN @foodieRN on Instagram on Facebook Power Sleep Simply Human Reset SH Rese
#74 Kendall Kendrick Interview and The Diabetes Podcast
14/04/2015 Duration: 01h15sOn today’s show, Mark and Rick interview mother, voice actor, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, and host of the Born Primal Podcast, Kendall Kendrick (12:13). Then it’s another moderately funny edition of the Human Being Human segment and a listen in to a fellow podcast’s show -- the Diabetes Podcast (45:21). They wrap with the Simply Human Tip of the Week which is -- dance (57:19). They talk to Kendall about daughters, being sick and unhealthy, sugar addiction, being a radio DJ, fixing asthma, ballet dancing, being extreme, Jason Seib, body image, healthy lifestyle, walking, sleep, meditation, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and dancing. Before they call Kendall, Mark and Rick discuss Rick’s marathon preparation and fake names. Thanks for listening! Leave a review on iTunes for a chance to win a free Simply Human t-shirt! STUFF THEY TALK ABOUT: Primal Balance Rick on Ru El’s running podcast Simply Human Reset SH Reset Testimonials nutreince - caltonnutrition ($10simplyhuman) SkinnyFat ($5simplyhuman) sim
#73 Aglaee Jacob Interview and Kate's Adventure
07/04/2015 Duration: 57minOn today’s show, Rick and Mark interview Aglaee Jacob -- author, mom, blogger, and podcaster. Then Kate Galliett tells a story about an adventure she had in South America in the Humans Being Human segment. They wrap up with their Simply Human Tip of the Week which is -- focus your energy on things that MATTER! They talk to Aglaee about her background, losing faith in government guidelines, squatty potties, Mark makes a Canada joke, digestion, FODMAPs, gut microbiome, C-sections, stress can affect your gut, elimination diet, working for health, and enjoying family. Before they talk to Aglaee, Rick and Mark discuss Mark pranking the pants off of Rick, a mini van story, and a wife swap. Thanks for listening! Leave us a review on iTunes for a chance to win a free t-shirt! STUFF THEY TALK ABOUT: Radicata Medicine Digestive Health with Real Food Real Food Mamas Podcast Simply Human Reset SH Reset Testimonials nutreince - caltonnutrition ($10simplyhuman) SkinnyFat ($5simplyhuman) The Simply
#72 Kate Galliett Talks Shoulders & Mark Commits a Felony
28/03/2015 Duration: 01h46sOn today’s show, Mark and Rick talk to Kate Galliett about shoulder strength and mobility (08:15). Then it’s another moderately funny edition of the Humans Being Human segment and Mark’s story about recently committing an egregious crime (42:01). They wrap with the Simply Human Tip of the Week which is -- hang a lot, it’s for your health (57:10). They talk to Kate about Paleofx, why kids don’t have shoulder issues, the shoulder joint, a shoulder dance, pull-ups and rows, getting the shoulders in the right position, mobility restrictions, shoulder exercises, Rick does a shoulder workout, YTA’s, and bear crawls. Before they talk to Kate, Rick and Mark discuss Rick’s 20 mile run, Ru El’s running podcast and a Simply Human Podcast listener binge. Thanks for listening! Leave a review on iTunes for a chance to win a Simply Human t-shirt! STUFF THEY TALK ABOUT: YouTube shoulder video ru el’s running podcast Simply Human Reset SH Reset Testimonials nutreince - caltonnutrition ($10simplyhuman) Skinn
#71 Jim Laird Interview and The Prank Call
21/03/2015 Duration: 01h10minOn today’s show, Mark and Rick interview world-famous strength and conditioning coach and owner of GYM Laird Strength and Conditioning, Jim Laird (16:08). Then it’s another moderately funny edition of the Humans Being Human segment and The Prank Call -- Rick disguises his voice and tries to get my famous graphic designer brother to agree to do a rather odd job (57:28). We wrap up with our Simply Human Tip of the Week which is -- ‘free play’ this week (1:06:24). They talk to Jim about paleofx, brain wave app, the difference between our level of preparedness and elite level programming, formula for health, great football players who aren’t that great in the weightroom, chilling out, not being willing to tinker, meditation, stress can save you or kill you, free play in kids, physical literacy, and independent thought. Before they talk to Jim, Mark and Rick discuss how the podcast has affected their relationship, what happens to the show if one of them dies, and Uncle Rico breaks his rib. STUFF THEY TALK ABOUT: k
