New episodes air every Tuesday morning on your way to work. The host John Siracusa is well known in the banking industry as a top social media speaker and consultant. He created Bank On It after having a brush with death. Every week John Siracusa interviews a wide range of experts from social media to NASA. Bank and Credit Union executives who are responsible for strategy is our target audience. The ideas are so powerful that everyone can learn something new, with every show. You can follow John on Twitter @johnsiracusa.
Episode 147 Nathan Richardson from TradeIt
27/08/2018 Duration: 30minIn this episode the host, John Siracusa has an in depth conversation with Nathan Richardson Co-Founder & CEO at TradeIt. Nathan shared some amazing stories about selling his company to Yahoo in 1999 for $101,000,000 to being part of the team which created Yahoo Finance! He’s done humanitarian work in Libya, helping to rebuild the countries education and basic utilities systems. This interview unlocked insights into an amazing individual and entrepreneur. Listen in if you like to hear about the person behind the results. You can Subscribe to this podcast iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher and iHeartRadio. Nathan Richardson LinkedIn - Twitter TradeIT on LinkedIn - Twitter John is the host of the weekly "Bank On It” podcast recorded onsite from the CG offices and a highly sought after fintech, VC and financial services industry enthusiast and connector. He’s in the center of the fintech ecosystem keeping current with the ever - innovating industry. Follow John on LinkedIn, Twitter or on Medium
Episode 146 Mike Kane from Hydrogen
23/08/2018 Duration: 30minWelcome to the first Thursday morning episode! In this episode the host, John Siracusa chats with Mike Kane, Co Founder of Hydrogen. They talk about why Mike created Hydrogen in the first place and the journey that led him and his brother to go from Hedgeable to organically creating Hydrogen, a service that all companies in the financial web 3.0 need. Hydrogen is not a huge VC backed firm, yet they are able to take on behemoths like Salesforce. Mike feels that web 3.0 needs to be a very open environment, something that large corporate entities can’t do. The story to why Hydrogen was created rooted from a need they had at an earlier company and with the advent of Blockchain, many companies share the same need. Tune in if you like a great story and how the financial web might be powered. John is the host of the weekly "Bank On It” podcast recorded onsite from the CG offices and a highly sought after fintech, VC and financial services industry enthusiast and connector. He’s in the center of the fint