Hay House Meditations



Hay House presents Guided Meditations featuring your favorite authors guiding you through mediations designed to help you relax and rejuvenate. Each week we bring you a new mediation with a featured author taking you on a meditational journey ranging from numerous topics on health, healing, overcoming fears and blocks and much more. Please visit hayhouse.com or facebook.com/HayHouseDailyMeditations to learn more.


  • Judith Orloff, M.D. - Surrender Fear

    04/12/2019 Duration: 09min

    Fear is a form of stress. Science has demonstrated that it promotes survival but can become harmful when it exists as a frequent response to the environment surrounding you. Surrender Fear is Judith Orloff’s free guided meditation provided by Hay House to help you work through your fears and gain strength from releasing it. By taking this spiritual journey to free you from fear, your spirit will release itself from stress by surrendering fear and transitioning into faith and compassion. Sense and access the heart chakra to surrender the fear and negativity with ease as you refine your consciousness. 

  • Doreen Virtue - Manifesting with Angels

    19/11/2019 Duration: 14min

    What you care to manifest will be fulfilled as you practice Doreen Virtue’s free guide for manifestation, Manifesting with Angels, provided by Hay House. You deserve to receive, and through giving will this come to be. Manifesting with the angels will help you to give to the world as your earthly purpose guides your goals to fruition. Decide what you want and request guidance for progression to know what you need. These things will manifest and become your reality. Doreen will guide manifestation to help you to gain what you need to become successful in your endeavors. Proceed with confidence, gratitude, and faith. 

  • Louise Hay - Meditations for Job Success

    12/11/2019 Duration: 01min

    Positive affirmations for job success in the work place, by Louise Hay of Hay House, has offered this free guided meditation to support you in all of your career related endeavors. Interactions with people and tasks will feel natural and supporting in their roles as you carry out your daily work. You will find yourself more organized and clear headed. Relationships and interactions with others will be positive experiences as you thank each encounter for the blessings that they have to offer. Find peace and balance in your duties and ambitions as you continue to grow within your career and in life.

  • Denise Linn - Connecting to Spirit

    03/11/2019 Duration: 10min

    As the storm on the horizon cleanses the air, open yourself to spirit as Denise Linn guides your awareness of your own body in this free meditation provided by Hay House. Allowing you to relax and open up to spirit, exhale all tension and surrender to the peace that exists within and all around you. Open your heart to receive the guidance and love. Know that all is well and everything is supporting your life and your ambitions. 

  • Judith Orloff, M.D. - Surrender Stress

    28/10/2019 Duration: 07min

    An angelic chorus accentuates the voice of Judith Orloff as she guides you through a meditation to release stress and find calm. Allow the thoughts that come with the chaos of life to release as you find a quiet within yourself that permits the calm to be absorbed while all negativity is expelled from your being. The only focus is calm. As you embrace it, the body will release the tension that exists while it, and stress, is exhaled outward and shown love for making you aware of the present existence that requires change within your present life and physical being.   Allow yourself to rejuvenate and find peace through natural release of endorphins and serotonin. With this, your stress hormones decrease and your thoughts become more organized. Surrender to the calm. Surrender to the peace. Surrender to the sense of well-being in this free guided meditation provided to you by Hay House.   

  • Davidji - Emotional Freedom

    21/10/2019 Duration: 09min

    Envelop yourself in the sounds of nature with Davidji's free guided meditation from Hay House. Become one with nature as the soothing sounds of a flowing stream are joined together with the timbres of rhythmic tones and chanting. Davidji guides the mind through a spiritual journey as the heart becomes open to love, healing, and self-appreciation. Allow yourself to let go of grief and find the strength within yourself to forgive. Find tranquility within the sacred shelter of the Universe and open your heart to only love, your spirits true form, and find healing in that existence, even if it is but a momentary being.   

  • Sylvia Browne - Temple of Voices

    06/10/2019 Duration: 03min

    Hay House introduces Sylvia Browne in her free guided meditation. Envision yourself in a golden temple radiating light from all around.  Harmonious voices radiate through its halls with symphonic sounds of all types. Existing as tones that have yet to be discovered through human life. All sounds exist together as one, yet radiate in magnificence and perfect harmony. The melodious sounds are mesmerizing; as if angels are singing, thus making your own soul sing. Rejuvenate, refresh, and return to yourself with a renewed motivation and sense of being. 

