Dedicated to interviewing leading edge experts, practitioners in their field, and people who are living examples of sustainability. Covers environmental subject matter that is not readily discussed in depth in mainstream media.
Steffan Browning: Will ‘conscious’ regenerative - biological agriculture make NZ a world leader?
08/08/2018 Duration: 01h00sThe Portfolios that Steffan held in the NZ Green Party were: Primary Production This Included Agriculture and Horticulture, which comprised Organics, Genetic Engineering & Forestry. Plus Fisheries (for a good time he held this.) Safe food for a period - (and there was some politics around that.) Biosecurity and food safety. Security and Intelligence for a while too. In this interview many subjects were rapidly covered so as to give an overview of what are the possibilities of a free, truly green, healthy and independent country - one that is happily embedded in the biosphere. Organic Food Growing Steffan says that in relation to our small organic food growers - we have to make sure that they can survive as we are asking of them to grow the finest quality and healthiest, highest - nutritional food. So it is imperative that our growers survive economically too. Steffan who for 15 years was an organic producer says organic growers have to be able to survive themselves and put a roof over their head and
Katherine Smith: 5th Generation Mobile Network Increasing Radiation Transmission, Impacting Human Health
02/08/2018 Duration: 01h01sThat in most cases human health has been discarded or given a low priority. This rampant technological push continues to affect human health and wellbeing, influencing our very roots that connect us to nature - the source from which we spring. Intuitively we know this, as our health is being affected and cancer and many other types of illness skyrocket. GreenplanetFM is by no way anti science - we are satisfied with 3G and 4G technologies - however when there is a constant push for more efficiencies overriding the health of the community - the inevitable push back occurs. Corporate profits versus human health? With humanity appearing to be the canary in the coal mine. This very insightful interview tells us of what it is for a biological being having to live in an increasing world of oscillating frequencies that are continuing to intensify to the detriment of the natural world. The vegetable and animal kingdoms are being affected. That means you and I and especially newborns, vulnerable babies, infants and
Chris Leitch: Is Social Credit heading to be New Zealand’s third political party?
25/07/2018 Duration: 58minNeo liberal economics, turned loose on New Zealand by Roger Douglas and Labour in 1985 (and still adhered to by both Labour and National today) has failed. The results speak for themselves - hundreds sleeping on the streets, in cars, in sheds and garages, hundreds more living in taxpayer funded motel units because they have no homes, full time workers unable to afford their rent, a health system in crisis, inequality at its highest level ever, roads, sewage systems, water supply and other infrastructure in disrepair, our "clean green" country under threat. We need an economic system that works for people and the country, not for a favoured few. Such a system exists. It's called Social Credit. It has been tried before in New Zealand and other places and worked brilliantly. It is being increasingly talked about internationally. It could work for us again. "Funny Money", once used in a derogatory way to describe Social Credit, is a term that would best describe the stupidity of our government borrowing the money
Ron Colman: Genuine Economic Indicators. How do we factor losses into our economy to give a true cost to the nation?
18/07/2018 Duration: 59minThere is a growing awareness of what Genuine Progress Indicators do - as GDP includes all costs to the nation, whilst GPI, wants to address the losses to society. Crime and family breakdown is seen as Gross Domestic Product Household and volunteer work is seen as Gross Domestic Product Pollution and its consequences is seen as Gross Domestic Product Long term environmental damage is seen as Gross Domestic Product Even War goes through the books as Gross Domestic Product! So all of the above, don’t really benefit society at all - as they are all major losses yet, Governments globally have always classified these as a measure of economic growth! In this interview which becomes quite riveting in the end - Dr Coleman talks of the challenges of putting GPI in place within the government economic apparatus. That prior to the 3 term National Party Key administration, that Labour Minister of Finance Michael Cullen was very interested in this concept - but Labour was voted out of office - an
Wi Peepi: Should our leaders define borders in the care for children, born into this world by uncaring parents?