#70 Dr. Shewmaker Interview & Denial Stories with Rob
07/03/2015 Duration: 01h02minOn today’s show, Rick and Mark interview Dr. Jennifer Shewmaker about her new book Sexualized Media Messages and Our Children. Then it’s another moderately funny edition of the Humans Being Human segment with Rick’s brother Rob and Denial Stories. They wrap with the Simply Human Tip of the Week which is -- be intentional about the media you and your children consume! Rick and Mark talk to Dr. Shewmaker about being a girl in the 2010s, social media, facebook, selfies, advertainment, Rick’s underdeveloped frontal lobe, confidence, providing good models for kids, teaching your kids to critique media, and how can you help your kids navigate the current media environment. Before they talk to Dr. Shewmaker, Rick and Mark discuss Mark screwing up Rick’s birthday present, gas station rule breaking, Mark’s air-head moment of all time, “neating”, and we announce the February Simply Human Tshirt Giveawayathon. Thanks for listening! Leave a review on iTunes for a chance to win a free Simply Human t-shirt. STUFF THEY TALK
#69 Braid Blanks Interview and John Doctors His Nuts
28/02/2015 Duration: 01h07minOn today’s show Rick and Mark interview Braid Blanks, a mutual friend and local media celebrity -- it’s another installment of the “Everyman Series” (in this case “Everywoman”). Then it’s another moderately funny edition of the Humans Being Human segment with Dr. John Badylak and a story YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE about the time he SUTURED HIS OWN BALLS. We wrap up with our Simply Human Tip of the Week which is -- bookend your days with rituals. They talk to Braid about her thinking Mark was crazy, calorie-restricted diets, late night cravings, talking bad about Mark behind his back, transitioning to eating Simply Human foods, skinny fat, Braid’s handsome husband - Jeff, palate resets, and David Koresh. Before they talk to Braid, Rick and Mark discuss bathroom etiquette, having no internet, and automatic Facebook “unfriend” behaviors. Thanks for listening! Please leave a review for a chance to win a free t-shirt! STUFF THEY TALK ABOUT: Darren Hardy -- The Compound Effect Brian Johnson Simply Human Reset SH Reset Te
#68 Jason Seib Rants and Worst Case Scenarios
21/02/2015 Duration: 01h01minOn today’s show, Rick and Mark interview Jason Seib -- the interview turns into three dudes talking about women’s issues like menstruation and birth control. Then it’s the Humans Being Human segment with worst case scenarios. They wrap up with their Simply Human Tip of the Week which is -- if you can do something in two minutes or less, do it NOW. They talk to Jason about “modern science”, Rick’s dad, puh-LAY-oh, using female bodies, breeding, menopause, the Jassa Method, chemical vs. mechanical female birth control, copper IUDs, and email to send Jason hate male. Before Rick and Mark talk to Jason, they discuss a Paleo FX rejection and This American Life. Thanks for listening! Leave a review on iTunes to be entered in to the February Simply Human T-shirt Giveawayathon! STUFF THEY TALK ABOUT: Simply Human Reset SH Reset Testimonials nutreince - caltonnutrition ($10simplyhuman) SkinnyFat ($5simplyhuman) The Simply Human Kids page T
#67 Sean Croxton Interview & Nate Gets Busted