  • davidji - Thanksgiving Meditation

    29/09/2019 Duration: 16min

    Feel yourself slow down and settle in while you prepare for this timely gratitude meditation by davidji. Get comfortable, close your eyes, and take a long breath in. Start the flow of thankful energy, feel the universe flow right through you. Feel your heart fill with unconditional love, and as you release it, feel it wash over all your family; who has stood by you, protected you, and that you have bonded with. Allow the sound of waves to wash you into a state of overflowing gratitude.

  • Lissa Rankin, M.D. - A Self-Healing Meditation

    24/09/2019 Duration: 34min

    The beautiful symphonic music will help you to transcend into a place of calm. Allow the relaxation to flow through you as you breath. Your hearts light is nurtured as you take this time to be aware of your own body. Connect with Mother Earth and feel the energy that exists within the Matrix of the Universe and all that is. Release all limiting beliefs that no longer serve you. Disconnect from any draining connections and return them to Spirit to reclaim all your energy for yourself. Free all who are feeding upon it so that you can feel yourself and utilize your own energy combined with Earth to serve your greatest good. Find infinite love within your future self and your enlightened version of your being in complete balance with the Universe. Enjoy this free guided meditation by Lissa Rankin M.D. from Hay House HERE.

  • Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. - Evening Meditation

    16/09/2019 Duration: 21min

    As the starry night reveals itself to introduce the calming darkness of which we originate, which cultivates quiet and spiritual openness, we become more receptive to spirit and open to capturing our life’s purpose. Join Doreen Virtue in this free guided meditation to enjoy a restful night’s sleep. Open yourself to the healing energy of the love that is in you in order to regain balance and become refreshed after a deep, restful sleep. Your spirit and body will bathe in the divine as you acknowledge that the source provides for all of your needs in life. You are loved and deserve this time of peace. Feel the blissfulness and release all barriers that keep you from enjoying your divine true essence. All exists for everyone’s growth and higher good. Open yourself up to allowing all of these growth lessons to come to you in divine order.

  • Denise Linn - Serene Inner Peace

    08/09/2019 Duration: 10min

    Exercise and access your sense of inner peace with Denise Linn in this free guided meditation provided by Hay House. Be receptive to your state of being and experience awareness of your present existence. Sense your surroundings and be present in the here and now as you welcome the pure love that exists through our source and feeds our spirit. Visit an enchanted foggy lake as the soothing lapping of water on the grassy shore leads you to a small rowboat that has been waiting for you. Settle in as it drifts along the water and allows you the moment to let go of all concerns and takes you on a journey to absorb energy and love in a sanctuary. You are at peace. 

  • Judith Orloff - Angel Protection

    01/09/2019 Duration: 09min

    Allow Judith Orloff to help you contact your angels for protection in this free guided meditation provided by Hay House. Enchanted, loving forces in the Universe are available to us for aid if we are willing to open ourselves to them. Find center and a state of calm as you access your intuitive chakra. Surrender yourself to the relaxed state and awaken your third eye so that you can be aware of the angels who are greeting you. Angels are attracted to your purity of being. Your intuition will guide you through this interaction and offer up subtle insights to aid you in your endeavors. 

  • Sylvia Browne - Hall of Healing

    25/08/2019 Duration: 03min

    Sylvia Browne takes you through this free guided meditation through the Hall of Healing to support your endeavors in revitalizing your body and aiding in your attempts to heal with medical care and guidance from your physician. As you enter into the healing space, a healing green light fills the space.   Present among spiritual symbols are healing objects that take away depression and chronic illness; relieving pain for pleasure, serenity and light. Visualization will allow you to the present in these healing lights so that they may remove any negativity and pain from your being. Returning yourself to your body refreshed, invigorated, healed. 

  • Doreen Virtue - Evening Meditation

    12/08/2019 Duration: 21min

    As the starry night reveals itself to introduce the calming darkness of which we originate, which cultivates quiet and spiritual openness, we become more receptive to spirit and open to capturing our life’s purpose. Join Doreen Virtue in this free guided meditation to enjoy a restful night’s sleep. Open yourself to the healing energy of the love that is in you in order to regain balance and become refreshed after a deep, restful sleep. Your spirit and body will bathe in the divine as you acknowledge that the source provides for all of your needs in life. You are loved and deserve this time of peace. Feel the blissfulness and release all barriers that keep you from enjoying your divine true essence. All exists for everyone’s growth and higher good. Open yourself up to allowing all of these growth lessons to come to you in divine order. 