11/07/2018 Duration: 59minThis subject of the horrors of child abuse has not been covered by GreenplanetFM, as this program is basically premised on environment, health and consciousness. However a ‘chance’ meeting of Ludovic C. M. Romany the author of the book ‘Innocence’ shifted my perspective so as to tell the NZ public that there is a major problem ‘lurking’ under the radar across this most fortunate yet unknowing nation. With challenges coming to us daily via the worlds media - Child abuse - is an overwhelming subject and when we are bombarded with all the other horrors that the world media-corporations seem to hurl at us, I felt to go more public on this important issue. When a baby is born into the world, we at heart, want that baby to be loved and cherished, to be wanted, by both its mother and father - however if this baby is unwanted and is instantly perceived as a burden - this can become hell on earth for this newborn. This in essence - is the story of Wi. However there is a happy ending to this interview of Wi, coming
Anneleise Hall: A broader perspective of Community and Neighbourhood Building and innovation across NZ
04/07/2018 Duration: 59minThough overstated, it has also given New Zealander’s a wake up call - as to what do we want for our families and particularly our children in our country so as to make our communities more resilient, and viable, but more so - economically, more friendly, as well. Towns, Villages and City Suburbs are becoming closer and safer. From ‘transition everything’ to, farmers markets, time banks, permaculture, holistic health, homeschooling, garage sales, and food buying co-ops - Communities are realising that localising as much as possible especially around food, learning and backyard growing activities …. Is making small towns, city suburbs and small rural villages far more cohesive and enjoyable. People are discovering their neighbours and creating deep connection and relationships. It’s about innovation and integration of small business modals and setting the template for a regenerative 21st Century where families and communities can thrive together.
Robert Reid: Can we change the way we do business? Why are unions essential in the protection of workers?
27/06/2018 Duration: 56minNew Zealand hasn’t been a social-democratic paradise since Rogernomics’ deregulation, selling off public assets, and slashing state investment. “Over the past 30 years, more than $350 billion has flowed out of New Zealand's economy to overseas banks and foreign owners of our assets. At the same time, the share of the economy going to working people has fallen from over 50 per cent to just over 40 per cent, cutting NZ $20 billion a year from pay packets. That's not a coincidence. Reducing employment rights and, more specifically, reducing the rights of New Zealanders to build economic power has led to a massive transfer of wealth away from the majority of Kiwis - our families, our communities and small businesses.” New Zealand needs to move away from our reliance on a low-wage economy where companies compete by paying people less. We need to remove the temptation to throw more cheap labour or longer work-hours at a problem, and
Juliet Adams: Project Lyttelton - growing community of participation, into care, mutual support and love
20/06/2018 Duration: 59minIt’s about individuals coming together to localise, in creating business around farmers markets, food growing, timebanks and cooperating at numerous innovative tiers and levels. Many more NZer’s today are talking among themselves that there has to be a far better way for us to live, especially for our collective planetary future. Up and down and across New Zealand, many 'kiwis' are slowly but methodically going about integrating with their local community - wishing to share at a deeper level, values that are expressed from the heart and from a place of honesty and courage. From little villages, districts, towns, to suburbs in cities, farmers markets seem to be a key ‘nodal point’ where people can congregate and cross pollinate news and views of how community can come together - so as to become self reliant, and resilient as well as creatively taking innovation to a new art form. Are you one of these cultural creatives? Who enjoys meeting people to talk deeply about how we can address the urgent needs wit
Zelka Grammer: Nuclear Free NZ Now Working Towards Becoming a GE + GMO Free Nation, in Law
13/06/2018 Duration: 59minNZ prides itself as country that has been a prolific food bowl for fresh quality food produced from family farms for over 130 years. ‘It’s in our bones.’ Now with the increasing rush of new technologies, many of these developments are being pushed on to ‘the market’ with a good number not being tested over a longer period of time or over a succession of for example seven to ten generations. (Glyphosate and GE organisms being the case in point). This is where ethical considerations are being left behind in the haste to profit at all costs and in the process - overtaking or bypassing the code of - duty of care and the precautionary principle. Farmers and people who work the land are by their nature conservative and do what they know has successfully worked for them in the past - and they are weary of smart young technocrats who may have never got dirt under their fingernails, selling them yet another device or method that takes them further from what they intuitively feel is natural. So the saga of GE and GMO
Mark Skelding: Thames-Coromandel, Localised NZ communities which connect and prosper towards a shared outcome
06/06/2018 Duration: 01h00sThis dialogue with Mark is a continuation of interviewing NZers around the country based on ‘pulling the strings of localised community together’ and linking them across the nation. Mark is a passionate change agent and realises the importance of having robust and resilient communities founded around: Farmers markets, permaculture, organics, green dollars and Time banks as well as building shelter and sustainable buildings, holistic health, homeschooling, mensheds and women’s cooperatives, plus other regenerative initiatives. That all of these connect the community into a vibrant, self reliant organism. For many years in some cases decades there has been a growing awareness by NZers - especially away from the largest cities that in small towns and villages across the country, people still have a sense of community. That people seeking both better connection, and environmental quietness away from the pace and size of urban conglomeration have gravitated to the rural setting, that is always accompanied by bei
Simone Vitale: The "Phonosphere" of the Earth, a vast and stupendous symphony of nature... tainted by noise
23/05/2018 Duration: 59minAll the sounds of nature coalesce and vibrate, in one vast symphony as in, for example, the dawn chorus of birds. The human contribution to this living, nourishing element we call sound very often shows a lack of awareness, similarly to other aspects of the environment. A mindful use of sound can be of great help in these turbulent times.