14/02/2015 Duration: 01h09minOn today’s show, Rick and Mark interview Sean Croxton, founder of Underground Wellness. Then it’s another moderately funny edition of the Humans Being Human segment with Nate and a story about chaw spit. They wrap up with the Simply Human Tip of the Week which is -- try a new food. They talk to Sean about Sean’s story, curriculum in college nutrition departments, how to debate with people about health, the educational establishment resisting the truth, the Dark Side of Fat Loss ebook, 5 pillars of health, a health stool, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN), pooping rocks, depression and anxiety, serotonin, perspective, podcast with Dean Kalish, Julia Ross, the second opinion series and the Depression Session (coming in July), juice fasts,, drinking lots of water, eat your veggies, a day in the life of Sean, duck eggs, Pete’s Paleo, what Sean enjoys about life. Before they talk to Sean, Mark and Rick discuss nose whistling, Mark co-hosting Jason Seib’s podcast, a listener who put Rick i
#66 Kate Galliett's Hip Talk & I Gotta Go
07/02/2015 Duration: 01h06minOn today’s show Rick and Mark interview Kate Galliett about the hips. Then it’s another moderately funny edition of the Humans Being Human segment and some stories about bathrooming in places you probably shouldn’t. We wrap with our Simply Human Tip of the Week which is -- everything you do doesn’t have to have a point. Do fun stuff just because! They talk to Kate about sitting criss cross apple sauce, gymnastics, hip external rotation, the deep 6, SI joint pain, running on a treadmill, tension relationships, upstream and downstream, side planks, things you can do to strengthen your deep 6, changing positions throughout the day, and doing mobility every day. Before they talk to Kate, Rick and Mark discuss Mark’s obsessive personality, changes in weather, and why Mark deleted facebook from his phone. Thanks for listening! Leave us a review on iTunes to enter in the Simply Human T-shirt Giveawayathon! STUFF WE TALK ABOUT: Video Kate made for us Conan dance Guy Pooping on Sidewalk Simply Human
#65 Jon Smith Answers Rick's Questions & Falling Asleep
28/01/2015 Duration: 01h07minOn today’s show Rick and Mark interview the great Jon Smith again and Rick actually gets some of his questions answered. Mark was reading a book about whiskey during most of the interview. Then it’s another moderately funny edition of Humans Being Human and “falling asleep” stories. They wrap with the Simply Human Tip of the Week which is -- don’t hold grudges. Rick and Mark talk to Jon about training to run a marathon, Maffetone method, HR zones, MAF (maximal aerobic function), Bob Seebohar, the Dopey Challenge, and Ironman finishing pictures. Before they talk to Jon, Mark and Rick argue about who is better friends with Jon, self-inflicted injuries, and one last chance for FacebookPersonSomeonePuppies or whatever your name is. Thanks for listening! Leave a review for a chance to win the January Simply Human T-shirt Giveawayathon! STUFF WE TALK ABOUT: The Lone Bellow trio Bob Seebohar Simply Human Reset SH Reset Testimonials nutreince - caltonnutrition ($10simplyhuman) SkinnyFat ($5simplyhuman) simplyhumanlif
#64 Ori Hofmekler Interview and Turkey Hunting
21/01/2015 Duration: 01h07minOn today’s show Rick and Mark talk to Ori Hofmekler, founder of Defense Nutrition. Then it’s another moderately funny edition of the Humans Being Human segment with Micah and the turkey hunting story. They wrap up with our Simply Human Tip of the Week which is -- get your priorities straight and don’t worry about STUFF. They talk to Ori about a bike wreck, stress is a part of life, one meal a day???, be a predator not prey, chronic stress vs acute stress, interval training, alcohol, lack of stress, cold showers, this is not paleo, stress activity food (SAF), heat shock proteins, nutritional stress is most important stress, eating trees, longevity pathways, and rest. Before Mark talks to Ori, Rick and Mark discuss being a dinosaur nerd, the flu, catching a dumb crook, and taking down Christmas lights. Leave a review on iTunes to be entered in the January T-shirt Giveawayathon! Thanks for listening! STUFF WE TALK ABOUT: Brutal Secrets Behind the Biggest Loser Simply Human Reset SH Reset
#63 Sarah Fragoso and the SKUNK