  • Colette Baron-Reid - Aligning and Energizing Your Chakra

    05/08/2019 Duration: 05min

    Return with Colette Baron-Reid back to the sand and sublime oceanic resonance as she takes you on a journey through this free guided meditation for aligning and energizing your chakra. Bathe yourself in color and light radiating from the sun’s rays and feeding your energy through the center of your being. Feel the energy radiating from the elemental power of fire. Its color is yellow. Embrace it as it feeds the fire within yourself as it radiates throughout the Universe.

  • Louise Hay - Meditation for Creativity

    29/07/2019 Duration: 01min

    Join Louise Hay in positive affirmations to release creativity. This minute long introduction guides the spirit to resourcing its original talents and unique gifts in order to allow the body to perform to its greatest ability in thoughts, creative processing, problem solving, movement, and balance. 

  • Sonia Choquette - Receiving Divine Guidance Meditation

    22/07/2019 Duration: 24min

    Observe your spirit as a dancing flame in this calming guided meditation with Sonia Choquette, best-selling author of several books including Walking Home. Reconnect with your spiritual teachers and guides as you leave your physical body and let your dancing flame of spirit merge with the infinite intelligence of the divine. The eternal flame of source allows you to see your body as an observer to uncover your feelings about your physical existence. Release judgments, resistance and sadness as you observe from above. The Divine Mother is with you and looks upon your physical being with love, affection and devotion. See your physical body as a holy creation from the Divine Mother. How have you treated this gift? Have you appreciated, cared for and valued your body? Through fresh eyes, you’ll rediscover the joys and beauty of your body. You’ll understand the magnificence of your physical vessel, as it is filled with light and vitality. This free guided mediation is perfect to use when you need a revitalization

  • davidji - Stepping Into Clarity Meditation

    14/07/2019 Duration: 08min

    Let the beating of the drum open the doorway to clarity with this free guided meditation with davidji. The choices you make, the fork in the road, the first step, the habit, the addiction, the stance you take, all point to that place inside that the ego forgets to remember. Let the air flow freely as the thoughts drift away.  Bongo beats and soothing sounds offer an invitation from the universe to return to that quiet place within, to the wisdom of creation, so you can see clearly and without the mind. Ruminate softly on the questions posed, keeping the mind out of it, and going deeper into the intuition of your soul.  You know what you need. You already know what steps to take. Let the answers cross your heart and fortify your resolve.  This one step becomes the fabric of your life. Plant your intentions in the fertile soil of your heart and your soul, and begin to live as you were destined. This is an excellent meditation to use when you feel you are at a crossroads, facing a life-changing decision, to clea

  • Judith Orloff - The Power of Surrender Meditation

    07/07/2019 Duration: 09min

      Intuitive healer, psychotherapist and author of the national best-seller, The Ecstasy of Surrender, Dr. Orloff offers a free guided meditation to help you surrender and heal right now. Revere and trust your sacred inner voice to access the wisdom of the universe and get in the flow of life. To surrender is not a weakness, but a potent stress relieving tool that offers power, ease and grace to move through life in the ups and downs. By using surrender meditations, you’ll release the roadblocks and the strain that comes from trying too hard so you can reach your goals and aspirations. Let Dr. Orloff guide you on a journey of surrender to uncover the rich rewards of being in flow with all that life has to offer.

  • Mike Dow- Thought Stream Meditation

    01/07/2019 Duration: 12min

    Mike Dow’s 12 minute thought stream meditation is directed towards navigating through the chaos of life and our surroundings in order to find peace within ourselves.  Cultivating the inner posture to reflect on life and its wonders. Embracing the now, in all its beauty and taking the time to find peace within yourself. Opening up to embracing the flow of life. This verbal meditation guides thoughts toward the focus of the reality that exists beyond perception in order to sense the truest part of our being.  Free yourself of negativity and strenuous thoughts that weaken the body and the mind.  Find peace in the moment that exists in the now.

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