Roger Fowler: Inspiring us to Dream the Impossible Dream for Palestine / Gaza
17/05/2018 Duration: 55min55 Palestinians have been killed and over 1,000 injured by Israeli forces since the ‘Great March of Return’ protests began on March 30 2018. The rallies are part of a six-week protest to mark what Palestinians refer to as the Nakba" or "catastrophe" - a reference to Israel's establishment in 1948 and when 750,000 Arabs were forcibly removed from Palestine. Roger will be covering a number of topics that include *Israel’s continuing lethal attacks of unarmed citizens gathering in Gaza, *Political prisoners, detention of children, *House demolitions on the West Bank, *Author Dr Ramzy Baroud’s speaking tour of NZ talking about his new book “The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story”. * The upcoming 2018 international Freedom Flotilla to Gaza which will again include a prominent human rights advocate from NZ. Roger’s bio: Roger Fowler is a veteran activist & community organizer, and played a prominent role in building the local protest movement against the war on Vietnam and South African Apartheid in the late 1960s
Rob van der Touw: All dis-ease is from lack of connection and his work here is to help turn this around
10/05/2018 Duration: 58minHe has lived in the New Zealand bush and studied the wairua, the spirit, of the plants of Aoteoroa, he has taught and tested New Zealand bush medicines, he has created beautiful art based on the plants of our bush so that the pictures and splashbacks he produces will positively affect the energy and resonance of the homes and offices in which they are installed. He writes books and songs and musicals based on those same healing resonances, and his passion is to help young and old have a sense of belonging to each other and to Mother Earth, our Papatuanuku, our Source. He believes that all dis-ease is from lack of connection and his work here is to help turn that around. For any information about his homeopathic practise, bush walks, art and designs contact: 09 2835214 vandertouwrobert[at] Website: He is available for homeopathy on his Facebook page: The Homeopath. And his personal Facebook page: Robert van der Touw His art and design is available in postcards, bookmarks, ar
Jeanne Marsh & Christina Rogstad: From Aging to Saging - Tapping into the Wisdom of the Generations
03/05/2018 Duration: 59minSage-ing is a spiritual practice that involves harvesting the wisdom of our lives and finding ways to transmit that wisdom as a legacy to future generations. In developing an elder spiritual practice we pursue the path proposed by Rabbi Zalman Schacter in his seminal book From Age-ing to Sage-ing which involves, through introspection, the following: Examining our attitudes and fears about aging and our culture’s stereotypes and claiming our rights to promoting and practicing a new paradigm Connecting to our inner wisdom through growth techniques of psychology and spirituality including meditation, contemplation, journaling and spiritual intimacy (sharing) Learning to nourish ourselves physically, emotionally, mentally, socially and spiritually Drawing on the wisdom of what we know now, examining our past through a ‘life review’ process and‘life repair’ exercises Gaining an understanding that forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves, we learn to forgive those who have offended us, ask forgiveness of those w
Denys Trussell & Bob Tait: ‘Friends of the Earth’ Has New Zealand compromised its Nuclear Free status?
26/04/2018 Duration: 55minThere is even more to this nuclear episode - that we are allowing concentrated uranium oxide shipments into NZ ports en route to other countries, for maximising. Denys says that changes have to take place in the ‘consciousness and the sentiments’ of near on 5 million New Zealanders as well as the rest of the world’s population to address what is really taking place today. In 1974 FOE - Friends of the Earth started up in NZ so as to speak up for most environmental issues. Stating that social and ecological consciousness has to grow to be able to counter these increasing trends of disconnection from the planet that sustains us … and that we are also running into a generational problem that Bob hinted at in the introduction - of unknowingness of the issues by our youth. Irradiated food entering NZ with poor or microscopic labelling. Yet, during this time NZ also became the first country on Earth to ban the irradiation of food - However in the 1990’s because we lost our ‘ sovereignty’ through the CER - Closer Ec
Dr Bruce Lipton: His views on Vaccinations - we’ve got it all wrong!