14/01/2015 Duration: 01h01minOn today’s show, Mark and Rick kill two birds with one stone with author, chef, podcaster, blogger, mom, and super-woman, Sarah Fragoso -- she’s their interview AND tells a funny story for the Humans Being Human segment about a skunk. They wrap up with the Simply Human Tip of the Week which is -- take care of YOURSELF first. They talk to Sarah about being sick, how to get better, licking elevator gum, Vitamin D, water, rest, 1-2 punch, airborne cold medicine, Nuun tablets, problems with the Paleo label, the Jassa method, time management -- GO TO BED!, and Before they talk to Sarah, Mark and Rick talk about Mark’s ride-along with Rick, speaking spanish, a DWI, a dumb criminal, and crying for Dez. Thanks for listening! Please leave a review on iTunes to be entered into the January Simply Human t-shirt giveaway-athon! STUFF THEY TALK ABOUT: Airborne Cold Medicine Nuun Tablets Simply Human Reset SH Reset Testimonials nutreince - caltonnutrition ($10simplyhuman) SkinnyFat ($5simplyhuman) simplyh
#62 BJ Tucker Interview and Family Jewels
07/01/2015 Duration: 01h01minOn today’s show Mark and Rick talk to ultrarunner and the Texan Vegan, BJ Tucker. Then it’s another moderately funny edition of the Humans Being Human segment and some stories about Family Jewels encountering some blunt force trauma. They wrap up with the Simply Human Tip of the Week which is -- DRINK WATER. The guys talk to BJ about having tons of kids, time management, being prepared, ultra running, recovering from stress that running causes, plant-based diets, vegan vs. vegetarian, how to preach without being preachy, Rick running a marathon, and feeling blessed by your family. Before they call BJ, Rick and Mark talk about the December t-shirt giveaway, a future ride along, and some crazy New Year’s Eve stories. Thanks for listening! Leave a review on iTunes for a chance to win a free t-shirt! STUFF WE TALK ABOUT: Simply Human Reset SH Reset Testimonials BJ’s blog Search ‘ppnsng’ in facebook plant run family website and podcast Video of Guy Getting Hit in the Crotch pic of rick hitting mark in the family j
#61 Jon Smith Interview and the Locker Room Story
28/12/2014 Duration: 01h05minOn today’s show Rick and Mark talk to Jon Smith, yes, that’s his real name. Then it’s another edition of the Humans Being Human segment with long-time friend of Mark's, Hyde, and the Locker Room Story. They wrap up with the Simply Human Tip of the Week which is -- just because you didn’t eat human food over the holidays doesn’t mean you are a worthless human being! Mark talks to Jon about metabolic efficiency, high carb vs low carb, LSU tailgate, carb cycling, Jason Feruggia, huge dinners, body temperature, too much fat?, bulletproof coffee, cholesterol, intermittent fasting, 2 nervous systems, cow butt and cow tongue, and a new podcast. Follow Jon on twitter and instagram -- @theBigEasiest. Before they talk to Jon, Rick and Mark talk about the common name, Jon Smith, retainers/braces/pies, mosquitos in the microwave, Christmas talk and My Happy Feet socks. It's also Mark's 12th wedding anniversary! Thanks for listening! Leave a review on iTunes to enter the December Simply Human T-shirt Giveaway
#60 Luke Norsworthy, Happiness, & Lonnie Bleeds
21/12/2014 Duration: 01h03minOn today’s show we talk to Luke Norsworthy -- preacher, podcaster, pole vaulter extraordinaire. Then it’s another moderately funny edition of the Humans Being Human segment with Lonnie and his story about getting “cut.” We wrap up with our Simply Human Tip of the Week which is -- write a letter to yourself from your much older self. We talk to Luke about being an Abercrombie model, Facebook profile pics, needs and wants, affluenza, Jonathan Haidt and the Adaptation Principal, cracked jars, Stephen Hawking, Man’s Search for Meaning, Christmas and giving, the two halves of life, and letting go. Before we talk to Luke, Rick and I discuss saying “like” then nearly suffocate in laughter talking about Mark’s stint as Santa Claus at his daughter’s elementary school. Thanks for listening! Leave a review on iTunes to be entered into the December Simply Human T-shirt Giveawayathon! And for a limited time get a free month supply of Nutreince or a bottle of Skinny Fat when you purchase a Simply Human Reset (link below).