19/04/2018 Duration: 59minBruce begins the interview with an introduction to his work and then moves on to speaking about the nature of vaccines and why he thinks there are problems with them. The nature of vaccinations and the role of our immune system is a topic that is not really understood by the conventional public. It is generally accepted that controlling the immune system to create antibodies against germs or parasites that try to attack us, is successfully done by vaccines. Parents are pressured to vaccinate their children. It is accepted that we can create an immune response by taking foreign elements, bacteria, viruses, and parasites, or pieces of these elements, and putting them into a solution, and then injecting it under our skin. This is to invoke the immune system to make a response against these invasive foreign materials or antigens. Generally we believe that the vaccines are the way to program the immune system to protect us from environmental parasites, bacteria and viruses. Therefore we have bought into the sys
Bruce Craig: New Warrior Training to Develop the Authentic, Mature Masculine via The Mankind Project
11/04/2018 Duration: 59minIn our society most of the models given are by media or peer groups or sports stars and they are very one dimensional - and young men are doing this in an unhealthy ways - drinking a lot, doing drugs, a lot of sex with a lot of women and a lot of men, driving their cars fast and basically acting out of integrity and being foolish. Being aware of this the Mankind Project came about in the early 1990’s in America, where three men got together wanting to take the conversation further, on men - especially around men’s masculinity and have men connect with their deeper purpose. For indigenous cultures over millennia have had ceremony and initiations to bring young men into adulthood, to become responsible and accountable for their actions. This included being an integral member of the tribe and taking their rightful place within that community. The Mankind Project knowingly acknowledge this saying, there is also another way - a more relevant and conscious way to become a man in the modern world. As against a sensi
Tui Manua Alia Taputu Nui O Iva: Can All Pacific Peoples of the Polynesian Triangle Unify?
04/04/2018 Duration: 59minSituated near the centre of this huge area sits the Cook Islands, Rarotonga and Atiu the tiny island that Captain Cook first visited in 1777. Tui is a descendent of a paramount chief, who in turn is a descendent of a paramount chief of the island of Atiu, in the heart of the Polynesian Triangle. The island is about half the size of Rarotonga. Legend says Tangaroa, the divine god of the sea, was the first inhabitant. The first recorded European to arrive at Atiu was Captain Cook. He sighted the island on March 31, 1777 and made tentative contact with some of the people. Captain Cook never knew about the larger island of Rarotonga. In this interview we learn about a way of life that is very different to present day ways in the West and especially about what is culture and what is custom. As the Cook Islands are situated in the centre of the Polynesian Triangle Tu shares with us his heart felt cause for unifying the Polynesian peoples across the expansive Pacific ocean. Pacific - Mid 16th century: from French pa
Will Wilkinson: Are you ready to act and be the change you wish to see in the world?
28/03/2018 Duration: 01h01sSo he has localised his action and focus, to ‘pulling the strings of individuals into both unity consciousness and community’ - by bringing us cohesively closer together. In doing so, expanding outward yet recognising our inner world - the core of our being. When I first met Will here in New Zealand, his relaxed manner made him easy to talk and engage with. I felt him as considerate and able to listen to who I was. I also got that he was focused - that he really meant that his ‘Now of Never’ call for humanity is both urgent and valid. That if children of today and tomorrow want a future of freedom, peace and prosperity - we have to start now. Not only that - he is calling us all to participate. All of us who realise the precarious state that we have on our planet, be it environmental, economical and societal. Why? Because at heart - we intuitively know that what is happening to humanity goes against the grain of how a human being lives on a planet. Especially in a family context where love and connection nee
Tim Lynch: Has China stolen a march on the US? As it increasingly strides the main stage
14/03/2018 Duration: 59minWhilst the US, has been distracted and immersed in ‘Neocon’ wars, especially in the Middle East and elsewhere it basically has no money to upgrade its own countries infrastructure. From Communism to Consumerism Since Paramount Leader Deng opened up China to far-reaching market-economy reforms in 1978, China has increasingly impacted the whole world. With 1.3 billion people, in comparison to the USA’s 320 million - we are now seeing the might of ‘the China effect’. This has far reaching implications for our planetary ecology and geo-politics. Will China’s appetite for growth and ‘soft power’ - also take us beyond the environmental global tipping point? Tim gives us a brief summary of his recent visit as to what is happening across the ever changing face of China and what portends to the future of quite possibly the human endeavor - in a world that is in need of wisdom, consciousness and leadership.